Concubine Raiders


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In the Ming Dynasty, the distinguished Luo family suffers a downfall and wanted to solve the crisis through a marriage arrangement.

The intelligent and introverted the 11th Lady was chosen, and she rose from a lowly concubine’s child to become the much-coveted madame of the Yong Ping Duke Manor.

Facing the complicated web of the relationship as well as the distrust of her own family, the 11th Lady uses her kindness and purity to win the Xu family’s trust and respect; while her love and tolerance eventually won the respect of the people who used to look down on her.

The 11th Lady also uses her intelligence and wits to help her husband Xu Ling Yi to put forward plans and ideas, saving the Yong Ping Duke Manor from peril situations; and also improving the lives of the people.

When the country faced invasion from external forces, the 11th Lady and Xu Ling Yi work together to lead the army, emerging victorious in their battles. Their relationship also deepens in the process.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jin Xin Si Yu
The Concubine-born Daughter's Strategies
The Sword and The Brocade (Drama)
锦心似玉 [Drama]
Related Series
Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine (1)
Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan (1)
Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife (1)
To Be A Virtuous Wife (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. cnovel to cdrama
  2. Littrature romans chinois en ligne
  3. Tiktok C-Drama Novels
  4. CN Novels (Historical) 1.0
  5. Because of drama

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/01/23 Syublush c8
04/18/23 Syublush c7
04/18/23 Syublush c6
03/26/21 Syublush c5
03/10/21 Syublush c4
03/05/21 Syublush c3
01/15/21 Syublush c2
12/15/20 Syublush c1
12/22/20 Syublush prologue
4 Reviews

Apr 25, 2023
Status: Completed
I’m not gonna lie, MTL is a bit difficult on this one because the author has a lot of description of clothes, scenery, interiors which is great for settings and atmosphere but doesn’t make it easier to understand if you do not have bases in Chinese.

Regardless, I hope it gets translated to the end as it was a rather good novel but to appreciate it you have to understand that the setting is the interior court of that time period in noble houses. The transmigration aspect is mostly to justify... more>> that our MC which is an outsider can be more mature than her “identity”’s age and that she is a lot closer to our way of thinking than a native of that time period. A translation of the title I saw while reading was “A concubine-born daughter’s strategies” which seems quite appropriate:

Our MC wakes up in an unfamiliar time period, at an unknown house, and with an identity that wouldn’t be prone to survival if she didn’t do her best to gain the goodwill of others while being as inconspicuous as possible. Then, as the summary already “spoils” it she gets to assume the identity of a Marquis’s step wife and then must adapt and make new plans to ensure that she keeps her life, and a decent living situation.

I won’t dwell much on the romance as it isn’t why I picked the novel but props to the author for making a logical choice that wouldn’t deter most modern readers.

The political intricacies and social intrigues between wives were very detailed and satisfactory enough for me. As I would have loved more tension directly concerning our MC during the last 200 chapters my real note would be 3.75 but I rounded it up to 4 for here. <<less
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Mar 22, 2021
Status: c4
Not too much to say yet (see: only four chapters read) but wanted to leave a review for others. FL transmigrated, but it's like Legend of the Concubines Daughter Min Lan in execution. The tone is similar, too. Relationships are playing out like those in Eight Treasure Trousseau (and the other one by the same author - I forget the name) - constant undercurrents and plots hidden beneath the surface and very little said outright by either the protagonist or the side characters. The great "downfall" mentioned in the description... more>> had yet to happen at this point but the (presumed) ML has already been mentioned in passing (interesting set-up for this actually).

If you can stand the wait for new chapters I would say this is a good novel to start, but it also seems like the kind that might benefit from having a few more chapters translated before you start reading.

Rating is obviously temporary. <<less
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Jun 25, 2024
Status: --
After spending several days, I finally finished reading this story. Following MC is like raising several children. They grow by resolving and accepting the conflicts they face. At first I was annoyed as to why the MC family didn't give a name to the daughter who came from a concubine. But it's okay, it turns out the MC also took his past name, so it's not so sad.

The story is good, there are conflicts between sisters, concubines, children and children, children and parents, husband and wife and even conflicts between... more>> emperor and minister.

I think all problems were resolved well. Although sometimes there are too many stories about problems in other families, so it gets me through <<less
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Jul 19, 2022
Status: c5
Hmm it's kinda weird that the author didn't name the important characters and replaced them by numbers. Even the maids and concubines had names.

Translated Chinese is already difficult to read and names are distinguished and memorable so by the author not adding the names made me lazier to continue. It's like... even the author didn't care to name the characters, so why should the readers be attached to them?

Story is good plot-wise but I don't care much about the characters.
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