Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN)


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Suzuki, an adult programmer, suddenly notices that he’s been thrown into a different world while wearing casual clothes at level 1. He gained high levels and treasures after using the 3 times use-disposable-magic, Meteor Shower, at once. After that, he intends to do different world “sightseeing tours”?

He meets 3 beast girls, beautiful purple and black-haired sisters, and an eccentric blonde-haired elf girl along with various people during his trip. Although there are occasional fighting with demons and demon lords, this is a heartwarming fantasy story at heart.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Death Marching to the Parallel World Rhapsody
Related Series
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (LN) (Light Novel)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Anime/Manga Source
  2. My Read
  3. good novels
  5. Leidos

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/01/15 Sousetsuka v8c3
07/31/15 Sousetsuka v8c2
07/29/15 Sousetsuka v8c1
07/27/15 Sousetsuka v7 intermission 5
07/26/15 Sousetsuka v7 intermission 4
07/25/15 Sousetsuka v7 intermission 3
07/25/15 Sousetsuka v7 intermission 2
07/23/15 Sousetsuka v7 intermission 1
07/22/15 Sousetsuka v7c23
07/21/15 Sousetsuka v7c22
07/20/15 Sousetsuka v7c21
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Holy Shura rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: v10c17
I remember having read this to v15 or v16 a few years back. I reread because I really liked it back then.

Now I'm at volume 6 and I hate it. Here a few reasons for that:

    • The main character, no wait protagonist (he doesn't deserve the term main character) has as much character as a glass of lukewarm tap water. No opinions on his own, gets pushed around doesn't stand up for himself/his people.
    • Protagonist is hypocritical as f*ck, says he doesn't want to help people cause he ain't a hero, only to feed strangers and thieves in the next chapter.
    • He refuses to kill, but only humans, anything else gets killed as though life holds no value. He does not even kill humans, when they mean serious harm to his friends.
    • He repeatedly refuses the love of his partners because they are lolis, except that he is a shota in the story and both of the girls are older than him.
    • He hides his power to such an extend, that one of his girls goes against his orders, knowing that it would destroy her body, just so he doesn't go alone towards danger. He doest even tell then, despite the option to just keep their mouths shut about it.
    • Most side characters are exptemely uninteresting, I mean Karina is just plain annoying and the novel would still be the same if you simply deleted lulu.
    • Wastes skill points like they are candy in an after Halloween sale, without ever considering being careful about spending this invaluable resource.
In another review I have seen this line:

"Have we really accepted mediocrity as being good and bad being mediocre?" - DarkBerserkerAA

And I am worried to say that the answer is yes.

Pretty sure I forgot to mention more thing but whatever.

Not recommended.


He wants to lay low and avoid atenntion. The result of that is that he becomes noble, because nobles never face trouble (sarcasm).

A story needs 2 things to work. First: story/plot/events and second: characters. If you only have one in your story then it can work. Both is the optimal case, but it can work with one. Sadly this novel has neither.

Characters don't have to be likable, it's good if they are likeable (especially for the main cast) but the only thing that is necessary for characters is CONSISTENCY. They have to stick to the believes and morals etc the have shown since that is all we know about them. If they suddenly act against the things they have previously established that just destroys the character. If they do act differently, then that needs to be a result of character development. That never happens here tho, satou simply acts differently whenever it is better for the plot.
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Uzi30 rated it
October 2, 2020
Status: Completed
I'll be comparing this to the LN as well since I began reading the LN first. But I got impatient after reaching vol 11 in LN and decided to read the WN to completion. I'll also state, that while I would consider this one of my top picks personally, it is by no means perfect and some would probably be put off by it. OP MC is already an oversaturated genre and it doesn't help that this is another Isekai, but I'm a sucker for slice of life sort of... more>> stuff and Isekai. So, keep in mind I will have a strong bias. I'll also not really be talking about the story as much as certain story elements or how MC acts since this probably a bit better seeing if this has elements that you enjoy reading.

TLDR -> MC is not dense, not a pure good character, and is simply trying to relax in this new world by touring rather than trying to duke it out with strong foes. Give it a try if you don't mind MC being OP Isekai with harem subplot. WN is more action oriented compared to LN with lots of slice of life vibes from side stories that have different characters pov other than MC. LN overall has more slice of life vibes compared to WN, has virtually no sides stories with alternative pov of different characters, but in exchange expands on certain stories that was only skimmed over in WN. Both have general same plot, but stories and writing style are different enough that I didn't mind reading both right after another.

As stated, this is an OP MC from the start. Both MC in LN and WN seem to act pretty much the same, however, their reasons seem to be different. In LN, I would describe MC as a tourist in another world who happens to have OP abilities and will not try to go out their way to deal with troublesome things unless he thinks it will get in the way of his tour. So I think of him more neutral than good. MC in WN appears to be more of a goody two shoes, and will do more to help people. Both however do chose to not use their power too much for more or less the same reason. If they are seen as strong, they will pushed into dealing with monsters, demons, or whatever else the nation can't. In other words, being seen as strong may lead to certain responsibilities pushed on him that he rather not do if he can avoid it.

Them not wanting to show of their power might make them less likable to some, but to me this kind of makes sense. However, this is a bit annoying to me but only for WN, and it leads back to their personality. LN satou (MC) is more neutral, so it makes sense for him to simply want to do his own thing, relax, and enjoy his journey while only dealing with things that would wreck the place he is trying to explore. WN satou (MC) is less neutral and is willing to help more, so he is willing to go out his way to do things which contradict his want to hide his abilities.

In both WN and LN, both Satou retain some of their "modern day" beliefs." This may seem as a beta MC in some cases, but it makes considering he was already an adult. So two and a half decades worth of modern ethics in him will not change drastically or quickly once he is Isekai. For example, killing is not out of norm in new world. But take an average modern person their, and they would likely be reluctant to do it. So both WN and LN have MC prefer to not kill people, but it doesn't mean that they are entirely opposed to it. If they capture someone with serious crimes, turning them in to guards may be the equivalent to sending them to their deaths, but satou wouldn't particular care if the punishment fits the crime as long as they are not the ones doing the killing personally. So they retain some of their past ethics, but don't mind adjusting them slightly to match the environment they are in.

The best part for me for the WN of death march are the side stories. These are more slice of life which I like. These also serve to expand upon the world that the MC got isekai to. The MC is an average joe who got isekai, but in this new world, he is most certainly not your average joe. So side stories can also help clearing the filter through which satou see things in this world. It helps give a better understanding to what is the norm in this world and what part of the MC is seen as strange by outsiders. My favorites are when you get the opinions of different people on satou, the MC. He might not be dense, but his common sense is the common sense of the "modern world, " not this "fantasy" world. So it is fun to see how skewed his view is from the people surrounding him.

In LN, it felt like there too many characters introduced too quickly. And I also didn't like how much the Harem was pushed in your face. WN seems to be able to deal with both of this better because they use side stories to flesh out the numerous characters they have. Some characters appear in a certain location MC travels, but once he leaves they fade into the background for LN. WN manages to keep some of these characters relevant by occasionally including side stories about them, making the world seem more developed and better overall. So WN feels more like an interconnected world, while LN sometimes feels like a series of mini stories that are only loosely connected. For example, there is a certain character you meet early on in the story, but once MC leaves the starting region, that character is ditched in LN (they appear in book 1, but even after 11 volumes, they are only mentioned a few times and doesn't appear). In WN, this character gets a couple of her own side stories after MC leaves them. So once they appear again in the story with MC, it doesn't feel too weird. You as the reader know what they have been doing while on their journey to place they they meet MC again.

The writing style of both WN and LN are pretty different. Personally, I liked Satou perspective better in LN but for other characters, I prefer the WN side stories. WN is written in 1st person pov of Satou, but most of the time reads more like 3rd person pov. So, it is kind of like reading what satou is observing, but often times without his inner thoughts compared to LN. So LN was more enjoyable for me as a slice of life fan, where Satou thoughts were more pronounced. The WN also has tons of side stories which read more like the LN in terms of slice of life vibes and inner thoughts. This is where I would prefer the WN because the LN is like 95% satou pov. If I were to compare the writing style to other LN, then the WN main story reads similar to Goblin slayer for me (1st person pov but dosn't really feel like it). The WN side stories and LN read more like "I'm a spider, so what, " in how much personality in thoughts you get out of it. <<less
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Rort rated it
September 1, 2019
Status: --
Death Marching to Boredom that should be the title.

I´m surprised this got an adaptation to manga and anime, but seeing the tastes of the author using cliches and generic elements from an isekai I shouldn't be surprised.

No plot at all, poor world-building, bland MC and characters and lack of motivation from the author to make this more interesting are some of the bad points of this novel. In these days the Isekai genre is oversaturated already many settings have been used before, so us as readers are able to foresee... more>> what kind of novel is just from the get-go and maybe that will be a problem for the upcoming novels or authors interested in isekai if they don't put a little bit of effort in making it unique and interesting.

There is a public for this so if you like something generic-like this is for you. <<less
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Drenlith rated it
August 15, 2019
Status: v11c15
Calming but somehow still a highly unpleasant novel to read; the pace is mostly very chill and on a whole slice of life in a fantasy world style, but these encounters with random women and arrogant noble cannon feeders are so strictly routine, that I want to puke.
Main character is eyeing up every woman even children as a s*xual candidate for sooner or later, which makes me as a woman feel terribly unpleasant.

Also, he loves visiting brothels whenever he gets the chance to slip away from his party. And apart from the fact that he never dated properly before, he's suppose to be so good in bed that makes even prostit**es faint.

MC is also heavily biased towards two female interests, but spares no effort in grading or judging women whenever the chance is given. He does not describe the side characters, he COMPARES them to his own party members. "Oh, A's ti*s are nice but not as nice as my main waifu's titties. B's tatas are just out of this wooorrrrllld, beats A n C n D n whatever not." Let's say for example, if every guy comes across a female character and she measures the size of their bulge by the eye with a long intense glare and ranks if they're fkable or not in order, that does seem very improper and plainly appalling. TL;DR he's a bit of a desperate sounding (depicted that way, I can't help it, writer dug his own grave) man-whore, he just heavily conflicts with my own moral compass (for those who're unsatisfied with my conclusion, just imagine again MC as a female).
The cute and calming bits is with the side characters that add the sweet note to the novel. Sadly the MC is still like the most unbalanced uneven boring Mary Sue you could think of. Whatever can he not do? Whatever can he not handle? He does it all. And over time, it becomes just a show off, surely not an invincible character, but Mary sue enough to be unparalleled skilled in everything. (Only managed to chew through in the beginning, during the phase MC was still struggling to figure things out,.... although plot armor and broken stats shielded him from all sorts of complications)

Complains that he doesn't meddle with worldly affairs of others but does it either way. Says he hopes somebody would come beat this cannon fodder up so there's no worry but comes along and knocks it out before even the entire official MC's parade arrive at the location.
Overall, the writing pace is all over the place with loose ends, if I may say so after 10 volumes, there's generally no plot, no certain end goal to this, it could just go on forever at the same level. Heavily overrated and exaggerated ratings, was about time this drops from the all time rank no.1 because its definitely undeserving. You might drop this more than you've dropped Stein's Gate the animation based on how often the writing pace changes.
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Custardmouse rated it
May 15, 2019
Status: v17c14
Is this really a five-star story? No. Has it kept my attention through a ridicules volume of text like few other stories have? Yes. Have I gotten to the Death March of unenjoyable chapters and dropped the story in disgust? Yes. Do I always come back? Yes. Despite all its flaws, this story has a solid core of characters you want to see enjoying this dark world and being fluffy with each other. In the English language, this story is available in an anime, manga and light novels. The light... more>> novels, in particular, have superior prose and tight editing compared to the web version. That said, this is the Death March in its original unsanitized dark fantasy form where the plot points and character motivations make much more sense.

Early in the story, for most people being a s*ave is just safer than being free, even for a child. This is the only story where you get to see why Satou's companions are the way they are and what makes them tick. The story has a lot of layers, like an onion even, and you can only get them here.

It's a dark fantasy world where Satou is OP enough to be a leisure tourist, but his endless stamina and coder's mentality just won't let him rest. Satou's become an apathetic introvert after a decade of abusive employment, hiding his identity and avoiding troublesome things, but he is an unreliable narrator spreading safety and comfort wherever he goes. Satou is mistaken as a deep pocket playboy, a teen Romeo, and a loli wherever he goes despite his true mental age, and he embraces the title as a disguise to help keep the girls under his protection in a brutal world and to give them familial love they couldn't otherwise receive. Satou is Superman, from his unwillingness to kill to his determination that mankind must have free will and be allowed to solve their own problems, right down to the divine interplanetary origins and using disguise and day jobs to help him relate to people who just can't compete with him after chapter one (replace that reporter job with Japanese businessman on vacation and you'll get it). Satou is Jesus, which is Superman at 30 plus a life story of a mortal approaching divinity as his destiny, a fondness for prostit**es and s*aves, a life of charity, a pure divine love (er), and a position as an advocate for sinning mortals in the courts of the Gods.

Does this story have issues? Sure. Is it shallow? Not at all. Is this story full of tropes and tired isekai devices? Yes, but it invented them. <<less
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Bakanogami rated it
July 27, 2018
Status: v16c56
Death March is a pretty standard isekai series. Guy goes to fantasyland, is stronger than everyone else, collects a harem and saves the world. It does have a few issues that might turn people off. I feel it's one of those series that I don't think is very "good", but that I love reading anyway.


-The MC's main ability (basically menu and auto-mapping) is used quite cleverly at times. It's a cheat that sounds generic but is kind of fun to read about.

-At times the author puts in decent descriptions about... more>> crafting or experimenting about how certain principles work. This does fade away somewhat later in the series.

-This has some of the highest inflation of all JP web novels. The MC starts out stronger that basically anybody, and he gets much stronger than there. In the later volumes he essentially can do almost anything and is raising the question of if he's a god or not.

-Kind of on that note, in the second half of the series there's a lot of building up of alternate personas, companies, bases, etc that I thought was quite interesting. You have the MC teleporting around the world and using different identities and disguises to accomplish various things.

-World is relatively well developed. There's an established mythology, history, and geography. It clears the hurdle of "if the MC wasn't around, would it still be interesting?"

-While some of the minor side characters start to blend together, and the MC is kind of dull, almost all of the main characters are fairly interesting, with their own unique and cute personalities.

-Translation's quite long and caught up to raws.


-It has the common JP novel trope of the MC getting s*aves and those s*aves refusing to be freed because they're too devoted to the master they met two days ago. All the s*ave heroines do eventually get freed, and they don't really play it up enough that I'd quite consider it fetishizing s*avery, but it is problematic.

-MC is quite generic personality-wise and passive/evasive when it comes to romance. He'll come up with various reasons not to lay a hand on anyone in his harem of 10+ girls, but will then sneak out at night to go to brothels. If these sorts of MCs aggravate you you might get frustrated at Death March.

-A lot of the more minor characters can kind of blend together to some extent, and there's not really a good resource to go back to if you can't remember who Marquis Lloyd or someone is. Similarly, while there's a fairly complex in-universe geography, there's not really a good map out there to refer to.

-If you want the MC to actually go through a difficult fight at any point this isn't really the series for you. It has the same problems as Superman where you know he's stronger than everyone else.

-It's a little bit slow to get started. The first few arcs are some of the weakest in the series.

-This is personal preference, but I kind of think the WN holds up better than the LN and the anime, which add padding and new arcs that I don't think hold up very well. This would be okay if you could just completely ignore them and only focus on the WN, but the author has made it clear that content also happened off-screen in the WN, and has started referring back to it sometimes.

-The harem is growing a little out of control.

-There are a few points where the translation is a little rough. Only occasionally, it's mostly very good, but there are points. <<less
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blitz_21x rated it
September 12, 2017
Status: v16c13
Death March is an amazing WN, I believe this is the first WN that I hooked on that started my new reading hobby of following dozens of other isekai WN.

The story is very light hearted, focused in travelling and enjoying the new scene in each city and sometimes encountering powerful enemies which not even the main focus of the stories at all. It give a vibe of family trip around the world with a single father and tons of daughters.

In my opinion, the strong point of this WN is how... more>> the author gives the chances of every side characters to tell the stories from their point of view frequently compared to other novel. To a point that they somehow are the main characters in the story and how they become stronger and develop to someone important. How they view the world and what are they experiencing individually in the city after a tough arc, their own personal friends among the kids in the cities and many others.

This is again a great series to be read on due the details that the author emphasizes, hence unfortunately it will be lacking if the story is adapted in manga or anime where they can only told the surface of the story where the story is weak due to the cliche premises. <<less
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Maleandar rated it
April 3, 2016
Status: --
I enjoyed the WN until the MC started doing s*upid stuff. Is it worth the read? To some degree yes, if you have nothing else. The romance tag is misleading. The MC loves someone, but not those whom you would think should be it. Very disappointing tbh. In fact the romance aspect is near non existent. 3/5 stars at best as of V13C6.
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joshb3 rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: v13c28
Started off interesting as you learned about the characters' personalities. Eventually it just becomes a repeat of the same interactions between the main character and the girls. The main character is the typical annoying Japanese main that has women falling all over him while he maintains his distance. The boring filler plot becomes a Japanese food tour with the occasional demon hunt. I lost interest and dropped it after reading way longer than I should have.
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March 11, 2020
Status: Completed
Perfect? No, I would never recommend it as high literature. But it's fun, relatively light-hearted, and there's no excessive drama. What we have is some action, adventure, slice of life and the slow unraveling of the mystery behind this world that is surprisingly like a game on easy mode.

It's largely a story of one man who mysteriously gets dragged into an isekai, collects a family, goes on a foodie tour around the world, and sometimes rescues various little pieces of wherever he happens to be. He also kicks ass when... more>> they get in the way of his happy fun life.

There are many things that don't really make sense... but not because the author is bad. They don't make sense even to the MC; they're part of the mystery the MC has to slowly resolve.

There's many accusations of the MC being the typical beta Jap. He isn't. He just can't be bothered about the things that don't matter to him. And like many normal people, he has trouble saying no when people nicely offer him gifts or payments for the things he achieves.

He always gets c*ckblocked by his harem? Not really. Before he committed to one of the girls, he still managed to make his way to the red light district a few times. Sure, he sometimes gets blocked. But if you were visiting Bangkok with your family, and your little niece says she wants to play games with you, you surely won't be up for any hanky panky that night, would you?

There are reviewers who complain that he doesn't change the world with his OP powers. That's because he's an adult who knows that it's impossible to save everyone. There's none of the shounen action hero's victory through the power of guts and nakama.

The story is not perfect. There are actual flaws, e.g. the romance between Satou and best girl largely takes place off-screen. But there's too many criticisms which are either unfair, irrational or absolute lies. <<less
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ubergeek1812 rated it
February 11, 2019
Status: v17c2
Just read and chill. This is an easy read.

LN version are written better in many aspects. Some characters had a lot more screen time in LN. Some scenes areless detalized in WN, this is first version of DM, a scratch if you like so author experimented here quite a bit.

The beginning are different from LN and anime too.

I like this novel. IMO solid 8.5 out of 10

Sory forpoor english skill. I don't know this language xD
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Hundred Lilies
Hundred Lilies rated it
February 11, 2019
Status: --
I'll try to say this as gentle as possible, but this novel seriously sucks, like for real!
I tried to read the novel after reading the manga adaption, but the quality is miles apart! The manga is great by the way and nothing like the novel, especially when it comes to the MC.

To mention a few differences between the novel and the manga, I'd say the biggest difference is the portrayal of the MC and his harem-like group of s*aves. The manga also cuts down on the ridiculous amount of unnecessary and incoherent skill gathering mentioned in the novel, which is really tiring to even read or skim through. The manga's storyline also feels like it has more "meat" to enjoy compared to the storyline in the novel, which feels more like chewing through tendons.

I'd recommend you skip the novel and go straight to the manga adaption, even is the manga is really lacking behind.
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Kawaiing Megane
Kawaiing Megane rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: v16c42
Good novel for skimming over and doesn't require much in the way of thinking. It's a nice, peaceful slice of life novel with an OP MC. My only problem is the sheer number of characters and arcs in the novel. Although due to that I plan on re-reading it so the quantity might be a good thing
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mai.rain rated it
April 7, 2018
Status: v16c42
I have read this WN at least 7 times and I still enjoy it, does it have flaws? yes but what story doesn't have a few flaws and tropes.

The MC is a normal person who got powerful in a instant, this is because its a Slice of Life set in a world where death is around the corner for a normal person, so him being OP acts a way to ensure he can a peaceful journey without becoming to battle based. His OPness also plays into the plot in later... more>> chapters and becomes a major point in a sense at multiple times based on the actions he takes to hide his level.

The side cast is quite "cute" and have funny moments though out the story. plus have side chapters o help flesh them out a bit more.

Its a very slow paced story with action thrown in to change up the pace and keep it feeling fresh.

I would say don't bulk read this, read like 1-4 a day whilst you read another story you like.

Also if you hate harems DON'T read this and then complain its another harem... like a twat.

side note if you don't like harlots, streetwalkers or the like just be warned it does contain them <<less
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sherzu rated it
March 24, 2018
Status: v7c18
A story wrote by a sexually frustrated author. While I'm not against love and s*x in stories, nor I'm against harem but that's too much. Each time a woman will cross path with the MC, she will become clingy and jealous. Fight scene and leveling are too few, the harem part is the main story so far.
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Ohems rated it
January 11, 2018
Status: v16c30
I have very mixed feelings regarding this novel. I could've given it anything between two and five stars and found reasonable excuses for it, but I'll settle on 4 now. Right from the get go I'll say that if you're seeking for a serious novel with an artistic plot, you're very, very lost. Death March is a very laid back humorous OP harem adventure which kind of hits all of the isekai tropes, sometimes in rather annoying ways.

The author does have some admirable skill in driving the plot. The MC... more>> has an OP level from the beginning, but lacks skills and tools he needs to defeat his opponents. Kind of like a main battle tank without ammunition. Over the course of the plot he eventually gains those skills and gradually enters the true OP territory. All of this is done in a fluid manner and the author knows when to prevent the MC from gaining a certain skill and when to finally hand it over to him without trying to forcibly keep the story from escalating.

The plot is also reasonably complex and the world feels like a well thought out whole instead of a series of random encounters and endless sub plots. Seemingly small plot lines tie into each other and keep on growing along with the strength of the MC until stuff boils over in a truly grand way. What starts off as a visit to a small town eventually escalates into massive conflicts and interwoven objectives of powerful individuals.

But then the cons... Oh, the cons... Here we go.

Cooking. This story could very well be called Cooking March. I know that cooking is important for isekai stories, but when a critical plotline in v1XcXX is interrupted by yet another hamburger festival, it seriously starts eating your sanity. I don't think I'm even all that much off when I claim that half of this novel is cooking or eating without serious plot (or even character) development related to it. Also, cooking is used way too extensively to define the characters following the MC. Every time some character development happens, it's immediately offset by the fact that everything the characters talk about or do is related to food. Pochi, Tama and Liza start off the story with an obsession to meat and several hundred chapters later that still remains as their most defining factor, seriously hindering their character development.

The gods and what MC thinks of them. I seriously call it bullsh*t here.

The gods have wiped out several nations simply because they had some convenient inventions and as their latest whim completely wiped out the weaselkin empire in a gigantic explosion. The MC then goes to meet one of these gods to ask why they did it, basically acting as the representative of all humankind. When the MC asks for the reason, the gods say it's a secret and basically just flip the bird to the MC, sending him off to some s*upid and pointless journey like a travelling circus. Seriously, if your reason to wiping out an entire country is a "secret", it practically doesn't exist and you're a homicidal maniac that needs to be eliminated ASAP before any more damage is caused. I don't care if knowing the secret leads to the destruction of the world, perhaps the humankind might be able to do something to it if they knew the reasons. The gods are idiots with completely s*upid morals and the MC is even more s*upid for obediently going according to their whim. It's nothing more than a convenient excuse to extend the story a bit since now the MC has to travel around doing quests for the same beings that caused one of his friends have her family mu*dered in front of her and enter s*avery.


The denseness of the MC. Seriously, if the MC ever ascends into divinity in the story, he might very well be called the god of s*upidity, marriage evasion and infertility. The MC has never even looked at the tons of marriage requests he's getting, laughs every time somebody declares they'll marry him because he thinks it's a good joke and tells his underaged companions to reconsider marrying him when they're older because he thinks they'll drop the idea until that comes. In other words, the MC is constantly dodging all marriage related matters in the most irritating of ways, constantly ignoring obvious hints and leaving stuff hanging in the air. A girl breaks down crying in front of him due to his rejection and his thought is something along the lines of "Oh, I guess she was actually serious with it". You could say that the interests of the MC (big breast lover) just don't match up with the offering (loli companions) and the author uses this for some great comedic effect, but by the time Karina is introduced that reasoning goes out of the window as well.

The love interest of the MC.

The love interest of the MC, the high elf Aze, appears out nowhere and suddenly somehow manages to do the impossible and win over the dense MC for no reason whatsoever. Seriously, the elven forest storyline was so confusing. People go in, MC is invited to some random place, some illusion stuff, some random awkward kiss happens as a result of a misunderstanding, someone blacks out, some conversations with a teacup with random content, some training happens and they're out. And somehow the only person the MC loves from then on despite being constantly surrounded by beauties is Aze. What the f*ck happened? Did I just not read it properly? It's so creepy when the MC throws in some random "The only person I love is Aze" comments every now and then and I have no idea how the fck the MC could even be in love with the person. Why not with any other person in the story?

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Pyushis rated it
November 16, 2017
Status: v16c10
tl;dr - Read it at your own risk of being disappointed.

Plot 2/5 - TPed to another world. OP MC. Cliches? You name it, they got it. Most-likely.

Characters 1/5 - "Character development? Whats that??" questions the author. "It just needs a beta character in which all the females falls for. For the girls lets make every type possible! But lets make it for younger audiences as well so nothing too much." And thus the characters of this novel was created. The only growth there, in my opinion, is their levels. Seriously.... more>> Thats how bad it is. The cuteness can only go so much.

Fight scenes 1/5 - You can probably skip chapters of fight scenes and wont be surprised at the conclusion.

Personal Enjoyment -

I dont. At least not anymore. 0/5

Different strokes for different folks. <<less
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calebra rated it
February 2, 2017
Status: v14 intermission 4
Definitely my favorite series right now. It seems that some people think it doesn't have a plot and they just cook and eat (which is kinda true) but there is a story. Hell, there's a lot of unanswered questions popping left and right as it progresses. Mainly,

... more>>

1. Satou is not a reincarnated or summoned person, so how did he get there?

2. Before saving Baron Muno territory, Satou dreams about a girl with the hair color that keeps changing and she also said that they've met many times in different worlds - they always have an encounter. She also curses him to only attract loli girls. (She also mentioned something about a dragon god being offended by a human male, stuff happened, he ascended to godhood and he took the dragon god as his bride. Dragon god is mentioned a few times later on by the others.)

3. One of the demon lords mistook him for someone he knew and when they went to the fallen city of the sky, there was one portrait of a god that looked like the adult Satou.

4. A loli god appeared before him saying something along the lines of "Just stay the way you are, my hero". He also received a sword from a god.

So in the end, who is Satou really?


If you want something light hearted with an OP protagonist who will probably never lose, and a good story with a variety of characters, I highly recommend this series. <<less
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November 21, 2016
Status: v15c27
What I like in this novel is the subtle way of showing how OP the MC is. The author didnt force it with stats, evel, or any other logic. He is OP becausr he simply is. But the MC also didnt start that way, he has to slowly gather the skill to be OP. Althought the skill can be obtain just buy trying it once, so there is no training arc.

But my most favorite parts is reading the crazy comments. The reader sure does love the MC. I noticed this... more>> comment trend on volume 13, so just read light heartedly. Especially when the MC gain a new member in the group or just plain beating common sense into oblivion. <<less
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Rainblade rated it
April 2, 2016
Status: --
Simply put, it's the BEST slice of life I have ever [read]. The romance is fluffy but isn't the driving force behind this novel, there is a harem of little loli's but it's more like he is the father/big brother to them, seeing as how he has absolutely no romantic feelings towards them.

It's also not forced at all, each of them have a reason for being with him, and they all love and adore him. The plot is almost non existent, it's there but not what drives the story. It... more>> should just be labeled [Satou the number one chef and his harem of loli's].

If you want an easy read with a low-key OP MC with good fights, next to no drama and a fluffy romance on the side, read it! <<less
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