Death Progress Bar


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Shi Jin once read a book. It was supposed to be about satisfying the desire for vengeance.

The main character, also named Shi Jin, was the sixth son of his harem-novel-protagonist-like father. All was well, while his father was alive at least, but after his death, Shi Jin’s five elder half-brothers tormented him, eventually leading to his death. The protagonist was reborn, determined to take revenge, and… the novel was discontinued.

That day, Shi Jin almost spat blood and dropped the book into a shredder. The next day, he died in a car accident. Somehow, when he came to, he had transmigrated into a teenager, a youth also called Shi Jin.

There was only one problem. His father had just died. His older brothers were about to torment him…

Shi Jin: Let’s eliminate my brothers’ hatred, my goal is to keep my life!

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Thanh tiến độ sinh tồn
死亡进度条 / Sǐwáng jìndù tiáo / Death Progress Bar (former title)
生存进度条[穿书] / Shēngcún jìndù tiáo / Survival Progress Bar (new title)
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142 Reviews sorted by

June 5, 2023
Status: c125
Gotta say, this is better than I expected.

I find the review of idkbro1770 kinda funny and ridiculous to give 1 star. Saying that they know not to judge a book by the first 3 chapters but still doing so.

I mean, you can not like it because it may not be the type of novel you expected but that doesn't make it a "bad" novel.

... more>> What's funny is that what they look for is actually in the book.

Emotions and struggles from the MC will start the moment he can get back to his feet and solve the mysteries of this death bar.

But wanting something deeper in the first 3 chapter where there's more intruduction and adapting for the MC it's a bit ridiculous.

Plot, ML and the complex relationship MC has with the brothers is 10/10.

What some people might not like although I personally love is the MC. He is a classic independent, nonchalant, strong but also dumb?, dense and nice guy type of MC. Some readers might find him too dumb, some parts uncharacteristic and sometimes annoying (for some reason) but I like this type of MCs. He's also so good to our ML.

Translation is top notch. Eques and all the editors did an amazing job. <<less
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November 13, 2022
Status: c42
I won't rate it yet as I'm only on chapter 42, but I think I'm going to drop this for now.

All the glowing 5 star reviews has me wondering if I'm missing something, but so far I don't find this novel something new and great.

Probably my biggest issue is the inconsistencies with the MC's character. One minute he is extremely clever, badass and seems like a 26 year old police officer. Then the next minute he is s*upid, falling all over himself, not understanding highschool subjects and acting like a... more>> niave teenager.

I find MC's character set up extremely frustrating. Maybe if the author made him a 22 year old fresh out of the academy police officer I would believe it more, but he is supposed to be a hardened, clever, university graduate experienced police officer.

The ML Is okay I guess, not much to his character by chapter 42. I can already tell that the romance is going to take a while. It seems like MC's character is set up to be too dense to notice his own feelings and those of ML's 🙄

The brothers are meh, the author seems to flip flop on them, it doesn't feel like a deep plot scheme, more like the author is forcing the narrative or didn't know what to do with them. Not that interested in them tbh.

The system is a bit annoying at times. It's obsession with the ML is weird and his buffs are random. I also feel really bad for the original MC. <<less
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WallEyeKnee rated it
October 27, 2022
Status: Completed
You know when I read the Intro, I expect a harem and the setting is in Ancient China and I expect MC to end up with one of the brothers (Don't tell me people didn't have the same idea)

To my suprise it was in a modern setting and was even more surprising is we have a legal criminal world setting! I didn't see that coming at all. I honestly didn't how I feel about it at first and how this brothers feud is going to plan out.

Then we were... more>> introduce a System from chapter 1. It was funny and cute in Chapter 1 but then it really was about to enter my top 10 list for the worst system to ever existed in novels, up until near the end where it had some redemption. For simple reasons.


Annoying for making these weird noises and uncompleted sentences in its speech


Useless for giving buffs that doesn't work well and have so many side effects and also have the brain of a 3 year old

Too shady

Even a blind person can tell how shady it is for keep mentioning how he want MC to do this and that and have a secret purpose for doing so. Can't even trust it for one second

People might find it cute, but I didn't think so for 4/5 of the novel. It is what is.

MC I have a mix feeling about how to describe him, you can't say he's gentle but he's very nice. You can't say he's ruthless but he's not afraid to show his claws. He can be strong but also very weak. I understand why this was after reading the whole story. I guess It will stay that way throughout and I do like him because he has his heart in the right places and knows what's important to him.

ML is just so strong and tolerant. He's ruthless to his enemies but so warm to his people. Both MC and ML deserve each other for the sacrifices they were willing to make. The love is always in the air and them being together just makes you swoon and fuzzy.

Minor complaint* Why is end game villains so much weaker than earlier game villains? Author really didn't try there. Why is it so much more dangerous in the beginning than towards the end I will never know why.

I love the Guas, and I am glad they have no names, heck I would be so confused with so many of them. But I love they all have different personality, very loyal and have alot of care towards the main leads. I really wanted one more guas to end up with some of the brothers. I would find it funny if Gua 2 and brother 3 end up together that would be a fun couple

This was kinda emotional read, the father is such a scum bag and how the 6th brother gets treated and how the whole story spanned, alot of regrets, grief and unwillingness. Learning forgiveness and learning how to apologize and love is the main theme to me. These brothers at the end of the day are all humans. The interactions between them is main selling point from the story to me. It was a emotional journey and It was a well worth read for me.

Just one last thing

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rhianirory rated it
February 22, 2019
Status: c79
Another shou with inconsistent intelligence and EQ. He was police before transmigration and has good situational awareness, is decisive, calm and very clever at certain times, but then his IQ and EQ completely shrinks at others. He goes from diligent genius to lazy majong-obsessed slug without warning and his EQ when it comes to the ML is about a 2 out of 100, yet he reads other people very well. The author really shouldn't be trying to write him as an experienced cop AND as a s*upid, naive and innocent... more>> shou type character because anyone who knows anything about actual cops knows it doesn't work (they see the worst of human nature on a daily basis). This bouncing back and forth just makes it seem like the MC's got some split personality issues going on and it's irritating.

other than that, the story is interesting and the interactions and characters are all good.
As of chapter 79 I rate this at 3.5. <<less
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February 19, 2019
Status: Completed
I rarely write reviews unless I think this novel is worth it. This novel was quite emotional for me. Throughout this novel I cried at least two times, some from heartbreaking moments and some from happiness for the characters which rarely happens.

... more>>

I cried really hard at the moment when all of them decided to come back to Shi Jin and Lian Jun.


The character development is great, in fact this is probably one of the greatest trait of this novel. Every character have their own personality and background story. This is a novel that heavily focus on forgiving and overcoming hatred. More on the forgiving side than hatred. The hatred of Shi Jin doesn't really comes out until about 3/4 of the way through the novel mainly because of the death progress status. If you read the novel you will understand what I'm saying.

I love the interaction between the Shi Jin and Lian Jun, it's so sweet, they are a lovesick couple. It was not a love at first sight (thank god), how they fell in love was understandable and reasonable. Lian Jun is not a yandere or psycho that gets jealous at everything. He does get jealous like a normal human being but not overly. He is a mafia boss but also a human being who have flaws mainly because of his legs and how he is picky about food and skinny. (Even though he was the seme) He does get better after being cured which doesn't happened until more than 3/4 throughout the story. Basically he just a very good and loving boyfriend. Shi Jin is also not helpless but not overly powerful. He is able to fight off many people and is powerful enough to be able fight against eight people and won without a injury. People like his fourth brother, Gua Two and Gua One that have lots of experience in fighting are able to beat up Shi Jin but not without also getting some injuries themselves. Xiao xi is also very cute and I love the fact he sometimes teases Shi Jin about his relationship with Lian Jun cause himself to get locked up by Shi Jin again.

Finally the most satisfying thing about this novel is that the author didn't bullsh*t the ending. The author was patient and wrote a very good ending that probably most readers can be satisfied with. It was a happy ending. <<less
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hybridiris rated it
January 16, 2023
Status: Completed
I read the translation, MTL and the raws. The translations are really good!

About the story

MC passes away from being hit by a truck running a red light while trying to catch a thief. He wakes up and inhabits the body of a boy from a novel he read and meets a cute system. From then on, he is on a path to fight against the plot of the story to break out of its shackles and start a new life. He encounters the ML through a funny yet dangerous situation... more>> and from then on follows the ML to a life fraught with danger and action. The plot involves a lot of action with criminal organizations as well as MC's family in this new world. I was incredibly touched by the author's emotional stability and maturity in being able to write very solid side characters and have such a mature and beautiful view on relationships that shines through all of MC's interactions.

About the MC

MC is really a wonderful character full of inner strength, love and perceptiveness. He has a lot of comedic moments in the story but truly shines in times of emotional conflict where he makes breakthroughs both in himself and with others to reach a true connection. He is one of the most lovely protagonist I've ever read in a novel. Never too OP, but willing to give his all to protect those he cares for. His personal development is one of the most emotionally impactful I've ever read. He has absolutely endeared himself to me. Also he does some of the sweetest and most romantic things for the ML that has my heart in bubbles.

About the ML

The ML has lived a very harsh life on a knife edge trying to stay strong for his subordinates and his final goal. His encounter with MC slowly opens his heart to feel strongly and be close to someone for the first time. MC and ML's romance is sweet and touching. ML is a complex character who supports MC as best as he can while still feeling sometimes inadequate due to his disabilities. He isn't some invincible ML but rather someone who has both strengths and weaknesses emotionally and is willing to show them to MC. It's so healthy to see how the two of them communicate and confide in each other.

About the side characters

All of MC's brothers are amazing and get their own mini arc story with the MC. I really love how it was written. This story is as much about family, love, and connection as much as it is about action. The brothers' stories are heart wrenching and cathartic. The system is super super cute and adorable. Definitely the comic relief of the novel and super sweet. I loved how vividly all the characters were described. I felt like they were alive and real people.


If you like action, mystery, sweet romance, family drama (not the bad draggy kind), with a sprinkle of comedy then you will enjoy this novel. It has some psychological themes that are dark as well so be prepared for that but it's always hopeful even when everything seems to fall apart. This is simply one of my favourite novels. I hope you enjoy reading this. <<less
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Chloe.M rated it
July 6, 2022
Status: c123
I have absolutely no comment, this novel is just amazing! From the plot, the character, character development, SUPER COMPLEX family drama, etc, everything is just perfectly well done! I love the MC and the ML, they are very loving and supportive toward each other no matter what, typical healthy relationship we all want, they are perfect for each other (*´˘`*) ♡ I never got bored reading this because it's just that good! I highly recommend this😆❤❤❤ Oh! And get ready for a SUPER COMPLEX... more>> family drama, we all need that tea☕✨ <<less
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plainbricks rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Okay, before I get to the review, I will like to address certain reviewers who only read 5 chapters and wrote a review! Can you at least read half of the novel before decrying the novel for what that is explained in the story? You can't expect a 167 chapter novel to reveal everything about the death progress bar within the first 5 chapters! You also can't criticised the MC for being s*upid when not even a quarter of the plot is written out. (the unreliable narrator tag is there... more>> for a reason!)

With that done, let me praise the translator. The translator did a fantastic 10/10 job on translating the novel. This is high quality proper English translation and not literal or MTL translation. You need good command of English to translate to this standard and the translator is amazing! I only read the raws where the translations stop which is super rare for me. Thank you translator-san! Pls ignore those ungrateful people scolding you.

Next, let's talk about the system transmigration. I dislike system and book transmigration although I can tolerate it if the novel is well written (like Your Rival in Love Gets Prettier Every Day for example). There's something about taking over the existence of another person that is quite yikes if not written well (I'm looking at you SVSS) ! For this book though... hehehhe

The first part of the novel is a whodunit mystery. It's gripping with horrifying twists. The 2nd half of the novel is more about the six siblings and the criminal groups. I like the 1st half but I love the 2nd half.

This author absolutely excel in writing well-fleshed characters. I know I have reviewed, for her other books, that so and so book is the best of her books but I can say of the 4 novels I read so far, this is really the best. Plot wise and character wise, this is the best of her works hands down (but of course I still have several of her books that I have not read yet).

The author is so good. Each of the numbers have their own personality. Each of the brothers have their own distinct flaws, traits, dislikes and likes. On a first glance they seemed like harem route conquest targets:

    • Eldest Brother - Domineering CEO
    • 2nd Brother - Cold Sociopathic lawyer
    • 3rd Bother - Tsundere (?!) Film emperor
    • 4th Brother - Reliable Military Guy
    • 5th Brother - Yandere Doctor
    • 6th Brother - Cheerful, sunshine MC
You will get to know all the siblings very well. My favourite is the film emperor. and all of them need therapy so badly.

Although there is a romance plot line, and there is a plot about the underworld, the core and best of the novel are the siblings. Be prepared to get knifed a lot. I cried so much reading this. This is a story about family (for both MC and ML), redemption and forgiveness.


The confrontation between Shi Jin and his 3rd brother... I cried so hard. Among all the brothers, the 3rd bother has the realest action towards Shi Jin. They are both victims and perpetrators, intentionally and unintentionally. As such, Zhou Zhong also need to need to forgive himself for his extreme petty grudge. His (and of their brothers's) actions are never excused or sweep away and that is what made this novel a great novel. They have to learn to become a real family, to learn to forgive each other and themselves and reconcile. Also the author is evil and tried to knifed the readers one more time in the extras


The romance is great, no drama at all. There are plotholes, especially regarding the underworld plotline! But because the sibling plot line is so well written, I totally ignored them.._.|||

Highly recommended especially if you like any of these: Siblings reconciliation, action packed mafia story or fluffy sweet romance <<less
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SailorUniCorn rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: c97
"If we want the relationship to last, learning to work together is absolutely necessary. I'm too busy and sometimes I'll miss things, even very important ones. When I do, please tell me-- I don't want you to be unhappy." -Lian Jun

First of all, great job to the translators! I really am thankful for giving us readers this chance to read this masterpiece.

As for the novel itself, it really is very well-written, especially interaction and moments between our gong and shou. I absolutely adore their heartwarming and healthy relationship. They are... more>> both open and actually communicate their thoughts to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and drama. I also like how our main characters are fleshed out, how the gong is inspired and motivated to get better, how the author describes his insecurities and yearnings to have a normal life with our shou, and how both our gong and shou supports and takes care of each other. Man, I just can't have enough of their love. The side characters are also very loveable uwu. They're just very cute and genuinely cares about our main characters.

In addition, this novel really changed my standards when it comes to transmigration novels with systems. I like that the main character has the freedom to do what he wants and that the only thing he has to do is to get rid of all the threats to his and the male lead's life. I really don't like it when the main character is forced to follow the "original plot", like forcing him to do this and that, else he would die. Also, another reason why I find this novel fascinating is that the system itself is clueless about what to do. The shou himself is the one who figures out the next course of action and the system is just there to support or provide "cheats".

I also love the pacing of this plot, and how the main character gradually adapts to the life of being involved in the underworld. There is also a splash of mystery in this novel and the way things unravel is just mind-blowing. Anyway, this novel is definitely one of my favorites. It has the right balance of action, mystery, romance, and fluff. I actually gained extra dark circles under my eyes reading this. <<less
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Ramoria rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: Completed
So speechless, this is absolutely phenomenal.

The relationships between Shi Jin and his brothers, as well as his friendships with other and his romance with Lian Jun, it was all incredibly beautiful and well thought out. There wasn't a single moment where I felt bored or tired of reading, instead, I stayed up until five am reading it.

Hatred and forgiveness, it dives into both. There are a few despicable characters, but most are three-dimensional, and have bad and good points that they're learning to develop.

It seems light hearted at first, but... more>> it dives into deeper emotions and really tugs at your heart strings. It's a happy ending of course, a superbly happy one.

I really lack the words to explain how incredible this is. Everything wrapped up neatly, and was very satisfying. <<less
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neuramine rated it
March 28, 2021
Status: c111
Absolutely amazing story & translations. It gets dark and a bit gory at times which fits with the underworld that's being described. Other points are hilarious and made me laugh out loud. The relationship between the two leads slowly develops and is consensual on both sides. Cannot recommend this enough!
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Arrange rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: c79
I cried, laughed, and enjoyed this novel a lot.

The plot is more solid than my future.

The plot twists are amazing.

The characters are so well-written.

You can't really hate anyone because they're all pitiful in their own ways. (Apart from a few despicable people. They really do deserve their endings.)

Everything is connected, both in good and bad ways. And last but not least important, the fluff is GOOD.
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AsTheNameDictates rated it
May 22, 2019
Status: c35
Wow, I did not expect that this novel is soooo damn good.

I always drop by this page without actually reading the story because everytime I read the summary it makes me think of a harem type of story (idk y tho) I am bias? against it...

I just hate harem type novels.

Anyway, I am glad that I read this novel. It's amazing and the translator is doing a good job.

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idkbro1770 rated it
May 17, 2023
Status: c3
Currently on chapter 3 and somehow during these 3 chapters MC gave away all his inheritance, attempted su*cide, ran away, we then got a giant time skip and he somehow worked at multiple jobs, which wasn't even descibed just briefly mentioned.

I may be a be being biased in this review but I prefer to read about the MC going from weak to strong/poor to rich. I want to read about the the struggles of applying for these jobs, how he felt being alone and on the run from his family,... more>> But no..

We got a giant time skip and 50 crazy things are happening at once, it was kind of funny, but I was expecting to read something for complex with a weak to strong trope, but it def wasn't what I expected to read.

Just image the plot of solo leveling, rushed arcs, kind of cliche wattpad fanficiton disolgue, worst pacing ever, and the connections/bonds with the side characters is not there at all. Like even if I got to chapter 100 I don't think I would care or feel sympathy for any of these characters that might die.

When I want to read a novel I want to feel the emotions in the writing. Like how the MC may be struggling, I want to feel the connections and bonding with other characters in the book, and most of all I want to be interested in the story. But so far it's a no.

I know judging a book on just 3 chapters is s*upid, but this is just my thoughts so far.. And idk if it gets better or not. Also no hate to the author or the people who enjoy this novel. I'm simply saying my thoughts on these 3 chapters so far.

(I also got baited by the amount of 5 star reviews, so I guess that's another reason why I'm a bit disapointed)

(and the only reason I said the pacing was really bad, was because somehow MC has made friends with so many people in just 3 chapters, and I'm just like what?? It wasn't even written about how they starting becoming friends, it was just in the bit where it mentioned how it was now a couple months later.) <<less
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PeachAndCherry rated it
March 7, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a masterpiece, one of the best novels I've ever read, MC and ML were great, never felt forced into a relationship and there was finally communication!!! In other words, for the novel to conclude perfectly, he took care of those chapters where they vent to each other and not like in others, how emotions disappear overnight. I loved.


Finally I will only say that Lu Shan deserves an Oscar, without her it would not have been so easy to solve the mafia.

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May 27, 2022
Status: c118
My first impression of this story, based on the summary, was that it was a wuxia dog-blooded drama. IDK why... LMFAO! I also thought that the main focus of this story would be the brother-to-brother relationship between the MC and his bros. And I had no idea that there was a SYSTEM involved.... Basically, just from the summary alone, my first impression was a mess and altogether very very wrong *sneezing face*! BUT WELL, first impressions aside, I now know why this is so overwhelmingly popular in the review section~


The characters are definitely the best part of this story! They're very realistic and no one is left behind in terms of character development. I always felt that the characters in this story were authentic, which made it... more>> easier to empathize with them!

Shi Jin (MC) :

The MC this time is a transmigrator who died and ended up playing the role of the favored son of a scum-man with five other children (all of whom he ignored in favor of the original!MC). In the original novel, the OG!MC's brothers were out to get him, and so, taking drastic measures, Shi Jin does everything he can to get himself out of that situation!

  • Minor Spoilers:

    In terms of personality, Shi Jin actually reminds me of anime shounen protagonists! But, not in a bad way? He has strong ideals and a strong mentality. He's not necessarily the strongest or the smartest, but with his Golden Finger (the SYSTEM) and a strong backer (the ML) he barrels through all opposition.

Lian Jun (ML) :

The ML is the boss of an underground association called "Annihilation". The MC meets him after running away from his bros, and to him, who has been mired in the dark underground society all this time, the MC's bright personality and kindness are like the sun!

  • Minor Spoilers:

    The ML is the strong and reliable type. He appears cold at first glance but he's actually very gentle. He cares about his men, and even after being betrayed several times (one even causing him to be unable to walk) he still wants to get them out of their current 'dark' world.

Important Side Characters:

I usually only mention the main CP when I do these reviews but AHH I can't NOT mention the Guas and the MC's bros! I'll spare you the details, especially on the bros, because that's bordering on spoiler territory, but they're definitely notable!


Ah~ What sweet romance~ Furthermore, it's a rare versatile couple! With the wild but also innocent MC and the beautiful but powerful ML. They make a great couple with lots of fun contradictions in their personalities. The romance is slow, and trouble-free, for the most part! The only reason I didn't give it a perfect score was because the development of the romance was consistently stalled by the MC's obliviousness -- which was fun, in its own way! But, also rather simple?


The author put in the effort to settle the background for this fic! It's the kind where the past matters in the present. And they did a great job weaving things in~ The underworld setting also made for a couple of fun arcs.

PLOT: 9/10

The initial premise of the story and the driving force in the plot is the enmity between the MC and his five brothers. The MC wakes up with a "Death System" in his head and two death progress bars. One of the progress bars is his own, which was practically full already when he had arrived in this new world. Of course, his task was to reduce it, which is easier said than done. There's also a secondary bar that belongs to the ML -- which he also had to lower down.

These bars help a lot when it comes to fixing the novel plot as well as the ML's own issues (which weren't mentioned in the original novel).

RATING: 4.75/5

Overall, this is a fave for me! It's practically close to perfect in my eyes for the great characters alone! The only reason I stopped reading was that I knew that the translation wasn't done. So, I picked a good stopping point based on the available TL-ed chapters LOLOL. In the future, I'll definitely come back to reread this! I'm eager to find out how the relationships between the MC and his bros will work out in the end~


  • Personal Enjoyment: This is occasionally very tense and very angsty. However, after the relationship is established, there's plenty of sweetness to go with the angst between the bros. So, overall, personal enjoyment is 4/5! It hurts sometimes, but the hurt is good for you!
  • Literary Level: The plot is a little bit messy? I mean, there are several levels to pay attention to. At times, I wanted the author to focus only on the family/relationship aspects, and not necessarily on the underworld plot (which is action-heavy and rather superfluous to the development of the main characters at the end). So, I'd say 4/5.
  • Angst Level: As mentioned, things get pretty heavy! The ML is not in a good state in the beginning and the MC is not all that better with his death hanging over his head. There's also the heavy drama between bros in the latter arcs... Altogether, this is a pretty angsty story! Around 4/5! So, prepared the tissues!
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Mehmeh713 rated it
May 11, 2022
Status: Completed
A super touching fluffy read. The romance was amazingly sweet, the family drama made me cry buckets, and the characters were wonderfully warm.

Romance -> really lovey dovey pair that fall in love in a hilarious way and after they get together they’re incredibly supportive and loving towards each other. Their relationship is very stable and it gives each of them the strength to live life to the fullest in their individual journeys.

Characters -> I love the MC so much. Incredibly funny warm capable character with a big big big heart.... more>> While he is silly and straightforward, he’s not actually s*upid, and it seems more that he’s simple because he wants to be. He wants a simple happy life with the ones he loves and that’s why he behaves the way he does. He also has a really amazing capacity to love and forgive and I cried a lot through the last part of his journey in clearing the bar.


I think especially in the last few chapters where the brothers relived what he went through in his first life and his full experience and thought process was shown, it was really hard seeing what he went through even though he didn’t do anything wrong and all he wanted was his family. The guy really forgave so much.


about the other characters, I also really liked them all (except the ridiculous psychotic villains, hate the twisted freaks) and the individual character traits they had. But I think something I especially enjoyed were the bonds they shared and the care they gave to each other and to MC and ML. Truly very warm. When I read the last chapter I was very very happy. A perfect happy ending. <<less
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March 14, 2022
Status: --
This is was a very good story...

Almost all of the characters are depicted perfectly, and the interactions between MC and ML are really clean and amazing... Both are kind of couple that we rarely see in dark/psychological theme story.

Unfortunately, there are no bonus chapters at all in the story... which is a shame in my opinion. Lastly, in my personal opinion, the way each MC brother turns out to be good is described as a little too harsh (of course this doesn't include the fourth and maybe fifth siblings) but... more>> it's not to the point of being unreasonable.

My favorite scene in this story itself is in the last chapter, where they all gather and take photos with the MC... When I read that scene I really felt sad and happy at the same time. <<less
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Hazelglasz rated it
February 21, 2022
Status: c122
This is a wonderful story, all the characters are so well written, the story starts light an easy going but then it gets more complex, the way the romance grows it's so pure and real. I highly recommend it.

support the author and the translator that does an amazing job.
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realnamehidden rated it
December 28, 2021
Status: c109
Definitely recommend this if you want a fluffy story with a good plot and characters.

MC- A cute MC whose IQ is a little bellow the table but that just make things more interesting. His badass when the situation calls for it and very caring for those that he loves.

ML- Oh my good! His the perfect persona of a doting and loving husband. Especially after they got together, you can clearly see how much he cares for the MC. He also make those who hurt his baby pay.

System- It's just so... more>> adorable, I think the MC and the system fit very well for each other, it's like a actual person and really add even more fluff. I have to say best supporter and fan of our MC and ml's love.

Main couple- They're basically scattering dog food everywhere they go, making us single dogs jealous. Made for each other. Also I kinda feel bad for Lian Jun for how hard it was to chase after someone so dense. By the way, it's true when the tag says manly gay couple. *Chef Kiss*

The brothers- Started off a bit rough but their relationship with the MC develops a lot later on. They all have their own distinct personality and I love how they all give off the big family feels.

The Guas- Their relationship with the MC and ML is not at all like that of subordinates, instead their like close friends who would support each other no matter what. Each of them have their own personalities and role in mc's life.

Antagonists- They're a bit 2D and lacking but still very satisfying to see them get slapped in the face.

Plot- If you're looking for a very high tension plot that makes you sit at the edge of your chair, then this isn't the one. The plot is interesting and paced very well but there's no life or death moments. It focus a lot on the romance and that kind of stuff, so there's not much stress throughout the book. A relaxing break from all those horror novels.

*Warning- Below is my personal opinion while the above is an objective view on the novel. If you do not want to be affected in any way then please do not open the spoiler tag. Read at your own discretion*


It started off pretty good but at around chapter 80, the MC and ML started getting on my nerve. I know it's kind of wrong to say this but I just think that the MC is too numb and naive, and the author also keeps repeating things like the mc's IQ is too low. The MC behavior is also very contradicting and I don't know why but I just don't like him. The ML in my opinion is a bit 2D, it's like his only purpose in the story is to dote on and comfort the MC. Also the fact that the author keeps saying how the ML want to walk in the light is also annoying, I mean I understand, no need to repeat it over and over again. The plot started dragging in the later part, and the antagonist are way too fake, like you know for sure that they don't post any threats and they're like the bad guys whose only purpose is to be the bad guys and make the ML feel bad for the MC because he wants to walk in the light and not drag the MC down. But I truly love the brothers and the guas, they just make the novel all the more interesting and fun to read. It's really hard these days to find a brother complex novel. *Crying*

3.5/5 Stars

I might change it when I finish the novel, either way that's my opinion on it. No offense or anything but I guess this type of characters just aren't my style. The five stars is how I would rate it if this is the type of read that you want.

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