Death Progress Bar


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Shi Jin once read a book. It was supposed to be about satisfying the desire for vengeance.

The main character, also named Shi Jin, was the sixth son of his harem-novel-protagonist-like father. All was well, while his father was alive at least, but after his death, Shi Jin’s five elder half-brothers tormented him, eventually leading to his death. The protagonist was reborn, determined to take revenge, and… the novel was discontinued.

That day, Shi Jin almost spat blood and dropped the book into a shredder. The next day, he died in a car accident. Somehow, when he came to, he had transmigrated into a teenager, a youth also called Shi Jin.

There was only one problem. His father had just died. His older brothers were about to torment him…

Shi Jin: Let’s eliminate my brothers’ hatred, my goal is to keep my life!

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Thanh tiến độ sinh tồn
死亡进度条 / Sǐwáng jìndù tiáo / Death Progress Bar (former title)
生存进度条[穿书] / Shēngcún jìndù tiáo / Survival Progress Bar (new title)
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Recommendation Lists
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Eques rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: Completed
Translator here~

So you read the description and thought, "another typical novel about transmigration and system blah blah blah", yeah? You couldn't be more wrong. I would describe it as a cross between "One Useless Rebirth" (by the same author) for the overall tone and "The Scum Shou's Survival Guide" for the emotional rollercoaster.

Our MC, a former policeman, transmigrated into a world inside a book he read, getting bound to a system and gaining something called "death progress bars" - one belonging to him, another to an unknown person, both almost... more>> filled up. He has to empty them in order to survive. How? By somehow eliminating all things that endanger him. After some twists and turns, he ends up as a member of a "legal" criminal organization. Its boss wants it to wash clean of all dirty business and the MC decides to help him. However, none of those things will be quite as easy as other transmigration novels accustomed us to.

Good points? First of all, both the protagonist and the ML are believable, there's no insta-love, and after they finally got together I could actually see their relationship working out in real life. Secondly, MC's system, aka 'the golden finger', isn't all-knowing and overpowered, but also isn't useless. Thirdly, the secondary characters - they actually exist, are clearly distinguishable, and are quite an important part of the story.

Lastly, the story: it's neither too fast nor too slow and balances between drama, a slice of life, romance, and action. And it does this wonderfully - I finished the novel in two days and was never bored. Even when I thought I knew the way the plot will go, I was often surprised (have I mentioned there are no easy solutions here?)

All in all, give it a try, it's definitely worth it. <<less
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namio rated it
August 21, 2019
Status: Completed
When I first binged this novel, BOY was it a roller coaster of feelings. It was almost too heavy to just devour in 2-3 days-- it's like family therapy, but you're rushing through it.

But it's so good.

With a premise like "eliminating hatred of 5 brothers", it's easy to imagine it as being about hugging thighs, but Death Progress Bar, bless it, didn't go that route. Instead, Shi Jin goes through the painful process of learning his brothers' personalities and communicating with them, uncovering the truth behind everything in their family... more>> and confronting it all, messy as it is. There's a lot of push and pull during this process, of miscommunications cleared and hatred subsiding to make way for more harmonious family interactions, only for new (or old) issues to come up and causing (understandable) pushes back. It's not a linear way to an ideal family. Shi Jin brings into light not just his brothers' misgivings towards him, but his own towards brothers who mistreated him for no fault of his own.

But somehow a novel with this kind of core managed to be so damn funny.

Death Progress Bar has a lot of hilarious and disgustingly sweet moments, and it's a novel about family issues and criminal organizations. Our MC Shi Jin is sweet, kind, kind of naggy and, um, unconventional. Let's just put it that way. He cares for both the physical and mental wellbeing of the ML and people he cares about, which is a pretty big circle of over a dozen-- and everyone is well aware and takes care of him in return. The ML, Lian Jun, especially so-- despite their first meetings and initial clashes, they become truly unparalleled dog food producers. They adore each other and only want the best for the other, and are not shy about communicating and being adults about it. Even though Lian is the leader of one of the strongest transnational criminal organizations Shi Jin can and does very much stand as his equal. It's honestly refreshing to see this sort of equality of power and in a novel NOT about power over others through an iron fist-- if anything, both the MC and ML show that the source of their tangible power is from caring for others who cares about you rather than mere crushing down those weaker.

Reading this novel is an emotional rollercoaster of the best kind. It's going oh GOD Shi Jin to oh nO SHI JIN to SHI JIN YOU!!! To WAIT NO DON'T HURT SHI JIN and honestly it never stops being an enjoyable ride. I reread the novel at least 5 times at this point, and it still gets to me. It's a 5/5. I really recommend it. <<less
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sleepingjay rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: Completed
This was an amazing novel, probably one of the best I've read out there. Plot is well-paced and switches around between MC's task (the death bar) and ML's plot. Plus MC's plot isn't as simple as it seems from the synopsis. I won't spoil it but it's creative. Also just a warning but as the progress bar nears zero I cried almost nonstop. It's not a tragedy and definitely a super cute HE but the author ripped my heart out only to heal it back again.

... more>>

ML's plot is actually more action-based/intrigue/politics since he's part of the triad. MC's task tends to be more emotionally involved, especially later on when he gets more invested. The author switches between the two plot lines so I never got bored or tired of the plot.


The relationship between the MC and ML is super cute. Even before they got together, MC was trying to raise ML's health so he's a complete mother hen over him. After they got together they were even cuter. Also unlike a lot of other novels, ML actually respect MC and his wishes.


For example, MC wants to be a policeman even though he's basically part of the triad under ML. ML still helps him to study and apply for a police school. Plus, when the triad had an operation with the government (against another triad) ML tried his best to give MC a mission suitable for him even though he worries.


Both MC and ML have rich character development. Both of them felt very realistic but not in a depressing way. They have their ugly parts but they both work to overcome that and be a better person -- because it's what makes them happier as people too. The progress bar actually involves a lot of character development on MC's part, as he works to clear it.


For ML, it's more subtle but he went from lowkey suicidal and depressed, to determined to live. I saw the other reviews and don't worry, ML doesn't stay cold-hearted for long! He's cold because he's a paranoid triad boss and MC is suspicious AF lol. Eventually I forgot he was even like that once because he's such a warm gentleman.


I saw another review saying that MC's character is unrealistic for a real policeman. I'm not sure if I can refute it, because MC while not actually that naive (he's extra naive around ML because system is really, really trusting of ML) is definitely very optimistic, but I liked that about him. Maybe it can be explained by the fact that he was just a small policeman before and had a pretty stable life.

I also remember him being hilariously s*upid at the beginning of the story, which is what the reviewer referred to I think. MC does stop making up embarrassingly s*upid excuses once ML accepted his fate of being mother-henned and stopped questioning him. It might be off-putting. I do remember getting 200% secondhand embarrassment from MC.

The brothers also get character development and I loved all of them. The triad members arent as well developed but they're also super sweet once MC gets to know them better and they are very loyal to ML.


Hint: this novel is big on family themes.


The author's writing is humorous too. The beginning is the funniest, but it never lost that humour even until the end. There were even times I would cry a lot and then laugh (and then cry again lol).

This also isn't a face-slapping novel. It's very humor/action in 1st half and in 2nd half it adds a lot of soul-searching in.

I love this novel and I'm so happy to see it translated. MTL is pretty hard when the MC's name is translated to "when/time into/into" lol. Thank you translator! <<less
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charysa rated it
March 4, 2019
Status: Completed
Blitzed through several stories written by this same author, and this one has got to be one of the best among them.

For one thing, the characterization of ML is not a yandere cardboard cutout that gets jealous of any male/female/sentient critter that MC pays attention to. No, this ML is an actual mature person that I can actually visualize as a realistic human being. Someone who I can visualize as being part of a healthy relationship with another person without being squicked out or wearing out my SoD. He's also... more>> one of the few ML's out there that I honestly like as a person in and of himself, a person who is capable and rational, honorable and a hidden idealist... and basically not a character that's just defined by how well he plays the role of MC's boyfriend.

Going back a little more on the topic of Suspension of Disbelief, there's only a few places in this story where it gets stressed out. One is the background setting of "legal" international crime rings, which kinda sorta got explained near the end so I can gloss over it. The other is MC's police background... which... honestly seems to just be there as a plot device, to be trotted out to "explain" certain specific behaviors or reactions... but which doesn't actually mesh well with MC's personality that we see on screen. But overall, that dissonance only very rarely pops up, so most of the time, it could be ignored.

The development of the supporting characters are also something that was very well done by this story. MC's brothers all got a lot of attention by the narrative, and they also all grow as people over the course of the story as they get to really know the new MC and revisit their past choices. ML's inner circle also all got unique characterizations to go with them, such that it's never confusing which person the story is referring to, even when half their name is just a number. In addition, the detail put into digging up the backstory of the previous generation even ended up turning the MC's dead father from a mysterious figure to a fleshed out...... eh, madman. And then there's the enemy gang leaders, the ambitious government liaison, and so forth. They all shine.

Near the end of the story, there's a span of time where it gets very... sad and the tone is oppressive. But worry not for those who dislike tragedies. Because we do get a... bittersweet happy ending at the end. And then another real happy ending in the epilogue chapters. It takes time to get there, and everyone is forced to grow up some in the mean time, but the effort is what makes the final result something to cherish. <<less
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Azalea A.
Azalea A. rated it
February 8, 2019
Status: Completed
I don't usually write a review, but this novel give me a ride through such emotional roller-coaster that I feel entitled to share it with others.

When reading the summary honestly I did not expect anything. Just wanna read a book to pass time. However, I did not expect to be so emotionally invested in this book.

The character development is good, the side characters have solid background and everyone have their own story. I really like how MC work hard to achieve HE ... more>>

and make peace with "his" dark history.


All in all, I agree with the notion that this isn't just an ordinary transmigration book. It has amazing plot (and unpredictable plot twits), deep emotional storyline and a satisfying ending.

Worth to read. <<less
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Geroker rated it
June 21, 2020
Status: c90
4 of the 5 stars are for excellent translation, interesting plot, likable character, a very healthy sweet main couple.

that 5th star, though, is for how this novel handles guilty pleasures.

maybe you like harems. there's something nice about a whole group of very handsome, very capable people each pursuing a relationship with the one focus of attention. on the other hand, the problem with harems is they make the MC have to be unlikable in his indecisiveness and leading people on romantically.

... more>> enter the MC's brothers.

or maybe you like... slightly unhealthy dynamics. Overbearing, controlling, tsundere, yandere, stalkerish... But you recognize these things are HUGE red flags in a romantic relationship.

enter the MC's brothers.

or just plain relationship drama. relationship drama can be lots of fun to read about, the problem is with a healthy couple with good communication and mutual respect how much drama can there be without increasingly contrived external forces from the plot?

enter the MC's brothers.

The main couple is sweet, loving, and full of dog food. Even during the lengthy oblivious phase of the MC it's healthy and supportive.

Whereas the MC's relationship with his brothers is like a psycho harem resurrection novel revenge plot full of dog blood.

As it is I have a weakness for complex sibling relationships. This novel decided to just dump alllll the overwrought romance tropes on the sibling relationship and, well, turns out I have a weak spot for that sort of thing.

Just to be totally clear, there's no in*estuous overtones (in the MC's relationship with his brothers.

The big plot reveal about one of the main villains has some super duper gross in*estuous overtones but the guy is safely dead...

). It's just a harem novel setup if the prize to be won is "reconciling with your sibling" rather than "riding off into a romantic sunset". <<less
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GoldenTiger0 rated it
February 20, 2019
Status: Completed
Reading the synopsis, you must have felt that the MC would have to deal with his familial problems instantly after being reborn but that's not!! Even I had felt so but decided to look at this novel's spoiler thread and it turned out to be good story. In just some 20 or 30 chapters, ML and MC develop a good relationship. The next 30 or 20 chapters, they start falling in love even though the MC doesn't realised it himself. ?? All the subordinates of ML think when will the... more>> MC open up. Relationships with brothers smooth out soon, each hiding their twisted sides which they sort out soon enough. The original's life history as well as his father's history is found out soon. His father's life is enough to be written as a book itself.


MC is really reborn. He was the original owner whose soul was saved by Xiao Si, then sent into another world and then brought back. MC gets to know so when he was about to deal with the last 20% of his death progress bar. After dealing with it, Xiao Si disappears together with the progress bar.

Later, all of the brothers collectively dream about MC's previous life and they are full of guilt except the fourth brother who only regrets handing him over to his other brother in MC's previous life. They even have brawl in MC and ML's home in which fourth bro wins. Then they get drunk along with ML when MC's sleeping except fourth bro, who helps MC send all of them to bed.

And in the final 2 chapters, Xiao Si is back!! As a small bun (little boy of 2 or 3) !! He uses MC's face 70% and rest very common details. When ML comes back, he sees his subordinates and elders but not MC. Those people had a face as if the sky was falling and MC wasn't there, so ML's first reaction that something happened to MC and he asks them where MC is? They tell him and then say that 'you have to be strong.' which makes ML think that something large or messy happened. He reaches near the door and hears MC's voice comforting someone to eat and ML's face get really dark while thinking of his elder's sentence. You can guess what he thought of... ML enters and get surprised and shocked to see Xiao Si who has a 70% similarity to Shi Jin (MC). Later that night, ML asks Xiao Si to change his face so that he looks like ML also. MC is surprised the next day that Xiao Si's face now has similarity of both of them, as if he was their child... Then, Xiao Si is adopted, brothers are invited who are surprised to see the boy's similarity to their youngest brother and even wonder if he's really adopted. ? Xiao Si himself chooses a new name on ML's suggestion to pick something he likes and he says, 'Jin Jun'. So cute... And the brothers reaction regarding to Xiao Si's surname is really worth to read.


But you people mustn't regret not reading this, at least the translated chapters. <<less
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softmatcha rated it
May 12, 2019
Status: c33
I don't know how, but Death Progress Bar manages to wildly veer into adrenaline-pumping twists and turns one moment, and then throw a silly exchange that turns your steeled heart into soft cotton. The lightheartedness of the novel, far from being annoying, actually helps this survival mystery/psychological thriller by giving you time to breathe under high tension.

One of the plot twists that makes this a real gem among the countless transmigration novels of its kind is established early on, around ch.20 - when the MC realizes:

... more>>

the story he's been transmigrated into was told by an unreliable narrator


Shi Jin reminds me a little bit of Mason in Kill the Lights, for reasons I won't go too deeply into. Because he's someone who's inclined to protect and care for others (he even treats his system with fatherly patience at times, ha), it's entertaining to see his attitude charm others, intentionally or not, into pampering him instead. <<less
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Sabby rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: c112
Sometimes I feel like the summaries of some of Chinese novels harm, rather than help, the story gain readers. The summary for this story in no way captures what an incredible novel this is. The summary makes it seem like Shi Jin will go around selling meng and acting cute to get his brothers to love him.

The reality is that Shi Jin goes on his own journey to make his own way in life, to separate himself from his brothers so he can stand on his own and heal from... more>> his trauma, and he doesn't bend over backwards to try and get his brothers to love him. Instead, he acts in a way that makes the brothers realize that if they want a relationship with him, they need to make a big effort to atone for everything they did. Shi Jin is dense (usually when it comes to Lian Jun), but he is also incredibly smart and and talented.


Fourth brother, Xiang Aoting, is my favorite. He wasn't perfect in Shi Jin's past life, but he was the only one who wasn't outright malicious and didn't despise the innocent child for no reason. When past life Shi Jin was kidnapped, he was the one who risked his entire career to go and save him. His reasons for distancing himself from the past life Shi Jin were actually reasonable, and not because he wanted to hurt him. When Shi Jin finally got answers as to why fourth brother disappeared after saving past life Shi Jin from the kidnappers (instead of staying by his side as he recovered), I was both happy and wanted to cry because Shi Jin finally knew that there was one brother who cared about him and didn't want him to suffer or die. I think this was such a huge moment for Shi Jin on his path to healing. With the other brothers, Shi Jin had to take steps to get them to recognize he was innocent and didn't deserve their hatred, but with Xiang Aoting, Shi Jin didn't need to prove anything to him. The arc with Xiang Aoting was so important for the story and Shi Jin and fourth brother will always be my favorite because he was the only brother who was a good person from the start.


Lian Jun is also one of the most incredible ML's I've read. He is OP, but the OPness does not mean that he's some perfect cold hearted ML with facial paralysis. He has significant flaws that he works hard to overcome, because after meeting Shi Jin he realizes that there is finally something to live for. Shi Jin gives him hope for the future (and mother hens him constantly which is sweet and hilarious), and in return Lian Jun gives Shi Jin unwavering, unconditional love that helps him recover from the trauma his family inflicted on him.

The System, Xiao Si, has its own personality and is a distinctive character who genuinely cares about Shi Jin. It's so refreshing to see a system that forms a real friendship with the host. The side characters are distinctive as well, and it's so cute so see their interactions (I'm such a sucker for found family).

I've never read a story that makes my heart ache so much, and then make it feel warm and fuzzy not long after. I have cried and laughed and smiled s*upidly at so many points, and I haven't even finished reading the whole novel yet. The author so skillfully weaves together an intricate, action packed plot together with a lot of heartwarming interactions.

I could gush about this novel for days, but in the end I'll just say that this novel is so worth the read. <<less
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hejikkk rated it
June 6, 2020
Status: c60
the actual story isnt that bad. I just found some parts to be kind of underdeveloped and cringy... considering the MC was a 30 (?) yo guy before his reincarnation

To be honest, my favourite parts of the novel were probably the mc's interactions with his brothers ... more>>

after their reconciliations


espeically the third brother lol.


but alas the drama and everything falls apart. I mean it would have been fine if there was some legit reason behind it or what not but like honestly to me he kinda just seems like he's acting spoiled... (and here's where the awkwardness with his actual age comes into play :p)


i also didnt really like how the author kept going back and recorrecting the memories of the brothers. like "oohhh actually I remeber differently now, the brothers were actually very nice to me". it felt too intentional that they were trying to sway our emotions to sypathize. idk

also... (sorry for this but) I dont really ship the MC and ml? Yes their relationship is nice ig but I dont see the reason for them to be romantically together (other than the fact that the story is a bl lol). like from the ml's view its oh this guy is interesting and seems to care for me, which I suppose makes a bit of sense. but from the mc's view its like ok he likes me so ill like him back??? or maybe its just me :/ <<less
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greateacher rated it
September 16, 2019
Status: c52
This is definitely 5 stars. The plot is fascinating with likeable characters and the story is well written + perfect translation. MC is really cute and even the way he is so smart about everything but clueless in terms of feelings between him and ML is not annoying. The ML is cold and ruthless (of course) but the way he shows his weaknesses to the MC is also adorable. All in all, this is the story worth reading. One of my favourites so far.
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Entreaty rated it
July 28, 2019
Status: Completed
I cried so bad and you should too.

You can feel the love the MC and ML has for each other. It's very heartwarming. Their mutual trust, respect and dependance is relationship goals. They are always there for each other.

Emotional scenes hit you like truck-kun.

Although I often enjoy the host and system banters in some of the quick transmigration I read, I really enjoyed Shi Jin and his system friendly interactions here. You can see their friendship and how much they feel for each other.

When system had to leave, he said that he loves Shi Jin and Shi Jin replied likewise. It's the first time I got to see friends expressing their love for each other. It's very obvious they don't meant it romantically but as friends, but thats was precisely what made that sentence hit me as you rarely get to see such strong friendship.

16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
varsha.miffy rated it
October 28, 2020
Status: c106
This book will be one of my favorites. I love how every character is good (except villains - they are super bad) or tries to be better, this story radiates positivity. When I see a new chapter I seriously lock myself until I complete it, responsibilities can wait few minutes :)

Inspiring MC - check

Wonderful partner (ML) - check

Adorable siblings - check

Awesome friends - check

MC who makes everyone jealous (in positive way) - check

Cute love story - check
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nadeshikoslove rated it
September 16, 2019
Status: c53
Great novel, great character development, no instant love, it actually has a plot, right balance between action, humor, fluff! And the cherry on top, the great translations. Wanted to donate few times already but I seriously can’t find any donate button.
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Shortk rated it
April 14, 2021
Status: c54
Uh... I'm still reading it but it's kinda aggravating? I read it just as a placeholder.

Anyways, this might trigger ppl who like this but in my opinion, the MC doesn't have a real personality.

When I say that, I mean it is not consistent to what we know about him. First, we know nothing about his personality prior to entering the book except that he was a pretty good police officer. Second, so other than acting dumb sometimes to act young, in his unconscious moments too, why does he still act... more>> like a naive teenager when internally he's not a teenager and was a police officer.

To some degree, I'm just whatever it's ok I'm not too bothered with the fact it feels like he's not written well and he's naive (someone who is also so touchy??) and an inconsistent character. I just read it for the mystery I guess.

But then

ok so the ML is annoyed he didn't tell important information to him, the boss of the organization and instead told his brother. Yes he forgot. But he's also supposed to be someone who was a police officer, supposedly a good one even maybe which is why the gold finger wanted him. So you tell me police officers don't remember to report information that's important to their squad or leader bc they don't write reports every day after a mission. Like that's what they do. So...

now somehow bc he is in a teenager's body, his intelligence and experience as a previous police officer is just like gone except for all of his physical skills?

Yea that's bad character writing. I know y'all love this and maybe you think I'm wrong but... What. Hello. It's fiction but good writing f*cking makes sense... I mean it's a good imo 2 star reading to spend your time. Also helps that the translations are bomb.

By Ch45:
Man ngl the mystery is the only thing pushing me along bc the MC character writing is so inconsistent.

For example by now: "In the past, Shi Jin would never dare to act so casually I'm front of the ML, let alone manage him".... LIKE HOMIE. writer? Do you think us readers are as dumb as the MC? Do you think we don't remember him DEMANDING the ML to do as he says and drink soup within a month of knowing him? Is that not managing? You cant say one thing and think it makes sense just because you said it. Wtf. Am I the only one hello??

Ch 54:

Ok everything makes sense now. He's actually supposed to be a dumb police officer, although idk how an adult lived so long acting like a bonefide child but I guess that's why he died and ended up in this book.

Basically if you can't stand "s*upid I'm jesus I'm the only savior and sacrificer" MCs, then well it'll be a cringy ride. However, the world building and mystery are really amazing. So I can only recommend this for that. I'm honestly barely holding on but sigh it's sad the MC is so dumb. The fact is he is dumb for plot and "romance" (idk about this romance imo like i'd never choose the MC personally) progression --- imo it's very obvious. <<less
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larcenciel rated it
October 20, 2019
Status: c57
HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS! In the turbulent seas of Chinese webnovels of the same genre this is an unexpected pearl, really well thought out and written, not to mention the translator and editor made a huge difference by modifying the text for english speakers.

The story has an actual plot, logic, it's fun and not rushed and not pretentious.

The protagonist's extremely likable, the ML as well, even the side characters have depth and dimensions.

It's not a rom-com with some action peppered in, it's more like a family drama/comedy/mystery with very nice unobtrusive... more>> romance, which is so heartbreakingly cute I wanted to squeal more than once.

The ML is quietly possessive but not borderline abusive like in a lot of webnovels out there.

Overall, a VERY GOOD READ, do yourself a service and start reading it, you won't regret it <<less
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oosydneyoo rated it
August 14, 2019
Status: c48
This story is well written and the translator keeps it that way. It feels so natural that it like the story was originally written in English. Can't compliment the translator enough ~blows oodles of kisses~ take my germs, just take em!!!

Anyway, I love the plot. The author does a good job of balancing the system with the main character and the world. Sometimes the system is over used (too much spotlight/words dedicated to it) but that is not the case in this story. The system's personality is refreshing, it acts... more>> like a BL fan women so its very easy for me to place myself in "her" shoes. I just love her "greasy nest" talk, makes no sense whatsoever but it has grown on me like no ones business, so much so I have to stop myself from saying it in real life and confusing people horribly... So instead I just think to myself when I see cute couple "what a cute greasy love nest"... Anyway hopefully the systems grows on you like it did with me. The golden finger the system provides is not too OP in case anyone was wondering. "It" just basically gives buffs, not actual powers that are kept basically, and the powers aren't always the most helpful which makes for funny moments.

This story made me cry at one point but for the most part its just laughs. The MC is just too lovable and you can understand exactly why the ML is falling for him. The MC acts like a puppy (but is not the dog, if you know what I'm saying...). Now about the ML, he doesn't start out as too awe inspiring (which I actually appreciate) as he is wheelchair bound but as the story progresses you are made to look past that. The author does a very good job of contentiously bringing it into the story but without rubbing it in your face, just like if you had a friend that was wheelchair bound you wouldn't just be thinking about it all the time while in their company, the author does a good job making the wheelchair feel "normal" as in its in your everyday life (I almost wonder if the author has personal experience with how well they talk about it). Part of the love that you get toward the ML is from slowly learning about him so I wont write anything else on his personality.

So in a nutshell, translations are excellent, story is excellent, characters are excellent, so its all pretty much excellent. I really wish the rating was higher but I could see some instant gratification teens not liking this and maybe that's why its not 4.9 or 5 like I think it deserves. Not enough OPness, fast burning love, enough love interest, or whatever it is the kids like these days. <<less
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May 30, 2019
Status: c37
There wasn’t a moment of wasting.

Every words knocked my heart and played with it.

I laughed, I cried, and I became solemn and somber at every turn and twists that the character had to dance through delicately in every precarious sharp bends.

I wish I could be able to read it in its original form but I can’t be blessed more than I am.

This story deserves more than a 6 star. It deserves numerous stars.
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bigdipper rated it
April 20, 2019
Status: c30
Honestly love this novel because it's novel.

The plot may seem simple in the first 5 chapters, but that's because of the good old unreliable narrator effect.

As the story progresses, bits of the puzzle appear and the relationships between characters grow.

It's a solid 5/5 in my books :)
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January 29, 2019
Status: c1
I'm used to reading transmigration stories and a lot of it I have seen very common was that they have a lot of face slapping and mainly focused on finishing the task at hand while romancing the ML. The whole story is about making life better with male lead which is fine but for the most part it's just them.

Now this story what makes them unique is that it doesn't focused on the face slapping aspects or supporting characters are just there to pity or help MC. Side characters have... more>> a personality and a background and it collaborates with the story. There is actually very little face slapping and from the beginning of the story there's none.

The story is really good in balancing slice of life, drama, romance and action. The MC and ML doesn't fall in love at the very beginning but slowly getting to know each other they begun to have feelings.

One of the good thing about this story is that the ML doesn't over possessive towards MC. He's possessive but overly a good boyfriend who supported MC and does everything for the good of MC. And he's not spoiling the MC much and the MC also wanted to support the ML which makes them the perfect couple. The story basically makes them a healthy relationship and they supported each others flaws.

My favorite has been MC relationship with his system. Not gonna go into much but they have a funny relationship.

The Ending is a happy ending plus it wraps everything nicely.

I recommend reading this highly. <<less
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