A Toast to Your Eyes


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Scarlett, who has lost her lover six times to her friend, had always believed and forgiven her friend’s words that are pitiful yet beautiful.

“It was for you, Scarlett. Haven’t you always said that any man who can get taken away easily isn’t yours?”

But as soon as the veil falls off, Scarlett finally decides to take revenge on her friend.
And soon, in front of her friend , she kisses her friend’s fiancé deeply.

“I’m the one who is sorry for not seeing your evil intentions, but you shouldn’t have thought that I’d stay a idiot forever.”

All of these are revenge from me.
Dirty and promiscuous.

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당신의 눈동자에 건배를
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  2. k - blonde (?) fl
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  4. aristocratic/villainess/isekai/reincarnation

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2 Reviews sorted by

MagykVen rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: c4
Having her lovers stolen away 6 times is way more than MC needs to realize that her friend is vicious. Other than the lack of judgment, MC is strong-headed and determined in her work and love life. She tells her lovers straight up that as long as they tell her, she’s ok with them breaking up if the other found someone new.
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Hiface rated it
September 13, 2023
Status: --
Someone help me I accidentally gave 5 stars rather than 4 stars.

As MagykVen said, having her lover stolen for the 6 time is more than enough time for her to 'take off her veil'. Late is better than never but 6 times is too much, it would have been better if it was 3 times.

But other than that the plot is good. The ML and FL relationship is also very good than what I thought. I adore Celine, she is the real friend everyone needs.
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