At the Noble Consort’s Feet


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Li Zhi was reborn as a curse, destined to bring ruin to an empire already in decline.

At the age of fifteen, her ethereal beauty caught the attention of Prince Rui, who fell in love at first sight, and beseeched the Empress Dowager to arrange a union between them.

At the age of sixteen, Li Zhi’s unparalleled allure captivated the heart of the reigning Emperor, who resorted to abominable tactics to abduct her as his own concubine and keep her hidden away in a gilded palace.

With the Emperor’s favor, she rose to the position of a highly sought-after Noble Consort that was envied by all.

Only she knew…

In three years’ time, the Emperor and Prince Rui would turn against each other, and their once great empire would be ravaged by war.

As they fled, a formidable army of one hundred thousand soldiers stood in their way, pleading with the Emperor to order the execution of the treacherous Noble Consort. The Emperor could not bear to see her suffer such a fate, yet in the end, he offered her a three-foot length of white silk. Without hesitation, Li Zhi turned to Pei Ji and flung herself into his protective embrace.

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19 Reviews

May 04, 2023
Status: Completed
Omg i've read the mtl of this before. It's been a few months so I can only remember parts of their name but I think I can try to summarize after reviewing. I think it's a solid uhhhhh 4? At best? It was rather mediocre in terms of premise originality, I just happened to like how it's one of only published and completed adultery novels I could find. The translation is also very good thus far and I do recommend everyone give it a try since it's actually pretty fun.... more>> FL isn't very interesting outside of being beautiful and kind and ML was the stereotypical ice cube that eventually melts type of guy BUT!!! It didn't have a lot of silly plot holes so it was entirely readable, just not particularly riveting.

Be warned btw, this novel contains adultery and overlapping s*xual relationships.


Li Zhi (FL) was an orphan who was raised to adulthood by her aunt and uncle in the capital alongside her full blooded elder sister and male and female cousins. Her extended family was a greedy bunch and basically prepped her and her beautiful sister to be seductresses through "le*d" dance lessons and other courtesan arts from a young age so they could pimp them out to curry favor with the rich. FL's sister ended up falling in love with someone whose identity wasn't good enough for the extended family's tastes so they split up the couple and prepared the sister to be sent as a concubine to some powerful old geezer. The sister refused her fate but ended up crippled in her escape attempt. The family was very angry at her but by chance, FL happened to be seen and admired by Rui Wang. His impression of her was so great that he immediately wanted to marry her as his wife despite her lackluster background and quickly got the Dowager Empress's consent. Because of this, FL's weight in the family changed and so they didn't dare to treat her sister harshly anymore. FL endured her reluctance to be sent around like a gift because of her love for her sister. (Here's an anecdote of their childhood to show how they grew up. When the girls first came to the family, they refused to take the demeaning dance lessons ordered by the aunt and uncle. The elder sister was very proud and would not budge despite being starved and beaten for her insolence. In the end, the sister cracked and acquiesced because FL almost fell into a well and died after she tried to get water to quench her thirst.)

On the day of FL's wedding, Rui Wang's full blooded elder brother, the Emperor, caught sight of FL and immediately became infatuated. He took her away to a temple with some bullsh*t excuse and proceeded to force himself on her for days on end. Rui Wang was humiliated by the turn of events and the Dowager Empress was furious that her two sons were feuding over a woman. In this life, FL had grown disillusioned with the Emperor and his "love" and hatched a plan to eventually leave the palace. Somehow, this ended up involving recruiting the help of the Emperor's biao cousin, ML General Pei Ji (son of the Grand Elder Princess/Emperor's paternal aunt). At first, Pei Ji was disgusted by FL and blamed her for his cousins' disharmony, but after a few repeat encounters and shenanigans, he eventually came to sympathize with her. During all this, the Emperor winded up securing his mother's passive consent to officially bring FL into the palace as a consort by promising to make her barren and render her a paper tiger in case of future power struggles. FL resented his arbitrary decision making but appeared docile and submissive to his face at all times. After she entered the palace, she attracted the envy and jealousy of the other consorts by becoming the near-exclusive recipient of the Emperor's love and favour. The highest ranking woman in the harem before that was a shufei (i forgot her family name) who truly loved the Emperor. She was very heartbroken to learn of his new beloved but was determined to not act rashly as to make him think badly of her (oh thank god... I don't rlly like harem intrigue and this novel had very little bits of them) the palace had no Empress so shufei had been the de facto leader of the harem before this, but when FL entered the harem, she was bestowed the title guifei, a position higher than shufei. Although FL was guifei, she was a recluse and did not take the initiative to snatch power from shufei so for the most part, they were able to coexist no probs.

During an imperial banquet one night, General Pei ended up succumbing to the schemes of the Princess Royal (??? Forgot her title. She's the Emperor's full blooded sister and is General Pei's cousin) by ingesting an aphrodisiac. The princess was in love with him (one-sidedly) and intended to force him to marry her by creating a s*xual encounter between them. Unfortunately for her, the plans got thwarted and General Pei ended up going to FL for "help" to resolve the problem in his pants while the princess was unknowingly defiled by FL's cousin who mistook her for an ambitious palace maid. When the incident came to light, General Pei claimed that he resolved his situation through sheer will-power and a cold shower while the princess had no explanation for her having a man in her bed. They couldn't kill FL's cousin to silence him because it wouldn't bring back the princess's chastity and might even deprive her potential child of a father, so they ended up having to get married. The marriage would later turn out tumultuous (violence, adultery, abortion (or was it miscarriage? Not sure but it was a messy affair) etc...) but who cares amirite back to FL.

FL secured General Pei's promise to help her using of his guilt, pity and budding love for her. He ended up buying her a house faraway from the capital, arranging her finances, bringing updates on her sister... all while sleeping with her during the time the Emperor's not within the premises. His relationship with the Imperial Family and official position made it easy for him to enter and leave the palace unobstructed and unsuspected.

During this time, relations between Rui Wang and the Emperor worsened as Rui Wang still hated his brother for stealing his wife while the Emperor was bitter that his whole life, he's had to give up many things he liked except the throne to his mother's favorite younger son. He held suspicion that FL longed for her intended husband as well despite FL repeatedly assuring him she's never so much as had a conversation with Rui Wang prior to the wedding. Rui Wang was so ANNOYING he kept pestering her after she entered the palace and putting her in difficult situations despite her trying to tell him she didn't want to leave with him (tactfully... because these men don't seem to take clear cut rejection very well). Rui Wang would eventually turn against his brother at the instigation of some... sh*t stirrer general idk and then leave for the borders to secretly raise troops. He felt emasculated by his brother's actions and believed that power was the only tool to get what he wanted regardless of consequence.

In the palace, FL endured criticism and hostility from everyone around her as they accused her of confusing the Emperor and facilitating nepotism. This was because her nasty ass uncle's family got ennobled with a Dukedom despite her actively trying to prevent them from climbing up. The Emperor acted without her input again and gave her uncle a position thinking it would please her, disregarding how bad it would make her look to his people. Later on, she would also be accused of pushing shufei into the water. Shufei had just been diagnosed as pregnant prior to that and people suspected she was jealous. The Emperor knew it wasn't her but still treated her like a suspect as to not piss his mother and court off. FL wasn't bothered by his disfavor and used the new free time to... cultivate feelings with her lover. After the case and her innocence got cleared up, FL used the Emperor's unfair treatment of her to guilt him into staying away. She brought up her forced infertility, criticism against her for monopolizing his favor and delaying heirs, and alleged nepotism as reasons why she's discontent. The Emperor guiltily accepted her complaints and left her alone for some time. They stopped being intimate from this time on. FL began to open up to General Pei some more, making him develop deeper feelings for her. At some point, he came to learn of her forced infertility and the physical agony the aggressive medicine wreaked on her body, so he secretly smuggled her to a doctor outside who began to cure her. Eventually, the Emperor grew tired of pushing her away and tried to reconcile with her, only for her to treat him coldly. In a fit of emotion, he told her to go back to her natal family to oversee her sister's wedding (sister managed to marry her beloved after some twists and turns and support from General Pei), an order than many people believed to be a signal of her loss of favor.

After the wedding was completely, the Emperor left the palace to personally meet her and beg for her forgiveness in a private setting, only to be rejected again. He disregarded her feelings and ordered her to return to the palace, breaking the hope that FL had that she could use the time away from the palace to escape. In the palace, FL continued to refuse the Emperor's visits. Her female cousin was jealous of her grand looking life and sought to become a concubine too by seducing the Emperor. The Emperor was disgusted by her disloyalty to her family member but bedded her anyway as to humiliate her. He didn't intend on canonizing her as an imperial concubine and meant to send her back in the morning (after everyone knew she spent a whole night in his palace) to ruin her, thinking FL would be pleased with her treacherous cousin's fate. Contrary to his expectations, FL told him how once again, his arbitrary actions would only serve to harm her and her reputation. Her cousin being sent back in this manner would incite rumours what she was the reason for this and that she was jealous, unfilial to the elders, and ungrateful to the family who brought her up.

The incident ended with her having another reason to be cold to the Emperor, so he became angry and took his anger out on the cousin by making her a concubine, but gave her an ambiguous title that made it seem like she was an ordinary nobleman's wife and not a member of the imperial harem. He visited her frequently and used her as a replacement for FL, but made her position shabby and look like an outside mistress to humiliate and depress her.

Outside the capital, war was brewing because Rui Wang was coming back with an army to usurp his brother's throne. The news eventually reached everyone and FL is blamed from the war despite her only being the needle that broke the camel's back. More stuff happened, and the Emperor finally learned that FL had been having an affair behind his back the entire time. He summoned her to his quarters and prepared to "send her off" but got interrupted by Pei Ji who rushed there fresh out of battle after hearing his beloved was going to be punished. The Emperor was very shaken seeing his unemotional cousin holding a woman so tenderly. At this point, the two men's relationship had already broken down irretrievably for reasons unrelated to FL and was hanging by a mere string (Pei Ji's father made him swear to be loyal and fight for his country). Emperor's growing paranoia and callous treatment of the old but loyal ministers (that also included Pei Ji's father) chilled the officials' heart and gave rise to sh*t stirrer ladder climbers like shufei's natal family. Pei Ji admitted to the affair on site and told him that he would continue to fight against the opportunistic invaders for the country's sake but would no longer intervene with him and his brother's war with each other.

Eventually, Rui Wang would die from his own general (I think) while the Emperor died from shufei's schemes. Shufei had a son by him and became worried for her son's future when she saw how unstable and indecisive the Emperor was. Her powerful natal family used her fears to instigate her into killing the Emperor and installing their son as the new monarch. This would turn out to be short-lived as Pei Ji would later return to unite the country divided by war as its leader and declare himself the new Emperor.

Oh... anyways in the mean time FL also eventually overcame her mental barriers and self imposed single wamunhood during her time waiting for him in the war, unsure of when and if she would ever see him again each time she said goodbye. They got married properly and she became her legal wife and mother of their children, the end blah blah.

55 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 14, 2023
Status: Completed
First, highly recommend reading this - it's nothing really new but you'll love it. Much gratitude to the translator for bringing us this gem (also, can we just pause and applaud this translation and posting speed! A whole book was translated very well for that matter in more than just a month. Thank you)

Found this gem three days ago and binged it all at once. In many ways, it's cliche but in some - very important - ways presents a unique plot line that holds your attention till the... more>> very last word. It is these parts that made this story much more enjoyable - it presents us with a conundrum from the start and we can't help but keep on reading chapter after chapter to see how it will all unravel. Though the second part was not as good as the first as it lost that sense of mystery and descriptive storytelling of the first part, the novel remained satisfying to read till the end.

The key point that made me read this story and makes me recommend it is that FL is a welcome relief from all those purity-obsessed girls we typically find in CNovels. Loved that she and the ML were not obsessed with v**ginity and purity.

in fact, I wholly rooted for their adultery and found FL's decision to use her beauty and sexuality as a tool commendable. She got a rebirth but she was still the same powerless, beautiful woman from a low class family being shuttled between these powerful brothers. She didn't gain any superpowers, so it makes sense that she used her one asset - beauty - to seduce ML, take back some control of her life, get herself some agency, and ensure her future.

Even if you don't typically like adultery stories, you should read this. Because what is moral and morality when one is struggling to just ensure their basic survival?

The author wanted to explore these grey lines of morality and they do it so well even in all the characters. All the characters were grey and remained so throughout the novel. There were no outright bad villains, just a whole lot of self-interested individuals who were looking to make best of the situation as they perceive it to be from their viewpoints. Hence, even the villains had moments when they saw their own incompetence and lack of options. No one was super powerful; everyone had limitations that they had to deal with whether we disliked them or loved them.

I also loved the FL and ML. They had great communication and great chemistry - though I would have loved some more showing rather than just telling us the FL is world-topplingly beautiful and this is why the ML fell for her. If you like novels where the ML pampers the FL, this is one for you. He spoils her rotten AND respects her opinions and decision-making, treating her as an equal partner in their relationship. I don't think they had any misunderstandings at once they really got together. It was interesting that

the FL mentioned that although the ML respects her, even he still deeply believes that men should rule the world. So although the ML was being written a bit too perfect for my liking, it was nice that they gave us this tidbit.


Something that befuddled me, and maybe it's just translation, but it seems that the author tittered on the boundary of transmigration and rebirth and although its stated that she was reborn, she sometimes speaks like she is from different era altogether. That said, if it was truly rebirth as I took it to be, I loved that Li Zhi did not unrealistically waste it focusing on revenger but used it to give herself longevity and a good life.

overall score: 4.4 <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 04, 2023
Status: c15
Thank goodness someone has picked up on this! This is by far my favorite novel from the author. I actually machine-translated it a couple of years ago, and I'm grateful I won't have to do it again. Please, please finish it!

After reading this novel, I remember researching infamous consorts who were responsible for the "downfall of the country." I don't recall the name, but I believe one of them may have served as the prototype for the FL. Women in ancient times truly endured a cruel fate, especially those from... more>> lowly backgrounds. In such a society, what options did they have to escape their predetermined destiny, as revealed in their dreams? The FL in this novel didn't have any "grand schemes". She lacked the means and resources to do so. However, she possessed a beautiful face, and what better way to use it than as a weapon?

What I admire about the author is that she doesn't follow the trend of face-slapping. It's refreshing to see an FL who is practical and realistic, rather than suddenly becoming a genius after time-traveling or reincarnating. <<less
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Not my cup of tea, but 4 stars for the excellent completed translation and the logical plot. If you like fluffy romance, look elsewhere.

Li Zhi and her sister are gorgeous orphans. Their greedy aunt and uncle raise them to be future concubines for rich men (rather than proper wives). Prince Rui sees 15-year-old Li Zhi, falls in love at first sight, and gets married to her.

On the wedding day, the Emperor (Prince Rui's bro) falls in love with Li Zhi at first sight and steals her away.

Then, the modern FL... more>> transmigrates into the body of Li Zhi. AND also dreams of the rest of Li Zhi's life, including the Emperor callously calculating and ordering Li Zhi's death a few years later.

While the Emperor is sleeping with Li Zhi (there is no explicit smut, just lots and lots of fade-to-black type scenes), the FL formulates a plan to seduce the ML, General Pei (the Emperor and Prince Rui's cousin), as her escape plan.


FL knows the future from her dream, but does nothing to prevent it other than arranging General Pei (ML) as her escape route, and packing her things a few days earlier when it's time to leave. The rest - invasions, the Emperor's decline, etc. - She doesn't bother to avoid. Other than sleeping with the Emperor and the General Pei, and staying in her quiet area, the FL is extremely passive.

So, FL is sleeping with the Emperor and General Pei lots, Emperor's health declines, politics war politics, fight for the throne, etc.

Aside from jealous cousins and princesses, the women are mature and chill in the story - and that makes sense, since the men make a mess of things already, there's no need for harem politics.

I guess the novel didn't appeal to me that much because most of the start is the super-gorgeous beautiful seductive 15-year-old FL dealing with all the powerful men like a seasoned pro, and very little insight/emotions going on inside the FL. It was hard to feel connected to anyone in the story. The Emperor, Prince Rui were both entitled scumbags, the General was insta-love (he was happy to fall for her), and most of the story is about the decline of the dynasty and the fast rise of the new. But it's a HE. 2 years later, the 17-year-old FL and ML get married, ML is now the new Emperor, and he promises to be monogamous.

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May 19, 2023
Status: c90
In this fictional dynasty, women have a lot more freedom and our FL doesn't put a lot of emphasis on v**ginity or keeping pure for the ml. She is very pragmatic, level headed and decisive. I like that she cares about herself and is sympathetic to the plight of other women; while she empathize with them, she decisively doesn't risk herself to help them.

In terms of emotions, the FL is very much a dom, ML knows she's no feelings for him yet lets her use him. Snippet ... more>>

"He felt like a fish on a chopping board, helpless and at the mercy of the person holding the blade. And she was the one wielding the knife"

He is also very emotionally mature and cares about his family. Its so refreshing to read two emotionally mature people work through their slow burn relationship and the tension around them.

This novel has the opposite of flat characters, the main cast's personalities are so different from each other. I like that there are neither clear cut victims nor villains. Just regular grey human beings. Ps. I find it totally unfair to rate a novel if u mtl it. Broken translation and the meaning gets lost. <<less
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Jul 09, 2023
Status: --
This novel is so tense, omg.

It's rife with politics, and power struggle of men in power.

It's honestly a first for me. When I read ancient novels like this, it's usually women vs women but I'm pleasantly surprised that's not the case here.

... more>> If you're looking for romance though this is not it. Our FL is realistic and wouldn't fall in love easily and even if she did, it's not her priority.

Afterall, she's a prisoner to her beauty and charm, blamed for atrocities of men. She's on survival mode and I love that about her, but also I feel sorry for her.

General Pei is a dream come true. If only she transmigrated earlier to avoid all this pitiful circumstances, but oh well. <<less
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Jun 13, 2023
Status: Completed
a very sweet novel and it can be seen that the female protagonist just wants to escape from the cage and stop being an object, the male protagonist is also very sweet at first he did not believe her that she just wants to escape heavy that she was only manipulating him but time passes and the two realize that they need each other, I wish it was longer but I thought the ending is very good.
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Nov 27, 2023
Status: c123
The story isn't exactly realistic but it is mostly directed to a more mature audience I believe. Not because it displays explicit graphic content, but the complexity of the situation requires it.

MC is not your typical reincarnated/transmigrated? Protagonist. She doesn't have any 'super skill' that she can rely on to make money or improve her living conditions. She's beautiful, stunning even, but that doesn't mean she's an idiot. Li Zhi is a pragmatic woman, but she's not overly cold, calculative or unfeeling. At first, she might look like it, but... more>> her reasoning is solid, she has an excuse for being overly guarded and distant. The thing is, her methods might not be to everyone's liking.

Things to expect:

  • Infidelity? I mean, the emperor basically forced her to be his consort, but still, both romantic and s*xual infidelity.
  • Royalty being royally s*upid. They all, except the Dowager maybe, were so easily influenciable that is pitiable at some point.
  • No harem intrigue. Though I believe it would have spiced the story some more, I'm happy with the way women were portrayed.
  • Sleeping with two people without one of them knowing. But he deserves that lmao.
  • As mentioned, no explicit smutty scenes. But the implications of some of them made me blush. Note: Not all 'implications' are pleasant ones, though.
  • Women bearing the brunt for stuff that men do. In this case, LZ is blamed for things she pretty much has no control over. It doesn't get to the point where she is wrongfully imprisoned (something similar does happen but she doesn't suffer), but her reputation does plummet.
  • A relationship? Of convenience. LZ does use the male lead at first, the ML doesn't mind her using him.

Now, some complains:

  1. I know, I know, this is a novel, don't expect too much realism. Still, something about it constantly ticked me off. Yes, PJ had the ways and means to be able to see LZ constantly without being caught or arising suspicion. But I can't help but feel that, in some situations, luck played a bit too much into the picture for that to happen. Giving that the story isn't exactly about overly lucky protagonists, it ends up feeling a little lazy. It also makes the characters look dumber/more impulsive than the author tries to portray them as. Spoiler:

    They do get caught near the end though, so it was just bound to happen.

  2. The end felt a bit rushed, specially the last chapter.
  3. As said, some parts don't have too much realism on them. Some problems get resolved too easily, like situations and opinions. This is the case in the final chapters, so I guess the author was rushing. More details about it:

    Like, in the case of the public's opinion about LZ. The soldier's opinion on her was too easily swayed for my licking, though I guess there is reason behind of that (PJ making them learn what critical thinking is lmao). But I was surprised that the public/ministers' opinion wasn't a hindrance for when PJ and LZ desired to get married. For all they knew, LZ was a calamity whose beauty almost topped a country.

  4. The ending wasn't really an open one, but I would have liked some extras about their lives afterwards. Especially considering that things would have been complicated given their new status.

    Like the pressure of getting concubines and how PJ deals with that or how he acts a ruler in contrast to his cousin.

  5. I expected LZ to have some more reservations about actually getting together, as in having an actual relationship, with PJ. As a female commoner she's socially disadvantaged while PJ, being a man of high status, is not. A person's promises are not to be always believed, specially if they have the high ground. Though I know that PJ would never actually harm or cheat on her, some things remain unaddressed. Basically, LZ just has to trust him and doesn't have any actual leverage or way to have an out if things do go south, and that doesn't sit right with me considering the things she experienced with the prince and the emperor.

Finally, things I liked:

  1. The dynamic between the royal family and how power plays a role in it. This is the case with the royal siblings, and perhaps with PJ. The way the perception of power and the position of the Emperor shifts within the four of them is, *clicks tongue*, nice. At first, the princess and Prince Rui think they can get and do whatever they want thanks to their spoiled upbringing and as long as they don't covet the throne (in prince Rui's case). At first, PJ thinks that he has to be loyal to the emperor no matter what. This changes when the Emperor starts to transform, and it all begins with LZ. Not putting blame on her, is made very clear in the story that the emperor was going to reveal his "true nature" sooner or later anyways. The emperor, someone who grew up with people constantly dictating him what to do and how to act, has grown tired of restrictions. Although his mother, the Dowager Empress, has told him that once he becomes Emperor he will be free to act as he pleases in his private life and in court, he finds that this is not the truth. As a result, he begins to assert his power in a rather aggressive manner, even over his own family members.. He steals LZ from Prince Rui, makes the princess marry someone she doesn't like (she messed up tho, kinda her fault) and ignores the advise of old loyal ministers in favor of new flatterers. This way, both the princess and the prince realize that they both can't actually have it all. The princess didn't seem to know that she needed her brother emperor's support to be able to be willful. She also seemed to forget or not know what kind of person the emperor was, who was proud and wanted to maintain 'face' above all else. The prince realizes that, even though he never challenged his brother for the throne, the emperor can and will impose himself because he has that kind of power and the prince can't do anything about it. Believing that their royal status makes them special, the three end up getting played by other individuals, leading to their downfall.
  2. PJ's progressive realization that loyalty to a ruler is worth nothing if said ruler is incompetent, doesn't listen to their people and instead seeks to impose their will over their subjects.
  3. LZ as a character is also well done imo, her actions and reactions too. It was mentioned that it took her several months to let the Emperor have his way with her. She eventually gets used to it (which doesn't mean she's okay with it, she's still planning a way out of the situation), but after falling for PJ and not having to be with the Emperor for a long time, her reactions to the Emperor's advances are realistically impulsive, emotional, and negative. She's not overly cold and calculative, not a master-mind in any way. She is, however, pragmatic because of her situation, but also rather passive by leaving the task of planning the escape to PJ. LZ knows she's beautiful and that her beauty is a something she can use in her favor, but also knows that is what got her into this mess in the first place. Not sure if I read it wrong but I think it's said that she lived 3 lives/2 lives with the memory of one of them, one as a modern woman and 2 as LZ with one of the latest being the one where she died.
  4. The relationship between the leads gradually evolving. The changes don't come out of the blue, though I would have liked a liiiittle bit more of development. They slowly begin to understand and know each other, which leads to the development of feelings. PJ seems to be the one to fall first, with LZ reluctant and feeling guilty. She comes clean with her intentions of using him and he doesn't back down. Eventually, LZ falls for PJ thanks to his genuine love and care he has for her.

Some things to consider: While the novel isn't graphic or explicit with the content, no smut in sight, some scenes are a bit icky. LZ does have to sleep with the emperor, she is not forced though. But the wording of how she goes through it and some other small happenings could perhaps be triggering to people who have gone through SA. <<less
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Sep 05, 2023
Status: c123
It's a wonderful story. I find the mature and accepting love heartwarming. Despite being set in wartime, a period often associated with darkness in many political series, I didn't find it uncomfortable to read. Overall, I highly recommend this story.
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Jul 14, 2023
Status: Completed
I usually didn't like this novel's type of MC, not because I valued chasity but because I didn't like how she hurted others for her own gain. However, after I read this story, I couldn't help but to sympathize with MC because she didn't have much choice as a woman in feudal era other than to use ML in order to survive. She took a gamble on ML who was upright but didn't expect that he would fall in love with her and vice versa.

Although I still didn't like how... more>> MC often hurted ML's heart but ML was an adult man and he could choose to walk away if he couldn't bear it anymore but in the end, he's willingly being used by MC. MC also didn't treat him poorly even though most of the time, she left him hanging. But what could she do since she's still the emperor's consort. The interaction between them was mostly passionate but don't expect some details though since this wasn't a sm*t novel.

As for the ending, thankfully, it's a happy ending but please note that there were some extras after the main story ended. You could donate to the translator to read it or you could simply read the MTL. <<less
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Jan 10, 2024
Status: Completed
I gave the novel four stars, as I don't have much complaints about it, nor did I find it that captivating a read. Note that there were some special chapters which the translator has put behind a paywall. So without these extra chapters, the novel ended quite abruptly.
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Oct 14, 2023
Status: Completed
It’s a 3.5

liked the romance even though it was so hard to come by in that environment. FL is being described as vixen that will cause the country destruction but it’s sad that really nothing is because of her. Loved the ML. The story is meant for mature audience.
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Dec 15, 2023
Status: Completed
An interesting read.

Especially cuz it's not every day I read a period novel where the MC cheats on her self-imposed bastard of a husband (aka abuser). So it was an entertaining journey wondering how the heck it was gonna get unravelled.

ML was flawed and kind of an hypocrite but a self-aware one at least, most of the time.

MC was a shameless survivor and I found nothing wrong with that, you do what you can with what you've got. That said, RISKY move the one she did.

... more>>

The ending felt kind of rushed and a bit unsatisfying. Don't get me wrong, it's def a HE, but it felt... kind of wrong?

I get she loves the ML and he would never do what her former "husband" did but... to return to that place after everything she went through in there?

Maybe if it took longer, it would have made more sense to me?

I don't know, the whole thing felt way too rushed to make sense.

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Oct 05, 2023
Status: --
I won’t rate this novel but I feel like I have to give my two cents.

I read about 6 chapters or so and it annoyed me so much I couldn’t finish reading it :)) the chapters were filled with descriptions about her unworldly beauty using all the adjectives that exist in the dictionary.

okay we get it shes beautiful can’t we just move on? And how the story was progressing I felt like shes gonna go around using and abusing it with every trick possible against the three men buzzing around... more>> her.-. It gave me such a bad vibe as if shes worthless and powerless it was really frustrating hell no <<less
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Apr 13, 2024
Status: c123
The novel is well written and well translated. It focuses on the situation surrounding out MC, and the behavior of the men who desire her. While well written, it actually fails to follow it's own message. It condemns the love of the royal brothers, including the way it started, when it started the exact same for the ML.

MC's beauty was the reason all of them took an interest in her, and desired her, it's true that they way they treated her is very different, but again, it all started the... more>> absolute same way, her face drew their eye. ML was very much seduced, unlike the other two, but it was not love in the beginning, he felt true disdain for her, looked down on her, did not see in her a person, just a face that toppled his emperor. What the emperor did was wretched, but I do not see prince Rui as a massive villain he is portrayed to be, at least in the current timeline, in the previous one yeah for sure was one.

He is younger than both the emperor and the ML, and is almost the same age as OG host, him falling in love and wanting to marry MC is not an act of assault, especially at that time. Marriage you have no say in is always and forever going to be hell, but in her situation, she doesn't really have any other sort of marriage, not really. Whether they could've been happy or not, what the future would've brought, that's an entirely unknown thing because of what happened during their wedding. Real emotion comes with time, comes with knowledge, so it's truly laughable that it's shown as very shallow, how he lacked knowledge of her and consideration, when in truth he did not have an actual opportunity to even develop any sincerity or true affection. The conflict between brothers does stem from their personalities, mostly from the emperor's side, but tbo, if prince Rui had more pride he'd have done something as soon as MC was taken.


There's some discrepancies, like at first it's said that MC was ordered to go to the temple after the visit into the palace, then it's said she was sent their on the day of the wedding, at first she was thought singing and dance in secret by a servant, who couldn't bare the thought of her not getting any education, then both her and her sister were actually sent into a troupe in childhood.

It'd would've been more successful if what it condemned was imperial power, or arrogance and selfishness in men, it did call out the self centered way men view women, but it also condemned love for looks while at the same time putting it on a pedestal.

ML did acknowledge her circumstance eventually, but the truth is he never really even thought to consider them until she spoke of the things he would consider hardship, in his mind she really had no reason to complain or feel anything other than satisfaction and happiness.


There's actually a lot of thoughts about the entire situation, but that would be like soooo super long so I'll stop here.

Just to add that it's very unsatisfying how we're lacking the extras cause they're only on the tlers patreon, which is the first time I see something like that. <<less
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Jan 31, 2024
Status: --
Hi, I'm back!

I just finished reading this novel. So far, I would consider it good, but it's not my cup of tea and not the type I would indulge myself in.

This is because the female lead is just so-so. Not too cunning or smart but also not dumb. Even though she knew about the future, she did not use it for her own good. However, it's also good that she did not end up with the emperor. This novel is, as I said, so-so. There are no particular elements that... more>> would make me like or dislike it. <<less
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Jan 16, 2024
Status: c123
I feel so sad for the female lead. She is being curse a calamitous star but it is the greed of men who want to own her beauty, by their own actions bring calamity to others.

Men want to possess her yet want to push all the blame of their greedy actions onto an innocent girl who is born with exceptional beauty. The way the writer writes the female lead's plight which is overshadowed by all the politics, selfish males greed and manipulations is really written smoothly. You can feel her... more>> helpless and how she has to bend to circumstances in order to live another day.

Even women of the era are join in cursing her. Yet, they fail to see that it is the greedy of self-righteous men who have manipulated them into thinking this way. This is the same as the world today where it is a men's world and they manipulate everything in order to achieve their selfish wants. <<less
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Dec 26, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a unique story; I have never read a plot like this before. The MC is not a typical weak white lotus consort but is intelligent, knows her strengths, and uses them to their full potential. I love both the MC and ML. The story progresses nicely.

I highly recommend reading it!
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Nov 29, 2023
Status: Completed
I really liked the flow of the story. I found myself really rooting for the MC, specially since she's always getting the blame for everything even though she holds no real power throughout her life.


However, I really liked how she found the ML. How they were able to work through the issues, and challenges that they faced throughout their times in secrecy, and the time when they finally have the freedom to fully commit to each other.

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