When I Truly Begin To Love Myself


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Xiao Yu reaches a turning point in her life during this uneventful year, welcoming new romantic experiences and renewing old ones.

The sounds of that summer, when they were in school, reverberate in their ears once more, along with the screaming of a caterpillar that fell on their garments and the laughing of that male classmate who managed to flick it away.

Xiao Yu was dazed and thought she was eighteen again. As she came to, she noticed the man sleeping next to her.

Well, Xiao Yu had two new love alternatives in this boring year after a long period of singledom.

Charlie Chaplin’s poem “AS I BEGAN TO LOVE MYSELF” is the source of the title.

Gentle reminder:

1. Light drama, everyday slice-of-life, and main romance.

2. No character in this story—regardless of gender—is idealized, flawless, or one-dimensional. It is not advised for people who have strong moral convictions, OCD, or a weak disposition.

3. There are numerous tens of thousands of words in this work, all of which are free. I’ll be writing it till it’s finished, and new chapters will be released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

The author can be found on Weibo by searching “潙姗姗,” placing the character “姗” next to “女.” Any announcements or updates will appear on the author’s Weibo profile and below the text.

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123abdi rated it
November 18, 2023
Status: Completed
although written well there is such a stark realism to this novel that makes it just depressing

this is a story about life and the rational decision-making of a careerwoman when it comes to her relationship

the characters in this are all practical realists rather than emotional creatures and because of this, the novel ends on a sour note.

I rated it a 3 because it lacks romance and emotional development. It's about the hard decisions in life and the difficulties of being a woman in the higher echelons of the workplace. Not... more>> a fun read but might give someone good advice on how to navigate a power imbalance in a relationship. <<less
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