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Baek Kanghyeon, the hidden successor and fourth son of the Baekcheong Group’s chairman, harbors a secret: he’s a rare type with 99% Alpha traits and 1% Omega traits.

Having lived his life as a powerful dominant Alpha, his world suddenly takes a turn when Kwon Haeil enters the picture.

“I think I might die because I like you so much, Baek Kanghyeon-ssi.”

Kwon Haeil, a relentless Alpha who only knows how to move forward to get what he wants, quickly becomes deeply rooted in Kanghyeon’s life—

“Congratulations. You’re six weeks pregnant.”

—only to leave him with something completely unexpected.

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Unscented Trajectory (Shared Universe)
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Date Group Release
10/01/24 Bleak Ruby c2
09/11/24 Bleak Ruby c1
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