Assistant Architect


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Zhang Siyi comes back from his overseas studies in architecture and is looking for work. His girlfriend, however, is full of complaints, for Zhang Siyi never has time for her. She breaks up with him in a fit of rage while throwing coffee over him.

Zhang Siyi manages to dodge the coffee, but unfortunately, it hits the guy behind him instead. Just when he is about to do something about it, the guy dismisses him and leaves.

Zhang Siyi thought that would be the end of it, but who would’ve thought that the very next day, he will meet the man again… in a job interview. And being hired by him will be just the beginning.

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  4. all novels i've read
  5. Danmei Soup For The Soul

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150 Reviews sorted by

Mogure.v rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: Completed
Man, I'm simply in love with this book.

To be frank, I came here for the yaoi tag, but I stayed for the slice of life part. This novel really helps in giving glimpses to what it's like to live after graduating, and as an undergraduate student, it's very mind opening. The novel shows the varying struggles of adulthood through a diverse set of characters, albeit most of them have something to do with architecture/construction. Aside from that, the MC and ML are very likeable, too, though some may find tbemselves... more>> unable to stand either of them at the beginning parts of the novel. But I assure you, they will wonderfully undergo significant growth as individuals.

If you're here for the romance, go read it. If you're here for the slice of life, absolutely go flipping read it. It's that great. I hereby thank the person who created a recommendation list with this novel placed at the very top. <<less
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Lyska3303 rated it
July 5, 2021
Status: Completed
I didn't intend to write a review, but I want to input my view on the topic about Siyi apologizing first whenever they have arguments. Personally, I think it's because this novel is heavily written in Siyi's point of view. Even if there are some 3rd point of views, it's written neutrally. Siyi has always regarded Gu Yu as someone superior to him. When you're in love, especially when you think the other party is financially more stable, older, and more mature than you, it's natural that you tend to... more>> think it's your fault. Of course, argument is there because of two parties, and it has been a while since I read this, but I remember that Gu Yu is not totally unapologetic, he feels bad sometimes. And who knows, maybe if there were his POV, he would be blaming himself. I just think it's normal for a person to introspect their fault first in a relationship. Since this is mostly written with Siyi's view, and we rarely see Gu Yu's view, of course it's more apparent that Siyi's blaming himself.

This is a great novel with a steady pace and a meaningful story about pursuing your dreams and gaining success in life. The characters and plot are also enjoyable. I recommend this story very much, and if there are people hesitating to read it because of some comments regarding the previous topic I reviewed, I hope you can reconsider. <<less
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secondthots rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Ohhh to date your hot older boss...

The only question I have is directed to myself: WHY did I not read this sooner??

Age-gap, office romance, & a sweet slow-burn plot that would boil you alive. My only gripe is that I'm the farthest thing from an architect major- heck, I'm in the medical field, so it's not an exaggeration when I say I know zilch about the topic. My lack of knowledge makes it easier for me to forgo any obvious information gaps. I simply just don't know lmao. Nevertheless, an... more>> interesting read. I found the subject fascinating! Fortunately, I have yet to face the dilemmas of being a fresh graduate. I assume the depictions in this novel weren't exaggerated- it's difficult to secure a job.. even more so one that treats you decently. That being said, I felt a lot of empathy for the ML's circle of friends. It was nice to see them included & it didn't seem that the novel was merely built to revolve around the main CP. The pacing is quite nice, but I felt like I could have read more. That's just me... I don't want my spicy fluff to end.

Onwards to the main CP. Ahh this pair reminds me of Your Distance, though I find the latter to be much better. My personal preference, of course. I always love when you pair up a naïve baby with a stern daddy- GOD it's honestly one of my favorite personality pairings! Although ML is mature, he has moments where he exposes the more childish sides of his personality. I dig it! It's not what I'd expect from a 29-year-old, but I think his vinegar-drinking moments & awkward sulky instances are quite endearing. He's not perfect & I respect that. MC is basically like every other MC I like- lively, gullible, incredibly expressive. He's a nice fit to ML's more reserved & cold persona. They have their ups & downs, most of their problems due to their lack of communication. I must confess that some of their petty fights seem like something I would do... so a personal bonus for that realistic touch.

THE SMUT. It's been a while since I've read smut this good... kind of reminds me of Rebirth of a Supermodel when it comes down to it, but I am HAPPY. You honestly can't complain...

Favorite moment:


truth or dare

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Sinsey rated it
March 31, 2018
Status: c50
So far, its really interesting ?

Edit: MTL-ed my way through

... more>>

well I couldn't hold it in and mtl-ed my way through half of the chapters and I must say it really focuses more on architecture related stuff than Bl but there are subtle hints throughout. Well that's all I've got after reading till around 40 or 50. I guess we'll get more on their romance in the later chapters cos they're gradually building up their relationship and MC has already fallen in love with ml. Also both ML and MC are really cute aye

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damnmei rated it
November 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Despite the translation, let it be known that ML's name is actually Gu Xiao! Not Gu Yu! Not that it really affects the story, but I do like his real name more. Anyways.

Wow. This novel was really just everything I needed. The characters are all so three dimensional, the romance is an amazing slow burn, and the couple growth is honestly one of the best I've read. Both Gu Xiao and Zhang Siyi grow so much throughout the course of the novel, and their relationship is seriously one of my... more>> favorites in all danmei. Neither are perfect by any means, but that just makes them more realistic and relatable, going through the same conflicts that any couple would go through and managing to make it out stronger together.

The story does a great job of introducing flawed characters, and having them experience tremendous character growth in a very realistic way. Pretty much every character has something that makes them either unlikable or difficult to get along with, but throughout the novel, their motivations are revealed and we as readers are able to both empathize with and cheer for them. I was honestly surprised at how much I could relate to almost every character, not just the main leads.

The character development is very subtle and really well done, especially for the Zhang Siyi! His growth both professionally and interpersonally is very natural, and I loved seeing him mature over the course of the novel. His emotions sometimes do still get the better of him, but that's so normal! I'm personally tired of perfect OP characters, and having a MC with flaws is so refreshing. Similarly, though Gu Xiao starts off quite mature in mentality, his emotional intelligence is quite lacking in the beginning, and it really was amazing to see him express himself, open up to, and actively care for Zhang Siyi as their relationship progressed.

At its core, this is a novel about the struggles of early adulthood as Zhang Siyi tries to find meaning in his life and work, while also finding love in the most unexpected place. There's also some really great life lessons in this novel, like finding one's place in the world, figuring out what truly matters, determining the true value of money, dealing with jealousy and comparison, and choosing who and what to invest time into. Gu Xiao in particular had a lot of very insightful words of wisdom, and I really do appreciate how the author balanced his character with a good amount of flaws to his seeming perfection.

Even in moments where ML picked at other characters, he never took things too far, and he would always stop if MC got upset, communicating clearly and listening closely to MC. He may be black bellied, but he's not actually mean spirited, which makes him much more likeable despite the teasing and sarcasm. If you're tired of perfect MLs who always react perfectly and have no visible flaws, Gu Xiao is the man for you. He's supportive and loving, while also being strict and almost overly rational, trying his best to balance between his roles as a boyfriend and a boss, sometimes failing, but never with cruel intent.

The ending of the extras was so satisfying, bringing the plot full circle. What an absolutely beautiful story. Rarely do I feel I want more after finishing such a long novel, but these two really made me wish for endless extras. I have so much love for this novel, some favorite parts being:

  • Gu Xiao's black belly nature had me cackling like this man is such an as*hole sometimes hahaha
  • Zhang Siyi's crush being completely out of control, his thoughts were just Gu Xiao Gu Xiao Gu Xiao I like you I like you I like you
  • ML's POV chapters! He was down so bad
  • The ambiguous period with all the flirting made me scream ngl
  • The s*x scenes??? Gu Xiao really unleashed the beast after their first time, prayers for Zhang Siyi's ass.
  • Also gotta love how much research he must have done to make things good for Zhang Siyi's first time.
  • Healthy communication and conflict resolution!! They may argue a lot but at the end of it all they're both always willing to speak frankly and treat each other with kindness and empathy. Every argument was a chance for them to better understand each other.
  • The trust between Gu Xiao and Zhang Siyi was beautiful, and I loved the way they would reassure one another in moments of jealousy. Very realistic for a relationship that has just started.
  • The way these two can not keep their hands off each other...
And the more spoiler-y favorite moments:

  • Fujoshi mom?! I died laughing, I think this is the first time I've seen it?!
  • Wingman little sister! And then also Tao Fei being the unfortunate witness to way too much PDA lmaoo
  • Gu Xiao keeping the pumpkin preserved!! Also the childhood story with the pumpkin baby, he's too cute!
  • Truth or dare... but the dares are just stripping... while they're in bed together...
  • The confession scene was beautiful. Gu Xiao truly has a way with words, he's so eloquent.
  • The relationship reveal to Gu Xiao's parents, perfection. I love when parents are just like "we knew you were gay since you were X years old" lol
  • Fujoshi mom accusing herself for turning her son gay with her novels like I can't hahaha. It's an unfortunate reality though that even some fujoshis are not as tolerant of actual gay people and prefer it only in fiction.
  • I do love how she said she would approve if they were still together after 6 years though. Shows that she's just worried about her son facing societal pressure and wants them to be certain.
  • Going to study abroad together!! Love how both of them made plans on their own to stay together. And now they can be open with their relationship!
  • The fact that Zhang Siyi and Heartless Han are basically brothers in law by Gu Xiao's sister marrying Fu Xinhui's girlfriend's brother haha! I love all the couples.
  • The poor oblivious father Zhang oh my god he's so unintentionally hilarious?! "Let him believe he was the first to know" oh my god
  • Also the fujoshi mom lowkey shipping them kills me lol she's trying to not support it but she can't help herself. I am in tears.
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AltaFujoshi rated it
March 11, 2023
Status: Completed
Well, it's so much to say and dont know where to start...

First, this one is an absolutly gem. One of the best danmei slice of life out there.

As an university student myself, I can relate much of the struggles of the MC. A big part of the novel is so related to the real life, that you can't help to feel in the MC's shoes at the beggining.

... more>> The growth of the MC is so well described that I can't find a little tiny piece to complaint about.

MC and ML are characters who aren't perfect. Maybe the ML seems at the begginig like a cliche ML in bls but as the novel follows you can see his fears, doubts, insecurities as well as in the chapters where you see his POV, he feels sooo human that later you can tell all the little fights and decision he makes are not always as you can see from MC's POV.

and what can I say about the MC. He has exactly the character that someones who growth in that kind of environment is suppose to have. I dont wanna say anymore about him, his childiness is justificable, and who doesnt want to be coaxed for their boyfriend? But he restrains a lot and later he learns how to deal with himself.

I just can this is a MUST read from everyone who likes slowburn and well writen stories. <<less
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peppergum rated it
May 30, 2022
Status: Completed
This was a more realistic (upper) middle-class romance c-novel. The story offered surprising social commentary on the comparison between money vs intrinsic value, as well as a sensitive perspective on urban development that paid attention to China's current problem of over-commercialization.

Did I skim through a lot of the dense paragraphs about architecture (that probably took the author their whole soul to research) ? Yep. But it never overwhelmed the well-developed relationship between Zhang Siyi & Gu Yu. Neither of them played too much into stereotypes. ZSY was charming and naïve,... more>> but also entitled and irresponsible. GY might seem like a perfect male lead, yet his pride wasn't without consequences.

While the story still sat on the more idealistic side of things (like most romance do, because that's what you read it for), I really enjoyed the up-and-downs that ZYS experienced as he tried to navigate through his 20's. Very relatable, especially the daunting insecurities that come with trying to root down a career amidst economic instability. <<less
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dogs.and.cats.are.equally.cute rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: Completed
So basically, my reason for writing a review is cause a friend said that he didn't read this novel cause there was a bad review. I got all pissed and came running here to bump up the reviews cause someone dared to downvote one of my top 5 (and I realised that it's at 4.5 with 233 votes for 5 star and Idk where he read that).

MC is childish? He is!! That is how he grows. His growth from a naive, little bunny to a mature man is so endearing... more>> to experience. I love it. You can experience the change in the thought process of the MC as you read along.

As for the ML, he is cold and reserved but he is much more than that! He is built of layered emotions and I just love it.

The story is a 5 for me. It's realistic and the MC's maturing process is the reason I adore this novel. The side characters don't revolve around the leads and their troubles sometimes make you reflect so I think it's a wonderful job there too.

My favourite character (?) is the cactus. You'll know why 😂

Snowy is a godly MTL translator. Except for some slight grammatical errors my nazi eyes spotted, there is nothing there to hinder your reading. You will not be able to put this book down. And with my tastes leaning towards realistic, mature and completed (I usually bookmark and wait for completion if it isn't), this is an ABSOLUTE GEM.

Similar suggestions include Your Distance for modern, Golden Stage (ancient and cause I just adore it) and SAYE <<less
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homoloaf rated it
October 30, 2020
Status: c40
I'm going to be honest I gave up at chapter 40. I can't get into the main character. He has too many mood swings and the situation between him and the male lead doesn't feel right. Just not for me. If you like Yaoi and it's many tropes you'd probably enjoy this. I will say though I did enjoy his interactions between him and his friends, that at least felt real.
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Melange rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a real gem of a fluffy heartwarming office romance. At the same time, this novel is fairly candid about the realities of working life, office politics, and the importance of building connections. There really isn't any angst in this novel, nor does there need to be given the setting. Rather, this novel focuses on the professional growth. If you enjoy a slow burn with a good amount of realism, then this is a good choice.

One minor issue is the quality of the translation. It's clear that this is... more>> edited MTL and unfortunately the translator is not very consistent with character names. ML is referred to as Gu Yu, Gu Xiao, Gu Yan, and sometimes even mixed up with his sister Gu Yao. There are several instances where Gu Yu is talking to Gu Yu when it's clear that one of them is supposed to be Gu Yao, leading to a lot of confusion as it seems like ML is talking to himself instead of to his sister. <<less
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potxki rated it
January 6, 2019
Status: c33
I'm rereading this and now I'm wondering what I even liked about this novel. I can understand MC's life journey and if ML isn't the ML and just the boss, or even a friend, I can understand the dynamics. As a romantic relationship, they don't make sense as a couple. The imbalance in their relationship is really skewed, and I thought by the end ML would at least change after their relationship changed into a romantic one but my hope is dashed away. I guess if you like a relationship... more>> where people talk to each other in the relationship instead of constantly anxious how the other might actually be feeling or what they're thinking and treat each other like an equal, then this one isn't for you <<less
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51Fool49 rated it
December 30, 2023
Status: --
MC is so childish and immature and ML knows exactly how to take advantage of this. Well, all the works of this author is like this, pathetic MC and ML who not only always overshadows the MC but is also so perfect in every aspect that he gets praised to sky and back.

There also doesn't seem to be mutual understanding between the cp. The imbalance relationship is just frustrating. I read half of it before dropping. Utter waste of time.
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PeerlessPotatoes rated it
July 12, 2023
Status: Completed
I wish I could read this for the first time again (≧∇≦)

Coming from author's other novel about campus idols, I thought this one would be very lighthearted like that one. But damn I was wrong!

Everything in the novel is perfect! I'm deeply motivated by MC's growth throughout the novel. Not to mention the side characters also have their own life ups and downs unlike some novels where side characters disappear after plot development. The characteristics of each of the characters are very realistic

... more>>

well maybe except the ML, because I don't think a man that mature, respectful, handsome, smart, rich and a great leader/ role model (wait I forgot he's also black bellied ( ̄_ ̄ |||)) exists T_T

Of course, their relationship wasn't always smooth sailing. They would bicker with each other occasionally but these scenes are my favorites especially they are quick to make up after any fight. Also, that one time after their fight, ML was sitting on top of the stairs thinking what went wrong was so cute! AHH HES SO PRECIOUS!!!


Normally my favorite novels are usually the one with mind blowing plots, but this one make it to my favorite without needing mind blowing plots or fantastic world building.

Another great part about the novel is how everyone overcomes their troubles and each finding their own paths. And there was also mentioning about inferiority complex. This path relate me so much as I tend to think of abandoning my career path whenever I saw some people who are ahead of me in life.

One thing for sure is I'll be coming back to here whenever I face dead ends and hopelessness in my career path (which is by no means related to architecture or anything STEM).

If you are looking for something very sweet and soothing slice of life, then you won't regret reading this novel! Because this is definitely THE HIDDEN GEM!!!!! <<less
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izayaYY rated it
June 9, 2023
Status: Completed
Interesting, detailed and realistic portrayal of a young architect graduate MC, and his arduous path to become a responsible adult, a confident licensed architect, and at the same time, carefully juggling his social life, his bunch of funny friends and colleagues, his tsundere dad, his newfound love in the form of a very black-belly ML and his new s*xual orientation!

I don't look for realism in my fiction, only coherence and consistency within a fictional world. With realism often comes boring real-life angst and drama. Not the case here! This is... more>> one of the best modern 'realistic' danmei. Whether it be the work culture, the field of architecture and design, the protags' characters, the setting, the typical chinese family and culture (i can totally relate), the romance and the no-nonsense approach to 'coming out', their trip to Japan, etc... everything in this novel feels very real. Except for some rare yaoi-style s*xual tropes which was obviously for comedy effect, this is an excellent, exceptional, well-balanced and well-written danmei. <<less
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loneplum rated it
November 17, 2022
Status: Completed
Highly recommend this fantastic read about the development and trials of a college graduate who has just started his post-academic life - a solid 5 stars.

It’s a realistic depiction of a fresh graduate who feels the pressures of being a responsible adult. He needs to find a way to keep up with rent and living expenses as he is now without parental financial support. On the first day of his first job, he discovers that his new boss is strict and demanding. In short, the MC needs to learn quickly... more>> how to balance money, friends, and new job responsibilities.

I’ve always loved reading about character growth because they’re so inspiring and this story does not disappoint. The MC develops in emotional and financial maturity as well as in his career. The seemingly perfect ML also works to improve himself when his own flaws and weaknesses are revealed during his interactions with the MC. I really liked reading about both the progression of their romantic relationship (slow-burn, not a love-at-first-sight story) and the MC’s own s*xual awakening (he has a girlfriend in the first chapter).

This slice-of-life story presents two characters in a healthy relationship with a great supporting cast of side characters. The pacing and realism of the story is superb. I can see myself coming back to re-read this truly satisfying story. <<less
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Meds rated it
July 1, 2022
Status: Completed
Wow the author really did a good job with this novel. At first I was a bit intimidated to read because of the chapters and I was scared that I would be bored with just only 50+ chapters because usually these types of novel that has 200+ chapters are boring and most of the time the writer seems to forget about the main plot and just drag out the story with useless things. But this didnt bore me at all and I didnt even skip one paragraph I read the... more>> whole thing line by line!! Yes it is that Good!!

It is really fun watching the Progress of the MC throughout the years as an architech and the ML is just Perfect. I love them both.

And trust me when I say that their relationship is one of the best and most healthy one ive read so far.

If you are reading this I would 100% recommend this to you all. And lastly I would like to thank the author for writing this amazing work and the translator who did a really good job and executed the novel pretty well. <<less
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February 15, 2022
Status: Completed
I must say... I really love this novel. I was never annoyed at the MC to begin with. While reading, I thought his character is a bit endearing. His personality albeit childish has a room for growth (which the author really addressed) . I love the MCs personality but most of all, I love the character development not only on the MC but the ML too.

The side characters? WONDERFUL.

I recommend this one.

thank you translators for picking this up!
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Jens_Ruby rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Wonderful novel and love story... Did not expect to be so engrossed with the lives of the characters and had no prior expectations when first started reading. This was just lovely! Great job authors but also translator Snowy Notes!! 5/5 all day~
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mYboiS rated it
June 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Oops, I made a mistake, this is acutally a 💫💫💫💫💫 5/5 star Novel for me.

The best novel!! I accidentally clicked 1 star 😅 but it's really 5/5.

Omg!! This. Novel. Is. Too. Awesome!!! If you are a BL fan, you need to read it!

... more>> First of all... let me just say this. "Gu yu, I love you!!!"💕💓❤❤

After reading this novel, it makes me want to get a good career and be rich. Lol And omg I just want to KILL freaken MC so I can have GU YU, the ML. I'm freaken in love with the ML, maybe that's why I loved this novel so much lol. ML is like the perfect package boyfriend, tall, dark, handsome, rich, nice, understanding, knows how to cook, educated!!

But omg this novel is really good. I'm glad I picked it up. I passed up on this novel so many times because I thought it might just be about boring office architecture story, but it's not.

The development of MC and ML's relationship was really, really, really good!! I think their great chemistry is what made this novel so good. Thats all I can say. You just have to READ IT!!!

And omg the ending! 🤗❤I loved the ending! It was a smart ending!! It connects right back to the beginning and almost makes you as the reader want to go back to the beginning chapter again! Lol.

💗I hope this novel gets a hard copy version! I will diffinately purchase it even if it's in the hundreds. I'm just in love with this novel!💗

Thank you for translating this masterpiece!! <<less
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May 31, 2021
Status: c1
Haven't finished this story until now.... I don't know why, but I'm not in the mood to continue reading it.

But so far the story is very good, Especially for the story that have slice of life genre (I mean it was hard to find a book with slife of life genre that doesn't make you bored or sleepy).
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