Cursed Prince’s Cure


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The third prince, Callus, was born with the curse of death in his body.

The curse is eroding his body day by day, making it impossible for him to walk. That was until he had an encounter with a magician. By then his life was forever changed.

Light Magic.

Being this as the only magic that can contain the curse, Callus decided to become the magician’s apprentice to fulfill his wish to live a normal life.

“If I don’t do anything, I will die. I will do my very best to not let that happen!”

The hopeless boy burned with the fire of determination.

Light Magic is a legendary magic that is rarely used, and it is impossible to master it in a short period of time. However, being on the brink of death for who knows how long, the magic power in Callus’ body had grown far beyond that of an ordinary person.

Moreover, because of the curse, he was able to see “spirits” that’s invisible to ordinary people. With these, he grew at an astonishing rate!

This is a tale of a cursed prince who grows up surrounded by blessings.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Only Have Six Months to Live, So I’m Gonna Break the Curse with Light Magic or Die Trying (LN)
I Was Cursed And Only Have Half A Year To Live, So I Started Learning Light Magic To Prevent My Death. Turns Out That My Cursed Body Has Unlimited Magic ~The Story Of How The Cursed Prince Is Cured~
余命半年と宣告されたので、死ぬ気で『光魔法』を覚えて呪いを解こうと思います。呪いで死にかけ続けた体には無限の魔力が宿っていました 〜呪われ王子のやり治し〜
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5d100 rated it
May 22, 2023
Status: v4c2
Honestly, it's a fairly interesting concept, and is pretty well realized.

the MC is cursed with something and is learning light magic in order to not die, which is a concept I've seen a few times, and this is the best way I've seen it realized. In any case, I'm going to talk about the magic system and then the story, as a good magic system can make or break a story, and then I'll look at the story so far on its own merits.

as far as the magic system goes,... more>> it is consistent and the author makes sure to follow certain rules, thus is better than most other novels that i've read in that regard.

for the story itself, it would've been better if it was a little bit slower, but as far as pacing goes, i'd say it's about a jogging pace all things considered.

a few issues do arise, as the MC is a bit of a woman magnet, as well as training immediately after being healed for the first time, as if nothing happened. Both of those do detract from the story in my opinion, but overall, it's not a terrible read.

I don't know why the translator stopped once they got to volume 3, but if nothing else, they provide the link to the author's syosetu page, so you can read on through the magic of google translate if nothing else. <<less
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