When Rabbit Met Wolf


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Xiao Tu (Little Rabbit) and Lang Lang (“Wolfie Wolf”)’s first meeting wasn’t a good one. But Xiao Tu won the match. It proved to be her downfall.

Lang Lang was Xiao Tu’s new boss and hell bent on revenge for the minor slight, or so it seemed. No amount of pervy Rabbit’s cunning could win against the stinky, even pervier Wolf.

He had got her in his paws and he was never letting her go.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wild Wolf Wants To Eat The Little White Rabbit
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  2. Hmmm interesting
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1 Review

ani ianna
ani ianna
May 25, 2023
Status: Completed
Nothing new but the story was good and the ending was too fast means it was abrupt to get a final conclusion...... more>>

they clearly not tell what happened to her best friend love story what I concluded was that the guy she liked rushed after her when she tried to go on a vacation to her hometown maybe in order to propose to her but the ending was not mentioned but both of the couples had a happy ending


There is not a single ch with full Smut don't waste your time if you want to read it for smut and also the plot is okay but nothing special I liked the FL and ML both and her best friend too that's it..... <<less
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