When I was Reincarnated into a Game World, I Was a Farmer’s Son


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This story follows a young farmer’s boy named Neil that live peacefully in a farming village called Machikane.

One day, when he go out to play behind his house, he got too careless and fell down a cliff.

Neil parent’s, Doug and Mylene are really worried of him, but thankfully, he is not seriously injured.

However, from that fall, Neil starts to remember things that he shouldn’t.

From that incident, Neil begins to recall the memories of his previous life as Yamada Keiichi.

Overwhelmed by the thought of reincarnation, Neil tries to gather information about the world he is currently living in…

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Date Group Release
09/26/23 Zetro Translation c63
09/23/23 Zetro Translation c62
09/19/23 Zetro Translation c61
09/16/23 Zetro Translation c60
09/12/23 Zetro Translation c59
09/09/23 Zetro Translation c58
09/05/23 Zetro Translation c57
09/02/23 Zetro Translation c56
08/29/23 Zetro Translation c55
08/26/23 Zetro Translation c54
08/22/23 Zetro Translation c53
08/19/23 Zetro Translation c52
08/15/23 Zetro Translation c51
08/13/23 Zetro Translation c50
08/13/23 Zetro Translation c49
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2 Reviews sorted by

gaffout rated it
August 14, 2023
Status: c33
GAAAAAHHHHH, I can't take it anymore. If I hear one more time about how weak and low staus and unable a farmer is to fight, I'm gonna flip a table. It feels like the author has some weird mental compulsion forcing him to restate it every other paragraph. WE GET IT, FARMERS ARE WEAK..... for the love of all that's holy and decent move tf on.

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The MC is also just plain s*upid. He can make a bone fishing hook, but can't craft a spearhead? Even after he kills a rabbit with a sharp horn on its head, he doesn't think about using it as a spearhead. He uses spear diameter branches as clubs (that keep breaking) and can't even figure out that a shorter thicker piece of wood (like a club or a bat) would work better for his fighting style.


The repetition ad nauseum and brain dead MC are just making this a tedious boring story. Gonna drop it here and maybe come back and see if any reviewers make it further than 30 or so chapters. If someone manages to stay awake that far and reports that the story somehow miraculously improves, maybe I'll pick this yawn fest back up again. <<less
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BumChikiBum rated it
July 5, 2023
Status: c32
Decent at most. There is little progress in the story even until chapter 32. A lot of unnecessary stuff explained in a lot of paragraph that ended up providing nothing for the next progression of the story. Few big flaws also detected, one of them is that there was no suspicion from MC's family member everytime MC brought so much variety of grasses to eat, they received without checking wether it is poisonous or not, instead they directly cooked it and eat it like it's normal.
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