Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World


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“If he’s being badass, I’m gonna plant my own crops. If he messes with me, he will not live past next year.”

Homebody Zhao Hai brought ‘QQ Farm’ along in his traversal to another world and resided within the body of a fallen noble. His fief was a black land which nothing could be planted, and more importantly, he even had a peerlessly powerful fiancee, who was actually the successor of a duchy and future Grand Duchess!

Even more importantly, he is a magical and martial cripple who could not learn magic and martial arts. His crippling was very thorough.

“I can’t learn magic, but I have the farm. You dare attack me? I’ll release bugs to eat up your rations and crops, and put pesticides and weed agents into your water sources to make your lands grow weeds. See if you dare to attack me. What? You wanna hire killers to assassinate me? Hehehe. I’ll hide inside the little house in my farm and see how you can attack me. When you leave, I’m gonna terminate your country’s crop productions, and then all of your people will revolt. See if you dare to kill me.”

Watch how this somewhat black hearted hobo uses his QQ Farm in the world of swords and magic to become a globally known nightmarish existence.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Transmigration with QQ Farm (17)
Release that Witch (7)
Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (6)
Heavenly Farmer (4)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (3)
Hail the King (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favorite
  2. Magical Space
  3. My Fave
  4. Everything I've read :) ( Highly Recommended )
  5. i dont know

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177 Reviews sorted by

timma rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: c584
I feel like a lot of this is a 4. The trading, some of the politics. Any relationships, business or romantic, are weakly developed. I think this is worth reading, kind of a guilty pleasure.
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Motamato rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: c903
Honestly looking at the comments. The novel seems like its a generic novel and its really boring etc. Since I've only read whats been translated, I can't really say anything on the later chapters.

... more>>

From what I've read so far, in the beginning of the story the story the MC's journey is really interesting. The story does't focus on combat right away and the MC doesn't even cultivate for a bit, The story focuses on world building and the Mc's "adventure" throughout the world to restore the fallen clan of the person who's body he transmigrated into. While yes, his "QQ farm" (Space) is extremely op and gives him plot armor, its also interesting to see how the MC works around the limitations.

As the story progresses the MC meets people of other races and eventually takes parts in wars and mass battles. His enemies always constantly underestimate him and he always ends up defeating them in some ways. As the story progresses and he gets stronger the author introduces the idea of cultivation (as previously its was just for extended lifespan) and introduces the ideas of intersecting planes and lower and higher planes. The author also used the ideas of faith power and whatnot. While this does make the story somewhat more generic I find that the way the author introduces the new aspects of the world very charming? (Idk how to describe it, it just feels right)

As the story progresses the MC becomes more combat;y active and his attitude as started to become more arrogant, which I don't like but ill deal with with.


This story really isn't for everyone, and while there reviews are pretty low on this site, I feel that the novel is decent enough. For the people saying it's too long, why does that matter so much, its a story that is written by a person and if people like it he continues, writing is also a way of relaxing and the fact that the author has written a lot means he likes this story, and that other people are interested in the story. - From ch 903
Im looking for the raws rn because I need more :P

Thanks for reading my cruddy review :D <<less
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Steamroy rated it
November 17, 2018
Status: c676
So... it´s really bad written.

I most of the time I read everything, Comedy, WebNovel, Krime, Fantasy, Romance... It does not matter which genre, as long as it is well written.

I am reading books, because I want to dive in to the world, the author created... therefore it is utterly important, that I can feel the flow of the world, the story and the characters. It is important, that the decissions of the protagonists and antagonist do indeed make sense, and that set rules in this world will not be broken.

I... more>> need that, so that I can imagine that world and live in it, to experience the story first hand.

So now the review...

If ya want the same experience as described above, you have to choose another book, yoou won´t get it here. 73 out of a hundret decissions do not make sense at all and the rest are quite irritating, so that you are thinking:"Oh.. puhh........ Yeah, that´s.... You can do that Zhao Hai, but... Please think it over again!".

Another quite disturbing point is the inconsequence of the protagonist. The most important thing for him to do, should be upgrading his farm, but he will also often neglect it, as if he does not care, just to cry about how difficult the upgrading is in the next chapter.

Then the rules... Reading this book will be easier for you, when I let you know, that ALL the rules mentioned in the story´s progress are immediately to be forgetten about. If not you will just get angry about it.

After chapter 230 or so it lost all fun, but I kept on reading, because... do not know, maybe because I was bored and other translations couldnt keep up.

If I would have the chance, I would have never started reading this book... <<less
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Hell_me rated it
July 24, 2018
Status: c1768
This...... actually pretty interesting (i've read the novel upto ch 1697, so I know what I'm talking about)

It's just... the author likes to add more and more materials into it.... and sometimes things that mentioned quite earlier at quite early (i think it's around at the 60% or smtg of book 1 that it started to be mentioned) only explained near the end of book 2 (around 75%~80% progressed of the book 2) that it's explained.... yea ch 1697 just about at the end of book 2... book 2... more>> consist around 900+ ch.

Anyway if you wanna visualize how the author works just imagine.... let's just use anime as an example shall we?

Jut imagine AOT, but around the middle or smtg there are.... hint of sea pirates, WG, Marines... pretty much One Piece element. Then AOT char discover the wondrous of sea and pirates and sh1t. After they explore One Piece plot they stumbled upon an island unlike the other, they got ninja that harness Chakra.... and then after that comes Shinigami, and so on so forth.

So yeah the author mesh a different stories plot into one singular stories plot... and if ypu carefully read the stories, without the blinding anger how author wanna stretch the stories, you will find that the next "Big Arc" (read: next stories plot) already hinted at the previous arc again and again, subtle at first but you if youre genre savvy you will notices it right away.

Edit as of ch 1768: fvck me sideway... they have Stand... well something similiar to Stand anuways <<less
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Slashs rated it
July 21, 2018
Status: --
What comes to mind when I think about this novel is "Wasted potential" mainly because of the cheat which the author pushes too far. A quote from a little later in this review : "... it [the cheat] is a GOD MAKING machine. It is over powered and over kill. It is godly, it's all encompassing and absolute..."

First a quick recap of the story.

The MC transmigrate to a new world after dying and replace a young lord from a disgraced family. They chose the wrong side in a power struggle... more>> and were exiled. Of course the body he took over belonged to a pe*verted useless foppish lord that was looked down by everyone. The MC receives a cheat in the form of a magic dimension where he can raise vegetables, fruits and animals. It is based on a what you can find in F2P farm games.

The novel has good ideas.

    • It first focuses a lot on clan building, territory improvements and so on. It's very interesting as you wish to see his clan get back on his feet.
    • The MC is not an arrogant bastard. Even if he'll of course fall from time to time to the usual chinese MC tropes.
    • The cast is actually interesting because the author (at least up to 300+ chaps where I am) doesn't replace them and he makes sure that everyone is used appropriately. Even side characters following side characters often get screen time even if it's just to say they are guiding a guest in. And the "big" side characters get a lot of screen time.
But then it is poorly executed.

    • The author is all over the place and the pace is awkward: The MC will start doing something, then it will suddenly be dropped without for-shadowing and replaced by something else. A few exemples are in the spoiler tag, they are in the "earlier part of the story" so it's nothing major.

      The MC improves his territory he starts by farmland, he does a bit then decide to stop it and go elsewhere, and then when he is done there its also mostly dropped. Or as he is improving his territory he suddenly decides to go sell some stuff to a city a few days away, and to do that he packs up everyone (as in every single person in his territory) in his territory and they all leave... Droping everything they had done and leaving the territory defenseless...

    • The MC makes dumb decisions. Like deciding to "stealthily" sell stuff to a nearby town, but making the biggest ruccus possible and having the author tell us, without irony : "as usual he likes to do things discreetly". A lot of the decisions are just dumb and only work because of plot armor.

      Basically he wants to sell radishes to the nearby town. But they have a persecution complex as they are afraid that if the people that exiled them to this desolate place learn they have means to make money they will be destroyed. So the MC use a gigantic undead mount, dresses as a black mage which is a type of mage hated by everyone, and walk in front of everyone as he goes to sell his radishes while reasoning "They will be so distracted by the black mage they would not think we are from our family." But he is just going to sell radishes... All he had to do was go there dressed as a merchant and it would be okay, heck he can even hide the radishes in his spatial dimension and disguise himself as an adventurer... which was what his retainer did the first time he made the trip... But instead the MC makes the biggest ruccus possible, attracts tons of attentions, gets investigated by every regional forces and attacked by powerful mages for being a black mages... He had NO reason to be suspected, ennemies have to be aware of you to be suspicious of you and he made damn sure they were aware of him!

    • There is no consistency. For exemple, one of his retainer will travel to and back the nearby town in a few days. But when the MC goes there with a better mount he takes nearly two weeks... just for the one way over. Why ?
    • When the MC arrives in his new body, the personality shown does a 180 and no one is surprised. And I don't mean a 180 as in Release that witch where he actually tries to not go too far and gives justifications. Of course here you still see the MC loose his pe*vertness and starting to act "decently" which is the usual trope. But, of course, he has to use chopsticks in a world where they don't exist. Why, besides the MC's useless pride, would he do that? No one things something is wrong ? Next he even ask them to call him by a different name! His previous chinese name (Going from a western name Adam to Zhao...) and pretending he is doing it since he wants to "change". New personality, new knowledge, new godly powers, new eating habits, new name... No one reacts at all?
    • The LN starts as a farming novel with a MC that is weak in body but will have to depend on his smarts, allies and tools to survive in a martially dominated world, but it quickly just degenerate into just a xanxia novel...
    • And the BIGGEST offender, the cheat. It's not a tool, it's not even a cheat. it is a GOD MAKING machine. It is over powered and over kill. It is godly, it's all encompassing and absolute. It is supposed to be a farm that will help the MC survive, but it can create hundreds of tons of vegetable in 8 hours (seriously. Plan radishes in the field, in 8 hours a few tons are ready, he makes multiple harvest daily generating hundred of thousands of tons of food in a 2 days). And for that the MC does nothing, he "wills" it and the field are prepared, the seeds are places and he is good to go. But the farm quickly becomes a mind controlling machines that will "model people's thought", even friendlies to like him, it will spew out hundreds thousands of beasts to fight for the MC, gives him overpowered tools, and even spell he can suddenly use even thought he shouldn't. It doesn't matter what happens in the story the farm has the perfect counter that will be launched without the MC even doing anything. "Your controlled beasts have been infected by a poison from this forest? No worries, I will instantly cure them and makes them immune to the poison and improve their stats even if you don't ask me!"
This means there is no suspens, the deus ex machina will take care of everything while constantly improving the MC's strength past what is possible.

I hoped to see a weak MC doing smart things and working hard to conquer challenges. I got a MC sitting on his throne while his tool and brainwashed friends do everything.

Wasted potential... <<less
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hiddenmeaning rated it
July 17, 2018
Status: c558
The possible ways the protagonist could use his power is infinite and yet he uses it completely wrong.

... more>>

He trades grain with the beastmen for an animal that he could have an unlimited amount of and the beastmen use the animal as there currency so all he has to do is trade that animal for what ever he wants in from the beastmen. Even though he gains enough power to rival the world he still trying to plot and scheme with the radiant church instead of destroying like he did with the Robert family.


The author also restates the same thing over and over and over again.

And if you take away the names of the all characters you wouldn't ever be able to tell who is who.

I'll give it a three because I'm still interested with where the story will continue to go but with all of the flaws I'll probably be skimming over the rest of the story. <<less
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Hundred Lilies
Hundred Lilies rated it
July 13, 2018
Status: c600
I'd like to edit my rating too, but unfortunately that's not possible.

At first, I really did like the novel and gave it full rating, which it deserves.
But after I hit chapter 600+ something, the storyline began to bore me to and after giving it a few chances to better the plot, but nothing happened, I completely dropped it from my reading list. I can hardly imagine the storyline getting better or less boring with over 8000 chapters right now and still ongoing. I felt like the author hit a snag and everything became very repetitive.

After dropping it, I'd like to give the novel three stars. The first part was after all good.
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Kal Dano
Kal Dano rated it
June 8, 2017
Status: c238

I dont know why this has a 3.4 rating it deserves much more from the comunity.

Story starts pretty strong. The characters are set, developed and revolved around our MC very well. There are few instances where I would have taken the story in a different direction, but by the time I realize it the author makes me love him even more. This is one of those unique reads where the main story is pretty universal but the more you read the less it feels familiar and thats what makes... more>> this novel stand out in my eyes.

Unique world! <<less
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barashkafromro rated it
August 17, 2016
Status: c1739

The MC is phenomenal ret*rd. Sees new fruit and tries to eat it like complete ret*rd, instead of trying to put into space to check for poison and upgrade space like any even remotely intelligent person would do. Apes are smarter than MC.

90% of the novel consists of useless fillers. Very often author inserts half chapter long infodump in the middle of dialogue, badly disrupting the flow.

Author has short memory and retcons very often. Discards and changes already written plot.

Protagonist too overly secretive and author constantly throws in forced plots to justify such needless to the point of s*upidity secretiveness.

Although the world and the game like system look pretty nice and interesting and makes me want to continue enduring just for that.

In chapter 544 MC banged all 5 his wives together and does it several times in later chapters

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Raine rated it
March 24, 2016
Status: --

The Story starts out great for the first 500 or so Chapters, which mainly involves MC starting up his farm and getting business partnerships and trading with different Communities in the world, he slowly builds up strength due to the farm, but then the story takes a turn that every Xianxia does it turns into battle + more Battles + more battles, sh*t theres no rest inbetween, when you think MC finally beats his enemy, ohhh crap another comes out of nowhere, this keeps going from chapter 600-around 1000, its a complete borefest, at this time the novel lost what set it apart from every other xianxia, which was the MC building a farm/small world in his space and doing some great business deals and getting to know lots of people/girls with some fights here and there. In the end it turned into something like Peerless Martial God sigh.

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ZhaWarudo rated it
March 5, 2016
Status: --
It’s like farmville with lots of redundancy or unnecessary actions – MC keeps inviting side characters to some room for important discussions which aren’t really that important or deep, just a couple of simple sentences which are repeated several times... MC : go do that (which that person was already going to do) and blabla bla, 5min later oh and go do that- yeah the same thing he told just a few mins ago. You will be suprised how often this scenario happens and his days are basically tell the... more>> system to plant seeds or harvest, sleep sleep and repeat, each day 5mins of work and he’s gotta go rest.

So I’ve been counting all the bad things, can’t really do that for the good things coz there aren’t any major ones, why should you read this? Well it is slightly interesting and things seem to be getting (normal) interesting at chap 49

EDIT chap 80 : I'm dropping this because interesting/boring ratio is like 1:2, this novel is a drag on - you think it will get better but it won't <<less
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December 2, 2022
Status: c1648
All in all, it's another generic cultivation novel. The first few hundred chapters actually focused on the farm. After that, it slowly drew away from it and became a generic cultivation novel about battles between realms. Boring battles at that.

This is one of those novels where characters disappear left and right, being left behind as the story goes on. His wives are barely even mentioned anymore. All friends and family he's brought into the space might as well not even exist, as it's been hundreds upon hundreds of chapters since... more>> they've been mentioned.

It's also extremely generic in the sense that once he gets strong enough to be OP in whatever realm he's currently in, suddenly a new realm exists above his, and he's at the starting level there. It's already happened like 5 or 6 times.

The farm/space hasn't upgraded in a ridiculously long time. Nor has he even collected stuff to put into the space to upgrade it. That's the supposed main point of this novel. Now it's him just slaughtering men, women, and children left and right.

Stinks when an author can't stick with their original plan and instead spit out cookie cutter cultivation novels like this. <<less
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expensivepeanuts rated it
June 10, 2022
Status: --
MC is an unfortunate soul and can't even make decisions without first consulting his clan members, despite the power he (supposedly) holds. His stewards even have the audacity to make decisions that are against his will. First they tease MC about marriage then they pester him about it like overbearing aunties until going as far as decide his marriage for him, right in front of his face. His clan members admire and praise his OP powers but they don't respect him. He's the last surviving member of his lineage, that... more>> is it. What they need is his blood, they don't see him as a person.

This has one of the worst harem among the novels I've read. Author didn't even bother to have some ounce of chemistry between the girls and MC. They just find him awesome or kind or whatever the f*ck crap the author can think of and done, they have one conversation with MC and they're completely smitten with him. I know this half-baked effort on writing a decent character or romance is prevalent in harem novels but I really can't help but be optimistic and have a small pinch of expectation.

The world building gets completely blasted by the author who keeps revising sh*t just cus they don't wanna end the novel, honestly this thing shouldn't even have reached a thousand chapter. A lot of information keep getting retconned, at first I thought that maybe it's because this novel was passed around different translators so facts got tossed around but nah it's just the author being so incompetent they can't even write their own novel's lore consistently.

1.5 stars. The.5 is because the MC is literally a swiftie and that fact caught me off guard. One of his women is physically a Taylor Swift clone and that face keeps popping up my brain every time she appears. <<less
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March 19, 2021
Status: --
At the beginning I love this novel. A lot actually. The MC's game-like space farm ability is very interesting and very OP. Then I'm getting a bit disappointed when he started collecting his harem and marrying them for some s*upid reasons such as for management purposes?, he pitied her and thinks "she deserves better" or for some useless business connections.
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Pavilion rated it
February 10, 2021
Status: c190
Having really hard time getting over how sissy this MC is. He's absolutely a puny, small boy. Every major decision in his life is decided by the 'grown up authority figures' in his life to the point where it's embarrassing.

MC acting cool and some chick whom he has superficial trade-relationship comes asking question? 'Hey ho girlie you'll get to know all his secrets if you agree to marry him' says his responsible grown up elder who by to way is ret*rded and already let his father die earlier.

It's really cringy... more>> hard to explain feeling, it's very contradictory- on one hand there's gore and MC is wholy capable of doing extreme things, he has every tool in his arsenal to be absolutely baller cool as cucumber BEST dude but on the other hand the way the story is written is that he's sort of always asking some grandma or grandpa permission for f*cking everything! And the elderly couple constantly put him down and shame him.

I absolutely love this plot but I abhor this shitty japanese type beta male MC. It's written in a way that it seems our MC isn't even trying. He does bunch of useless things, every once in a while we get million paragraphs about some pointless s*ave action as a filler in the story, then maybe just maybe something relevant gets done.

Hate this sissy beta male MC and this wishy washy writing where he's c*ckblocked from being an actually cool dude. So much wasted potential. <<less
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Mizuro122 rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: c575
Everything is nice and dandy when author just have to f*ck it up. Why do all chinese novels want to be gods?! Can't the author just focus on the ark continent and finish the novel without the Gods and another higher realm bullshit? F*ck it's starting to get annoying.
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November 18, 2020
Status: c1430
Its amazing, the first 100-ish chapters are really good, but then I think the author got a massive writing block because the next 800 or so chapters are only decent, but the he gets back into things and the quality goes way up. The only thing I don't like is that he gains so many powers that are so OP that he just forgets to use them, for example the locust swarm (used once) or the blood bug mosquitos (used 3 times) or the killer weeds (never used) or the... more>> pesticides/weedicides (never used) or the undead poison (never mentioned past chapter 600), you get the idea. Other than that though its really good. <<less
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Daoist Evervirgin
Daoist Evervirgin
September 29, 2020
Status: c750
The original plot of the novel is amazing. I mean you got a reincarnation story with a super OP ability that makes all the other cheats seem normal. And you have the villains who are powerful and cunning. But things wear out pretty soon.

After 500ish chapters There are no suitable Villain, who can give you a sense of crisis.I personally like a cunning and scheming Villain. I mean who would enjoy to hear the descriptions of a journey that has smooth sailing with no danger. I would rather watch nature... more>> chanel if I had that much free time

The author made MCs Farm/Ranch abilities too TOO f*ckING OP.

And the girls in this novel BoyOhBoy!!

I can almost see a frustrated lonely chinese man dreaming about Popular Western Actors, Singers etc etc ~.~. As usual the heriones seem too fall in love as soon as they see The MC. The MC also regrets the fact that he can't serve his females every night :v

The leveling up system is also too easy. Farm games I have played some in my early days (although they more like open world games). And They were f*cking hard, which is why I happen to play it. This novel completely loses this point.

I first wanted to continue this novel to atleast 1200 chapters but things seem way too bland and boring.

Won’t recomand it really. Basically it has a strong start but failed to live up to expectations. <<less
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MESovereign rated it
September 9, 2020
Status: c594
A low 3/5: So I gave this novel a good chance. It began with a very interesting premise and I enjoyed how the MC, was strong yet not strong. A few plot inconsistencies and retcons bugged me, but I overlooked them for the sake of reading the book.

What I liked: I enjoyed the details of the MCs power ... more>>

The MC has an extradimensional farm and ranch that becomes the basis for his rise to power. The intricacies on how it can be developed really add to the stories immersion for the reader, though at times it gets slightly convoluted, which is probably why the author forgot certain details he mentioned before.


I also enjoyed the MCs growth as a character. He was well reasoned with his decisions and many of them for the first 400 chapters made sense.

What I didnt like: I disliked how the author began writing mor in the passive third person. It feels like after chapter 500, the author began getting bored with the story. The language becomes less dynamic and what begins as you reading a novel ends up feeling like youre reading a biography.

I disliked the authors justifications for the MCs actions after ch 400. One example

the author for 300 plus chapters makes you hate the MCs ex fiancee. He builds her up as a manipulative sl*t who takes pleasure in others pain and misfortune and desires to hurt and kill the MC. She travels with him, gets intimidated and now all of a sudden shes a good person. Also after her territory is destroyed and her family is nearly wiped out, the author tries to force the plot of her and the MC getting together on vague reasons that dont make sense given that she has no more political influence: the MC says that marrying her would be beneficial due to her connections (theyre dead), her familys power (what power, theyre mostly dead and theyre territory is gone) and the fact that she love the MC (after she slept around woth half her city, sent assassins to kill him and attempted to make his trip with her a living hell)

Its impossible to build a person like that up for 300 chapters and then make her likeable with only 2 chapters of reason


The above example is a prime one of many plot reasonings the author is vague on later in the story. It feels like the author lost motivation and drive after 400 chapters and just wantee to release more for a paycheck.

All in all its a decent story, the MC wont annoy you wolith s*upidity or romantic obliviousness, but what will become annoying is how the developement of characters romantically flatlines after he meets Megan. Plus constant retcons later along with vague reasons to push a plot forward instead of letting the story naturally direct itself.

3/5 stars, and thats alittle generous <<less
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May 1, 2020
Status: c167
Good Idea, bad execution.

Repetitive description and author can't properly price things... 10, 000 earnings but gets gifts worth 50, 000 no problem. The story is told not shown, so you can "understand" the situation but the characters actually do very little. There is no concept of actual relationship build up, they just spontaneously believe/like him.

I can usually deal with those unreasonable situations but he can't afford to buy glass windows but spends 5000 on paper windows. He spends months being the sole food supplier of a duchy but he only... more>> earns 20, 000. Literally when he sold like 2 acres of radish to the system he earned 1200 and he can do it daily at least. <<less
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