Demeter’s Daughter


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My heart, my lover.

Do not pretend to be unaware of our darkness, deceived by omnipotence.

We are children of chaos, born from the pool of blood and moans.

Cruelty and indifference are inherent traits that cannot be erased, and at times, we exhibit intense obsession.

Chaos has bestowed upon us so much skill and talent, even though we are beings with no desire to contribute to anything real.

Instead, we exist as beings that embrace destruction to overcome decadence.

The order, conscience, and ethics that humans desperately want to protect…

To them, such concepts hold no value or meaning. They do not even understand what it means to be cruel.

“You know, don’t you?”

If you are only pretending to know… Would you also scornfully push me away?

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데메테르의 딸
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  4. Horror/mystery

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caroviee rated it
October 6, 2023
Status: Completed
What a ride, what a heck of a rideee. It has an intriguing plot. I find the story's progression to be fairly entertaining and narrative structure was satisfactory (like the conflict, climax, etc.) ; there are also unexpected twists and author created a decent storyline like there's a lot going on that I'm left baffled. I initially assumed it would be about Persephone and Hades due to the title, but no, it's different. Well, compared to the typical romance fantasy novels I've read so far, it has a different setting... more>> and set of characters. There are numerous names and places mentioned that I wasn't familiar with as I didn't know much about Greek mythology, so I was a little confused. And I skipped some parts lol, it was lengthy explanations but it was written well nonetheless, and the poetic overtones are quite moving. Although I did think that there were some loopholes that made me confused and unsatisfied. Also, it focuses more on the plot than smut, it's still spicy like he would do it to her even she's unconscious and says stop (tbh I felt uncomfortable that he keeps on going despite her dissuasion but she would just let him be either way) he's a h**ny one you see.

The female lead, Asteril, is a princess and priestess endowed with a significant amount of healing power who was dispatched as the ninth Persephone to the realm of the King of Haides, Kalian. Asteril isn't particularly bright but she's also not naive either; she just confronts things head-on and has a brave spirit. She has a pleasant demeanor and a good sense of humor. The "she's different, she's the only one who dares to treat me like this" cliché is starting to get to me. Although ML is the "cold to everyone but sweet to her" kind, he is genuinely indifferent and never smiles even the slightest bit. ML and FL's relationship is very refreshing, I love their chemistry. I did believe that their love and relationship grew too quickly or that the justification was flimsy, but what do I know about that subject? I just adore how their connection developed throughout the story and how it makes me feel both joy and agony at the same time. I can't fathom why it got a poor rating since it's so worth reading, like it's a whole new world compared to the ones I usually read. This deserves a 4 stars at least (I originally thought to rate it with 4 stars, but I'm tryna balance it). Also, prepare tissues for the ending y'all, feel my pain ☺️🫶🏻


Throughout the story, the Kalian never flashes a smile. He only did so when Asteril was on the verge of passing away. He struggled hard to smile, promising to practice more, but then THAT Kalian broke down in tears. Oh goodness, I can't take this suffering any longer. Asteril instructed Kalian to burn her body with Hestia. Kalian pleaded to Chaos for 15 days to send him to her so that they may both perish. Because Asteril was his Anteros, he ought to have perished with her. Unfortunately, though, he didn't. I'm not sure if Asteril's transformation into a maenad has anything to do with it. Kalian gave the cold wind the order to repeatedly rend his body till many years had passed, given that he was immortal and incapable of dying. After Asteril died, Kalian was so shattered, and broken, that you would feel his agony and pain. The clan was also leaving yet Kalian refused to join and stayed there, where the memories of his Anteros resides.

"You will be upset. I ended up learning to cry before laughing."

This particular line shattered me 😭

Asteril, after years, was called the goddess, Persephone. Then she became a tree? then after this Kalian said "I, Kaliaan, declare that I will fall into a long sleep from now on. Because no one dares disturb me and my Anteros rest..." Then he fell into a deep slumber.

I'm particularly curious abt the other side characters but they weren't mentioned further.




Asteril and Kalian got reunited. I don't understand how but idc at least my heart is at peace although it's still bittersweet 😭

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