After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger


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Ye Jin once traveled to the interstellar era, and became an orphan on a barren star. The weatherproof house is almost out of whack. Ye Jin had no choice but to go back to his old business and become a food anchor, hoping to solve his urgent needs.

Ye Jin on the first day of the live broadcast: Today, I will live broadcast to make Chinese delicacies, fish porridge and braised fish cubes. The method is very simple and the braised fish with rice is a must.

Netizen 1: Anchor, you can’t do this, I have no appetite when I look at it. Isn’t this a scam?

Netizen 2: Chinese food? I’ve never heard of it before, who still eats this kind of nutritious and unpalatable food now!

Netizen 3: This meaty smell is so bad and not delicious. Besides, now everyone drinks nutritional supplements, and no one will eat this kind of thing.

After Ye Jin really made the dish, netizens were so fragrant that they scrambled to buy it, and even spent a lot of money in the live broadcast room just to get a taste of the delicious food.

Since then, the craze for food making has swept the entire interstellar space, and Ye Jin’s food live broadcast room has become the spiritual heaven of the people of the empire.

Then one day, many netizens discovered that there were more people in Ye Jin’s family.

All netizens: No way! Whoever dog man took away the anchor is unforgivable!

Fu Chen, a dog man who is an admiral of the empire: …

Netizens who know the truth: QAQ Is there any help for those who scold the admiral?

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Recommendation Lists
  1. divine danmei
  2. To Be Read.
  3. Live streamer/futuristic/survival/zerg
  4. BL Interstellar
  5. Reading List 001

Latest Release

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7 Reviews sorted by

Wintercreeper rated it
September 27, 2022
Status: --
It's your typical "China best country" interstellar food streamer novel, not even a pinch of logic went into the story or characters, it's copy-pasted to get in on this weird trend.

Characters are so basic that they barely have any personality whatsoever, especially MC is a master-adapter who has no problems fitting into uber futuristic society.

Ordinary guy suddenly transmigrates into the far future, needs 5 minutes to become completely familiar with technology we right now can't even dream of.
Another 5 minutes and he researched the original owner's whole past, including that he was bullied since childhood, just by using the guy's light brain. Did he write down his memoir on that thing or how does this work?

Minors aren't allowed to work but they can own property and live alone, so have to pay rent/taxes and need to feed, cloth, etc., themselves.

Of course somehow real food is no longer a thing, recipes all just seem to be lost, but everyone immediately loves Chinese food, which in reality is a massive hit or miss for most people... maybe only Chinese descendants survived and it's genetic memory?

I could go on because nothing in this story makes any sense, the writer didn't even try to keep it consistent, it reads very much like one of the 50k novels that tried to hop on the twilight bandwagon, just with interstellar food streaming.

If you are into this stuff, go read one of the older, good ones, not this zero-effort cash grab.
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loussi rated it
March 7, 2023
Status: c15
I don't find anything original in this novel. If I didn't already read a lot of similar novels I wouldn't be able to understand anything since the author doesn't bother explaining anything and the ML is a Mary Sue.

While I usually find novels of interstellar genre interesting this one was so boring I could only last 15 chapters. It just copied things from other novels without adding anything original (natural food is exctinct and the ML is the only one who can cook even though they had the ingredients... more>> forever, he easily found replacement for missing ingredients without tasting or experimenting, he got a marshal who live with him and protect him in secret, and so on and on of familiar ideas but watered down versions)

It would be better to just read the original novels again.

The translation is good and that's why it's 2 stars and not 1 <<less
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everydaydanmei rated it
September 26, 2022
Status: c30
3.5 stars at most tbh.

Just your regular interstellar entertainment novel, nothing much. It's lighthearted, slow burn romance, nothing really happened (yet?), not much conflict. It's still enjoyable for a slice of life novel. Lack of common sense, don't think too much while reading, just turn off your brain lmao.

MC is just your regular transmigrated guy, very ordinary. He knows a lot of ancient chinese cooking history and can cook really really well for a cooking live streamer, almost like a master chef but don't worry about the details lol. The... more>> plot is mostly cooking live streaming with A LOT of netizens' comments, the usual entertainment stuff.


Kinda weird that he's collaborating with many important figures and even a ministry of botany without writing any contract but okay... A loss for him tbh since he mentioned a lot that he has no money.


The ML is... well, a male lead. I guess. I can't say much about him. He's just like any other MLs out there.

If you're fine with this kind of novel then go for it. I think I will continue reading it because I have nothing else to read at the moment. <<less
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nitan rated it
May 11, 2023
Status: Completed
It's not bad, but like the other reviews already said - it's dreadfully boring. I think I might've enjoyed it more if I wasn't reading something more relaxing and needed something that might be a little fun. This was fine, it's very leisurely, but the plot is still very typical.

The food is fine too, but if you're also familiar with other novels of the same type (interstellar food streamer with a royalty/admiral pet) -- the food in this novel is very.. home cooked comfort food. And some dishes are made... more>> purely for the theatrics. It's very... I don't know if it's underwhelming or predictable. It doesn't exactly speak any love for food, so overall it just made it feel a little cheap...

Otherwise it's not a bad book, it's possibly a good time if you want something that's just mindless. But otherwise I can't guarantee how fun it is. I don't think it's fun, but that's just my opinion! I hope this is a book that fits what you're looking for at the time! <<less
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TheDecayingFlower555 rated it
September 26, 2022
Status: c12
This is a really sweet story so far. I like how it focuses more on our MC trying to make it big in the interstellar network, though he got big mad quick.

I also love the story about who a certain someone is in relation to our MC.
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kayue rated it
May 1, 2024
Status: c28
As of chapter 28, I have to give this story only 3 stars.
I have to agree with other reviewers that this MC (and maybe the author) are not the smartest.

There are plot holes that you can drive a starship through. (Pun intended) The world setting where food culture has been lost and everyone eats nutrient potions is fine. But all of the sudden everyone accepts the concept of strange food and a cook appearing? Then a restaurant? The MC suddenly has powers?

Too illogical. There are a few charm points, so I’ll try to finish it anyways
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Emily rated it
June 20, 2023
Status: c22
It's an okay read at most. The translation is pretty rough at times, with some parts making no sense whatsoever and some paragraphs incomplete.

The MC is quite confusing and inconsistent at times.

Someone literally investigate him and went to his door to ask without permission to ask to become an apprentice AFTER he said live that he didn't plan on taking any apprentices, but he somehow let it go and worse, accept the person as an apprentice?! But a few chapters earlier he was pretty mad when someone asked if he wanted help to solve a "gang boss" that was coming for him in exchange for becoming a private cook.

Like, he did not like being investigated, but was okay with someone else investigating him to stalk him home?!


ML is pretty plain and, quite honestly, boring. He is immature and acts like a child most of the time, he is also showing controlling tendencies (getting angry and sulking when MC has friends and chooses to interact with them).

Overall, the story could be interesting, but the author choices coupled with the rough translation quickly made me lose interest. I may give it another go in the future, tho I doubt it.
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