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“After transferring to a new school, I found myself caught between two beautiful sisters.”

Due to her parents’ work, Shimabukuro Hana leaves Okinawa and transfers to a high school in Tokyo.

Never having left Okinawa in her entire life, Hana has a difficult time adjusting to this new environment. That’s when she meets Azumi Yura, a girl who is one year above her.

Having not made any friends yet, Hana unintentionally ends up relying on Yura, the only person who is kind to her.

Then due to a chance encounter one day, Hana finds the distance between herself and her classmate who also happens to be her neighbor from the same apartment building, Seya Himari, rapidly shortening.

Just as Hana finally feels relieved that she’s starting to make some friends in Tokyo, she discovers that the two of them are actually sisters on exceptionally bad terms…

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  1. Yuri/GL good reads

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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05/26/23 GlueGourmandizer c51
05/25/23 GlueGourmandizer c50
05/25/23 GlueGourmandizer c49
05/24/23 GlueGourmandizer c48
05/23/23 GlueGourmandizer c47
05/23/23 GlueGourmandizer c46
05/22/23 GlueGourmandizer c45
05/22/23 GlueGourmandizer c44
05/22/23 GlueGourmandizer c43
05/22/23 GlueGourmandizer c42
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