Xiao Qi, Wait!


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Song Liang Zhuo is a young and poor county magistrate. Qian Xiao Qi’s father is a rich man. Qian Xiao Qi falls in love with Song Liang Zhuo the moment she sees him. Each day she waits outside the court’s gates to see him, hoping he will glance her way once. She patiently waits for him to notice her for two years, but he ignores her. She realises it is futile to wait for someone who does not know she exists and she gives up pursuing Song Liang Zhuo.

Song Liang Zhuo despises the shallow young girls who pursue him, but his heart softens seeing Qian Xiao Qi waiting for him to look at her for two years. He relents and he asks for her father’s permission to marry her.

Song Liang Zhuo marries Qian Xiao Qi , but she loses her memory. Qian Xiao Qi’s maid tells her how much Qian Xiao Qi loves Song Liang Zhuo. Qian Xiao Qi not remember why her old self loves someone who despises her. She asks Song Liang Zhuo to divorce her. But he tells her that her father will not give her wedding dowry to him to help poor villagers living in provinces which are affected by floods… until her father is holding a grandchild so he refuses to divorce her. She promises him she will find a way to get her father to give him the wedding dowry without her being pregnant, and she will find him a new wife if he promises to divorce her.

Song Liang Zhuo slowly falls in love with his wife. But he is too slow, because his wife secretly regains her memories… she remembers her pathetic old self for loving the heartless Song Liang Zhuo and she makes secret plans to run away.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Xiao Qi, Qie Man
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18 Reviews

Dec 05, 2016
Status: c21
Both main characters are complete fools. This should be tagged with "Dense Female Lead", "Dense Male Lead", and "Misunderstandings", at least.

This is a light-hearted story about reversed roles. However, it seems that the only people who have a brain in their heads are the side cast, who are mostly excellent. Unfortunately, that doesn't save this novel. If anything, it just goes to show that the author is capable of writing good characters, good backstories, and decent plots, but simply chose not to (or had great difficulty in trying to) for... more>> the most important characters.
Altogether a 'meh' story. <<less
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Aug 12, 2017
Status: --
The MC is a spoiled kid who wanted to marry the ML no matter what and then complained all the time that he was poor lol.... Her father could have choosen anyone else in order to fit his daughter's status more orz (she is a s*upid kid you dont have to go along with her every whim orz).... As for the ml... err I didnt like him.... he presents himshelf as super righteous but goes and hits his wife or gifts away her jewlery for no reason to his cousin
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Aug 24, 2018
Status: c10
That's enough, the ML is so pathetic and shameless and the MC so s*upid and naive.

He pretends to be so righteous, but seeks out to marry her in exchange for a huge amount of money. After he cheats her family out of money, he still dares hit her and be stingy with her.

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Sep 18, 2016
Status: --
Haha, for me, this is a good read. I also had good laughs at this one. Though I seem to get irritated with the male lead, I hope he shows some progress and increase my favorable rating of him.
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Tuyet Hong
Tuyet Hong
Oct 20, 2017
Status: Completed
It's cute for a light weight read with a surprise emotional ending.

I don't know if it's just me but the MC is childish AF. She's very pampered. "After waking up and secretly planning on running away" - the story doesn't seem to even go along with that plot line.

... more>>

The only time she actually "runs away" is near the end of the story and it was just because of some s*upid fit between her and ML. And EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S NOT REAL. It's like some s*upid lovers chase where she's just making ML come find her.


Actually, the MC might just be a brainless airhead.


The summary says she slowly regains her memories but it's more of a people telling her what happened sort of thing and deciding that since she no longer feels anything, she might as well divorce.

She tries to get a divorce but the ML for some reason refuses. He gives a s*upid excuse about her father's money for building a dam which the story later smooths out the excuse by his mother narrating that the ML became s*upid as to use her father's money to keep MC from divorcing.

Once this plot came up I just got confused.

In the beginning, it doesn't seem like ML liked MC at all.

Anyhow, she threatens him with divorce but it's more like a threat a kid makes to their parents like if they wanted to run away. All throughout the story, the MC is so childish that it doesn't even feel like she's a married woman. Even during nightly activities, she's so brainlessly dense that even though I do not like the ML much, I commend him for such patience in dealing with her.

Most of the time, it has the feeling of a big brother looking after his younger sister than a married couple.

Even in the epilogues, when the MC HAS CHILDREN, she is STILL childish!


I didn't like the ML much either in the beginning. By the end of it, I liked the story but not so much either the MC or ML. I like reading the feelings of trust and love between them but I hate their personalities TBH. I love seeing their interactions with side characters but I really hate MC's childish ways. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I read the MC speaking, I get a childish voice in my head. It's a somewhat obnoxious one too.

The story is pretty ok. I actually cried a couple of times near the ending. The scenes are very nice BUT I just can't take the character's personalities.

If you can deal with a childish personality, then it's a pretty fun mind numbing read. <<less
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Jul 31, 2018
Status: c67
It is a sweet tooth story if you can bypass the characters' flaws.

The FL, 17yo, was raised extremely spoiled and sheltered. A one-track mind. Toward any problems, she just puffed her cheeks or cry, cry, and CRY. Omg, super annoying. If she doesn't get what she wants, solution: cry some more til her eyes puff up to get pity points. Her husband is her world. The only reflection she has is she isn't as pretty as other girls. She depends on others to solve the problems for her, even to... more>> the end. She doesn't run away, just thoughts of leaving or outbursts. NO character development on her side. I honestly don't believe any 17yo is not self-aware. She has two older sisters but the whole family just dote on her, the youngest, she is their world. Even her mother said that she is only her daughter and honey.

She "ran away" once at the end but it was, like, chase me husband and we will chase butterflies~~~. UGH.


Just her alone is 0 stars. Two stars is because the side characters are smart. Like another reviewer said, the author can write well, but just decided to make the FL a brat. <<less
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Mar 07, 2021
Status: Completed
I didn't enjoy it. I decided to give it a chance because of all the reviews, but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

I don't need the MC to be super intelligent, beautiful etc., however I can't stand Xiao Qi. Yes, I know she's sheltered. Yes, I know she's spoiled. Yes, I know she's young, but there was nothing about her character that endeared her to me. She doesn't learn her lesson, she acts like a toddler throwing tantrums all the time, and she doesn't learn how to communicate. Her... more>> always telling the ML "you're bullying me!" is not cute. Her pretending to run away is not cute. Instead of being innocent and naive, she just comes across as s*upid and immature. I need more from the MC. If she had enough self-respect to leave him first and then fall in love with him again, then maybe I would have liked this story a little more.

Instead, Xiao Qi remains in love with our ML despite knowing he hit her and knowing he doesn't particularly like her. She "struggles" between being in love with him and being scared throughout the story because she knows her heart was broken by him. The problem is the love becomes meaningless to me as a reader when the MC is traumatized by it. At one point, she even becomes selectively mute at one point in the story because of how upset she is. Why would I even bother rooting for a relationship like this then?

I understand women in ancient China were restricted and didn't have many choices. I really do. However, she has a family that would take her back and support her no matter what. This was said multiple times throughout the story. The MC and ML also signed a divorce paper but it never becomes important to the plot. What was the point of it then?

I don't mind reading a story about an ML redeeming himself, or a story about two equally flawed people growing together in their relationship, but this never happens. Sure, ML eventually apologizes and falls in love with our MC. However, the little character growth he does have is undermined by the author's attempt to make it seem like he really liked her all along. Otherwise he wouldn't have married her, right?

The thing that bothers me the most is that they are never equals in their relationship.

I only finished the story because it was short and I wanted to see if either characters would grow up in the end. Sadly, they don't.

Even in the side stories, when they have children of their own, he is still patronizing and treats her as if she was a child. It's just really disappointing that their relationship never progresses.


This story had potential. Really. Some of the characters were interesting (Mother Song, MC's mother, even the "love rival". Unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. <<less
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Dec 12, 2020
Status: Completed
I never judge a story by its rating because sometimes I find the story is good despite its low rating. This novel is surely one of them.

I admit that I find MC and ML annoying in the earlier chapters. ML actually hits MC until she loses her memories. But MC isn't that innocent either. She's so childish, spoiled, hot headed, unruly, and keeps complaining endlessly. It's a miracle that ML could keep his temper and chooses to coax MC despite she's the one being unreasonable.

It doesn't mean I approve ML's... more>> action of hitting MC. But he admits his fault and spends the rest of his life to make amend for his mistake. And MC, despite being so annoying at first, also learns to be a better wife and becomes more mature.

And I love how supportive MC and ML's families towards both of them. ML's mother, although a bit strict, patiently teach MC to be a better wife and gradually becomes fond of her new daughter in law. She's also the one who rejects ML's father's idea to take ML's childhood friend as ML's side wife and protects MC from ML's childhood friend's scheme.

It's just I'm a bit puzzled about one thing in this story:


About malaria. As far as I know, malaria is spread by specific mosquito, not by person to person (unless accidentally touch their blood). So I don't think quarantine will be an effective solution because you know, mosquito could fly anywhere, let alone flying above a mere city gate. They should distribute a mosquito's repellent instead to prevent mosquito's bite.

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May 17, 2017
Status: c54
Not a bad read. I don't particularly like the male lead. He annoyed me throughout most of the chapters. Recently, he's been okay. Sometimes I wish the female lead was a bit more mature, but in the end, I actually like her. They're both quite dense.

Honestly, I was about to drop this in the beginning because of the male lead, and I still don't like him very much.
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Apr 08, 2018
Status: Completed
Actually I've read this jovel long ago but I'll write a review something right now.

When I start reading this novel I feel uncomfortable because the ML. But I kinda think that the one who unfortunate is our MC because how much she chase him. Its good that he will like her back.

This novel have a good plot. The most memorable scene for me is when ML chasing our MC (so satisfying) -well I dont like story when ML get his love so cheaply after hurting fml/MC without any development.

And you... more>> can try to read this novel first and ignore those 'bad' reviews. Its not that bad and its not worst novel that deserve 1 star.

About the translation I cant give any comment because err yeah.. My english really bad. <<less
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Jul 17, 2022
Status: Completed
My personal opinion but this was absolute tr*sh. I really wish I listened to my gut because for the very beginning I was hesitant about reading this, but the synopsis was interesting enough.

Needless to say the ML is an absolute scum. I've noticed that other readers justified his action as "only hitting her once" but seriously? Once is enough.

And he hit her on some baseless accusations from another woman who lusted after him. Not only that he hit her AGAIN towards the end for his so called first love who tried to get him to take her in as another wife.


The FL is also a weak doormat. During and after her amnesia she just let the ML step all over her. She has no conviction, dignity or self respect. She let herself get used and manipulated and all she ever did about it was cry and whine. Neither of the MCs were pleasant and I'm so resentful that I wasted my precious time on such terrible garbage.
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Jan 21, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel taught me that rating do not always potray the story.

The story is quite simple (but a bit confusing for the first 5 chapters) and the translation is also good. The FL is a blessed, spoiled rotten girl while the ML is that scholary type. What makes it good is that the FL is different from several chinese historical story. She is so innocent that she is almost look s*upid (this is where the comedy mostly comes from), but she's so sincere towards the ML.

Overall, it is still a... more>> nicely written story that is so simple but still enjoyable to read. Aaaand this might be not your cup of tea if you hope for a super smart, know it all FL that appear in this type of webnovel nowadays. <<less
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Jul 06, 2019
Status: c69
The story has a good plot and after reading so many palace stories, this one involving a 7th rank official is a breath of fresh air. No scheming concubines too!

It is also interesting enough that even if im annoyed with the MC character, im still trying to finish this till the end. It is a short story though, if this is 100+ chapters i'd probably drop this.

As for the characters, I dont think ML is not that bad. He owns up to his mistakes and tries his best to clear... more>> up any misunderstandings with the MC. It's just that.. The MC's too dumb! I really cant stand her! She's so shameless, uneducated, childish, spoiled rotten idiot. I cant understand how a rich man's daughter can be in that age (she's I think 17 or 18 yo) and not have any manners or atleast common sense. When in other novels an 8 or a 10 are already scheming with one another..

Translations is 5 stars though. Not sure if it was written well or the editors are just good but I didnt have any headache in understanding it. Thank you for the hard work! <<less
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she christine
she christin
Mar 21, 2019
Status: --
Discourage to read because the review at first... but its worth the reading..

Xiao Qi had a very simple yet charming character... and the male lead realized his feeling after a while.. this truly make everything seems normal because he doesn’t directly infactuated with Xiao Qi

would love to re read this again
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Ting Ting Ball og Jungkook
Ting Ting Ba
May 28, 2022
Status: Completed
This story is an example of good plot gone wrong. The story is really good however the two main characters - ML and FML are pathetic. ML is a tr*sh and MC is utterly s*upid. I don't even dislike ML as much as the FML. ML's character is tr*sh but not something unexpected. Many people in ancient times were like that. The MC is so fcking s*upid that it'll ruin your mood. Her acting like a 5yr old child all the time does not seem endearing to me at all.
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Apr 06, 2021
Status: Completed
I love the story line so sweet and so cute. I cry a little when I remember how when the first day they married. How could he do that. Right now I still sad when I think about it.
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Jan 27, 2021
Status: c76 part2
This novel is neither cunning nor brave FL. But She's really cute! Those who like the storyline like plotting, face-slaping, scheming; this is really not your food. This novel is really fluffy interaction between FL and ML. How the smart and handsome ML falls in love with dumb, innocent but cute FL.
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Nov 29, 2018
Status: c76
I enjoyed this a lot. It was fun, cute and easy to read with all the right feels here and there. I liked how the road to true love was pretty straight. The second male lead could have created more trouble, he had a lot of chances, but having not much drama from that side was all right. The rival female was not easy to connect to. She's not really evil but her character itself is not likable, maybe because she's an embodiment of a leech. I don't know can't... more>> say much about that. The story development is good, the flow was easy. The climax at the end was unexpected, to say the least, but it give the opportunity to resolved the conflict between the potential triangle. All in all this was a really good read.",) <<less
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