1970s Gangster Couple


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Xiao Xiao is the Chinese Federation’s youngest tech giant from the interstellar era. She is also the pearl in the palm of the Xiao family, which dominates the Interstellar Xiao Group. She did, however, find herself in the 1970s, a time when resources were scarce.

Crossing into the 1970s isn’t the only surprise she got; she’s now married to someone!

On the wedding night, when she first arrived, Xiao Xiao, who was confused and burning from fever, was carried to the health center by her skin-and-bone “husband”.

You can’t eat good food or wear nice clothes, not to mention the bad state of the environment. But worry not, Xiao Xiao will solve it by scientific means.

Technology is productivity. She was a boss in Interstellar, and she will still be a boss here!

As a “monster”, Wang Wei deeply felt that marrying his wife was trouble. On the first day of their marriage, he spent five yuan treating his little wife’s illness.

The little wife of his is also very delicate. She has no idea how to do anything and acts spoiled on a regular basis. Wang Wei keeps a record of every time he helps her with something. He expects to receive it back in the future, but he wasn’t expecting that…

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Related Series
My Lady (1)
Back to ’70s to Marry Unlucky Male Partner (1)
Bringing Good Luck to your Husband in the ’70s (1)
Seventy Koi: The Unlucky Boss Hugged Me and Cried (1)
Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982 (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. touchy touchy couples
  2. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s
  3. (5) DESIRES of the HEART- part 5
  4. 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s and more
  5. 60s -90s Economic Reform

Latest Release

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04/01/24 Lady M Translations c88
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New Pezwitch rated it
May 20, 2024
Status: Completed
The novel was good until they went to college, then the FL became a Mary Sue and the only interactions the ML and FL had were meals

Seriously, she cured cancer, made laser weapons, and quantum computers IN THE 70s!!


I lost interest and started skimming the chapters

I can't recommend (The 3 stars are for the translators who did excellent jobs)
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Nelle rated it
April 7, 2022
Status: Completed
4.5 stars

Don't expect heavy plot for this one and read it for the fluff. I read this mainly for the "Devoted L.I." and "Doting L.I." and I am well-satisfied. It's a little different from other 50s-90s novels because this focuses more on the 'late' technological advancement of China at that time instead of living a farmer life, making money, engaging in speculation, etc. Although ML was a farmer at the beginning of the story, but his status changed quite fast in the story.

The whole story can be summarized with: (1)... more>> MC and ML doting on each other, (2) MC and ML keeping their annoying relatives at bay, (3) MC being busy with her career and ML being a great support, and (4) MC meeting lots of powerful men. Number 4 is not in a romantic context, but has more to do with MC being an OP scientist and the men of STEM admire her strength. Also, I used 'men' because from what I read from mtl, there are no women scientists in the story except for MC. The ending is a bit rushed which is a bummer though. <<less
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DubiousWaterMelon rated it
April 18, 2022
Status: --
Extremely cute couple with a tooth aching sweet interaction. They really are likeable.

Be warned, implicit spoilers ahead -

... more>>

The story starts out with a cliché rural transmigration plot, with heavy family drama and making a life amidst adversity. Though a small amount of unrealistic borderline fantasy elements were mixed in, it focused on relationship cultivation and faces slapping.

Unfortunately the prevalent small fantasy elements evolves into a heavy dose of suspension of belief - sci-fi. The story mid-way takes on a scientisfic researcher mary sue route. The ML becomes background, with his career and advance in general just brushed past. He becomes a convience, a plot device. The story becomes focused entirely on the FL's hidden infamy of excellence and advancment. It also becomes heavy handed with patriotism and mild xenophobia.

Side characters are unexplored and never given closure. Half way thought up character exploration and motivation. Though I have to admit the manner the story dealt with the clash with the reborn person and her ending was very satisfying to me. Too many characters introduced and just too what the hell. Also what happened to the cute animal friend or literally most of the cast from first half of the story? Am I missing chapters? - Kind of a feel.

Not up to my alley but a recommended fun read, especially the first half of the story.

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Yoiya rated it
August 6, 2023
Status: Completed
This series is a pretty quick read, it doesn't really stay in one place for too long and goes at a reasonable pace. It skips time and progresses with enough details for you to understand and be satisfied with the overall storyline and development.

And although the progression is decently portrayed, I do have to say that the series doesn't stay as good as it is in the beginning. The initial setting and mood of the series was great, seeing the relationship develop through the interactions between the FL and ML... more>> (Xiao Xiao and Wang Wei) was pretty cute! It made me not want to stop reading because of the sweetness overload. They complement each other very well and were inseparable.

Let me just say... Wang Wei is the most adorable tsun character ever. I loved reading the parts where Xiao Xiao would repeatedly tease him.

Sadly this kind of changes in the middle of the story especially after they move in to the factory/city. We see less of Wang Wei's tsun tsun character and Xiao Xiao starts to become this aloof worldly other being in the eyes of others. They start losing their charm and initial character settings quick and sort of becomes very bland.

It starts delving into chinese nationalism and gets really xenophobic toward the end of the series. Which I guess is understandable considering the time frame of the CCP, the restart of College examinations, and trying to "deal" with foreign influences. So just be warned.

I ended up speed reading and skipping through toward the last 10 chapters. It wasn't as fun and cute anymore and got boring for me quick.

I give it 3/5 stars because of the first half of the series and the relationship between the two.

Would I recommend this series? Yes I would since it's rare to see a couple like this but meh, I say you can drop the series after they move into the capital. <<less
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Chizuai rated it
February 8, 2023
Status: c24
To be honest I REALLY LIKE THE ML & FL'S RELATIONSHIP just their sweet relationship.


to the FL. -_-

... more>> She's from what?

Lol. Doesn't seem so.. She's fvckin useless to be honest. That can't do anything -_- I'm so Unsatisfied about her.

Her High IQ is a bvllshit. When she's fvckin timid that it's really not suitable from that era.. When you need to become strong in order to survive. Fl's Character is annoying that I want to throw her out of the novel for wasting my time. <<less
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Avrohom rated it
November 13, 2022
Status: Completed
If you are like me and do not care about gangsters, do not worry. This novel is not about gangsters, it's a mistranslation of its title. 大佬 (Dalao) can mean both big shot (leading some field or group) and godfather. The FL and ML are not part of any organized crime, they are big shots in science, technology and business.

It's about a young woman, a scientist from the far away future, who somehow both ends up in another universe (not ours!) and transmigrates into another body as a result... more>> of one of her scientific experiments with interdimensional time travels gone wrong. The country she ends up in is not exactly China, but very similar.

The opening is typical for a romance of this sort, an unwilling and unwanted bride, a timid village girl from 1972 Cultural revolution era in love with an educated youth, jumps into an ice cold well on the night of her wedding to a poor barely literate peasant. Her parents fished her out wrapped her up and shipped her to her husband's family anyways to have her first night with her husband in a woodshed on a chilly December night. The groom is an unwanted child as well.

She dies that night from high fever and the FL takes over. Her main goal is to go back, of course, for which she needs the time-space travel machine recreated and perfected, but she is delayed because she falls in love with this groom and this world.


So, even when the machine is made and ready which will take her 40years of research, they continue to live here until they experience all stages of human life here and leave to travel the multiverse and rejoin the FL's intergalactic family (the ML's in-laws) only after they reach the age of ninety in this time-space.


There is a lot to like and to love in that story. The main couple, Xiao Xiao and Wand Wei is great, their love story, including their great s*x life, is fantastic, and they do a lot of good in life, especially in combatting the feudal attitudes towards girls and wives. There are tons of Chinese folk wisdom, interesting idioms and witty rhetorics in it as well. I was never bored.

If you are sensitive to Chinese nationalism, you might as well skip the last 15 chapters of the story. They are not interesting. I think the author had some sort of brain fever, nationalistic fever, with elements of paranoia when she wrote them.

Many thanks to the translator for their hard work and for introducing this story to us. Thank you! 👍👍👍 <<less
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Adelina92 rated it
May 30, 2022
Status: Completed
I enjoyed reading this novel. Although MC is OP, it is to be expected since MC came from an intergalactic setting. What's interesting is the process of applying MCs knowledge that considers the appropriate progress of development of the civilization in the blue planet in a step by step process.

I also love how ML is possessive but not to the point of restraining or sickening. In fact he is very supportive but acts as a limiter to MC for her to continue in enjoying her life.

This is an easy and... more>> light read. Thanks to the authors, translators and editors. :) ❤️ <<less
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Yuu18 rated it
February 20, 2024
Status: Completed
For real this is good. In the beginning maybe you think she's too s*upid but actually she's book smart and not street smart. She's a real genius later
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nasdhadg rated it
October 7, 2022
Status: Completed
wow hahaha this novel is unlike any other 70's novel, recommended!

from the very beginning, our FL and ML are attracted to each other and there's not even a second, I repeat a second, they are separated. In addition, both FL and ML families are tr*sh BUT they are strong and dependent enough so no need to worry about family drama. Tho, you might feel distressed read the ML's past but it's okay

the first half of the story revolves around the FL and ML

... more>>

and the second half of story, especially after college entrance examination the story much more focus on how FL uses her brain to help developing the country. You can see how powerful she is ahahah her brain is top notch can evel read tens of books in a day without forgetting any of it


actually I feel the ending kind of abrupt, somehow I want to know how they deal with their child and how is the ML's reaction when he is going to the interstellar place?

anyway, a good read as this one is different from other 70's stories <<less
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wangxian0821 rated it
September 12, 2022
Status: c1
I apologize for my English, this is not my native language.! and thank you for translator and Author!😍💓

... more>>

OMG I LOVE THIS STORY!!😍😍 I LOVE THE COUPLE!. THE story is short😢 but I like it.. I love the ML he's sharp-tongued😂 ma poor baby ☹️ no one love him except for his adap Grandpa and his brother tiger😢 when he was born, they thought that he was monster bc of his green eyes!🙄 thats why his parents thrawn him in mountain but he was save by tiger!, b4 his grandfather passed away he told to everyone that if someone take of his grandson raised (ML) he will give the 300yuan, when ML's parents heard that they take the money and raised them but ML knew that his parents don't like him and treat his a monster, but ML is strong with his sharp-tongued 😂😁 no one can bully him, everyone in village is afraid of him, when he 18age, his parent's find match for him, they chose the child from xiao a timed girl... that night when ML found out that his new wife is sick, he don't trust anyone, only his grandpa.. he thought maybe this new wife will afraid to him like others, that's why he brings her in clinic those he told to his new wife that in the future you must pay me back!😂😂, then the MC transmigration to his Wife body 😁 when she woke up she don't knew everything she didn't recall all orghost memory, she think that the boy in front of her was his brother 😁... when the MC found out that they're husband and wife, and she also found out that no one care abt her husband and everyone thinks that he was monster, that's why she understands the ML whey he didn't treat her well bc he didn't trust her. then she decided that she well loves hers husband, she told the ML that she forgot all her memory and she have a new memory, she explained to ML


i laughed hard in this novel!😂 everytime the ML's Family trouble them!😂 Hes wife also supports him, they bcme gangster couple!😂😂 they pampered eo loves eo! protect eo, when every girl like the ML! then the MC warm him! if he look or fancy one of them!, but hes eyes only for hes wife!😂 if someone approach him or look at him he scold them!😂... WHAT ARE U LOOKING AT ME! DON'T YOU WANT ME TO DUG YOUR EYES!.... 😂😂

Every one knew how ML loves his wife and everyone thinks that the MC is lazy?😁bc ML doing all chores. cooking, wash their clothes and clean the house then earn point, farm 😁


I don't hate the two girl who like the ML 😁 bc they always got scolded by ML!😂 sister wenwen is also reborn she knew the ML in her pastlife that's why she chased him! but ML think she like his wife!😂 that's why he scolded her!and warn her😂 the other girl also got scolded by ML! with his sharp-tongued 😂 no one can bully his wife, he will beat them😂..


at least sister wenwen got her happy life than her past life

in the half story is abt them being clingy couple 😁even when they went in the capital, the half story is abt their making money and class, MC being genius was discovered by above, she bcme like a treasure, 😁 MC continue her experiment in her previous life,


this story only focus on Main CP!☹️ I just wondered what happened to tiger?? I hope theres is an extra chpt abt ml's brother tiger?? and MC sisters?? also the ending?? they want to search her world?? I wonder if they can find them? then what abt her org body?? maybe they changed soul? the orghost sould and her??🤔 she's genius in her world and her family treat her as princesses



they also have a 3child both handsome and beautiful, the couple like immortal!😁😁

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solivagantsoul rated it
March 24, 2023
Status: c52
tr*sh_generalist has given a veyr good description of the novel.

it's definitely going to please anyone looking for a fluff overload, especially the first half of the novel!!!! LOVED IT.

the MC albeit a genius is basically an idiot in basic life-skills, so she acts spoiled and lazy and lets ML do any and all chores for her. (and the ML is very willing to do so. You must understand her reliance on him gives him a deep sense of security-she isn't s*upid in acting a certain way, in fact she's amazingly... more>> sharp-witted for doing so. For anyone who will give the ml's situation/age/experience a thought and how they interact, you'll realize how she's basically preventing him from crumpling mentally!)

I will however admit that for anyone expecting a stable logical plot... yup not really here. First half is the village (family) drama-which I personally loved!!- and the second half is them now progressing to the city or whatever idk too much on that plot since I haven't read too far from this bit.

i like it. I don't think it's cliché and I was in the mood of fluff overdoze... <<less
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DemiUchiha rated it
January 23, 2023
Status: Completed
I liked it at first, but then I kinda lost interest, but I still read it til the end. I didn't really like the military/medical stuff that came about and all the patriotic mess. Like all this life changing/country changing mess and nobody knows about it because they won't release her name. They could have kept that. I'm dissatisfied with the ending. I feel like it was rushed. Instead of putting all that other crap in, the author should have focused on the ending better. I want to know the... more>> ends of both of their families and the other side antagonists who didn't believe in her. I'm just very unsatisfied. Also in the beginning, she annoyed me so bad. Just a big crybaby that can't do anything at all. -_- Needed more face-slapping and closure. Like, I'm so upset with the ending. And I also feel like it was drawn out a little. <<less
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trash_generalist rated it
November 20, 2022
Status: c50
Had high hopes and I insisted on keeping going at least until I reached the halfway point LOL. Unfortunately, after I got there, I instantly felt like quitting T.T It's not a bad novel, per se. But it's the type that's best to read if you want something casual. You know, the type were you turn your brain off and just enjoy the face-slapping and such. To be more specific, the premise of the novel is as follows: The FL is a powerful scientist from the interstellar era that was... more>> fussing about with time --- causing her consciousness to end up travelling back into the past (or an alternate reality's version of the past) until she ended up possessing the original owner (same name, Xiao Xiao) . The original owner had been caught up in a brain-burning fever after being married to the village bully (the ML, Wang Wei).

The rest of the story that follows has the two slowly falling in love, which is not bad. The ML is not your typical overbearing president type. To be frank, he's a tsundere that the FL hooks easily with a couple of coaxing words. He's pretty cute, let's just say. The FL is not bad either, but her foundation is a bit shaky (she's definitely a Mary Sue-type). I liked reading their story, but this ended up being more about family drama. The ML's family abandoned him when he was young and were forced to take care of him --- causing an uncrossable gap. Meanwhile, the original owner's parents are feudalistic and only care about their son and not their daughter. Such and such drama occur. Resulting into a lot of face-slapping and such. I was not up for it, and so I dropped the novel early.

RATING: 2.85/5

In my opinion, this is a so-so novel. It's not bad, but it's not exactly good either. But, that's just based on my preferences. If you like slice of life romance with lots of family drama and faceslapping, then you might like it more than I do~ As for the matter of the unfinished TL, the MTL is surprisingly readable (around 75%) so it's not bad to try to see if it's something that you can enjoy in the end. <<less
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