Straight Playboy Sub


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It seems like my playboy friend has gotten tired of s*x. Should I open a new door (hole) for him? A story about trying new things.

The playboy is a bottom, but there are no depictions of heteros*xual relations.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I used my Straight Friend as a S*x Toy
Yarichin Nonke wo Mesuochi Sasetemita
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  5. Ridiculous novel titels (mostly BL)

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4 Reviews

Jun 30, 2020
Status: c9

Because another reviewer mentioned me, I wanted to add-on some precisions on my previous review. Precision be made that I'm not looking to attack anyone, I just wanted to add some thoughts in a respectful manner.

I think the plot is pretty meh because the plot line isn't original, doesn't spin a new twist on known tropes, nor executes a well-known cliche in a refreshing manner. In fact, it's a pretty standard plotline that I personally don't like and which execution isn't remarkable in my own opinion, which is precisely why I gave it 3 stars. This is 100% a subjective opinion I've formed following all the BL/smut content I've consumed, whether it came from mangas, manhwas, or light novels.

Maybe I should have specified at the time of my original review,... more>> but the precise thing that the other reviewer liked (which is MC taming ML in doing certain things) really sat wrong with me. The first bit of dubious consent put me off, and what MC did afterward came accross as a bit manipulative to me. You could argue about how

ML is in denial and MC had to be creative since it was extremely difficult to get a verbal consent. I'd give it to you that it wasn't a piece of cake.

It remains that MC had to plot cunningly to somehow get ML to fall into his lap, as if the latter was a clueless puppy only guided by its lustful inhibition. Maybe this lack of equality in the power dynamics is what sat wrong with me? Anyhow, this point and the average execution couldn't help redeem this novel in my eyes.

Is it a crap novel? No.

Did I personally not like it because I thought the storyline is pretty average? Yes.

Is my opinion absolute? No, this review is 100% subjective on my part.

Do I recommend this novel? Not necessarily but I'd encourage you to try it out nonetheless, as we all have different tastes.

Did the translator did a wonderful job? 100-f*cking-percent.

end of edit---

Story, writing, plot-wise: meh, palatable

Translation: pretty good, fluid style

Translator notes and DIY-SFW versions: gone above and beyond (A+++) <<less
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Jul 25, 2020
Status: c13
There’s only foreplay and giving head rn, but it’s pretty hot. The characters are likable. The dialogue is good. Characters don’t overlap, although there’s really only three rn. There are other characters, but they don’t have dialogue. I mean, we all know what we’re here for, how many do you need?

Every once in a few hundred BL novels, the bottom is allowed to have a hot body, instead of the no muscles, no height trope. This is one of them. I know of two others, but they don’t have “adult only” scenes.

And unlike seirasa, I think the plot and setting are great. I don’t think they’ve read that many smut novels before. Most of them have crap plot lines. Maybe Chinese are giving a bad rep and Japanese have quality... more>> control? But even without knowing anything, I’d still love it. I like how the MC is taming the ML into doing certain things. The first time MC makes moves while the ML was asleep, and I didn’t like that (reaction or not), but every time after that was pretty much consensual. The dubious consent is pretty close to consent... I’ll try to explain without spoiling too much:

The ML is in denial, so the MC watches the MLs reaction before proceeding when taking further steps. Like, the ML’s sitting on the couch waiting for the MC to come over and give head. He’s says he’s not gay while staring at the MCs d. Basically, the only thing saying no is his mouth. So, when consent has to be so badly forced out of his mouth, the MC has to take some liberties to make progress. If the MC feels like he went to far in testing limits, he apologizes.


Too bad the translator has to drop the novel soon. They are really good. <<less
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Aug 06, 2023
Status: c16
I liked this novel. Although I wish the raw site didn’t have a copyright on translation. I’m really curious about how their relationship will develop.

... And of course I want more smut too 😊🤭🥰

Anyways thank you to the translator for at least giving us the first 16 chapters 🙇🏻‍♀️😄
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Mar 09, 2024
Status: c16
Translator dropped bc of copyright stuff

It's smutty for sure but the characters only gotten to the heavy petting stages of physical intimacy in the chapters we have.

I enjoy the progression between the friends.
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