You Are Too Ugly, I Refuse


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The Story is about the Legendary Sword God Fairy, named Yun Caiye who lives in a fairyland. One day, while walking on Dengxian Road under The Poyun Peak with his friend, Wine Fairy, he accidentally picked up a strange monster egg. The eggshell is extremely hard and ugly. He tried to break the egg with his sword, but it didn’t even cause cracks or scratches on the eggshell, even though Yun Caiye could split mountains with his sword.

Yun Caiye then felt that the egg had something to do with him, so he took the egg back to the fairyland and cared for it. Ten years later the egg hatched. The egg hatched a very ugly creature that had never before been seen in the six realms.

Worried that his ugly apprentince would feel inferior to the gossip in the outside world, during the day, Yun Caiye accompanied the ugly apprentice to practice swordsmanship, and at night by the light of lantern, they both chatted and played chess together. This made the other disciples jealous.

Then later…many rumours circulated that they both have long been in love, and The Image of the Sword God Fairy Yun Caiye became ugly because of the ugly.

So the Sword God Fairy became a Shizun.

Ugly: Shizun, let’s eat together!

Shizun: Ugly, I refuse.

Ugly: Shizun, come and sleep together!

Shizun: Ugly, I refuse.

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oosydneyoo rated it
August 31, 2020
Status: c28
Love this. The story is about a sword fairy (an immortal who practices the sword and is known for it, not a fairy who was born from a sword, literal translation makes this hard to understand) who is 30, 000 years old. Fairy and immortal are kinda the same thing here. You'll know this character type as sword cultivator in other novels. This "sword fairy" clashes with an evil demon on the stairway to his mountain top and ends up cutting a large gash into his handcrafted stairway while "killing"... more>> said demon. Under this stairway (that he personally built thousands of years ago), in this new gash, he finds an egg. Thankfully the egg was not harmed but because of these events he finds he has a destiny with the egg and opts to raise it. We find out in the first 10 chapters (so in the beginning) that the egg is a transmigrator from another world, so no it had not laid under the stairs for thousands of years, it poofed there at a good time basically. This egg (our ML) was a part of a large weapon experiment on a sci-fi fantasy world and was supposedly their top weapon created (created with cruel means and by indifferent people, hence his love for MC, ML treasures the love and care he never had before). Cruel experimenting seem to be the implied reason for his death and transmigration. All this is mentioned in very early chapters. Our ML is also very old soul wise through inherited memories and years and years of being experimented on.

The story continues from here with our MC raising our very twisted ML into adulthood (which happens fast, the kid ages like lightning, within months in the story) as a background plot unfolds. It'll be fun to see where this story takes us but for now that's kinda the basics on how things start and the characters.

I will warn that this translator realllllyyy needs an editor, English does not seem to be the first language but considering that they are doing pretty well. Some things are translated too literally which can cause confusion (like sword fairy) and actions can be confusing. An example would be one of the sentences was talking about our MC retracting his hand from touching our ML but it gets worded that {the hand is grabbed back} which implies the ML grabbed the MC's hand back in English because of how it's placed and the lack of pronouns or names. We also have the constant mix up of "he" and "she" because of how the Chinese spell "he/she" the same in their own language, so gender can be confused at times, our MC isn't even exempt from this. I find myself confused on what gender some fellow pupils are because of this. Sometimes the other pupils are referenced as sister and brother which can help a lot thankfully. If you're used to reading very raw translations this can be easier to read through and handle but for new readers all this maybe a bit much.

Had the translator had an editor for all this may have even gotten closer or to a 5 star but hard to tell. Hope this review helps to give more people the confidence to read this! It seems to be an unpolished gem so far. <<less
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