Who Cares


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In her previous life, she treated her mother-in-law like her own mother, treated her husband with respect and affection, devoted herself to her stepson and stepdaughter, and looking back at herself, Guan Suyi had a clear conscience. But in the end, she was ruined, exiled, and died alone. When she was about to die, Guan Suyi summed up her tragedy with one phrase: doing too much and saying too little.

After rebirth, she decided to say nothing, put on the hypocritical face of a good wife and mother, strive for the reputation of a gentle and virtuous character, bury all the enemies in the pit, and ask them to be grateful and remember her as their benefactor for the rest of their lives.

Associated Names
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Ai Shei Shei
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108 Reviews sorted by

miu rated it
March 31, 2022
Status: Completed

I was a bit hesitant after reading some of the reviews but decided to try it anyways. And I was not disappointed! I've read a lot of CN and this is one of them where I went and MTL the rest of the chapters because it was so good. This is different from all the other revenge/second chance novels and the villains were annoying but they were also cleaned up and the main ones dragged on a bit but not too much. So I don't really understand some of the critical comments on a few of the reviews here. First off, this is a Chinese novel. The author and people are Chinese and with an ancient way of thinking. If you can't understand why people in different cultures do things then don't read these types of novels. Don't bash on a novel just because you have your own biases and ignore the writing and storytelling of the author. The ex-husband is scum, yes, but that's how the author intents to write him so you rate it badly for the author making you hate a character you're supposed to hate? Just because you don't like a character then they don't get to have emotions like regret and hope and their own POV?

The ML and MC are very cute together and the ML is pretty likable. He has reasons for the way he did things and they make sense. I disagree with one of the reviews saying their relationship is disgusting and sickening. It is actually very cute and the ML is very loyal and tries to do everything without hurting the MC.

I also disagree with comments saying the MC did nothing and stopped caring about her past enemies. The MC didn't do nothing. In fact, when she got reborn she refused to get married but it wasn't her fault that the emperor bestowed her a marriage decree and ofc she can't refuse. Not in this type of ancient culture. She didn't want to care about her past enemies because when she died, she already matured and wanted to live her life again as freely as she could. She didn't want to get caught up in revenge. Her saying "who cares" meant she didn't want to waste all her energy again doing the same things she did for other people in the past just to end up as a stepping stone for everyone else.

Also, the setting is very important. This is set right after a huge war in which thousands of people had died. The emperor just established power and is looking to centralize control and rebuild the population. A lot of weight is put on laws and talent. There is a lot of text on Confucianism and Legalism ways of thinking and how to balance those to benefit the people.

Overall it was a very enjoyable read and if you like these mature kinds of novels that tries to stay in-line with how the way of thinking was back then, then you'll probably enjoy this.

Spoiler summary:

In the first chapter, you find out MC is married to a widow who has a daughter and son with a mother-in-law. She tries to do her best as a step-mother but her step-kids hate her and her husband is always morning for his dead wife. MC's family is a Confucius family and she is taught to be morally righteous so everything she does is to be benevolent and abiding by the rules. It doesn't go well for her and she ends up exiled by her husband to a remote place after being framed. Later, her stepson finds her and tells her the shocking secret that his mother (the dead wife) was actually not dead. Instead, the ex-wife faked her death so she can pretend to be the twin sister and get married into the palace as a concubine. She threw away her husband and kids for fame and glory. The husband and daughter knows this but still helps the ex-wife secretly and that's one of the reasons why the MC had so many stumbles in life. The stepson realizes that the MC is the only one who truly cared about his future and he went to see her because he was later tricked and got his legs broken. So he came to repent but at this time, the MC was already tired of everything. She ends up wasting away and thus gets reborn back to before she got married.

After getting reborn, she is determined not to marry into the same family. But something happens where she had to come out and defended her grandpa in front of other scholars. Her family is a Confucius thinking family and at this time, there were a lot of different schools of thoughts. One of them was Legalism. Confucianism emphasis respect to family and filial piety while Legalism emphasis respect to laws. She argued against the scholars of Legalism and won. The emperor (ML) was secretly watching and found her and her family to be very talented. So he wanted to bring her into the palace and also promote her father and grandpa to high-ranking officials. At this time he didn't have a lot of feelings for her but just thought she was dazzling and smart. He was going to give her a high title as well, but one of his concubine, the ex-wife who faked her death so she could enter the palace, found out about this and after finding out the MC was better than her, asked her daughter (from her ex-husband) to have her ex-husband remarry the MC as to prevent her from going to the palace. So the daughter made a fuss and the ex-husband, thinking that they can use a mother, tried to ask for marriage but was rejected. He then went to the emperor asking for a marriage decree and the emperor, also being guilty that he took his wife, agreed hoping he can move on. There is a conspiracy with how the ex-wife entered the palace but it gets resolved later in the novel. So with the marriage decree, the MC had to marry as the same as in her old life. After realizing this, she adjust her way of thinking and instead, becomes calm and decides she can still live peacefully as long as she herself only does the things she wants to on the higher moral ground. That way no one can question her or force her. She also knows that the husband will never touch her since he is still in love with his ex-wife.

Almost half of the novel is about her married life and how she made different decisions from her past life to prevent the past from repeating. Very soon she'll meet the emperor, who is disguised, and this time attract his attention with her way of thinking. He first admires her, then falls for her, and has a lot of heartache over thinking how s*upid he was that he gave her away. The emperor is very open-minded and has a tragic past that makes him sympathize with the common people. He eventually pursues her after realizing she has no feelings for her current husband and determining she is going to divorce eventually and remarry him. Ofc, he wouldn't be so bold if she also isn't as bold. Even though she says she won't marry him, she doesn't reject him either because deep down she also falls for him.

When she finally gets divorced, the rest of the novel is about her and the emperor and how she establishes control in the back palace. There are a few conspiracies here that get tidied up and you don't really see the ex-husband and her stepkids anymore but that makes sense since she's no longer married there.

And there is a bonus storyline at the very end. A few chapters are dedicated to a different timeline in which the ex-husband is the one that gets reborn and the MC has been married for 4 years, right before the time she was exiled in the first life. The ex-husband tries to keep the MC since he fell for her in the last timeline (in which the MC was reborn) but eventually fails. I'm not sure why the author even brought him back but probably to tell us that his fate with the MC, no matter how many timelines, won't work out. I also think it's another way to show a different side to how the MC and ML will meet since she meets with the emperor again and eventually marries him again. At first I thought it was how the MC and ex-husband get together but it's really just another dogfood being shoved into our faces of the MC and ML (emperor) which I happily accept.

This is a quick summary but I highly recommend reading the first few chapters and if you like it, then you'll like the rest of the novel. The MC also goes through a character change and realize she shouldn't be so passive. The ML also solves his own inner demons with the MC's help and everything is well written.

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applefish rated it
April 30, 2022
Status: --
FL is a longwinded blowhard. ML makes me uncomfortable. Rather than have them warm up to each other through clever banter, FL just drones on and on like a textbook. I don't know what either sees in the other. The thing with the FL's husband's ex-wife doesn't make sense to me; it only makes me dislike the ML more.

I'm surprised. In the author's other story about raising a dog, I loved the FL a lot, but this FL is so boring and pedantic. It's mean to say but... no wonder... more>> no one except her parents like her? She's no fun. Like, she describes her parents dunking her in ice water during winter and shows off how scarred her arms are because of their upbringing, as if it's a good thing.

That made me feel that her ungrateful stepson might have been more reasonable than he's given credit for. Ruining her life like he did is too much, but seeing as how she idolizes abuse, she reminds me of parents like the ones from Sky Castle who drive their children into living hells all for the sake of test scores. She's all work and no play. Of course the stepson would hate her. <<less
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drollawake rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: --
Really, she decided to say nothing? Then why am I seeing chapter after chapter of extended monologues? At this point the main difference between this and the usual harem infighting novel is that the MC steamrolls everyone with a gigantic wall of text instead of having snappy back-and-forths. And to that, I have same sentiment as the translated title: who cares?
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xXLicorneXx rated it
July 19, 2022
Status: c72
Edit: Reread my review and realized it's actually more of a "mini" rant XD

Let me preface by saying this: I quite disliked "Whatshername raises a dog". Yes, the very beloved and well-received novel from the same author.

I found the characters and logic in that specific story to be simplistic and somewhat moronic. It amped up the novella vibe to the max and was topped with a Mary Suesque FL (wasn't too mad at though) and an unpalatably slow-witted, obtuse and piggish ML... just urgghhh.

So it's fair to say I... more>> had ZERO expectations getting into this new novel. It was just meant to kill some time. Oh boy was I surprised!

Well, it turned out to be my BEST READ among my historical novels of 2022. Simple as that.

And if you wonder, then why is the rating low?

In a nutshell, I think it's the "Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir" dilemma. That novel was downrated not on the quality of its writing but on it's emotional appeal. Same thing here. People like straightforward, gentle, black and white romance, with an always kind and nice (without any probable cause mind you) ML. And in the same vein, a nice and sympathetic FL. They want the feels with not too many morally grey areas (there's quite a few here) cos that can be a buzz killer.

Which I perfectly understand.

Many enjoy romance novels as a form of pure escapism (so do I at times) and thus may not be this novel's targeted audience. So, you've been warned ;)

I like my romance novels a little nuanced and dark, my FL to be mature, smart and sometimes cruel, and my ML to have a personality whether good or bad (with some limitations).

Here, the ML tethers on the edge of acceptable and does maaaany questionable things (on trend for this author) but our MC is no doormat, no mam! Her tough, no-nonsense personality and her impeccable use of logic helped even-out a bit, the power imbalance between the two and made their relationship interesting.

In short, our MC is the shining star of the novel, not the romance. If you don't love her (like I did), you won't enjoy the novel. Simple as that.

Also, while I really hoped for a HE, all the twists and turns left me with a bittersweet aftertaste. Just like Dreamer in the spring boudoir, I genuinely wished better for my heroine.

The other downside to this story is that she seems to always have a solution to all arising problems. But then again, if you read historical novels with male protagonist, a lot of them seem to have the same issue, so can't complain too much I guess.

Finally, the translation is just BOMB. It doesn't even feel like one. It's just that good! So thank you for all your hard work, it didn't go unnoticed ;) <<less
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Ochads rated it
March 28, 2022
Status: --
I love this story with a very good start but hate the middle. I know FL goes back in time and many of its past regrets are dealt with quite satisfactorily to its foes. It's also great that the antagonists of the past have improved a bit in this timeline. I may hate the FL husband but I also hate FL in the middle of the story. And even more I hate the author's ML that is emperor. I just wanna say Fxxk.

It's disgusting to read an ex-husband's love story... more>> with his ex-wife. But it's even more disgusting to read FL's love story with the emperor. Sickening. <<less
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CaliforniaMaki rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: Completed
100% GEM!! Wth are these low ratings??! Should be 6+ ☆!! Man, I thought I was just going to get the usual revenge story but this novel has so many layers that I really enjoyed sinking into! (MTL's to complete 70-80% can't understand the philosophical discussion)

This CN delves into the FL's transformation from her tragic past to a heroic, independent and inspiring woman! As what the others have said, the philosophical discussions is heavily brewing in the background, so the CN does get pretty heavy with the discussions on... more>> Confucianism, Legalism and other schools of thought. The Translator is doing a very great job in including this in her notes. Though, I don't understand much but I felt that the author did a great job of conveying humanity and soul in this novel. As such that the characters are brought to life. There are no 2d characters in this novel. You get to sympathize, emphatize and feel a rush of vindication at them. The CHARACTER GROWTH of the MCs and even the extras are well written. And as I've always said, when side characters have growth, a novel is a gem!

And the ML 🥺 It's so rare to read an ML that's not an iceberg and has EQ. But here there is CONSENT and he RESPECTS the FL! Just read it and you'll know it. He's just so good and his character growth really puts a tear in my eyes! 😭 Their flirty banters and just how the author conveyed their love story makes me feel warm 😊

I just can't get enough of this CN! I don't really understand if the philosophical discussions are on point but CNs that give valuable lessons and make me appreciate the mysteries of life are always 100% GEM! Honestly, I'm so glad to have read this. *Kowtows to author* <<less
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queenjekyll rated it
August 20, 2022
Status: c160
It seems like a lot of the low reviews are mostly coming from not actually understanding the novel they're reading especially to those who passed the chapter 100 mark. ML is not disgusting.

He was someone who grew up with wolves, which was not by choice. The only person who taught him how to talk was his imperial sister who were, at that time, believed in the rumors that he was some kind of evil spirit due to something that happened in the past back when he was literally just a baby who lost his mother. He is a person who is very passionate in gaining knowledge since his relatives never cared about him and insults him for having lacking knowledge before. Try to understand where he's coming from and you'll see why I said he is not disgusting.

All the characters in this novel especially the Emperor, Zhao Luli, and MC are all complex characters. They are not meant to portrayed as simply good or bad person. I advise future readers to read this novel slowly and comprehend it as much as you can before reviewing it with some nonsense to the point that I suspect we weren't reading the same novel. Overall, this is a very good novel.
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Honeycomb rated it
June 23, 2022
Status: Completed
OMG!!! This is soooo goooood. I was hesitant cause the synopsis make it sounds like it has too much angst and I thought the ex-husband was as the ML. But spoiler alert! He’s not! N I love the ML. He’s ruthless yet also so naive and the FL is perfect 🤩 100/10 would recommend
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kyrez rated it
May 22, 2022
Status: Completed
There are many opinions regarding this novel. I read the reviews before reading, and was actually quite hesitant to proceed.

The beginning can be said to be confusing for me. Lots of philosophical debate.. But the translator did a really good job. 🏆👍🏻 No doubt, this is actually a romance novel. ML & FL are entangled quite deeply. And ML was the first to fall in love.


ML's perfunctory attitude towards FL in the beginning really made me gritted my teeth. I was sure it's gonna be a big mistake. So I was satisfied when FL was furious when she knew the truth (from ML's own mouth at that)..


FL is sassy and savvy.. She was raised by a strict scholarly family. But the family is tight-knit and loyal.. She's also stubborn to the bone..


Now the ML.. He can be quite egoistic, I don't think it's entirely from him being an emperor (cos he was still learning to be one).. But more because he was raised by a pack of wolf.. So his thinking is like those of a predator.. He locked on his prey proudly, never giving her the chance to escape..

Also, since he's quite new at his job (in governing his people, be an emperor etc.), he can be said to be innocent, naive, yet vigorous.. He's actually humble in his effort to learn more so he can build a strong empire..

I find it quite surprising that I can accept ML's setting (and his idiotic mistakes).. The author did a good job building his growth in characters..


Suddenly, the extras (fanwai) came.. And I find myself appreciating their love story in the main plot, as the extra plot is quite gloomy and bloody..

but I understand that different circumstances and environment influenced their thoughts and behaviours.. Thus with different life trajectories, they became different people.. Though I'm very happy that both plots (main & extra) have a HE^^


All in all, I'm glad I read this. I really enjoyed it and wish there are more to read~ ⛅️🌈
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Akima rated it
June 24, 2022
Status: c202
I just tried to read the first few chapters because I was attracted to Lazy or "come what may" mindset of a protagonist at the moment. Some reviews were bad but after reading it I actually got hooked by the plots.

Its a good story where the ML almost missed her FL and what ML regrets the most was its because of his decree that the FL almost got away.

I like how FL faced her destiny, although she was rebirthed she still didn't got away from her fate and have to... more>> go along with her life but not without having a plan.

The title who cares can also mean that she can be whatever she wants or wants to do. <<less
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annhsu0222 rated it
April 20, 2022
Status: c57
Insane. Actual insanity.



    • the MC is level-headed, while the description made it seem as if she just let everyone do whatever, she does have everything under control. She seems to be able to think her way and plan her way out of most things
    • translator is doing an amazing job, like the amount of effort invested into trying to help the reader understand what the characters debate about when it's super philosophical. I have no doubt a pain to translate and include an explanation for the sayings. Seriously props to the translator.
    • the ML does not abuse his authority to do anything to the MC and is not petty or narrow-minded, for me I just dislike when the ML is at a higher authority than the MC but that's really my problem
    • the villainess actually has brains? Kinda? It does feels like she just keeps driving herself into a corner and before she realized it, she had no way to escape, honestly, her past does explains her actions though
    • novel is logical and almost everyone have a reason as to why they act the way they do
    • favourite character is def the maids
    • the MC was reborn instead of being a transmigrated person which I deeply appreciate


    • MC's appearance is praised to the high heavens lol, like I'm kinda tired of a beautiful MC, can't she just be plain or something else idk, but then I'll probably have to fight every CN novel author lmao
    • ML is at a higher power than MC, I just dislike uneven power dynamics
    • I want the villainess to be even smarter and hide her tracks better
    • my god the original husband makes me so frustrated, like he seriously lacks a brain, I really wonder how he became a general
    • the qin-went-mute-for-love-guy, like yes let me guilt my significant other into breaking social norms and marrying me. Though you can argue they already had these feelings for each other, and the guy is just encouraging the girl into feeling bad enough to brave the social norm but honestly idk I just find it guilt trippy but yea

I was going insane cuz I cannot believe the villainess actually planned the life saving grace thing lol like damn they really planned that far back I wonder if she had someone transmigrated into her how the author would change the narrative around but yea


this is the longest review I've written lol but as with everything take it with a grain of salt, ultimately I would recommend it. Honestly though, I wish the MC could continue to stay in her position and suppress her first husband and their family. Just live life lesuirely and detached from the main family and maybe occasionally debate with the emperor or something but I guess a MC isn't complete without an amazing love
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Kaylee rated it
February 4, 2022
Status: Completed
A lot of philosophies talk.

MC rebirthed. Succeeded in preventing her family's misfortune and demise, and dodging the marriage scheme of her previous husband's family. Then stopped caring with her previous enemies resulted in a marriage decree with her previous husband. Pretty s*upid. But she retaliated and stopped being brainless, solved all the problems.

The author wrote less on the characters' relationship, her enemies, conflict and more on philosophy.

Conveniently both MC and ML never slept with their spouses. It's maiden bg thing lol
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
theliongirl rated it
October 14, 2022
Status: Completed
5 stars for the first half of the story, 4 stars for the second half.

A fantastic novel with a charming and heroic female lead. What sets this novel apart is that the MC is the daughter of a scholar, and after her return is involved in many philosophical debates on the merits of Confucianism, Legalism and more. In her previous life, a well known scholar championed a school of thought that restricted the rights of women, and in her current life, she works to combat it.

Though she succeeds on that... more>> point, I do feel a bit disappointed that later on we didn’t see more feminist institutional changes, like maybe having woman be able to inherit property. But I do keep in mind that there’s no modern people transmigrating here, they are all characters raised in that time period and have attitudes reflecting that.

The first half of the story (not so clear cut, but I’ll divide it like this) is where the female lead deals with everything that dragged her down in her previous life. She shows a clever and bold character as she sidesteps all the pits dug for her and in the end cuts ties with everything that tormented her. She’s pretty awesome and I think everyone will like the first half of the story, at least. The second half brings in fantastical elements like human face masks that I felt weren’t needed when she was already beating them with her mind.

The second half of the story is where the male lead pursues her. The ML is a raised-by-wolves brute that grew up under the attack of everybody around him, and thus has a ruthless character that schemingly pursues what he wants. Growing up not being taught anything, he didn’t have a good foundation and has fought his way up to a position where he now needs one. Thus, he has a great thirst for knowledge and really respects intellectuals, and what he first finds attractive about the MC is her scathing critiques.

Here’s where it gets divisive, because he’s pretty pushy. Once he confirms that it’s the circumstances and her hangups holding her back and not a genuine lack of attraction (this is not exactly explicitly stated but subtext from the chapters around his confession) he goes full out in making her his, even scheming against her once or twice (to get her divorced lol). When I say no one ever taught him growing up that includes morals, so he instead treats her based on his feelings of love. On one hand he wants her to come to him willingly, and on the other hand he’s thinking once he clears the path she needs to walk to him she’ll have no choice but to love him.

I’m not too sweet on him, I prefer decent lovers who will without any conditions or expectations help the ones they love, giving up if need be, but he works in this story for one reason: the female lead.

She’s not shy in pointing out whether something he’s done is actually good for her, and she catches on to his schemes quick, sometimes outsmarting him. They have great chemistry, and that’s partly because she’s his match.

He’s pushy, but she also needed a push. It seemed like before she came back, she lived like she was dead, and after she was content with just her family being safe, even though her living situation wasn’t satisfying.

What was she going to do in a couple of months when ZL was determined to trap her by getting her pregnant? No, she needed to divorce.


After she accepts the ML, it really feels like she broke free of her chains, becoming more wild and free and true to her heart. It’s because of this that I can accept it.

Also, because from the comments some people don’t read the translator notes, by modern standards he is not 9 feet tall, rather in ancient China a foot as a measurement was smaller then the standard 12 inches it is today.

Thanks for the great translation, it was really appreciated! Would have gone crazy trying to MTL this, it really wouldn’t have worked. So many complicated concepts and terms... kudos. <<less
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nopeitynopenope rated it
June 2, 2022
Status: c103
I don’t really like the ML, the villains are worth their dislike, the MC and her family are lovely especially her hilarious grandfather, and the use of philosophy is excellent. I also want to say in response to another review the translation is accurate and well done and the title is correctly translated.
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Mehmeh713 rated it
February 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Very satisfying read with a very interesting perspective. It's about an FL that's reborn and a new tribal emperor (jiuli) that conquered the mainland and the Han race. It's cool because there's the sense that the emperor is almost building the country from the ground up. Most historical reads are about long established dynasties but here, the jiuli emperor has to completely establish a new framework to run his empire. He's definitely very strong and intelligent but he's handicapped in that he's never studied how to rule or the intricacies... more>> of court and navigating different powers and influences, so there's that development as he gradually stabilizes his conquered territory.

The romance is very sweet to me. It kind of felt like both of them found a true salvation in each other. ML with his lack of understanding of certain concepts plus his heartbreaking background and FL with her identity as a female handicapping her despite her being very intelligent and with her shitty marriage. FL helped t enlighten ML alot along the way and then he winded up falling for her. He supported and protected her and enabled her to live life more freely and happily despite her own scars from her past life. In their relationship, both of them really brought out the best aspects of the other. I think one big plus point is that while the ML is definitely great, he's not all powerful and infinitely perfect and FL really helped him out both in governance and with his emotional issues (as compared to other novels where MLs are super perfect and everything they set out to do is perfect. I mean I like capable MLs but it's nice that FL really brings something to the relationship other than just being ML's loved one) <<less
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18Yuki rated it
March 8, 2022
Status: c168
... I lost everything I just typed in one unwanted refresh. The eloquence gained after reading this novel blinked out of existence.


- Good:

... more>> MC's actions have well founded and significant effects on her society. The contrast of women's lives before and after her rebirth as well as what we more commonly associate with historically (women obey husband/son, stay in boudoirs, 4 virtues etc).

MC is wise and measured, ML is imperfect in a good way. Side characters have own thoughts and helps convey ancient way of thinking vs Mc/modern way.

Diversity in types of female characters and roles, eg Female generals, typical princesses, talents and literati.

Character growth is more prominent in villains compared to MC/ML and MC won't hate just because of her past life

For example the MC's stepdaughter, she's only 13 and the MC while she doesn't like her, she won't do something like arbitrarily ruin the girl's future just because of what happened in her past life. Had the MC remained with her exhusband in this life instead of the ML the MC would likely have arranged a proper marriage, using her status as part of the Guan family, and future for her even if they won't be super close. The stepdaughter grew to respect MC and isn't as dull or indecisive as her brother.


- Bad:

Villains that won't die and stay dead. For all that it's true to MC's character and status, it gets annoying and old, very quickly.

Repetitive face slapping. One after another...

MC's mother really doesn't fit into her family. She has similarity to her daughter and no relationship with her husband (MC father) or MC grandfather. Her role is just for one line to the likes of, 'the concept of what women's virtues (obey husband/son, be virtuous, stay at home etc) are have existed before [villainess] wrote the book'.

Feels heavy to read, not just because of the philosophical debates but because there was little breathing space between unhappy events. The MC was understandably not in the happiest mindset after her rebirth but the times where she would express joy or have something joyful happening are too few and far between. I would love it if there were more descriptions of her day to day life that didn't involve debates, stepchildren, politics and schemes. Maybe a shopping trip or painting session or just something lighter and care free. Even after she got with the ML she was burdened.

The whole thing with the husband's first wife is s*upid. That's all I'm gonna say.


Good read, but not an easy one. If you're expecting smooth sailing... uh, halfway there. <<less
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ink7blot rated it
July 11, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly most of the reason the ML (the emperor) gets backlash from readers is because the story admits he messed up. 90% of the negative comments I see about him are right after the chapter itself has said the ML made a mistake and is going to need to work hard to fix it. So yeah, if you feel like the ML isn't a perfect guy, great! That's what the author was trying to do!

But the comments saying the ML doesn't "deserve" to end up with the FL are going... more>> too far. Both the emperor and the former husband hurt the FL, but she forgives one and not the other for a reason. One always considered things from her perspective, protected her family, and learned the lessons she taught him. The other tried to fix their relationship for his own selfishness, shielded his own family, and would say he understood before turning around and making the same mistakes. It might be more interesting if the ML and FL didn't end up together, sure, but you can't say the ML didn't put in the effort to be forgiven.

I loved reading this, but I can't stand when people deliberately misinterpret a work. If you want a perfect romance with no mistakes or flaws, there are tons of other novels that do that. But if you're willing to read about a character who is genuinely trying to make up for his mistakes, definitely give this one a shot. <<less
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dramamonster rated it
March 14, 2023
Status: Completed
Riveting and satisfying historical romance. The more I read, the better it got. If you like detailed historical romances, this one is excellent.

The ML conquered the Central Plains and became Emperor, but didn't know how to rule, so he explored several schools of thought to create a new society.

Unfortunately, in the first life, the Emperor wrongly supported "Lessons for Women", which suppressed women everywhere on the premise that women were weak and couldn't remarry, shouldn't divorce, and couldn't be alone or communicate with a man, or else they would become... more>> unchaste/unclean (and therefore their families could kill them).

In her first life, the FL conformed to the "Lessons for Women" and suffered greatly. Her husband, Marquis Zhenbei, pined for his first wife and humiliated the FL until her tragic death.

In her second life, the FL protected her own family, whipped the Marquis family into shape, and

eventually found her own happy ending with the ML/Emperor.

As a child, the FL wandered the war torn continent with her scholarly family, and was raised to be brave and intelligent. She had an encyclopedic knowledge of history and academic philosophy, and used it brilliantly in her second life to influence the entire country and protect women with her astonishing literary articles and eloquent arguments. Because of the FL, in her second life, the "Lessons for Women" was instead mocked for being a s*upid, foolish theory and it never caught on.

The plot is odd - at the start, the FL is a married woman, and the ML Emperor has a harem. The first part of the novel involves the struggle between different schools of thoughts and values in influencing society, yet it's also riveting because the consequences are so important to society.

The FL and ML are both virg*ns in her second life. The ML doesn't touch the harem, and the FL keeps her scumbag husband at bay. In general, the ML acts honourably towards her, if a bit rogueish and scheming in the first part of the novel. Later on, the ML is as sweet as can be.

The FL starts off being very virtuous and principled, but halfway through the novel, as she becomes more fed up with shameless/unethical people, the FL becomes more black-bellied and rebellious as the ML pampers her and she starts to pursue her own dreams and desires. Towards the end, the FL is a familiar, domineering, OP FL-type after clearing away all obstacles. I mean, how else are you going to subdue the Empress Dowager and intimidate the harem, hm?

I liked the ML. He was good to her and they had a happy ending.

The epilogue chapters are of a third life, in which the scumbag Marquis Zhenbei is reborn a few years into his marriage with the FL, who is badly beaten down by life. Unfortunately, he's already lost his chance because of his bad judgment/timing, and the FL and ML still meet up and turn things around for another happy ending.

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frostcrystal rated it
March 10, 2023
Status: --
I really wanted to give a round of applause for the translator! OMG when I saw that it was a historical romance with lots of philosophy and Confucianism, I felt like crying on their behalf, lmao. Thank you for your sacrifice.

There's a lot to like about the novel and I think I wanted most to call out the chemistry between the leads. Their interactions; sometimes funny, sometimes awkward, sometimes joking, sometimes serious; really make the book. It felt so real in part because the leads would mess up and do... more>> s*upid stuff in front of each other and then laugh at themselves and keep going.

Also, this is maybe the first non-erotica I've read where the author decided to go with the more... uh... realistic version of a nosebleed. I almost died laughing.

Downside: At some points around the middle of the book, the ML is a bit too domineering for my taste. Yes, it makes sense for his character, but it doesn't feel good to have him maneuvering in the background to manipulate FL. I think he would have been a lot more appealing if that had been toned down a bit. <<less
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Book Lover Slytherine
Book Lover Slytherine rated it
September 17, 2022
Status: Completed
Was a a very good read! I really liked the MC. She always worked on her own path. Never compromised or did any s*upid things.

... more>>

Things I Liked;

So the story was FL getting a second chance in life. She tried not to marry her scumbag ex husband but was forced to because of the Emperor decree. She tried not to love and care for her stepchildren unlike her previous life when she was ruined because of them. I was really glad the scum was not the ML otherwise I would have dropped the story. Pretty much a good story. The ML is the emperor. He had a tragic life because of the king's first jealous wife who ruined him and her mother by scheming. The FL healed him from that. But I really liked the FL still not compromising despite hearing his tragic story.

She said, "So what if you had a tragic life? Should I fall in love with you because of your pitiful life? I'll never compromise my dignity because of someone else. I pity your life but that doesn't mean I will fall in love wuth you."

Things I Didn't like:

I really didn't like the third life of the fl. The scum husband got a chance but because he was too much incompetent he let his family ruin the FL life once again. I really didn't like the scheming ML in the 3rd life. Like in the 2nd life the ML married her as an empress with all respect but in her 3rd life she was forced too be concubine of ml. The radiance and strongness she had in her 2nd life was not in her 3rd life. She was forced to do things she didn't like and so many lives are sacrificed in the 3rd life. Why? Author, why? Why did you have to ruin the beautiful radiance of the FL where she had to curry favor with others?


My Thoughts:

Overall I really liked it! Would recommend others to read. I gave one star less because of the s*upid 3rd life, otherwise it would have been a 5 star for me. <<less
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