You Are My Demon


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The stone spirit Qinghui was gradually deceived by immortals into cultivating immortality. Many years later, he discovered he had been deceived and angrily ran to the mortal world to become a monster. However, he was mistaken for a bear spirit by a mortal Taoist and taken in as a pet.

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New FluffyKitty rated it
May 27, 2024
Status: Completed
Since the translation is confusing about names the characters are:

MC: QingHui, a stone that gained sentience.

JianSui: A cultivator that becomes an immortal.

WeiYuan: A junior disciple with a tragic backstory.

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1st ending ch. 8 (magazine published) : The MC leaves the heavenly realm and goes back as a demon to find WeiYuan's reincarnation. He finds him and says "I will be your demon."

2nd ending ch. 9 (original ending) : The MC leaves the heavenly realm and goes back as a demon to find out what happened to WeiYuan's reincarnation. A junior disciple named ChuHan recognizes the MC's stone form and the MC promises to help him become an immortal. The MC sees WeiYuan's reincarnation on the street but chooses ChuHan (JianSui's reincarnation) and says they promised to become immortals together this time.

Personally, I liked the second ending more because JianSui literally waited thousands of years for the MC and chooses to leave immortality behind and start over with him.

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