You’re Beautiful When You Smile


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[Yao Yao, if it’s you, how would you go about dating a professional gamer?] Tong Yao thought for a moment, before earnestly responding — —

If it was me, I wouldn’t date a professional gamer. If I had that kind of patience, then I might as well use it to get into Tsinghua University or Beijing University.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Falling into your smile
Ni Wei Xiao Shi hen Mei
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. You Can Be The Player To My Game.
  2. novels got adapted to drama? ()
  3. I liked a lot
  4. Online Romance
  5. All romance esports novels ranking

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66 Reviews sorted by

axcel19lim rated it
February 23, 2019
Status: c48
It’s just not my cup of tea. The humor is amazing but I just can’t like the female mc’s personality since I find it too clingy towards the male lead.

The female MC hit me as a cool type in the first few chaps. Until she became a pro and is suddenly very childish and clingy to the other team members.

I just didn’t like how the story is revolving on their love story too much that the main plot on her journey as a pro just became a bonus.

... more>>

I just find it absurd that the female MC didn’t even get some tips and stuff from the previous mid player, since he (the prev mid) just became the team’s adviser/coach per se.


Again, just not my type of female MC. So, if you want some strong and/or smart female MC, this is not for you. <<less
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May 24, 2018
Status: c92 part2
Old review:

... more>>

I really like this novel. The interactions between the characters feel very natural (too natural, in fact? I feel like the lead characters have known each other for a couple of months, instead of a couple of days!). My only comment would be that the novel has slow pacing. This isn't bad, it fits the story, but a couple of chapters go by before events finish - completely normal, but it means that while this is being translated it feels like it is going slower than it actually is. I found myself wishing for more chapters to binge read after I came to the end of those translated!


Updated review:

I still really like this novel. I look forward to the updates and reading them always makes me feel happy. There are several good points, including, but not limited to:

  • The FL's growth as she experiences crushing defeat, the unrealistic expectations of the investors/company, and the sometimes clouded nature of the pro-circle. The events the FL experiences have a real emotional impact on her which lasts for an extended period of time and affects her future decisions. That is, she experiences character growth.
  • The interactions between the characters, not limited to the female and male lead.
  • The humour. It's hilarious.
  • The interactions between the ML and FL. It's true that the ML doesn't praise the FL that often. It's true that his comments are often snarky and mean. But I see it as banter between the two, rather than bullying behaviour, and his actions also support his caring attitude.
All of this being said, I have some major issues with this. My issues are less to do with the story as a whole and more specific instances that left a bad taste in my mouth. They are:

  • In the beginning the FL is described as "slightly chubby". I really liked this. She's an "internet-addicted" girl, who we regularly see snacking and who doesn't exercise all that much. Does that mean she has to be chubby? No. But the author described her that way and I think it fits her character. Later on, when the ML and FL go on a date, she is described as having "a thin waist" "skinny legs"... It's like she got beautified and a guy couldn't possibly like a "slightly chubby" girl -_-
  • the FL is sometimes... she experiences severe mood-swings. On above mentioned date, she gets hungry, throws a tantrum and demands that they stop to have noodles. It really didn't fit with her established personality to act so unreasonably.
And my biggest issue:

Due to [plot] a male pro-player corners the FL outside a bathroom during the break between matches. He grabs her wrist, pushes her against the wall and threatens her. She tries to get away but he doesn't let go. Bare in mind that the FL is 150cm tall. She hopes that her teammates will come out, but he tells her that his teammates are entertaining them. To get away she bites him. The FL later repeats what happened, minus the being-physically-assulted part to the ML and mentions that she bit him. The ML gets angry, forces her to stay outside, and when she is finally let back into the base, forces her (over wechat) to promise that next time she will call him.

I just... UGH.

I don't understand why the FL didn't tell the ML the whole story.

I don't understand why the ML didn't think that to bite someone the circumstances must be pretty bad.

I don't understand why the ML didn't pick up on the fact that the FL knew the team was being detained by the other dude's teammates and realise it was done on purpose.

I don't understand why the ML didn't realise that the FL didn't look/call for him because she couldn't.

I don't understand why the ML wasn't sympathetic. She's 150cm tall, being forced against a wall and threatened by a not-so-nice guy must be pretty scary. The FL pulled herself together and went out to play the second match, helping the team win. And yet she is the one being punished.

I just CAN'T. <<less
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royallylilac rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: c17 part1
Both the FL and the ML are hilarious and petty. I love them.

The story itself has a lot of gaming jargon, but that doesn't take anything away from it. So far, it's a fun read.
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yinyangjie rated it
November 27, 2022
Status: c121
I am really torn about this novel. I feel like I need to give it two separate reviews.

RomCom: 4/5

I like the leads and the side characters. I love the female lead is not the stereotypical beauty. Love her spunk. Love the interactions between the leads and the side characters. Many sweet and funny moments. I really enjoyed the romcom aspects of the story.

... more>> Plot: 1/5

The ridiculous portrayal of the professional eSports players in this novel is really insulting. It was very difficult to read without getting angry at the author. Professional players are professional for a reason. To portray the top players as people who would purposely change their strategy to jeopardize a win for personal vendettas or allow personal reasons to change their play is insulting and unforgivable. It is very obvious the author doesn't know anything about eSports and has done a lot of research on LoL specifically to be able to write about the LoL game play but doesn't know anything about the habits or lifestyles of professional gamers. The sheer lack of understanding about the industry the story is based on and inaccurate portrayal is insulting to the hard work of actual eSports players.

Overall: 3/5

If you like romcoms and don't know anything about eSports, you will like this novel a lot. If you like eSports and we're hoping for a good eSports romcom, be prepared to get very annoyed. <<less
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chande rated it
November 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Haven't watch the drama version yet and decided to read the novel version first. The story was so entertaining even for me who wasn't a gamer. Both MC and ML were realistic character because they weren't perfect. Their team wasn't omnipotent too; they won some game and also lost some.

The romance between MC and ML were quite cute. They're not your typical couple who was always lovey dovey and mushy all the time but it's that made them more unique compared to a typical couple. But I'm quite unsatisfied with... more>> the ending because:


It stopped right after they won the world championship. I really want to see more of MC and ML's future together after they got back to china. Will MC continue her study or kept playing for ZGDX? Will MC and ML really get married when she turn 21? Etc.

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bluesonnet rated it
November 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I surprisingly enjoyed this novel much more than I thought I would. I read other esports based romance novels and wasn't ever induced to play the games, but now I keep wanting to play while reading the novel. The descriptions of the games were really riveting. I also loved the characters, which were fully threshed out. I'm glad the romance developed as early as it did so we had a lot of sweet moments all throughout the novel.

... more>>

The epilogues after chapter 155 contain lesser sweet moments and have more focus on the games, so if you're just reading for the sweet moments, just savor all those from the main portion because you won't get much more after that.


Thank you to the author for the awesome story and the translators for the hard work! <<less
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uaaaeeuai rated it
September 12, 2021
Status: Completed
This was such a fluff story but thankfully, the plot wasn't set aside.

I also love how the main gamers (ZGDX) weren't so overpowered, they all still have flaws, defeats, and most importantly, growth.
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Blueberrycheesecake rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c171 part2
Great story. Amazing novel. The best characters. The drama is also fantabulous! Chessman and Smiling love team is perfect. Xu Kai and Cheng Xiao chemistry is out of this world, one-of-a-kind. Hoping for a season 2 of the drama and more dramas for the lead couple. Love the story!
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CoffeeandVanilla rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c171 part2
Amazing story, fantastic drama, great cast. The best lead roles, perfect chemistry. Fabulous novel!
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ctechperson rated it
July 4, 2021
Status: c170
I had high hopes for this story -- the discrimination females face in eSports (and society in general). I really enjoyed how the story started. It was well-written and the characters were interesting.

But then it crashed and burned. As one example, the Anime event of chapter 65/66 could have been addressed beautifully, with FL saying that the activity is sexist, demeaning, and dehumanizing. On the positive side, there's a reference in the text to the girls looking uncomfortable, and a desire to file a police report. But the story fails... more>> to follow through... instead of a mature response, FL throws a temper tantrum. While the story leads to a positive outcome in the end, the author missed the opportunity to point out how degrading events like this are.

Broadly, FL is portrayed as deeply naive. Training regime at the club is wildly unprofessional (it would be better to say that there was none). ML is arrogant and a jerk.

The worst thing in this story are the s*x scenes portrayed as protective-love. Chapter 103 (approximately the third time they've kissed), he's already saying he can't wait any more, but gets interrupted. Chapter 111 becomes an attempted r*pe, where she says "don't" but then had to "let him do what he wished" before she finally surprises him by participating just enough to throw him off. [It's sad that menstruation seems to be the only reason girls can say No.] Chapter 139 is an actual r*pe. She literally tells him to stop, and he literally doesn't. And the chapter finishes with victim-blaming saying she only had herself to blame. The finishing touch is that there's a whole conversation about how unexpected it was, not being prepared, and needing morning-after pills. There was nothing unexpected about this; multiple previous episodes of him going too far and not being willing to stop. The whole sense of protective-love is because he wants to make sure he gets her before anyone else does. It's ownership and control. Not protective.

Game jargon could have been better explained, notably the characteristics of the different champions for people who play games other than LoL.

It's such a contrast to King's Avatar, where everything in the camps was done professionally, and the game was explained. <<less
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Jaanu rated it
July 18, 2020
Status: c106 part2
It was so cute and funny. The translation is so good with gaps, and the structure the conversation when we read I can feel like I am hearing and laugh a lot.
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Marina Okumura
Marina Okumura rated it
July 9, 2020
Status: c94
This novel caught me in a scary way, I was already laughing in the first chapter, but as time went by I became so attached to it that I almost thought the author had made a pact with the devil (sorry author...). Anyway, I really like this story ?
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FSLiza rated it
June 9, 2020
Status: Completed
I am really in love with it. Dying each moment to read next upload. Totally in love with each character.

Li Sicheng is the man of dream. I really love his character. He knows what he want and stay firmly stick with it. There is no confusion in his mind. He also knows when to react how to manage situation. I love this side of him most.

Other teammates are so supporting and welcoming. They are so strong in their way. Xiao Rui, Ming Shan, Old K, Old Cat, Xiao Peng.

Even love... more>> Lu Yue. His character is really impressive. Bickering friend. I love to have a friend like him.

Love all those characters.

Now my favorite Tong Yao. I can relate to her. She is kind of me. I am also 1.55 meter. Though I am a post graduate, still people often ask me which class I am in. So I can feel her. Her way of thinking kind of match me. She is strong and also dorky. I am kind of dorky too. But not as strong as her. So she makes me feel to be like her, Strong.

It will be most memorable novel I have ever read. I will miss it.

Also can't wait for the drama version. Already in love with character look teaser. Xu Kai as Lu Sicheng just killed the look. Chen Xiao also got a perfect look as Tong Yao. But only thing is I am confused is she is too tall as Tong Yao. <<less
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May 18, 2020
Status: Completed
Extremely good novel. Not too dragged out, the ML and FL relationship was very well balanced, no unnecessary drama, good comedy too. It just read so smoothly I could not stop reading. Such a fresh feeling when you can enjoy the smooth ride so immersed into the created world that you forget you are reading.
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Lissy rated it
September 6, 2019
Status: c65 part1
The novel is a bit slow in terms of romance, but it is very funny, our protagonist is a professional female online game player who said she would never have a relationship with another player... but the "fate" plays tricks on her for being so talkative xD
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Croc rated it
August 26, 2019
Status: c62 part1
One of the funniest and cutest stories I’ve read. The ML is very subtle about his affection for the MC, but his growing feelings towards her is sweet. The MC is very quirky and makes the story more lighthearted and comedic. So far there hasn’t been any big love rivals. If anything there’s just small misunderstandings and little bouts of cute jealousy that they display. Overall love this story!
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calledout rated it
August 21, 2018
Status: c34 part6
A lot more focused on the character interactions and real life shenanigans than I expected, and the growth of the team as a whole, although I guess because its a league ln its harder to have more game aspects. Some unnecessary drama, imo, but that kind of drama is what takes it from your regular slice of life to a more developed novel.

edit: dropped this because I didnt like how the MC character development with her romance with the ML moved her away from what my first impression of her... more>> was (e.g. More than your typical clingy romance/shoujo female lead). Also mainly picked this up because of the league content but I felt like the esports scene wasnt interpreted completely accurately so that was a let down as well. Of course, I only got so far in <<less
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January 8, 2024
Status: Completed
This story is definitely not for everyone. And it definitely isn’t perfect. It’s a story you will either hate to death or love to death. So really I suggest you don’t base to much of your decision on what others say here and just give the story a try yourself and give the first few chapter a try. If you find you enjoy the book after a few chapters than you will most likely enjoy the book until the end as the book is pretty consistent in its flow and... more>> comedy. So if you like it in the beginning. Odds are you will like it until the end. And if not. Well then this may just not be the book for you. But I would definitely suggest that you try it yourself and make the decision on your own. Because again, it’s not for everybody. But if it IS for you. Then you will love this book immensely. And if it’s not. Well then you can just move on with your life and read something else. No harm no foul. <<less
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Ejsama rated it
January 24, 2023
Status: Completed
4/5 because the ending was too quick. No after story. THERE WAS POTENTIAL. No meeting each other's parents, a wedding, children???? The flirting was really cute and all but where's the weddingggggggggggggggg.

Like I get they live in a housing for their team but it felt weird when they just hooked up there when there's other people around.

The game they play is league of legends so if you played it a bit or currently, its easy to understand whats going on.
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AlthaKhalee rated it
November 21, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a good story and I enjoyed reading the novel. I love interactions between FL and ML, it's hilarious haha. But I don't give it full 5 stars because even though I enjoyed the romance, it's still lacking for novel about e-sport. In some parts, I felt that the author dragged the plot, and in other parts (especially the ending part) seems rushed. The focus of the main character's goal is not achieved until the end of the novel --maybe the author plans to make a sequel but it seems... more>> doesn't happen. <<less
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