Before His Eyes


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He would always appear before his eyes at unexpected moments, as if from a dream.

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Related Series
Ferocious Dog of Old (Shared Universe)
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Recommendation Lists
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  5. BL Novel List Personal Ratings [2]

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/09/24 Jupiter Translations extra 1
08/03/24 Jupiter Translations c24
02/10/24 amytranslations c23
01/15/24 Jupiter Translations c22
01/14/24 Jupiter Translations c21
12/29/23 amytranslations c20
12/08/23 amytranslations c19
11/18/23 Jupiter Translations c18
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09/28/23 Jupiter Translations c14
09/17/23 Jupiter Translations c13
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6 Reviews sorted by

nandemonaiya rated it
August 4, 2024
Status: c24
tl;dr: cute, heartwarming, short slowburn about two nice young men falling in love

You don't need to have read the prequel, but when I was reading Ferocious Dog of Old, I used to wonder about Xiaozhuo—he was a good friend to Huainan, but he was also very shy and quiet.

In Before His Eyes, we get to understand him better: how he became that way, how he felt about what happened to him (though he never spoke about it), and how his otherwise difficult life was made better by the kindness of... more>> those around him—especially Shi Kai.

In contrast, readers of Ferocious Dog already know Shi Kai: a mischievous but good-natured boy who grew up into a fine young man. Here, we watch how he discovers himself a target of a hidden, earnest love, and eventually decides to catch it with both hands.

Both of them are sensible and mature, but not without hangups and childish sides. Neither are OP in any way, and there's no major drama or tropey deus ex machina. They're just regular people in their twenties navigating university and work while loving and doting on each other.

Good for a sweet pick-me-up if you're feeling low. <<less
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periperi rated it
June 19, 2023
Status: Completed
5 stars

Very short and sweet. Almost slice of life as nothing big really happens but I enjoyed it. It's closely intertwined with the other stories (more so the younger brother but I didn't read his story) but I don't think one needs to read those to enjoy this. It'll probably add more depth to the characters if you've read them though.

Overall, I enjoyed the slow build to the romance over time and how well it came full circle. There are no villains or OP characters here, just normal people moving... more>> through life. <<less
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Heliconia1 rated it
October 4, 2023
Status: --
This author never disappoints. And this set of translators - are one of the best out there!

The story is so sweet and soothing - I didn't realise that I would enjoy this set of protagonists so much - they were not so prominent in the other novel (Ferocious dog of old - which is again one of my all time favourites)
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yukicchi rated it
December 9, 2024
Status: Completed
This was so sweet and quite a bit angsty. As what other reviewers says, the pacing was good. It's not too rush nor too slow. Xiaozhou deserves the world and also Shi Kai's love. Their love story felt so natural that Shi Kai being bent to Xiaozhou didn't feel rushed at all.

I love it when Shi Kai asked Xiazhou out, XZ really made his move by going to Beijing to confess and be together. He may be passive at times but becomes assertive when it comes to showing his love... more>> and sincerity to Shi Kai.

I do hope it was longer but I'm just glad they now have each other. <<less
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Little Cloud
Little Cloud rated it
December 6, 2024
Status: --
I really loved the way how this short story progressed. It was not hurried, but not slow either. The phase was just right.. I have to say that these two main characters have one of the most healthy, loving, heartwarming relationship. Though Shi Kai and Pan Xiaozhuo have very different personalities, they are both very loving and caring people. They are made for each other..

Highly recommended!
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Empathique rated it
August 6, 2024
Status: Completed
Short, yet so endlessly sweet and heartwarming. This story truly feels like the warmest hug on a winter's night. Both MC and ML are adorable and oh-so lovable, and their romance developed in such a beautiful yet realistic manner.
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