A Will Eternal


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One will to create oceans. One will to summon the mulberry fields.

One will to slaughter countless devils. One will to eradicate innumerable immortals.

Only my will… is eternal.

A Will Eternal tells the tale of Bai Xiaochun, an endearing but exasperating young man who is driven primarily by his fear of death and desire to live forever, but who deeply values friendship and family.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Thought Through Eternity
Nhất niệm vĩnh hằng
Sonsuz Bir Arzu
Una Voluntad Eterna
Yi Nian Yong Heng
Related Series
I Shall Seal the Heavens (Shared Universe)
Renegade Immortal (Shared Universe)
Pursuit of the Truth (Shared Universe)
Against Heaven (Shared Universe)
A World Worth Protecting (Shared Universe)
Outside of Time (Shared Universe)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (36)
World of Cultivation (15)
Renegade Immortal (10)
Heavenly Jewel Change (8)
Pursuit of the Truth (7)
Great Demon King (6)
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241 Reviews sorted by

xianxia_reader rated it
August 29, 2016
Status: c97
Better than most of the offerings out there. Repetitions are there but not that many. Tries to move the story forward by introducing newer story lines instead of same old xianxia tropes.

Still given the natural length of most CN LNs it is still early days to say whether it will evolve eventually or will end up reusing the story lines.
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Demintika rated it
August 25, 2016
Status: c250
This is something very different from other Xianxia's novels. Although it uses the usual Cultivation Rank, so far no "Nascent soul" or above cultivator has appeared. The MC's cultivation speed is very reasonable for a prodigy.

Unlike those heaven-breaking OP MC where the author just gloss over their effort and throw them to the next level. In this novel, the MC is very hard working (cultivating), thus explain perfectly his cultivation speed. He is a bit self-centered (which is one of the reasons why people hate him). Also, instead of getting... more>> praise for his hard-working and diligent trial-and-error mind, he got a lot of hate for accidentally (for real) making a mess out of people with his error. It's Funny, and it's different from other Xianxia.

Since it's a Comedy, Fighting is a minimal aspect of this novel. The MC always tries to avoid fighting because he is afraid of death, but when someone trigger him, he can overpower people of higher level.

Oh, and don't expect much for the Romance. Cultivating >> Hoe. <<less
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kamissama rated it
July 9, 2016
Status: c46
This is a very refreshing novel from Er Gen. This is a bit too early to say but its pretty different from his previous works where there a lot of killing. The MC's personality is is quite unique considering other xianxia novels.
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yuan-niisan rated it
April 30, 2016
Status: --
This novel really gives me an easygoing vibe The MC was a basically a rascal that cons everyone without them knowing. He was a scumbag that was afraid of death. But still, he was extremely cunning person but uses it in the rascal’s way.
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Delirious rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: c1314
All I can say is, f*ck the haters. This is by FAR the BEST blend of Japanese shounen and Chinese cultivation on this site. Period. I can't say what is the "best" work of Er Gen because people like him for different reasons. I will say, however, this is my favorite hands down, and enjoyed it more than any other novel he has made.

It's extremely fun and has just enough intense action and "dark" plot Er Gen is known for to be an amazing blend of things I like. The... more>> only issue I have is... The harem. I guess after the backlash of how he handled ISSTH's romance, he felt the need to force a harem. I usually don't mind them, but this was pretty forced. Other than that, and the fact it got a little repetitive, I'll fight you all day on how "good" a novel this is.

It's simply fun and has enough quality to make me love it. <<less
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KakoiVampire rated it
December 29, 2020
Status: Completed
The difference between my expectations and reality about the MC in this novel is as great as difference between Heaven and Earth.

The difference between one realm and the next one in cultivation in this novel is as great as the difference betweenH and Earth 'but' MC can overcome that difference just because he was lucky af. Just when he is in a pinch or a bottleneck there will be a very rare (once in a century it something like that) event about to happen in the very near future which... more>> will help him overcome it. He also gets just enough time to prepare for it too. Rinse and repeat.

The biggest bummer for me in this story is that MC will never be true to his desires and ambitions when he needs to. MC wants to be immortal and live an eternal life so he starts cultivation and makes great progress with the help of a heavenly treasure that he just happens to pick up from a kitchen. There comes an enemy who may kill him so maybe he should get lost before the enemy gets him, right? No. Our MC can't run away because he now cares about something more than just his lifelong wish of eternal life. MC somehow defeats or deters the enemy, then complains a little bit about being almost killed and that his lifelong wish was about to pop like a soap bubble (he now remembers that he has a wish like that). At some point I just felt like author cannot take the other route because he is either not really thinking about MC's wish or just doesn't like to make his MC's character edge/dark. Anyway, the MC is just a hypocrite.


MC also antagonizes a lot of people (stronger than him) and when they are out to get him he complains that they are the bad guys and he is just a harmless rabbit and he also believes himself to be the most virtuous person. This is cute and ok in the beginning but this mentality doesn't change even in the latter parts of the novel (almost no character development). He thinks like this even when he is the stronger one in a situation and will thoroughly exploit the opponent just to rub it in their face.


Now, about the romance in the novel :
It is very confusing if MC really likes the girls or is just f*cking them because they let him; wait, correction -

the girls use aphrodisiac on the MC and themselves to have s*x. MC is just a man-child whenever they get together, he doesn't make any choices or has any preferences regarding any topic regarding his relationships and just lets the girls make decisions for him. MC also can't tell his wives to stop fighting about him (idk what these girls even see in him), he just runs away when there are more than 1 of his partners there. One time 2 girls were standing outside his room to see which foot, right or left, he will lift first to determine who he loves more. These girls will fight for his love and affection and even just a little bit of his affection (like who will he talk to first). These girls have been thirsty for love and attention for so long that they have fallen for an immature person who can't tell them to stop behaving like kids fighting for one more spoon of ice cream.



What this novel is about :
1. Difference between Heaven and Earth
2. MC's luck
3. MC overcoming differences between Heaven and Earth within realms of cultivation through his luck
4. Little bit of comedy
5. Bad romance
6. Over-the-top sizes of cities, distances and statues (20, 000 km high statue dafuq, I can't imagine it)
7. More comparisons of heaven and earth <<less
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kamishiniyari rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: c552
Well, the story is quite good, but honestly, aftr reading this s*upid BXC, I instantly missed Meng Hao, this is way too much of a downgrade in MC department.

BXC is too childish..a horrible attention whore, that sometimes I can't help but feel bad for other characters that have to deal with his shenanigans as Er Gen trying to justify BXC s*upid acts as righteous,.. Sure it sometimes work for comedic effects, but not for long.

Well, if someone likes the type of comedy where the MC is a kid that f*cks... more>> with everyone for comedic effects, yeah, they'd probably rate this as 5 or something. <<less
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LunaticNef rated it
October 11, 2020
Status: c1315
Er Gen's best work, period. MC has a lot more character depth and feels more lively compared to the usual stone-hearted protagonists. The humor is top-notch and overall this novel is a rare gem.
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Person8642 rated it
October 3, 2020
Status: Completed
If I was to rate AWE book by book:

    1. ~4
    2. ~3.8
    3. ~3.8
    4. ~3.6
    5. ~2.8 - There were some annoying chapters in book 5, and it had some of the most contrived conflict resolution in the series. It's also where the author forgets about some of the earlier developments/characters, and starts dropping in more inconsistencies. It's a bit too repetitive and uses the same methods to resolve conflicts repeatedly, with little real development for the MC compared to the previous books. This is also the longest book, at just shy of 300 chapters, though book 7 is a close 2nd in that regard.
    6. ~3.8 - Overall, book 6 wrapped up the first 6 books pretty well, and while it had a few low points, it was still quite good, and wraps up most of the loose ends. It's also the only part of the story with an actually decent romance arc that focuses on something other than just the physical appearance of the girl.
    7. ~1.5 - It's bad, especially so when read right after book 6. Some of the early parts of book 7 being decent, and it had a few decent plot elements, but it was not a good conclusion to the story overall. If books 5 and 6 didn't happen, or if it was a standalone novel completely separate from the rest, I'd probably give this a 2-2.5, but the way it just walks over some of the major developments that occurred in the earlier books, particularly books 5 and 6, is just maddening.
AWE starts off good, and stays good for a pretty long time, but somewhere halfway through, the author starts to completely forget about some characters. Conflict resolution gets rushed and often feels contrived, the story gets a bit too repetitive, the quality starts slipping, etc... The numbers given rarely make sense in the story, and seem more like the author/reader giving a way to "measure" power growth (which is unnecessary) than actual measurements of distances/sizes, and timeframes are often inconsistent, especially late in the series.

He spends ~5-8 years in the wildlands, then it's implied he's been missing for decades when he gets back in book 6. In book 7, it's mentioned he spends 30 years + 10 years doing something, then later stated that 30 years had passed.


If I'd rated this after the first ~300 chapters, I'd probably have given it a 4. The early parts are, pretty good. There are some high points later on throughout the novel, but the overall quality starts to slip, as the story moves forward, and the ending is outright bad.

Book 7 in general is just bad, and reading it felt like a slap in the face after everything set up in the 6th book. I'd advise treating the end of book 6 (with some minor adjustments so it makes sense) as the story ending in a tragedy, or make up your own ending after that, and not read the rest. It's not worth it.

1. Romance/harem issues. The author forces a bad harem at the expense of a decent romance from book 6 that had been a plot point throughout most of the story all the way from book 1.


Book 6 set up for a good romance, and gives a reason to actually care about one of the girls in the story for a reason other than them being attractive, and showed the MC did as well, and the relationship with the girl in question had saved his ass on numerous occasions earlier in the story, even when he didn't know for certain who she was - something that had motivated him to look for her and move forward in the novel/accumulate power and standing to try and figure out.

She's just dropped in book 7, barely mentioned aside from "he looked for her a couple of times and didn't find her" - which was bullsh*t and made no sense after a certain point, when he was powerful enough to search the entire world in ~3 months at the most after about a year and a half after the end of book 6, then in ~5 days later on, when things were actually peaceful for ~20-30 years. He had the time and ability to find her many times in the story, and 2 of the antagonists received motivation to do so as well. The end of book 6 had also set up a situation where she could have easily played a major role in book 7, and it was weird that she didn't - it just seemed like a poor decision by the author to cut her out for the sake of giving the MC a harem, because the emotional relationship with her was a clear step up from the relationships with any of the other girls. She gets the worst ending of a romantic interest of the MC that I have ever read in a novel...

The harem BXC does get in the end is... awful. He'd had bad experiences in the past with all 4 of the girls. One girl killed 10, 000 people right in front of him, caused him to have a phobia, etc... the second girl almost killed him, and he only ended up with her because her father arranged it, the 3rd he'd seduced with an ulterior motive early on, then she forced herself on him later. Xioumei was fine, and was probably the 2nd or 3rd logical choice for a girl to end up with the MC, though he'd had a bad experience involving her and the 3rd mentioned girl earlier in the story, and had avoided interacting with both together ever since, though at least he had some reason to accept her other than her physical appearance.

Seriously, the way the "romance" was handled in book 7 made it hard to read.


2. Plot holes/things that don't make sense.


1. At the end of book 6, everyone gets teleported right after having some life force drained. At the start of book 7, it's described that the MC looked for survivors for a few months and found none. Seems unlikely, considering a fairly large number of people survived. Additionally, some of those specifically mentioned to be found dead were quite powerful, far more powerful than some of those found alive later, including some unborn children... Given the nature of the setting and power scaling, that just doesn't make any sense.

2. A major scaling problem - did the people of heavenspan just not have any population growth or something? The world that book 7 takes place in is something like 80x larger, with similar apparent population density from 2 locations that were presumably the same size as heavenspan... It makes no sense. The populations of the other 2 groups being larger is fine, but the difference is just too large to the point where it doesn't make any sense.

3. Not book 7 specific, but... Imposter Nightcrypt's soul? He's there up through ~the wall arc, then is never mentioned again. His joining up with the MC was supposed to be major good fortune for him, but it seems to me he got literally nothing out of it other than being stuck in a mirror for millions of years with no contact with anyone, since the MC completely forgets about him halfway through the story.


3. Book 7 is just less interesting than the rest of the story...

In book 6, the "big bad" being somewhat relatable, due to being driven by a goal to live forever similar to the MC's, but nearing the end of his life and losing his grip on sanity and getting desperate. In book 7, it's a god wanting to finish destroying the universe without a relatable reason... and the MC spends most of his time in space basically alone, which isn't very interesting compared to the constant interaction with other people from the earlier books.

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h2lov3 rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: c525
The MC is too annoying and I can't take it anymore. Drop after reading spoiler that there's no character development the latter half. A little bit entertaining at first but overall is generic just like those wuxia tr*shes.
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Elementarteilchen rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: c1070
A Will Eternal in 1 word: CRINGEWORTHY

There are some repetitive actions throughout the whole story in AWE:

MC arrives in a sect. He causes a disaster, but achieved something noteworthy (f.e. Cultivation breakthrough) He boasts so long about his achievements (several days/weeks) until everyone runs away from him, but he is shameless enough to chase and confront them anyway to boast further about his deeds. He gets punished, because of further disasters.

He leaves the sect. Now experience some exciting parts, until he arrives in another sect and everything repeats itself. The... more>> repetitive part is funny, but after you experienced this exact pattern 4, 5, 6 times and more, you don't look forward to it anymore.

At least in the later chapters, he doesn't chase after cultivators anymore to boast about his achievements, but you know he will cause a disaster and has to leave the sect because of it and you know there will be lots of cringeworthy actions everytime. I don't blame his character. He is certainly unique and funny, but I blame the repetitive pattern of this novel. <<less
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clowred rated it
July 10, 2019
Status: Completed
To be honest, the rating I am giving to this novel is for the entire story until the point the last battle had began. After that I can't even say that I have mixed feelings, I simply don't feel anything. It feels so detached from the path it had built until then that I can not see it as the conclusion. Even so, I would like to at least say a few words about the rest before complaining a little more.

A Will Eternal is without a doubt an original story,... more>> something with a lot of value when you think of how recycled are most Xianxia stories. The protagonist instead of being the run of the mill cultivator obsessed either by revenge or desire to become the ruler of the universe, searches for a path to obtain eternal happiness for him and those he love. This along with his easy going personality and predisposition to start pandemonium everywhere he goes creates one of the most down to earth stories of a protagonist that manages to climb to the top. Even so, the protagonist gets his fair share of battles that bring him very close to death. Because of this we slowly see the protagonist growing up and becoming more of a cultivator... until you reach the end and ask yourself if Er Gen suddenly developed dementia.

Another good thing about this story is the world and the way it is presented. Well, we can say that one trademark of Er Gen is his way to make the world he creates almost palpable. Sadly the moment the

original world shatters

we get a quality drop in terms of world construction. Even so at least we are more or less capable to visualize the world and get a more or less clear grasp of what is happening... until Er Gen suddenly expands everything across time and space until you feel like you drank 5 2l bottles of vodka and then tried bungee jumping.

Lastly we have a great antagonist, a cultivator which slowly descended into madness and dared to sacrifice everything in his desire to obtain the same thing as the protagonist. Beside him at every step there were those that tried to abuse their cultivation power or their authority to force the protagonist into submission or to kill him... too bad the most important nemesis of the protagonist went out in a boring manner while the strongest one was bipolar.

In conclusion it was a fun ride with an interesting build up and an acceptable ending as long as you complete the image by using your own imagination. Sadly, it's not going to leave a long lasting memory as the ending almost erased everything that the story was promising to deliver. <<less
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Roc Divinity
Roc Divinity
June 2, 2019
Status: --
Few things that ticked me off while reading the novel:

  • MC's purpose of cultivation. It's literally dog shit, to just live forever and no more than that.
  • The oh so convenience of MC experimenting something and "it" actually working. One example of this would be him trying to craft pills and suddenly invents an aphrodisiac pill for beasts. How does he do it? Oh literally by "following his instincts" in pill concocting... And how this would all lead up to him easily defeating other people in this outer sect contest where most of his opponents had contract beasts. How convenient.
  • There is no character progression, the MC you see at the first few chapters will be the very same guy you see at the later parts. Probably why he becomes the famed "immortal" right? is because he never changes..
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Cardman001 rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: Completed
A Will Eternal (AWE) is a hilarious yet action-packed story, full of character growth, steady progression, and interesting world-building. It has a good mix of seriousness and comedy throughout the story, which reduces the prolonged action sequences or chapters of exposition. If you've read any other Er Gen novels, then it's probably safe to say you won't dislike this. Bai Xiaochun, our MC, is definitely memorable as a character, and the supporting cast actually feel like they have weight throughout the novel. The universe in which AWE takes place is... more>> slowly unraveled, but feels special and full, unlike some other novels where there a few main locations and the rest of the world is barren. Below is a summary, with a few pros and cons:


Bai Xiaochun starts off as most MCs do, weak and without knowledge of the cultivation world. The plot revolves around his growth, both in terms of cultivation and as a person. He starts out as a happy-go-lucky, mischievous little kid that is scared of every little thing that could cause him any kind of harm. His main goal is to live forever. With continued tempering, trials, and tribulations, he grows to understand that he can't just focus on growing himself; he learns to fight for his friends and kill his enemies. By the end of the novel, he portrays characteristics of his young, childish self, as well as the determination and ruthlessness of a leader. His transformation (even if it was predictable), was a great story by itself.

The supporting characters definitely have gravitas to them. Many of the characters that are introduced in the very beginning of the novel are carried over to the very end. In fact, Er Gen has no qualms about killing off some of them right away, and leaving others to die after large-scale fights or monumental events (looking at you, Zhou Xinqi and Beihan Lie).

The world itself, much like many other novels, "expands" as Bai Xiaochun grows more powerful. However, it feels new and interesting, and the geography of the world is explained fairly early on, piling on the suspense. Bai Xiaochun actually visits many of the places in the world, before they reach the "next realm" (the statue of the Ancestor explodes). Even then, there are some places of importance that are introduced which do feel more generic, but still have some features unique to the story.



  • The main character is dynamic and memorable.
  • The supporting characters definitely leave a mark on the story and are crucial to the plot and to Bai Xiaochun's transformation.
  • The world itself feels like it's alive and doesn't follow a template. Much of it is actually explored, unlike many other novels.
  • The romance is handled well: it has a good balance of comedy and tragedy.
  • The novel is a constant stream of action, comedy, and tragedy (especially comedy).
  • The pacing of the story doesn't feel rushed, nor does it feel drawn out.
  • The cultivation system is pretty simple to understand, and the cultivation progression is actually very consistent and steady throughout most of the story.

  • Some people may dislike the same jokes/one-liners being used over and over.
  • There are moments where comedy is thrown into the mix, even though it seems like a bad time for it.
  • Some situations seem a little "too lucky" or "too convenient" for Bai Xiaochun.
  • If you haven't read any other Er Gen novels, then you'll miss out on a lot of the exposition towards the end of the novel.
Overall, I would definitely recommend AWE to anyone who wants a medium-length read. It evokes strong emotions of happiness, sadness, and everything in between. If you've read an Er Gen novel previously, you'll probably enjoy this one too and definitely have your own insights about the ending. If you haven't read any of his other novels, it's still going to be a fun journey through the lands of the Heavenspan Realm. <<less
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Jikan1 rated it
April 22, 2019
Status: epilogue
Review Tldr; a fantastic novel that very slowly dropped in quality after leaving the ancancestor's world

... more>>

This a very funny novel with a genuinely funny MC with character. His interactions with other people not only helps flesh him out as a character but those around him. He is very much the heart of this novel and I can say for certain one of my favorite MCs. If I had a complaint its that he often powers up too fast such as when he first entered the blood sect giant and he very rapidly completed a portion of his body refining.

My biggest gripe with this story is after they leave the bofy of the ancestor. Like a lot of chinese stories as soon as this happens theres a drop in quality. This novel is a mix of comedy and action but there are dark and somber moments throughout. Theres a lot of things that irritate me but not until closer to the end

The romance is decent until the end. There are many of them, they have their interactions with the MC, and they dont necessarily like eachother. The problem is that once theyre all brought togethor they are put on the backburner and barely have any meaningful interaction. We are told they love eachother and take care of eachother but we never see this in any detail. It becomes very much the author telling us and not showing.

The children might as well not exist. They're personalities are told to the audience and they only really have once scene of interaction with the MC. Utterly devoid of any development.

Time skips. Time skips everywhere. At first its forgivable stuff like a few months passing then a few years then decades until the very end when millions of years start passing by in a single sentence. Things change but those changes are either not told to the reader or directly told to the reader. His children are born, time skipped to kids, Have a scene with the MC, and then are aged into adults. As the story reaches the end the interactions with the other characters which gave this story such a refreshing feeling dies off as the story starts focusing more on establishing who the MC is in the grand scheme of things.

The ending few chapters felt incredibly rushed. It can be summarized as "his family was sealed away, the MC realizes he needs to understand all daos, he remakes all life, he meditates until he does know all daos, then he opens the dimension of time as the strongest being in existance." All in this course of ten or so chapters. Like a bad fanfic.

Du lingfei after the ancestors world crumbled goes missing. The MC then later spends decades searching for her looking around both physically and with his increasingly powerful divine sense to the point he can scan entire realms instantly. He offers vast amounts of wealth and power to anyone who brings him information on her. Literally billions of people looking for her. Where was she? In the boonies praying at a temple as a nun. This was explained as being poetic but it just feels s*upidly unbelievable and more like the author just threw it in to fix a plotline. Would have been better to have it as a plot point for character growth instead of cramming it into the very end.

All this having been said I still recommend this novel simply because the quality is just so much higher then other novels of the genre and the is genuinely enjoyable. I dont hate this story. Im just disappointed in it

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kedar080340119014 rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: c1285
I really like reading Er Gen LNs. Er Gen has a way of writing which is pretty distinctive as compared to other CN LN authors. This style always has elements of mystery, history, larger than life and unimaginable set pieces. It makes for a refreshing read. Now, having said that, I find AWE (A Will Eternal) to be the weakest entry amongst Er Gen Cinematic Universe (ECU - i.e. Renegade Immortal, ISSTH, AWE).

Character: Bai Xiochun (The MC)

There is absolutely no character development of MC. This is actually a... more>> trademark of the Er Gen ECU novels. If you have read RE or ISSTH, if you reflect back you will find that the MC personality and their behaviors changes drastically from start chapter to end. This transition never happens in the MC of AWE. Bai Xiochun from the start of LN is narcissist, afraid to die, innocent & naive. This never changes. Without a dynamic character building, the MC feels like a 2d person rather than a real live human being with proper emotions. Its a pity.


Typically, I would never rate any LN from story aspect as there really is no story in cultivation LNs. Its more about journey along various arcs. But here this feels more like a story rather than an arc. But its too lame. This is easily the lamest arc/story of any Er Gen LNs I have read. There are no memorable characters here similar to RE but atleast in RE there is a suspension of disbelief considering that MC in RE is stoic and lone wolf kind of guy. Here thats not the case hence, no memorable character along with 2d character type MC makes this less powerful.


I have read till 1285 and considering there are 1314 chaps in the LN it can be assumed that LN ending is going to be abrupt and I can already feel it as I read these last 40 chapters. The story is moving too quickly. One of the reasons for the story moving too quickly is the restrictive world building. The narrative and world created by Er Gen in this LN is too small and narrow as compared to larger than life worlds full of mysteries of ISSTH, RE and other good CN LNs. By chap early 1000s you can feel that the world is becoming smaller and smaller and there is really no room to develop a lot of story arcs further as MC has already reached high power levels by those chaps. I would say that this novel would have been excellent if Er Gen had given MC more depth rather than investing in creating humor situations and also build a more larger world.

3 stars from me but if you are into ECU than its a definite read. Hell its still better than many other CN Lns out there...

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ItsDinosaur rated it
August 16, 2018
Status: c810
This. If Er Gen's AWE is on the Varsity team of light novels, every other work is Junior Varsity except a limited amount. There is a reason that AWE is currently ranked #1. In fact, while I've only every read 6 or so light novels (ED, MW, DE,...), this stands in its own premier class that other works should be judged by.

I don't like essay-length reviews: Here is why this series is worth your time:

-AWE is even funnier than people make it out to be. I have uproariously laughed innumerable... more>> times while reading it; the writing and wit is brilliant.

-The plot is original. The author inserts handpicked elements that are unique/his alone and it makes AWE very refreshing to read.

-Bai Xiaochun is an apex MC. He plots and masterminds intricate schemes that are engaging and very difficult to predict.

-It's nice to not read about fighting and rebelling against the heavens etc. You feel very comfortable and at home in AWE's world because it is not so large that you can't wrap your head around it (DE 10/10 but guilty of this). The people are also much more reasonable than in other series, adding more depth, and the plot becomes even more realistic due to this.

-Bai Xiaochun's early development period is without a doubt the most amusing I have ever read and brings you back to your childhood somehow. <<less
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triga rated it
July 30, 2018
Status: c761
TL;DR - from the a review below from "thecursedone", to summarize AWE "Er Gen switched from a cold way of showing the cultivation world to showing the cold cultivation world through a more friendly and funny way", not to say its always funny as it can get serious but it is more friendly most of the time


Not going to spoil a whole lot, so i'll be brief. Here are the pros and cons:

... more>> Pros:

    1. one of the most hilarious novels i've ever read, even 700 chapters deep the level of comedy doesn't stop
    1. though the comedy may have you think that the novel isn't serious, after the first 40-50 chapters the novel has multiple dramatic moments interlaced within and between the comedic chapters, which leaves you with a always satisfied feeling
    1. the main character actually develops as a character (minor spoiler incoming)

      though yes the MC Bai XiaoChun (BXC) is afraid of death, to a ridiculous point, he does have moments of bravery and from the earlier chapters where his fear of death stops him from doing many things, later on you will see moments that would be hard to relate to the younger BXC (though he seems to forever be afraid of death)

    1. the plot is very, very well thought out and everything just seems to seam so well together (punINTENDED) won't go deeper into this as spoilers may be accidentally coughed up, but I guess I could say that filler doesn't exist in AWE (at least to my understanding)
    1. the side characters development: I'm just thinking about some of the tales of BXC'S adventures and I'm just laughing out loud at how, we meet people then we learn more about them later on and how the relationships between BXC and some of the side characters develop or deteriorate. Though you may be ?'ing at what I said, you will get it when you read the novel, you really will.
    1. world building: though slow in the beginning, it does speed up towards the 400chapter mark and you learn alot more about the world, AWE is set in, and I must say Er Gen does quite the good job expanding for us.

    1. slow start (in respects to glimpses of BXC becoming a true cultivator)
    1. slow world building: you won't see much of the world around BXC for some time, which I find justifiable as the reader should learn about the cultivation levels and the main character before the world, but others may dislike the idea of this so~~
    1. may be TOO funny: you may be wondering"... what?", however from what i've read from some reviews it seems though the novel was funny, some of it got too silly and they found it outrageous (?)
In conclusion, read this novel as it is by far (SO FAR) the best Er Gen novel out there, even though ISSTH was a close 2nd.

Edit: don't take what I said to mean that this novel is meant to be a 100% comedy, as it isn't. It's meant to be a story about the journey of a man who wishes for immortality as the death of his parents, left a deep scar on him. The reason I bring up the comedy is because it has left the deepest memories for me, which isn't meant to discredit the fights or anything else to do with the novel. In fact, one of the fights in the novel

where the grave keeper comes for the very first time, the one in luochen mountains

ranks in my top 5 novel fights, so don't read AWE for the comedy, read AWE for the journey. <<less
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Kagutsuchi rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: c82
Chapter 25

This is the second novel i've decided to never skipt any word, it is really inmersive and entertaining, the protagonist is very narcissistic but those scenes are not shameful to the point of you wanting to cover your face, the author handles it very well. The protagonist, Bai Xiaochun is also very funny, his goal of life is to achieve immortality and is very stuck to that goal.

Update 1: Chapter 82

I'm dying of shame..."the protagonist is very narcissistic but those scenes are not shameful to the point of you... more>> wanting to cover your face." I'm dying of shame!!!!! he is really narcissistic! I hate the protagonist, besides the funny moments and the amazing life&death battles, he is... fck, I want to run! <<less
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EvilGenesis666 rated it
February 9, 2018
Status: Completed
Amazing novel for the first thousand chapters. It felt like a breath of fresh air with the MC that has such a personality in a cultivation world. While in other novels you have MC's that nearly never make mistakes but still get tr*sh talked because of stuff they can't control and then they can beat down their enemies without it feeling like them bullying them, here MC actually does stuff that incites public anger and he gets rightfully chased and beaten for it.

Although he annoyed people in countless ways, that... more>> simply made him less distant to those close to him. He is a little psychopathic as shown in several occasions when his mind was filled with the desire to go into battle and fight with complete and utter madness, but still, what MC didn't go trough that phase in their story.

Cultivation system was similar to Er Gen's other novels so it was solid and easy to understand but still interesting with each realm having special levels and being much different than the last.

Surprisingly, for Er Gen, this novel had harem which didn't appear in any of his other works and though I can't say it was great, it wasn't too bad either. MC had a relatively solid development with the girls and none of the relationships felt forced.

The reason I rated this novel 4 stars instead of 5 was the ending -

It was so goddamn rushed !!! I mean the arc before it was overextended for no reason other than filler and it was pretty boring, and then the most important stuff was went over terribly fast, like 10 chapters fast. I was extremely disappointed today when the story ended because the epilogue was so terrible I couldn't believe Er Gen could write this. I had expectations that MC would go to the main universe and meet with MC's of his other works or at least explore it for several chapters but we didn't even see MC's reunion with his friends and family from his own universe...

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