Yang Shu Mei Ying


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It all started from a death match.

Chu Feiyang’s first trip to Cang Lang mountain was the time first he saw Jun Shuying. The name was just a simple name to him, it was just a target he was going to kill on this trip and was just an insignificant brush stroke on his list of people that harmed Jianghu and needed to be removed. After their first battle, Jun Shuying escaped and regained a bit of his strength, but then another enemy came knocking. His life was saved, but Jun Shuying was being fed an unknown pill (that make him able to get pregnant) by his friend, and then his body became painful and cold.

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Dương Thư Mị Ảnh
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14 Reviews sorted by

meridianna rated it
December 3, 2018
Status: Completed
i was just bored, noticed this, ended up binge-MTL in one night. What I have to do with my life now? Eh it's not too long anyway.
the plot is not bad, but not too great either. All drama seems coming from the shou. Boy, he's such a difficult shou alright. But that's actually justified. High and ambitious man, not to mention he's from demonic sect, fallen to that degree, who would accept it? He became resentful is just understatement. Also, the shifting from evil and cruel man to (a bit) justice man is pretty great tbh. Bravo to the gong. He's a very persistent and righteous man, could change the shou into quite docile-loving mom. So that I pity him a bit. Hahahaaa.
i enjoy this much. Smut also great. *Cough*esptheguiltypleasure*cough*
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anotherworld20 rated it
October 14, 2020
Status: Completed
I am grateful that I finally decided to read this novel, even after listened to their unfinished audio drama.

This story is a cute love story.
a story about Chu Feiyang the number one hero in martial arts,
accidentally falls in love with Jun Shu Ying a demon sect leader.

a Demon sect leader had such trauma that he did not easily trust people and only clung to power...
He believed only with power that he could feel safe. He grew up to be selfish and ungrateful person.

Here the story begins when Chu Feiyang had to clean up all the mess that is done by Jun Shuying.
Chu Feiyang try his best to do anything for his loved one so that Jun Shuying can get back on the right path and once again start trusting others.

So basically a story about a Hero who spoils a Demon sect leader
until he is dependent and can't live without him

When love turns into an obsession but it ended great....
plus there is two drooling little baby bun in result

There is a good smut in here.... start it with a r*pe.... and ended with love

NOTE : I really want to know what happen to Gao Fang... He had nowhere to go, right?
and I found out that this has 2 follow-up novels, I will try to continue reading it...

Update 22-10-2020

Second novel "Hyosung Lantau" (晓星孤屿)


I am amazed by the writer who can keep me interested even though the story continues with the addition of new characters and new problems...

in this second novel the children are 5 and 4 years old...
they are still cute and have learned martial arts

This couple has become a married couple who understand each other more, more cute...
even there is a wedding ceremony in the end

Many new characters were introduced

I really like the Su brothers and Fu Jiangyue, the love affair of the three of them is very funny....

(three of them is very weird hahahah that su younger brother is kind of brother complex syndrome almost in*est, and Fu Jiangyue in the middle made it too awkward.... it give you throuple vibe)

here it also explains more about other supporting roles such as gaofang, where he went and how it was after parting with Jun Shuying

Qinglang and Yanqi, they are very funny in this series

I feel this second novel has a lot more humor and makes me laugh a lot more,

This is an adventure comedy novel, I highly recommend you to continue reading this after finish the first one


Update 27-10-2020

Third novel "Fēngyu wújí" (风雨无极)


This third novel tells the story when their two children are 13 and 12 years old

Gaofang already had a cute toddler and Xin Yunshen is already a sect leader

Qinglang and Yanqi become more close... finally Yanqi love him back in this third novel hahahah

of the three volumes of the novel, this novel is very short and only had 1 fanwai (extra)...

the story focuses more on adventure and solving problems in the martial world,

I am very satisfied after completing this three novels... and there is a plot twist too in the end


I really recommend this novel....
this novel will be adapting to drama soon in 2021....

UPDATE 30-06-2022

adapting to drama soon in 2021....????

Just want to let you know that corona makes this difficult to come true, and after that in early 2022 I just found out on internet that Chinese government bans adaptation of BL novels on tv drama, the old man in the government is afraid the younger generation is getting weirder hahahahahhaha
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takame rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: Completed
(I noticed that there's too few reviews and since I've finished the raws quite sometime ago I might as well put my cent in for future reader's reference...)

The story is actually pretty good. I like the style of the author. There is a lot of wulin issues at first, laying in world foundation and then go to the romeo-juliet wuxia version. TAKE NOTE: This is a wulin world. For the uninitiated, it will have mixed morality issues common to wuxia/xianxia genre. People's lives are like ants here. Headsup:... more>> Those who don't read cultivation novels might get confused tho, it has it's own culture and terminology. PLEASE. DON'T COMPARE IT TO MODERN SENSIBILITIES LMAO.

It's cute that the gong started falling first. Shou is consistent as a tsundere (or yandere?) villain... a real villain. Yet the hero gong still helplessly fell inlove with him. The first half of the story is shou in the middle of pregnancy. My favourite scene is...

when the evil shou realized his feelings for the gong. I got teary at that part. The bun is already born at that time.


Yummy dog blood drama at the climax. I also treasure the fact that this is one of the rare c-novel that is very smutty, very yaoi lol.

[Edit]: If you think the plot is lacking, FYI this is just a part one. This has a sequel but it hasn't been translated yet. For MTLers, just search for 晓星孤屿 and a third book also exists. I will edit my review in the future when I read the sequels. <<less
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Sonata123 rated it
March 8, 2021
Status: Completed
The extras really ruined it for me. The story itself, I somewhat enjoyed it. It was fun, fast, dynamic, compelling. Every character was interesting and memorable. The r*pe issue quite bothered me, though: not the r*pe itself (I can read the tags) but the way it was never addressed or discussed by the characters, like it was not worth mentioning it was not consensual. But the plot was fascinating and a lot of things happened, so I kinda swallowed it.

But the extras really made me queasy. How about it?

Imagine a husband getting a wife pregnant by deception, even though knowing the pregnancy is life-threatening and painful, and the wife is explicitly against it. Then he dotes on her, takes care of her and treats her exceptionally nicely. Would you find it sweet, touching and admirable? What "love and respect" are we talking about?


I do find unpleasant the idea that r*pe ir all right, reproductive coercion is all right, as long as after that the guilty party is nice and protective.
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Melange rated it
December 10, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a underrated novel and is the first out of a series of three. It is really hard to rate the novel by itself, because in order to understand this couple's story, you really need to read the entire series. Therefore, I have rated the series as a whole instead of the individual novels.

However, this first novel primarily sets up the scene between the main couple. Because of this, it may seem somewhat incomplete, and most of the fluff isn't in the main story but in the extras. Nonetheless,... more>> the extras should be treated as part of the main story because they're relevant for the following novels.


For instance, their second child is born in the extras and if you didn't read them, you wouldn't know him. Also, all of the smut is in the extras.


The plot might seem a little haphazard, because it's just ML pampering the hell out of MC in order to break down his walls. Even when MC pulls some crazy sh*t that angers and embarrasses all of wulin, ML does his best to solve it for him.

MC himself remains the same throughout all of the novels, although he comes to love and trust ML more over time. His character is relatively indifferent and closed off, although he cares strongly for those who he is close to. He's a poisonous kitty, and the only one who can bear to handle him is ML. ML is loyal, righteous, and generous, worthy of his title "Number One Hero" of wulin.

If you were to read this novel as a standalone, you might be disappointed, so be sure to read the following novels in the series, the second being 晓星孤屿 - Lonely Isle of the Dawn Star, and the third 风雨无极 - The Wind and the Rain. <<less
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karwasama rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: Completed
I was pretty disappointed, if I'm being completely honest.

The writing is... well. Subpar, in my opinion. I don't know if it was just the translation (apologizes if this comes off as rude, but the translation was stilted and had a lot of errors) but the story just didn't flow naturally. Some things were glossed over in a matter of sentences, and there was a lot more telling than showing, if you know what I mean.

The characters were nothing to write home about either. The MC is an apparent edge lord... more>> who gets his rocks off of torturing other people, and for someone who is supposed to be super powerful and scary, he gets his ass handed to him pretty frequently. The ML, who is supposed to be some praiseworthy hero, is just some dude with a superiority complex. I couldn't stand him, he disdains the MC for killing when he himself isn't much better. He's literally like Batman in the sense that his entire sense of morality centers around the fact that he doesn't take "innocent" lives but he'll turn a blind eye to blatant injustices like s*xual harassment or an innocent man being charged unfairly.

The r*pe scene actually had me laughing in anger.

The ML is "drugged" and forces himself on the MC. Afterwards (aka when he's "sober") he's like "I don't take advantage of people! We'll fight later!" WTF? There isn't even like an acknowledgement or apology for what he did, so much for righteousness. Also, I would like to say here that I'm not complaining about the non-con that was in the story - I'm just pointing out how badly it was handled.


The only side character I liked the MC's subordinate, and the rest of the plot was mediocre. Overall, I didn't like the novel very much from a personal standpoint and thought it was subpar objectively too. 2.5/5.0 stars. <<less
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Silvina rated it
May 5, 2019
Status: --
I really love the novel. I finished reading it with a translator (I only understood it in 60%), but I would like to ask the translator not to leave it and if it can be with the two novels that follow them (already with their children when they are children and then they are teenagers)
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Senrou-Senpai rated it
March 14, 2024
Status: Completed
(This is just my general opinion) Straight up this novel was not my cup of tea, not because of the noncon n whatnot but mainly just the poor character development is what ultimately killed it for me. Well first off the plot is... ehhh... not to mention the glaring plot holes & most of the character development is... subpar/shallow & the EQ/IQ of the characters makes me cringe. Honestly I dislike everyone in this story asides from the Gao guy and MCs baby...I especially hate the guy that ... more>>

backstabbed MC in the beginning and force fed him that experimental preggo pill

what was his name? Qi- Qian? or something with a Q, He is just an irredeemable piece of garbage tbh. Bro literally aided & abetted r*pe & keeps getting away with every shitty thing he does with no form of actual repentance, Im used to scummy characters but geez... really? Realistically some things can never be forgiven especially all the bs he pulled, I dropped this novel 2 times before but forced myself to just finish it.... Like some other peoples reviews said : Just cuz ur nice to someone after you did a bunch of shitty inhuman things to them doesn't make everything ok & excuse ur past actions. <<less
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October 9, 2021
Status: --
It's retribution, the MC killed so many people, regardless of what cause. What happened to him isn't even a stain on what he have done yet he got a happy ending. His sins have been overlook, I don't know what the reviewer were saying when they didn't make the r*pe a big deal. Excuse me?!? How about all the deaths he have cause, how about the servant he have killed from the beginning because he made one person escape?!?. That's one in over 300. I don't know if he should... more>> he forgiven tbh. Everyone is kind to him, idk what makes him the way he is. Chuni I guess <<less
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Roro97 rated it
January 25, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked this!! For me in the whole book it is how MC's feelings came to slowly change that amazes me! Such a poor baby I felt heartache for him (if it was me and my dreams changed like that, I would have been so monstrous and terrible)... glad that MC is not that petty and found his happy place with his two buns, so happy for him (-0-) definitely recommend
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Shishax_32 rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: c34
It is an interesting novel, I look forward to more chapters to know how the relationship of the protagonists with this Mpreg will develop.
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December 25, 2019
Status: c3
It has potential, I just have to wait for the translation team to puck this up! Please, do pick up soon! I hope to read high quality translation.
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Alymirra rated it
April 9, 2021
Status: Completed
Loved this LN! Characters were very well developed and stayed true to their characters. There were some minor plot holes such as

what Jun Shuying experienced to make him so obsessed with power, his relationship with Gao Fang, and the Gao Fang x Sect leader's son ship

but overall those plot holes were not noticeable in the scheme of the story. Definitely a must read and highly rec'd!
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matilda jati
matilda jati rated it
November 28, 2020
Status: Completed
well, there is a TW:r*pe and the shou clearly did not enjoy and resent it (as he should) but I love the interaction between the MC and ML. The plot was nice too.. The shou was tough nut to crack, but he surrended to the ML strong affection at the end anyway. The fanwai was overflowing with sweetness (and the children too!), . So it worths to binge-read
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