Chaotic Sword God


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Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went beyond perfection and was undefeatable in battle, After a battle with the exceptional expert Dugu Qiubai who had gone missing over a hundred years ago, Jian Chen succumbed to his injuries and died.

After death, Jian Chen’s spirit was transmigrated into a completely foreign world. Following an extremely fast growth, his enemies piled up one after another before becoming gravely injured once more.

On the gates of death, his spirit had mutated, and from that moment henceforth, he would tread on a completely different path of the art of the sword to become the sword god of his generation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hun Dun Jian Shen
Hỗn Độn Kiếm Thần
Related Series
Against the Gods (8)
Martial God Asura (6)
Coiling Dragon (6)
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Chronicles of Primordial Wars (4)
True Martial World (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read 2
  2. Evil Protagonist
  3. Fantasy. Adventure. Action.
  4. A history of a vetran reader (70 novels)
  5. Novels read ranking

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/28/18 Hosted Novel c1505
08/28/18 Hosted Novel c1504
08/27/18 Hosted Novel c1503
08/27/18 Hosted Novel c1502
08/26/18 Hosted Novel c1501
08/26/18 Hosted Novel c1500
08/25/18 Hosted Novel c1499
08/25/18 Hosted Novel c1498
08/24/18 Hosted Novel c1497
08/24/18 Hosted Novel c1496
08/23/18 Hosted Novel c1495
08/23/18 Hosted Novel c1494
08/22/18 Hosted Novel c1493
08/22/18 Hosted Novel c1492
08/22/18 Hosted Novel c1491
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126 Reviews

New Legendoras
Jun 10, 2024
Status: c200
Huh this novel is annoying 😔 as a reader who have read many novel this is a piece of sh*t for me, full of plot armour fights, MC is arrogant of peak level, he doesn't even try to stay lowkey, his slogan I am not afraid of anybody actually it should be because I am a MC and have plot armour I am not afraid of anybody, he always seek death 😑 rather then be lowkey, , , side character are straight s*upid with no iq at all, just... more>> coming to feed MC monster cores typical MC cliche things, there is no romance till now ch 200 that's a good point MC don't focus on beauties or lust over them straight away ignore them which is a + point I should say,

Only for newbie reader ⚠️ <<less
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May 23, 2016
Status: c465
Enough is Enough If I don't drop this then I can't help but help to think I am wasting my time reading this The never ending filler (Chapters that is irrelevant and just making the story longer) is very annoying. To many Plot Twist. The NO ROMANCE theme. To much its to much!

I drop after

After The prince sent an assassin to kill MC. What did MC do? He let the prince go, since MC doesn't want to have a conflict against the prince country. I call that BULLSH*T! MC just destroyed 5 freaking Kingdoms! And he was afraid with one kingdom. The hell was the author thinking, He could have just given the prince a beating before letting him go! To much! I have enough with this whimsical author!


The major reason I hated this novel is how MC approach things. We see an OP MC that can destroy kingdoms! Then another part we see a very coward MC who can't do a thing! Then the Never ENDING Loop of killing here and there! There are times that MC status makes him invincible so I can't understand why MC is so coward at times!


To hell with MC disappointing the princess who waited for him for years just for MC to annul there marriage! The reason? MC is afraid since he has to many enemies! Still afraid after he can destroy kingdoms! And has the backing of a major Empire not to mention the two saint ruler who is MC's friend!
And how can I forgot to mention MC is beyond OP already! Still afraid? Seriously! Go jump on a cliff or something! After you killed lots of lots of people! Still afraid? Its not MC fault its the author way of writing!


Will I might as well read this again next year but right now I seriously don't feel like reading anymore.
139 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 29, 2018
Status: c1082
Reading CSG is absolutely exhausting. Brief flashes of entertainment are overshadowed by absolutely ret*rded story, insufferable characters, and cripplingly terrible cultivation system. What little it had going for itself with the world building had collapsed in the past 200 or so chapters, and I'm not going to suffer through another 1000 chapters for MC to ascend to the 'bigger, badder world' just to see whether there's anything interesting there.

I've been reading CSG for about two years now, and I had to take a break often. And I mean OFTEN. After... more>> roughly skimming through 100 chapters, I'd often find myself utterly exhausted and unable to proceed any further. Whether it's MC's absolutely placid, wooden character that's about as interesting as a wooden desk, or dick-suckage present by both the author and majority of side characters, or whether it's the nonsensical story, I always found myself unable to ignore it. What's more, the cultivation system is an absolute mess. You'll often find yourself forgetting just at what realm the MC is because the author will mainly focus on his strength rather than his actual realm. It doesn't help that, as with pretty much every xianxia, differences between realms range from mild to non-existent. And it just gets worse the further along you read.

As I'm too tired to think back through the whole story and pull out forgettable events, characters and plotlines, allow me to construct a scene that perfectly sums up CSG.

They are truly strong; even if I was ten times stronger, I would be unable to contend against them. But they look down on me! How dare they?! Let's ignore the difference in strength and challenge their authority, thereby endangering people I supposedly care for! It's a brilliant idea!

"MC, come out to die!!" bellowed Villain McForgettable1 angrily. How truly angry he was! After all, MC sneered at him! How dare he!

"I won't die! You will die!" MC angrily shouted; he was truly enraged. You'd be hard-pressed to understand why, but he truly was. His face is all wicked. He wants to kill Villain McForgettable1!

**MC proceeds to kill Villain McForgettable1**

Why are they chasing me and attacking me?! I merely stepped over their dignity, challenged their authority, and killed their people! How dare they?! Humph, let me escape from the entire continent for about a decade, that will show them!!

**MC parents proceed to die**

No! How could this happen?! It's not as though I insulted half the f*cking world during my travels!! Scum, I'll kill them all!! Oh, what's this? There's a way to revive the dead?! Brilliant! Let me delay that as much as possible, that will show them! Humph, once I get stronger, I will kill them all! How dare they do what I've been doing for the past 800 chapters?!!

**MC proceeds to disappear for a long while; just as his friends are about to suffer the reciprocation of his vanity, deus-ex-machinas show up to solve that shit**

What?! They dared attack my friends?! Just because I killed their people doesn't give them a right to attack people close to me!! How dare they?! Humph, let's see how they fight against me while I show off this deus-ex-machina item of mine that I obtained through absolutely fair means and not through sheer, impossible luck! Humph, I can look down at the whole continent! Eh? What's that? They have a way to break through my super-duper item?! Uncle McStrong1, save me!! What?! People from another world are invading?! The only way to prevent it is to increase the overall strength of cultivators?! The only way to do that is to refine a weird stone? And I have to increase my strength to do it?! Eh, f*ck that, let me deal with petty grievances first. Saving the world? Pfft. I've got a kill Villain McForgettable853, otherwise I can never sleep in peace! <<less
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Oct 29, 2016
Status: c561
Story summed up in one sentence.

Appear in new area, offend someone powerful, run away till stronger, kill the powerful person, move on to next area, offend someone powerful, run, etc, etcetcetcetc

Overall I want to give it 0/5 but 1 is the lowest.
82 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 24, 2016
Status: c397
Reviewed at ch.397, rated 3.

Chaotic Sword God can be said as one of the most controversial Chinese novels in NU directory, for many reasons. There are shaky plots, cliche characters, plot armors, and so on. Read all the reviews here, and you'll get just how bad it is. I particularly dislike how the MC seemed to be easily diverted from his aim by anything that he meets on the way, how he seemed to be fishing troubles everywhere, also from the way the plot constructed in which he always gained... more>> something from his losses and use it to destroy his enemies. Once or twice is okay, but the repetitiveness of this story chafes reader’s enjoyment.

However, the world building and the author’s narrative was enthralling... probably. At least, those are the only things I can think of as the reasons why I’m hooked on it. It’s like drugs; you know it’s bad, but you want a dose of it anyway. I know some other (equally controversial) series that I’ve dropped and I’ll never pick again as their repetitiveness bored me. But CSG... well, my eyes are just always looking for the newest update... or if I managed to put it off for some time, then one day I’ll suddenly think, “What’s Jian Chen doing now?” and look at CSG again. <<less
34 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 12, 2016
Status: --
I’ve finally had enough after reading till chapter 387.

The story goes nowhere. The Main Character is simply dumb and wanders about doing absolutely nothing significant. He stirs up trouble and then gets out of it, over and over. His cultivation path is an utter mess, it’s like the author had no clue where to go with it (as with pretty much everything in the story) and simply changed his mind over and over.

The only good point is the mindless entertainment the story provides, except even that wears thin after so... more>> many s*upid antics. Especially when the killing streak (the mindless entertainment) is halted for some nonsensical cultivation technique.

I’ve tried to stick with it and a few times it was still fun, but I can only bare so much s*upidity in a story and it simply doesn’t look like the author intends to stop with that anytime soon. His writing/story telling doesn’t improve unlike other novels. I can spend my time better by reading those novels instead. There’s more fish in the sea. <<less
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Mar 30, 2016
Status: --
I don't like how they constantly try to portray him as being an upright guy when all he does is go around massacring sects cause they looked at him the wrong way or one of the guys is bad in it.
27 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 02, 2020
Status: c2577
Well, to fan the conflict from a crooked look and one word, in this work is elevated to absolute. There is no logic, no plot, development as the personality of the main character. Only aggression from scratch, that's all. In chapter 1 we saw an impulsive, illegible, arrogant adult in the body of a child, chapter 2577 did not change anything except "Nose in the shape of a sword, ears in the shape of a sword, forehead in the shape of a sword"...
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 07, 2016
Status: c484
I still like to read this one no matter what they say, first of all it's enjoyable adventure is interesting and action pack whether it has shaky plots or anything. This novel was one of the very few novels that started the rage on translated novels. Still I can't give it up. I hope it will have a good ending though ^____^.
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 28, 2015
Status: --
After reading up to chapter 25, there are several things to note. One, the author is probably making up the story as he goes. Two, he does not edit... Three, lots of xianxia tropes.

... more>>

Now the MC is rather generic in reincarnation standards. He's reincarnated, so he's obviously smarter than usual, but he has no qualms about showing how smart he is. He shows off his language and walking skills early and luckily gets no repercussions. Everyone is joyful about the genius.

And then there is where the author goes all confusing on the plot. For some inexplicable reason, the author decided to make the MC a tr*sh character. The MC is viewed as a cripple and the respect he has in his household plummets. Not an uncommon theme. What is uncommon is for the author to turn around and make the MC normal/genius after only a couple chapters. He then proceeds to skip the MC's childhood completely and then move on to the school arc. Very lacklustre.

At the school, even though everyone is at least 16+, everyone seems to act like the standard 12-year-old bully. Nothing about the characters makes me assume they have maturity unless they get into a fight, the fight being instigated because of some childish Xianxia-like attitude of disrespect for strangers you look down upon.


The power system of this story is... weird. The first level is pretty much averaged out at age 20. That is, if you get to the first level (Saint) at age 20, you're average. 18 is genius and I already know what the MC will get. Anyways, there are so many higher levels above saint that this seems... off.

Author does not seem to have a care about giving details about events since he basically skips the first 90% of a competition cause he wants to rush. Honestly, the author's style is the especially weak point of this story since nothing about the story or characters are especially... great.

Lackluster xianxia with all the tropes and nothing interesting in it. Not recommended for people smart enough to avoid MGA since I find MGA is better written than this (not a fan of MGA, mind). <<less
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Aug 19, 2019
Status: --
This story starts off decent then becomes tr*sh and then becomes excellent. The MC is a walking hypocrite and a fool who acts completely on emotions. Let me give you an example of his character.

... more>>

So he has a female companion who fell in love with him. She then confessed to him however he refused her and said we can only be friends. Then she died protecting him. An expert I believe two entire realms and a few stages above him had killed her. This expert chased the two of them across the galaxy and finally caught them and killed her. So after this, Jian Chen went literally mad. He stopped running after he escaped and waited for that expert, despite knowing he was going to be killed 100%, or his secrets exposed which is far worse than death since everyone related to him will also die. Despite all this it is said he wanted to die after she sacrificed herself for him. Forgetting his entire family and friends. But that’s all okay his reckless and s*upid and despite 2500 chapters passing he had not changed.

Soon he finds out that someone killed that expert who killed his friend. He is still mad so he finds out which faction he belongs to. Why? Because he wants to bathe them in blood for something only one rogue elder did. Despite knowing that they knew nothing of his actions he decided to destroy that dead old mans sect. On his way there he finds a small girl begging for him to buy her map. He buys it and not only that he gives her treasures for no reason other than she is a beautiful girl who is begging. Now this girl happens to get kidnapped in front of him by the richest young master in the city. The girl doesn’t want to go so Jian Chen being the “merciful kind” guy he is saved her and takes care of this young master.

Now all I wanted to show is his hypocrisy. The old man died he had no where to direct his rage so he goes for his children and disciples. A random girl passes by he risks his life to save her because he doesn’t want innocents being ruined. Wtf is this hypocrisy tho? Is it that females are more worthy to be spared then men? The spectrum of innocence depends on the s*x of the person? This character is foolish tbh and hasn’t learnt his lessons.

19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 18, 2019
Status: c2299
id Say the start was an honest average 3 out of 5. Until around chapter 500 or so the plot armor became thick. And when I mean thick I mean this MC got defeated in battle in a 5v1, he got "killed" but then he later revived due to b.s plot armor. After he wakes up lo and behold the saint weapon nonsense are gone and the whole worlds power system has changed. No more saint weapons for some reason with no explanation from author. I mean the weapons that... more>> are bonded to the persons soul.

Anyways my BIGGEST problem with this novel is the s*upidity of the MC when there are women involved.

Exhibit A


The Huang Lu chick or whatever her name is I forgot it. He accidentally saw her naked and she wants to kill him or take his eyes out. That's okay and normal for girls in these type of novels. Then she can't kill him due to incompetence so she orders her old protectors to kill him. They who are from the older generation use their full force to attack him pretty much sentencing him to death then and there. In their minds this man is dead and If he is alive he will be a crippled and will soon be eaten by monster beasts since they are out in the wilderness. Anyways he survives because his MC but he received huge damage and near death. Fast forward a few years. He finds her during a tournament and she randomly attacks him and injures him, mind you this is without warning. So she attacked after she realised it was him. He then being the beta male he is says I thought we were done with that matter. Then they proceed to fight while he merely defends himself against this woman, even though he is strong enough to fight her properly. So now she realises she can't handle him properly which angers her so she uses her ultimate attack. This leads to her enemies who were searching for her to find her. Mind you her clan and her enemies have a blood feud so MC shouldn't be getting involved. The woman who tried to kill him multiple times realises she most likely will die here so she goes "hey scoundrel we will write off our differences if you help me kill them. Now instead of taking the opportunity to kill her or injure her when her enemies arrived (despite them pretty much saving him because it was possible to lose to her) he decided to save her life. Let's get this straight she is a beauty, she tried to kill him personally multiple times, she ordered his death, She begs him for help in a rude manner. What does a proud genius do? Of course he forgets the blood debts with her and saves her life. All because she has a pu*sy and tits. Then later on they travel together while she is still a bit*h and not once says thanks. Even when he asks her for help she says who are you to order me around. Then he gets angry then they continue to travel together. He somehow falls in love with her despite not once saying he has a good impression of her except her beauty. Lmao what a sick joke. This is the number one thing I hate from this novel.


other than that and other inconsistencies and plot armor nonsense this novel is decent. The start is decent and nothing mind blowing but the later chapters that's when everything gets good. Although it follows the same repetitive it is still done rather well. This is a novel where the end will definitely be the best of it. I hope. Because the arcs right now in the later chapters are all excellent. Oh yeah the major war in the lower realms was absolutely bullshit. <<less
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Apr 08, 2019
Status: c2600
Iv skipped almost half of the chapters that were deservedly tr*sh. This novel has a japanese MC in a wuxia setting. If he sees you abusing a mortal regardless of the reason he will kill you ruthlessly and root out your clan. Even if someone treats him badly he will let them go. Wait that's not right they have to be a female and a beautiful female that is not s**tty. Because he hates s**tty women. Legit this fella would offend anyone, literally anyone if a beautiful women comes to... more>> him and tells him to save her. Regardless of her crimes he will shelter her and try to hold the sky that is falling down. Trust me I have read later chapters.


The Huang chick in the early chapters. She tried to kill him and then got her elders to try to kill jIang chen. If she was a male, or even an ugly girl or a s**tty one. He would have killed her and uprooted her family. Thats the type of person he is, he respects his inner feelings or I should say lust. That Huang chick tried to kill him yet he saved her and offended powerful opponents for her sake. WHat a LOL. You think thats the worst. Two princesses from the upper realms that are sisters tried repeatedly to kill Jiang Chen. They even told their royal father to kill him and they wont be at peace. But regardless of this one day their empire is attacked by a power that Jiang Chens backing, yes his backing doesnt dare to offend. But I quote "“Senior Tianshuang, you don’t have to worry. Princess Xing’er and Princess Lan’er are old friends. No matter what, I won’t just watch as they fall into a demons hands. The Justice Alliance and the Four Symbols Alliance don’t dare to offend them, but that doesn’t mean that I, Jian Chen, don’t dare. So basically the two girls that tried to kill him are now old friends and he will risk him and his families lives to save them. Yes he is an absolute ret*rd. First they wont friends but basically enemies. IF he didnt have a powerful backing he would have died because of those princesses. Next he risks life nd limb for them even though her own fiancees abandoned them.


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Jun 21, 2016
Status: c377
I remember enjoying this when I started it... then as others have said the story got repetitive, plotholes and inconsistencies appeared and any enjoyment I got from the story plummeted. I decided not to continue reading it quite a few times but kept coming back because despite everything I enjoyed the world building and the cultivation method. Also the translation itself was quick to update and of good quality... though every time I came back it wasn't long before either the repetitiveness or contradictory MC sent me packing again.

The final... more>> nail in the coffin for me was

the MC has his cultivation destroyed and becomes a mage


It just blew my mind how ridiculous it was. So that's it for me and honestly I would advise any new readers to stay away. Its just a disappointment. <<less
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Jun 13, 2016
Status: --
One of the few reincarnated stories that start well then go down hill fast. The author seems to need the MC against the world setting even as he hints that the MC killing so much will harm his cultivation at one point then just goes and sends him back into a kill everyone path. The cultivation "path" set for the MC is not fixed and seems change to suit the need to kill for treasure and fight the world for that plant to match the MC against the world setting... more>> even more.

MC has no real goal after more than 400 chapters. Shows less ability to think then the villains only getting out of trouble due to Major Plot Armor. MC is more villainous than many of the villains in almost all clashes between him and a so called "villain" as in almost all major clashes is because he makes things larger then needed going on senseless killing sprees where people can see and spread the word that he killed them or starts a killing spree only to run due to being to weak or they manage to run just to prolong the clash between them. MC starts more trouble then needed to sate his "I am the strongest even when you can kill me since I got plot armor" attitude bring more harm to everyone around him that only leaves a 2 line reflection that does not changes him. <<less
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Apr 30, 2016
Status: --
This is my first review ever.

The start was kinda good but it gradually degrade as the story goes on... I decided to drop it off. Just like as what Ardaviz mentioned. After some chapters, I just can't take it. I became restless because of the repetitive scenes and no progress. This kind of story kinda sets me off. So many plotholes and all.
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May 04, 2019
Status: c1256
Holy molly, this novel is bad, I specifically came here to help poor souls which got baited into reading it. I read 1200 chaps just so YOU DO NOT HAVE TO.

Plot holes are everywhere and they are horrible, there is no flavour to the story at all. Side characters are not just plain bad, they all have mental faculties of a carrot with a down syndrome. The MC is as dumb and sometimes even worse than sidekicks. Just no, some characters forget what happens in the previous chapter, it's so... more>> bad it's unreal. <<less
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Nov 28, 2015
Status: --
I had very high hopes for this. However as the the chapters progress it becomes more disappointing. I have read till chapter 366 and after the first couple few chapters it feels very monotonous. Again and again it is about a large number of people chasing after him and his great escape. This just repeats and I am getting really sick of this. I had actually started re-liking this novel but again they repeated the same chase. Basically there are maybe 100 chapters of actual variety and nearly 300 chapters... more>> of chases with different people. The power level is not that different so that even the fights are nearly the same. <<less
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Jul 07, 2016
Status: c1100

The thing about CSG is that initial is pathetic but everything improves later on story, romance, power. While the plot is indeed rinse and repeat kind. There are many good development over time. The MC also has his fare share of romance and girls and harem, even s.e.x, the start is definitely a bit boring but story definitely gets better later. If you can stick up to it that is.

13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 12, 2016
Status: c221
I thought I'd like this series when I first found it. And in fact, I did - at least at first. A couple dozen chapters in, a faint voice rang in my mind asking, "Where is the main story-line?" Well, after over two hundred chapters, so far I haven't seen much of it. But what I've seen has been unimpressive and very dull. The novel had the same general story repeated with different enemies. Every time I've tried to tell myself, "It's just the protagonist's personality." But I can't handle... more>> that anymore, because if it's just the protagonist's personality, it's the writer's responsibility to stop the story from getting so damn repetitive. The only good thing I can think about for this novel is that there's a lot of action. For me, it feels incredibly unsatisfying. The characters are shallow (funny enough, that's actually true for all characters in this novel, not just the secondary ones), and the plot is too weak to get me invested in the conflicts.

Two hundred chapters. I'm two hundred chapters in, and I've seen no character development, feel no attachment to any of the characters, and can't bear to read any more of this story. Even Kuro No Maou, that story with a horrendously slow and lengthy start, is a series I started to really enjoy far before chapter 200. This series looks like something I really won't enjoy. The translation is great, so if you like a cycle of mindless action, go ahead. This ain't for me. <<less
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May 20, 2016
Status: c465
First off, I really, really like this novel. But why do I rate it so low?

Well, this novel is like a mindless action movie. The scenes, the action is fantastic and the terminology is great, but the story isn't really there.

The MC is supposedly "smart", but all he does is offend and kill people of other powerful people, making him run until he kills said powerful people, rinse & repeat.

If he just could keep the killing down a bit, that would be great. But then again, everyone is so offended... more>> in the story, that it is impossible to resolve any matter, other than killing.

What I really like, besides all this action, is that the MC is OP, but at the same time, he gets his ass kicked, but comes back stronger than before. I believe this is what makes it great. It's like watching a superhero movie, so you just want to come back and see what Jian Chen is going to do next and how he's going to overcome it this time, even though it gets repetitive, you still love it.

What brings it down is the story, or the lack of story, I should say. There is a story, but it's just briefly explained, but because he's still too weak when it's introduced it just gets put on a shelf till later. So the first 420+ or so chapters, it's about him cultivating and killing people endlessly, so you forget about any story that was explained shortly in the beginning, but after that the story is slowly coming back now, but if it's done wrong, it will just come as the next big thing he needs to overcome, so we'll see.

Overall this is a average novel, or slightly, just slightly, above average. I prefer my MC smarter and less ruthless, but it's still just mindless fun to read this. <<less
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