When the Villainess Died, the Male Lead Went Crazy


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Anais knew she was fated to die once the coup d’état ended. So, rather than dying in vain just as the original story mandated, she instead willingly stood in between Kylian, who she loved, and a gunshot, which would have killed him. And so, Anais died in place of him.

But after her demise, Kylian went crazy.
He did everything he could to revive Anais, however, the Anais who Kylian saved was a fake.

Meanwhile, despite dying once, Anais woke up in a different body. From there, she went to find Kylian so that everything could be restored, but…

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  1. translations of Azure Coven
  2. If you die... I will go crazy
  3. Bored :/
  4. Romance fantasy 3
  5. Isekai villainess

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8 Reviews

Jul 19, 2022
Status: Completed
I read this novel to completion and about halfway through, I really wanted to stop, but I'd already spent too much time on it so I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and just push through and..... Hm. I'll speak in vague terms so that everyone can get the general gist of it all.

The first issue this novel has is the pacing. It takes sooo long for even the most simplest of issues to be resolved, mostly because of the ML's own incompetence. The whole novel is... more>> 159 chapters long when everything could have been neatly tied up in about a fraction of that. For the first ~50 or so chapters, it feels like the author is writing just for the sake of having more chapters, as very little of the plot or the characters are developed in that time. The writing is rather flowery so it's fun if you're a bit of a linguist, but it can be such a drag when you just want the plot to move in any direction at all. I enjoy slow burns, but this wasn't well constructed.

The second issue is the ML (minor spoilers).


The ML is supposedly super super in love with the FL. After her death, he went mad trying to find out a way to revive her only to get a fake version of her while the real FL wakes up in a different body. I sincerely think the only reason why this novel has a good rating on Ridi is because we all got bamboozled by the premise. I feel like a lot people assumed this would be a story of the ML recognizing the FL's soul, realizing his mistake, and trying to help restore her to her real body but that's not what we got at all.

Where the problem lies is that the ML is.... how you say, not very smart. The author does a good job setting up the premise, showing us how much he loves her and how desperate he is to have her back, but for all the love he supposedly has for her, he can't even recognize that she's not acting right???

Then it becomes the FL's problem to try and convince him that she's real and the woman by his side is a fake, but he never listens to her. He's so convinced that the fake he has by his side is the real one and in doing so, he treats the actual FL like garbage. The whole time I was just like ???? You're supposed to love this woman with your whole heart to the point of resurrecting her and yet you can't even recognize her soul? His love is written to be pure and noble and yet.....

It's written like it's supposed to be tragic but it's more aggravating to read because it shouldn't be this difficult. The fake is clearly not acting right and the FL knows things only she would know and yet the ML just REFUSES to believe her for so long. By chapter 100, he still doesn't believe she is who she says she is. I think its around 105ish when he finally gets smacked upside the head with a sudden realization, but even when we got there, it didn't feel worth it. More than 2/3 of the story gets wasted on watching this man deny what he claimed to be the love of his life.


A good chunk of the novel rinses and repeats the same song and dance for the sake of the tragedy and the drama, but none of it feels organic because again, this shouldn't be this hard. I feel like this novel could be a good read for you if you like this kind of 'tragedy' and don't think about it too much, but I found to be extremely exhausting to read.

Overall the novel is a 1 star experience, but the writing itself was nice so 2 stars. <<less
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Jan 06, 2024
Status: c82
This could have been a good story with its concept but was not properly executed. By the 20th chapter, I was very tempted to drop this novel but I perservered because I thought there will be recovery. And just by basing to one of the comment that manage to read it completely. Though I agree to how was the ML portrayed ... more>>

I just can't help the corner of my eye from twitching because the FL repreatedly tells him that the fake is not the FL. So many encounters yet still he doesn't believe it? So many red flags from the fake yet, no suspicions? I feel frustrated to the point I would wish the I'sekai God to i'sekai me to this novel to just smack this dumb ML to oblivion.


Let's not forget the FL, we were not given enough background about her past life and I respect that so I can build assumptions

as to how dense she could get supposedly she's inexperienced with romance. And my Gosh, Girl grow a backbone will you??? Just because he is fated in the books means he is fated to the saintess that green tea btch. Duhhhhh. LIKE its your time to shineeeee, you got reincarnated (idk the proper term atp) at the age of 10, bruh like you can still make a recovery and steal the boy, nothing is set a stone until its fully cemented dumb-dumb.


In the end, this makes them a matchmade in heaven because

they both share 1 brain cell.

That would be all, I won't discourage anyone from reading if your looking for just something to waste your time, but if you want it memorable find another one. <<less
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Mar 30, 2023
Status: 50+
Finished around 50ish chapters decided to drop it cause there's really no point in this novel.

Author is trying way too hard for a slow burn without the skills to back it up. The same problems in the first chapters are still the same goddamn problems in the later chapters. Absolutely no progression at all with the plot, just a bunch of misunderstandings piling upon each other cause the author has no concept of communication or story flow at all. Characters are also insipidly s*upid and incompetent.

Frustrating read, not recommended at... more>> all. <<less
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Oct 07, 2023
Status: c50
The ML is so vapid and his lack of recognition of the true FL despite there being SO MANY CLUES made me stop reading this. Once it came to a point where I felt had he hurt her so much that there was so salvation, I couldn’t continue to read this to the end. He doesn’t deserve the FL.
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Feb 21, 2023
Status: c43+
update: to 2 stars. (and this generous)

The story WAS interesting. The drawn out misunderstanding became overbearing quick. I probably would have loved it if I was 16 but, its predictable and unrealistic (in how people -specifically adults- would react to said situations).

The FL's thought process about fate and everything is really dumb and annoying, Which doesn't make sense since she's supposed to be smart in every other aspect.

The ML is the stereotypical obsessive male lead. He is irrational, soft with FL until the next chapter when he's cruel for... more>> no reason. You will get whiplash from this man's mood swings.

I like the 2nd ML (a priest) more since his devotion is not ruined in obsession or dependence. His interactions with the FL are entertaining and heartwarming. I read a spoiler about the end ship and


The FL (Anais) ends up with her husband, the ML. They have twins at the end. I honestly wish novels like this just had the divorce and gave readers a proper happy ending. The current misunderstanding is supposed to last 100 chapters so...


Although the novel's concept is interesting, the execution is less than mediocre. The novel lacks consistent characterisation. If the FL is going to portrayed as smart, she should understand that the characters in the original novel are real people now and that they can grow and change instead of forcefully maintaining her beliefs by saying it's fate.

In the end I'm dropping this novel. <<less
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Jun 07, 2023
Status: c52
The premise was so good, but the execution is a meh.

I have quite a lot of patience for ‘Dense FL’ but she’s on another league, and the fact that the novel is told from first person pov, make it even unbearable.

This actually could be better if she end up with Philleal instead, but from where it’s going, I think she’s gonna ended up with his husband again.
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Feb 13, 2023
Status: c41
I just couldn’t anymore. The plot intro and situation were interesting - but how glaringly s*upid the FL was, was too must frustration. I understand that the ml’s actions were to express how desperate he was to bring his wife back, but after the set-up it ALL went down hill from there and my level of tolerance was shot because instead of continuing the story it just felt like the characters and storyline were being both repeated and dragged out for nothing other than the author didn’t know what else... more>> to add and they wanted the story to be longer. I’m sad at my level of frustration because the set-up had such promise and was SO interesting. <<less
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Jan 15, 2023
Status: c32
The plot is unusual and intriguing, i’m curious about what would happen next that I keep on reading through the chapters all night long.

The minus trait I can think of this novel is that, yeah the MC could be slow and dense sometimes, repeating the same argument over and over again. There’s a lot of emotional rollercoaster here because of the heartaches and misunderstandings between them, but still I found myself getting immersed in this story and I think it was still a good read overall :)
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