Abyss Domination


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He doesn’t know why his mind has been transferred into that of a petty thief named Soran within the VRMMO . The new ‘Soran’ though possesses both the body’s previous occupant’s memories and his own. Using his experience as a Legendary Rogue who had reached the apex known as the Realm of Legends, he will now have to survive in this world which had once been a game to him.

Soran will have to grow stronger while avoiding the upcoming dangers and protect his younger sister, Vivian, from the chaotic times which will soon devastate the world. He shall eliminate everything and everyone that threatens them.

When the demons of the Abyss rise and the gods fall, a massacre will take place across the world.

Divinity has fallen, and evil is surging from beneath.

The Time of Troubles has begun.

Associated Names
One entry per line
ShenYuan Zhuzai
Related Series
Night Ranger (8)
The Amber Sword (4)
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42 Reviews sorted by

Whiterabbitalice rated it
November 16, 2019
Status: Completed
The first hundred chapters are a little rough, as the author likes to over explain almost everything. However, the story is really intriguing and we'll paced, and the characters are very likable. Would definitely recommend for anyone looking for a DND inspired fantasy world with a protagonist who's willing to do whatever it takes.
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singlespace rated it
May 19, 2018
Status: v1c19
It's pretty much Dungeons and Dragons the web-novel. A bit much on the rule and setting dumps, especially since most of them have no actual impact on the story, but I guess that's true of Dungeons and Dragons in the general though.
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baqar_otaku rated it
March 11, 2018
Status: v1c5
So far so good. Great emotional story, Well thought out plot progression, Nice world building.

Tho it is a Chinese novel, It seems like a Dark Korean novel. And who doesnt love Dark Korean novels?. It has none of that Cultivation and martial art sh*t btw. (Which is a plus imo. Im sick of those generic chinese novels)
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November 6, 2017
Status: --
I like this series but it doesn't seem to have dedicated translator who put out chapters at least once every other week. Also the cuurent translator seems be retranslating it from very beginning and their doesn't appear to be anything horrendously wrong the previous translator work. This would not bother me so much if the current translator was not so ridiculously slow that he only release one chapter within last 7 months. It's not even clear that he is still translating it. Which I think is a real shame because... more>> this series is probably one of the top ten best novels on this website and I've read most of the novels on this website or at least their synopsis. I think the main reason this series has gone mostly unnoticed is because of two main reasons the fist being a dedicated translator that puts regular release and second reason is because of simply not enough publicity. If you're translator reading this I would highly recommend you to pick up this series up as a main project. Not simply because I like it but I think it has a lot of potential to be a very popular series. <<less
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r4ndieL rated it
October 9, 2020
Status: c178
This novel is good. (@ Ch. 178)

Recommended, either for passing time or as main course. But there is one thing that personally makes me scroll down/skipping read a lot; too many information dump inside a chapter which sometime are repetitive, either in that chapter itself or from few previous chapters. Some of this information is actually more like philosophic speech which I think has little to no usage for the current story. In general I can say that almost each page contain 30% story, 50% descriptive-related info, 20% author... more>> philosophical speech, so I skip those part. But overall, I'm enjoying it while waiting for my main course.

Well, I still at early chapters, hopefully in the future it will be more interesting.

Update at ch. 491:

Some info dumping are still too much, it's good for a detailed explanation for skill, slaughter exp, divinity points, magic, professiona, etc. But still makes me skip some of it. The story itself became more interesting as it is progressed. Currently, the side story about George in Mordor makes me feel some kind of different enjoyment, a refreshener from so many fighting, scheming & killing arc. Short and maybe bland for others, but still refreshing for me personally. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
June 28, 2019
Status: c100
This is a meticulously crafted and superbly written novel, but unfortunately it reads like a DnD manual at times. Also I am personally not a fan of "protect the little sister" type of novels, so will only give it 4*.
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August 23, 2018
Status: --
The reviews here seems to be waaaay off mark so...

Setting: Faerun/Toril/Abeir world in a period of upheaval, one or two years before the next Times of Troubles where gods fallen to the face of the world. System using DnD 3.5 concepts.

The original is a Chinese web novel. You know Japanese web novel is like. Think of the most longwinded one, then double its word count. That is a chinese one. Chinese novels get written because authors get inspired then written, not because of fans' egging him on. So if he... more>> decide to get long winded, that because his muse demand it so. You can do nothing about it.

The especially serious problem of that translator, is that he doesnt know about DnD, he doesnt care to know about it, and he dont have friends in that aspect to trade ideas with. Further example

Arcane Missile instead of Magic Missile, the 1st tier basic ranged attack spell. or Night Baroness instead of Shar.

Of course, if you glare at it, they could be playing a deception game as they are publishing amazon ebooks (I can recognize what they are doing and for what). Still, in that case, they trade financial goals for clarity and quality of the project. <<less
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skankhunt42 rated it
May 14, 2018
Status: Completed
The author failed to deliver a satisfying ending to the story. Otherwise, it is a good read if you like litrpg.
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kad rated it
October 7, 2017
Status: Completed

This is good read.. if you are free and have nothing to read this could be the one you can read. tge story is fine but the story is all about incoming disaster and how MC strives to become stronger to dominate.. the thing is it doesn't have any ending.. well he doesn't have any specific enemies or anything so... but that kind of ending was bland.... except for it to have part 2 but I don't think it has. Yeah there is one more thing.. there few characters who where to meet later like the dragon Loli and some small girl in abyss whose destiny ought to be pitiful were not mentioned later in the novel....

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Hazel00 rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: c200
Rate : 2.5 / 5

It has problem with Show dont tell, very little story progress but more like wikipedia. Too much explaining without showing what it is. It's bad, real bad. Annoying writing style.

Useless infodump that takes half of the chapter. When most of the reader already knows what it is, but the author keep explaining it in every chapter and keep repeating it over and over and over again, I coulndt, I just couldn't.

Many plothole everywhere, and some s*upid things here and there. Too much. I couldnt follow... more>> the author, it hurts my brain <<less
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ziki rated it
July 23, 2020
Status: c429
The novel starts of rather weak and rather cliche. At first I though it was going to be a copy of Night Ranger since the background introduction story seemed rather similar. Not much in the long run though, the story quickly becomes it's own and while not the most original story out there, it takes inspiration from many sources.

Overall, I would say that it's decent story that gets better with time.

For anyone liking RPG series, it's worth giving this one a try. It's not the best one out there but... more>> it's decent execution nonetheless.

Ah right, it's one of those where MC is kills people left and right without any feeling of remorse. He has lawful evil alignment which describes him pretty well. Someone that tries to not cross the law but as long as it benefits him, he immediately proceeds with action. A good example of this is a scene where "MC is travelling on the boat but then he hears two people talking about having some fancy artefact. MC immediately proceeds to steal the artefact without second though, killing the original owners in the process." <<less
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Epythymy rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: c260
You can give this story a try if you have no better alternatives.

The only 'positive' aspect of the whole novel is a somewhat villainous MC.

The world building and the level-up system are a mess. Especially the latter. It is pretty much impossible to understand MC's current level and what the heck he is trying to achieve with his system.

... more>> Tons of useless infodumps coupled with various minor rules and laws are not helping to improve this situation in any way either.

All in all, except for some minor details, the story is painfully similar to the last arc of the "Warlock of the Magus world". The concept of gods, faith system, MC's personality, schemes and conspiracies, even the way how the story progresses in MC's pursuit of power are almost the same. It is not a bad thing, but it's hard to say that I was enjoying it. <<less
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scribbledoutname rated it
November 21, 2019
Status: c510
First, let me get the obvious stuff out of the way: This is, like a couple of other series on here*, a blatant ripoff of D&D. Don't be fooled by the apparent "depth" of the world. The author doesn't even bother to change the names of the gods and the events of the plot it stole from D&D. Google the Time of Troubles, Lolth, Mystra, etc.

That said, the story itself is still enjoyable... just brace yourself to wade through enormous amounts of exposition.

*Warlock of the Magus World being equally shameless.
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April 30, 2018
Status: c51
This was really well translated. I legit teared up in the third chapter- if I weren't lying down I have no doubt they would've fell from my eyes.

This was fantastic to read. I stayed up until 6am reading (when I had planned to sleep at 12am) because I just didn't want to stop. It has great pacing that doesn't really make you feel like it's slowing down.

The main issue I have with this novel though is that there's a bit too much exposition in some chapters; instead of trickling exposition... more>> and information over time, it seems like the author is forcibly throwing a wall of text regarding the differences between wizards and sorcerers all at once, so he can move on from having to explain it ever again (which he does two more times later on anyway making the initially long-winded and over-exposed information wall-of-text pointless to begin with.)

Secondary issue I have with this is the opposite- not enough exposition- there's this vague idea the author has called "explosive power" and it somehow gives Soran better combat ability whilst draining his stamina, but it's never properly explained what this is (as it's not an obtained skill in his status panel) or how he came to have it.


Final problem with the story is that Soran KNOWS the tavern he's staying in at the second city is aiming for his sister- but he leaves her there and goes shopping anyway- this was immensely s*upid of the author- Soran would NEVER do that, he's calm, calculated and avoids risk where he can.

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faerro rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: c102
Decent Rogue LitRPG style WN, but still lacking compared to "Night Ranger". Unlike Night Ranger, almost every chapter of Abyss Domination is comprised of 20% or more filler in the form of extraneous descriptions and explanations. Reading this novel daily will likely leave readers frustrated as the author drags things out to hit his word quotas with as little plot progression as possible.

I also worry that the little sister is being built up to become a Mary Sue. It feels like Geralt and Ciri from the Witcher when Ciri was... more>> still young. We all know that Ciri becomes game breaking levels of powerful, which basically leaves Geralt in the dust.

Edit c102: All in all the story is pretty good, however, my opinion above remains largely the same. Almost every chapter is fluffed up by pointless info dumps, which slows down plot progression to crawl. The chapters are not exactly long either, which only compounds the annoyance. Arg. <<less
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promet rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c329
Rating verging on 2.5/5, but still closer to 2/5.

A very average novel, with a feel similar to those wizard + AI chip cheat ones, and generally similar to "western fantasy" Chinese novels revolving around sorcery. The only difference is that the MC is a thief+mage build.

It's not that the author hasn't put any effort into stuff like setting, plot, and the like. The issue is that the story has nothing that really attracted me. Let me tell you why:

    1. Setting is honestly meh. It's just another litRPG, but this time from China and it's not a virtual world. It may be interesting if you haven't encountered that yet, but if you have read any fanfics on royal road (which I read a good several years ago), then you may discover that this novel is pretty much like them. The only issue is that the author made an overly complicated setting, there's a whole bunch of attributes and values, and it's easy to get lost in them. It's very confusing, and it doesn't help that sometimes obtaining an ability, for example, doesn't mean obtaining it (you have to obtain it like 2-3 times for it to be obtained). Just plain weird. Other than that, the author made a lot of setting about different factions and classes and a few countries, but it's nothing special: the author just made the bare minimum necessary, and it looks better than in other webnovels coz most Chinese authors can't even do this much...
    1. Plot is also meh. There are some main plots and subplots, but none of them feel really interesting. What should bring pressure doesn't bring much of it and feels like random 2012 world end yapping, and not only are none of the plots interesting per se, the characters don't make them feel important.
    1. And that's because characters are meh. I have not a hint of emotional attachment to any single one of them. I mean, we have antihero bro, loli sister he takes care of, etc, etc, but none of those characters is really moving. They don't really have any extraordinary points that would make them stand out among characters of the majority of webnovels, which makes them feel like just another random character in most cases. It's difficult to sympathize or empathize with them. They simply aren't interesting.
Because of this, I read a bit over 100 chapters normally, but skimmed over the rest of what I've read. There were boring events I didn't care about as MC embarked on quests I didn't care about. MC's first relationship was the only thing worth slowing down for, but while it was nice to read, it was also written not too well (it was hasty, and the author skipped some of natural relationship progress, so it felt forced even if the author wrote that part well).

I don't know, man. If you like Chinese random wizard stories, then you may enjoy it, and same if you like litRPG stories. I, however, didn't really enjoy it. It's just average.
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cpzombie rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: c960
This is definitely not well-written, but it's fun. If a lawful evil MC set in the world of Baldur's Gate (lots of references to the original games) sounds like something you'd enjoy, I recommend reading it. He isn't pure evil, but more how I personally tend to play games: neutral / friendly if it doesn't cost anything, but totally down to ens*ave and mu*der for enough benefits. He also doesn't refuse women throwing themselves at him, which is a huge plus.

The biggest problems imo are the stat system and how... more>> shallow everything is. I tend to like game systems, but this is poorly implemented. He's the only one that knows about the system, so you'd assume that it would be just used as an abstraction (which is the whole point)... but there are constant info dumps about exact stats for everything, with strict checks??? As an example, there is a portal with signs that require 350 knowledge to understand. What???

There are multiple characters / plotlines that get pretty much totally forgotten about. The author is terrible at timescale and relationships too; everyone just instantly falls for MC because he's MC, and pretty much everything he does works out like that.

Overall, it's a fun power fantasy. I'm dropping here because of the aforementioned reasons, but I still highly recommend giving it a shot if you want a reasonable MC power fantasy. It's good enough that I read almost 1000 chapters despite cringing occasionally, and honestly there aren't many novels with evil-aligned MCs. <<less
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ciddarum rated it
April 9, 2023
Status: c200
It's like the author couldn't decide whether or not to write a story or an IGN game guide about the best classes in D&D. Because, by god, the amount of extraneous and irrelevant 'world building' and remarks take up at least half of most chapters that it ends up reading like a reddit post. I swear you could cut down the word count of the entire novel to 5 chapters' worth if you remove those.

The story itself isn't special. The plot is better than average in the genre. But let's... more>> be honest, that's not a very high bar to leap over. There were some interesting subplots but that gets thrown out the window because some big bad legendary boss bs suddenly appears for the Nth time and the MC has to run away for the N+1th time.

Characters. They suck. Inconsistent and, if they're not at all major, completely forgettable. Even the MC is widely inconsistent, and not in the sense that he has character growth. No, his opinions and thought processes change at the snap of the finger.

Overall, it's not a good read if you want a story. If you're fond of browsing game wikis tho, then go for it. <<less
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December 8, 2019
Status: --
Alright, so I'm not rating this yet, mostly cause I've only read 12 chapters so far, however, my god is the writing poor. I really don't get why the rating is so good, but I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt and try to push forward if I can.

Here's the first problem : The whole thing is filled with pointless exposition. You get paragraphs of what the player could do with his game character previous to reincarnation, how amazingly strong he was, how he had this amazing... more>> weapon or whatever. None of this is relevant in any way to the story, it is just pointless padding. Same goes for describing various classes for no reason and what they do. This didn't happen during an encounter with said class mind you, but just randomly out of nowhere. Author also repeats the same thing several times and seems confused about the character's level in the early chapters, but that could just be poor translation. It is all just sad as reading becomes a drag.

The story is uninspired and the characters, so far at least, are one dimensional and boring, that being said there's not been much to go on in just 12 chapters of padding. Also it is all just shameless dnd ripoff.

There is a bit of decent writing, here and there, but its like a needle in the haystack of padding your word count. If I'd rate it now it would be one star, just because I can't give it half. <<less
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Yomigaeru rated it
May 7, 2018
Status: v1c76
Promises a lot of potential as the tale of the rise of a legendary rogue in a D&D setting, but spends far too much time repeatedly going into intricate detail about levels, stat points and skill trees in-between any actual interesting story. It feels like the author was trying to pad the character count, to the point that it detracts from the narrative.
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