Burning Wet Wood


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When Liang Shiyun and Chu Xia established their relationship early on….

They were like burning dry wood. After their first taste of s*x with each other, they couldn’t stop.

Later on, after graduation, everyone chose a different path…

From gradually becoming indifferent to breaking up, they met again at their class reunion many years later.

Reunion—Liang Shiyun believed that water flowed like time and it would soak the dry wood.

And when she didn’t want it to, the wet wood still caught on fire.

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Katielicious rated it
February 12, 2024
Status: c48
I wasn't expecting this to be a crematorium but it was and so satisfying too. Tbh I could care less about the smut, the characters held my attention enough.

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In college, he chose his studies and career over their relationship. He became successful. But he missed her and decided to move back from abroad.

I was genuinely pissed at his audacity to want his cake and eat it too. My problem was, he never even tried to have a long distance relationship. He CHOSE his career and only went back for her after he found success. It made me feel like she was an afterthought.

To make matters worse, she had a lousy set of parents who had disappointed her. The fact that he was one of those people who disappointed her, hurt me deeply. (I hated her mum until the end of the book because she was very unreasonable).

Anyway, he got to suffer just like she did, even if it was for a short while. He had to earn back her trust.


Warning: They are not each other's only s*xual partners. Especially for her, her s*xual partners have names and identities. This was the first time I was so happy to see it. Even if she was emotionally stuck on him, at least she got to sleep with others instead of remaining celibate while he slept around. <<less
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