Wicked Soldier King


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Xu Yun is a man with a mysterious past as a special forces operative. Since then he just wanted to have a relaxed life in HeDong City, working for his gorgeous boss. Unexpectedly he is pulled into a massive power struggle within the criminal underworld, all because he stumbles upon an earth-shattering secret…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Yao Nie Bing Wang
Related Series
My Beautiful Teacher (3)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Straight Chinese Urban Harem Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/09/15 Mecha Mushroom... c70
10/08/15 Mecha Mushroom... c69
10/08/15 Mecha Mushroom... c68
10/06/15 Mecha Mushroom... c67
10/05/15 Mecha Mushroom... c66
10/02/15 Mecha Mushroom... c65
10/01/15 Mecha Mushroom... c64
10/01/15 Mecha Mushroom... c63
10/01/15 Mecha Mushroom... c62
10/01/15 Mecha Mushroom... c61
09/27/15 Mecha Mushroom... c60
09/25/15 Mecha Mushroom... c59
09/24/15 Mecha Mushroom... c58
09/23/15 Mecha Mushroom... c57
09/22/15 Mecha Mushroom... c56
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29 Reviews sorted by

12kucingputih rated it
November 18, 2015
Status: --
great MC with mix between xianxia, martial arts and gangster hongkong you will enjoy the ride :)
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Rigid Nipples
Rigid Nipples rated it
November 17, 2015
Status: --
OP MC, who is also a troll but not a prick. Story is at times hilarious. Nothing too crude and the female descriptions aren't long winded. I enjoyed it.
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balancekun rated it
November 15, 2015
Status: --
This novel is really awesome.... you might get annoyed with daughter character expect that this novel is awesome... well written, MC character kinda resembles yun che.... novel is an awesome feast for the people who love manga like breaker
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p00p rated it
October 2, 2015
Status: --
This is 1 of the best novels I've ever read. Awesome story, OP and a lovable troll MC whose background is unknown, beautiful female lead (s), troll kid. Lots of badass moments with the MC and the female lead (s). Awesome supporting cast who are very loyal to the MC. Highly recommended novel. 11/10.
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Eternal Liar
July 19, 2016
Status: c158
Putting aside the fact that the girls who our MC meets are all beauties...... what do you expect?! You can't write a harem novel without meeting top level beauties all the time !

Okay my real feelings aside, The story itself it quite interesting set in the modern world with actual cultivators. Exploring the mysteries and the pasts of the MC is one of the driving force in reading the novels, it does quite well in luring in you to read it. The MC is set to be one of... more>> the apex powerhouses with his talents who is now retired and will gradually get back on the scene.

The fight scenes are one-sided in the beginning but you start to see more and more serious action, the progression of the story is well paced neither too long nor too short mostly.

The interactions are full of humor and is enjoying to read especially when spiced up with innuendoes by a certain character which we will all love and hate at some point. <<less
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SecondRate rated it
May 9, 2016
Status: --
So far, I am liking this novel very much. It has comedy and power display in the modern world. Although it is a harem novel (I am not a fan of that genre), it has, in my opinion, a good story and nice characters. I only hope that these characters get some more depth and don’t stay “flat” (I am not referring to their chest area, as it's stated, more than once, that all the ladies have voluptuous chests). The MC's past is revealed bit by bit and so... more>> far it is quite a sensible built up. The little girl, “the mc’s daughter”, is the truly wicked one. My only doubt about her is, is she really a little girl? She seems to know more than most adult can comprehend in this novel. Anyway, keep up the good work. <<less
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thekinglich rated it
March 5, 2016
Status: --
the novel is pretty decent but I have to admit it from the comments below because as the story goes, the kid gets extremely annoying with the troll. At first I was ok with it but as the story goes it kept repeating the same sh*t over and over again. Also as DemonWolf mention, the female side character are not progressing at all. Eventually its feels like the romance going anywhere.
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promicent rated it
January 26, 2016
Status: --
"currently at chap 109" From my opnion this novel is very good and like review from others I agree with them except from DemonWolf (but I agree with him about the kid!!!)... and If not because the annoying kid and the way the MC handle her I will give this novel 5 stars.. seriously I hope that kid disappear from this story (people who loves her pls don’t angry with me...)

*Romance-Yes but slow pace.

*Character progression-Yes with moderate pace and depends with the event that happens.
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Lachiel rated it
October 31, 2015
Status: --
This novel is great, Unique setting, unique MC, and unique and love-able side characters. Instead of being a XianXia in olden times we get something in a modern setting and dealing in crime instead of justice or self improvement. It's light hearted at times and serious at times. It's pretty good.

I recommend this HIGHLY to anyone who likes Xianxia's
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