What if the Villainous Aristocrat Who Is the Middle Boss Remembers His Previous Life and Gains Knowledge of the Game – I Will Never Accept a Future in Which I Am Called a Jealous Count


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Khalil Dicaman

At a young age, he became the head of the Dickerman count family, which has prospered through the development and research of magical potions. He spends his days researching to create a cure for a disease that is spreading in his fiancée’s territory.

But he is not on good terms with his fiancée.

The former heads of the family agreed to this engagement in order to find a cure, but no cure has been discovered, and the disease is still raging…

In order to win her recognition, he devoted himself to his research without sleep.


(This memories…?!)

He had a tea party with his fiancée once every few months, and when he saw her face there, looking bored, he remembered.

(I’m the villain? Called Count Jealous?)

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2 Reviews sorted by

Karmealion rated it
January 31, 2024
Status: v1c4
This story is good, which is a shame. The translation is very poorly done. Bad enough, you need to use the parts that you DO understand to carry you through the parts that are barely coherent.
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Hrolfur23 rated it
February 10, 2024
Status: c27
Im reading on kuro, and I will echo what Karmealion is saying. The plot is cliche but I'm currently in a phase where I like these sort of clichés. But I need to use so much time to try to make out what's happening. I can forgive the the sloppy he instead of she and vice versa. But when the pov changes without any indications, the government titles of characters being wrong or just mixed up, sentences that are gobbledygook it's really painful.
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