When I Was Reincarnated, I Became a Villainous Aristocrat in My Favorite Game, and I Want to Keep a Low Profile – But for Some Reason I’m Getting More Attention Than the Protagonist, and the Heroines Are Approaching Me…


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I have been reincarnated as “Krayt Ferdinand Lemmer,” a villainous aristocrat in a game world I loved in a previous life.

If things stay as they are, I will be defeated by the original protagonist of the game, “Crediant,” so I decided to stay out of the way and not do anything evil so as not to be noticed by Crediant, while building up my abilities to avoid being defeated in case Crediant does.

But even though I was only training so that I wouldn’t be defeated by the Crediant, people slowly began to take an interest in me, who possessed abilities that didn’t match my age. ……… Don’t get involved with me too much!

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転生したら好きなゲームの嚙ませ犬筆頭の悪役貴族だった為、一番目立たず過ごしたい ~それなのになぜか主人公よりも注目されて、ヒロイン達も僕の方にくるんだけど~
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