What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up


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I was transported into the romantic fantasy novel my younger sister was reading, not as the male lead but as the second male lead. If I remember correctly, this punk is fated to go into war in the future and die in the male lead’s place.

Okay, I’ve made up my mind. Let’s not go anywhere near the main characters and stay healthy until I can go home.

Associated Names
One entry per line
What Happens When the Sub Male Lead Goes on Strike
When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
서브 남주가 파업하면 생기는 일
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  3. comfort reads
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62 Reviews sorted by

Amasu rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: c35
I like this novel and it’s world a lot. The MC is reliable as well and the story is well written. There is no Romantic tag on it and I’m happy af about it, because it’s really rare to find something like that in a European Fantasy world setting. I only wish the MC the best, but no he is going to be s**ked in by the story. This Novel kind of reminds me of tr*sh of the counts family and yeah that’s my favorite novel, but this one is... more>> currently more slice of life, I like it hehe <<less
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lukespyro rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: c22
I enjoyed the story for most of the beginning. The main character is the brother of someone who really enjoyed a particular story that was being written. He finds himself in the body of the 2nd male lead (2ML) with unusual circumstances surrounding it. I was intrigued, especially since it looked like the MC was determined to make it home, which I though would make an interesting dynamic with members of this fantasy world. The plot explanation in the beginning wasn't too bad:

... more>>

The plot of the story (the normal version) is that a Korean woman reincarnates into a girl who becomes a part of a love triangle with the 2ML being the other along with another.


Unfortunately, cracks started to form as I saw the narrative taking a different direction:

  • The MC is OP when it comes to holy power and it doesn't seem like there is any logic behind the power. I didn't think too much of it as there are stories that exist where OPness is well handled as having the power to destroy the planet, for example, doesn't resolve a plot line based on relationship dynamics.
  • There was an attempted mu*der and he just dismissed it, instead being worried for the mu*derers...
  • MC quickly finds out he is a political prisoner with a sketchy history and it ceases to be relevant afterwards. Isn't something there to make amends for?
  • Divine beasts seem to serve no purpose outside of cover art and comedic relief?...
  • MC attempts to avoid the other characters but fails. I accepted it at first because he can only do so much as a "guest"/hostage. The problem was that one particular part he rationally understood that a divine beast would be taken care of by others (in a fictional universe...) and still went against the logic, leading to more issues. It seems to be a complete 180 from his initial position.

I don't think the novel is going to be considered bad for everyone, but it is for me. I can already see how the plot is heading and I jumped ahead in chapters to confirm my thoughts. You might enjoy it better than I. <<less
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GGbookluver rated it
November 14, 2021
Status: c110
I have mixed feelings about this novel. If I'm to be honest, I think this novel has an uncomfortable amount of flaws in the main character alone. And the novel barely explains things, it feels like I've only read one chapter's worth of info, despite having read 110 chapters.

But, I can't say it felt like a chore to read this. It was by no means original or unique, But I managed to read the latest chapter. So I'd argue, the story is quite alright, as long as you can ignore... more>> plotholes and plot convenience.

I'm giving this a 3.5 star (even though I'm a sucker for transmigration into novels/games). Here's Why.
    1. Main Character This is the biggest problem for me. As the story is still at it's beginning, the setting and plot have not taken form yet. And there should definitely be a lot more sides to the MC coming next. But so far, the author gave their MC a good-natured caring older brother personality. Who never says anything negative, and always says they want to avoid conflict but never actively try to do so. Hoping passivity would work, despite being in the main setting of the original novel. Genius! I'd applaud his plans if I weren't so busy applauding my forehead. Now I've read a fair amount of novels with this kind of character and usually, they don't end well. With the way the MC is, he's basically a massive pushover who is delusional to think that he has any control whatsoever. As far as it is, the MC isn't really drawing me into the story.

    2. Easy Misunderstandings MC MISUNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING. Dude's denser than an Isekai and a shoujo protag combined.

    3. Nobody realizes MC is off. Okay, in the beginning, I was wondering how the author would pull this off since the MC has absolutely no memory or recollection of the body he is in. Other than he will die in the future and he is the second ML, wow so informative. It's safe to say that this was handled very poorly, with the author using the excuse that the MC read a lot of books. And yet the MC never hides his awe and lack of understanding at all the new things 'he' sees. Even though, it's quite odd considering these are things the real Prince Jesse should have seen many times previously. Unless he was locked up his whole life. I'm still curious as to how it will progress and hope it doesn't follow the typical route (They notice then ignore it thinking it is their imagination or Jesse just conveniently never says anything suspicious).

    4. Too predictable I don't think this needs many explanations, not one thing in the novel has surprised me as of yet. Everything has gone exactly how I expected it to go.

    5. Too many sob stories. So far every notable antagonist has been given a sob story and immediately forgiven. Or it's all just a misunderstanding. Obviously.
But that doesn't mean I can't recognize an enjoyable story. Despite my complaints, as I said, this story is just beginning. For all I know the story could change completely from what it seems to be heading and my review would be invalid. And so far, I do see an entertaining story in the making. I didn't reach the latest chapter just so I could write a bad review. There is potential.
    • The main trio currently are still in an awkward relationship right now, but it's slowly becoming a wholesome one.
    • The political strife between the holy kingdom and Prince Cendrik's kingdom (forgot the name) might be a great arc (hope it's brought into the story and not brushed aside).
    • The magic of this world could be delved into
    • Demons could come to be a serious threat (that doesn't diminish in three seconds but actually causes damage and disadvantages to the protagonist and his allies)
    • There could be a deeper truth to the second ML's past. (There's a lot of emphasize on the old 2nd ML)
So a 3.5 it is. And just to underline some things before going in to see if you might like it.
    • No romantic harem
    • No MC romance
    • Mascot characters (lots of cute animals)
    • MC is surrounded by big shots who like him
    • Passive MC
    • ML & FL like MC more than each other
    • Oblivious/naive MC
    • MC has OP passive ability
    • Mysterious Past of OG characters
    • MC is glutton
    • Cute children
    • Cunning empress on the good side
    • kingdom rivalry
    • Siblings
    • beast hunting competition
    • Platonic soulmates
That's that. Hope you enjoy this novel.

- Peace <<less
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misto713 rated it
November 6, 2021
Status: c41
i really like this story so far. it's interesting to watch from an actual side-character's point of view. the MC couple fight while he eats snacks and feeds his pet panda :D... and then they always pull him into trouble.

it's a fun, enjoyable read.
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nosoom rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: c33
Its so cute and it tackles those plot holes that authors usually just skim over. I like how the MC doesn't just accept his new reality and that he's not OP. Also, the EAP translations are just amazing! Thank you to them for translating this cute novel 😭❤

On another note, I really get a BL aura when reading this but it's not BL, so I'm kinda confused lmao. If you like ORV, TCF, and The S-Class That I Raised, this is a cute wholesome novel as well :)
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WanderingReader rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: c9
I know it's too early to rate this novel at this point but I can't hold it!

So far the translations are excellent and honestly the author is a good writer, the plot and storytelling just flows while still making me immersed in the novel.

MC is a great character, he's relatable and most of all he doesn't eat more than he can chew. As the tags show us, this MC is absolutely a nice guy.

He hasn't meet any of the main characters face to face, but the side characters are surprisingly... more>> great, they didn't feel just like a filler characters at all.

It seems like there's mystery and questions behind MC and the ori!MC background, I hope this novel will not disappoint me.

Oh and if you like to read tr*sh Count then you will like this novel too, the MC is less ambitious than Cale Henituse but he has his own charms! <<less
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Slytea rated it
February 22, 2021
Status: c5
I loooooove this story very much! It isn't like any other novel that I've read before! like the MC is a diplomatic hostage, he is a priest, and he also a prince! He also a scoundrel from the holy kingdom but at the same time a priest! just...... wow! Jesse is also cute by how he jokes about food ahahahaha

waiting for moar chappie!
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October 3, 2023
Status: c1
I really like this novel. It’s kinda a slow read, story building wise, and it feels like the plot and character developments take forever. But that’s alright bc honestly each chapter is a joy to read. It’s still entertaining!

Great MC. Prince Jesse is such a type B, go with the flow kinda guy. I genuinely like him. He’s kind, good natured, and doesn’t overly worry. Plus he’s so dense and it’s adorable.

Great supporting characters. The relationship between the two original MCs (on either side of Jesse in the cover) is... more>> so fun to watch. They don’t like each other, but also have a mutual interest in the line of Jesse lol. They eventually become reluctant friends in the Prince Jesse Fan Club. I’m especially fan girl over all the jealousy that happens when Jesse pays attention to one a little more than the other lol!

I ended up really liking all the characters because they’re all very fleshed out in their character designs and mesh well together in the story. From the main 3, to the Cardinal, Empress, Jesse’s two servants, to even the red pandas lol.

There’s also an overlying plot to the whole story, about Jesse’s past family relations, and why he even got transmigrated in the first place. It’s all unraveling and it’s super interesting. The story really sucks you in.

I recommend this read for a good fantasy adventure with a good friendship told through the lenses of a very laid back character lol. <<less
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Miao Meow Liz
Miao Meow Liz rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: c148
So many haters~ but I get that, this novel is more about delicious desserts and avoidance issues than anything exciting. (So far)

Unlike a lot of protagonists Jesse is a Priest, and he fits that role really well. He's just a kind older brother trying to get home.

EDIT: I think I'm done with this novel for a bit, I was scared to know the spoilers (since drama), but it's really just the author gushing nonsensically about Christelle of the luminous beauty that I really can't handle, it's so condescending. Korean... more>> beauty standards are fine, but this is her main descriptor. That and her acting MC- like meaning that most of the dialogue is provided by her and Jesse inner voice. And I know it's going to get so much worse.

This has become a story of how wonderful, sparkly and entertaining Christelle is, the author cares zero about anything world building or comical and only about HOWF*CKING AMAZING CHRISTELLE IS. Reading about Jesse was cute, cause I like slice-of-life stories, but less and less time has been spent of Jesse and pastries with cute animals and more of Christelle, an adult working women who acts like the centre of the universe. Well played trap author-nim. <<less
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Purps rated it
February 11, 2022
Status: c16
another novel where MC is an idiot, his own power isn't his own power and typical swearing every 3 words male god sh*t characters, perhaps it get better but im not interested

oh, all the "power" is gods divine power, another thing im not interested in, religion, especially since anyone with power is a priest or holy knight, so far at least
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Tonyan rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: --
I enjoyed it, it's a shame there's no romance on the MC's side, but in hindsight it doesn't seem to fit him, *sighs* it's a shame I think I'm just being a big fan of romance here, But I think it would be wonderful to have a romance for the MC at some point haha
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Leftail rated it
February 24, 2024
Status: c168

6/10 (its starts good, but ends up becoming the repetitive story of the MC not truly doing nothing until he reacts to the space around him, he lacks ambitions for a lack of better word)


good read, not engaging nor deep tho, its clearly more for a young audience, there is a notable lacking of driven force for the protagonist, its mostly for a female oriented overview. good to pass the time, I really liked the use of french terms instead of korean terms.


    • good worldbuilding
    • good power system (holy/mana power)
    • interesting characters on itself and good trope subversions

    • bad MC driving force (lack off)
    • like, we finally see the traces of a antagonist until chapter 140~, to that point is mostly the same thing.
    • somewhat low stake story (i mean, like its supossed to be a medieval powerhouse agains other nation, but the worst thing to happen that we learn its kinda meh?)
    • the MC is quite a dense pushover (threre is a difference between kind and s*upid, he went pass that since chapter one)
My oppinion:

its a shame really, it does many thigns right, some of the trope subversion are great and interestign! but the clear lack of a drivinf force its the nail on the coffin nonetheless, (huge spoiler next, pls read under your own understanfing) like, I really liked the way the attendant of MC sister, who is the holy kindgom face, realizes that he is other person, and personally, I feel like the stakes along this story are really watered down, and I mean it, the queen of the kingdom the MC is a political prisioner is quite a b*tch, as she acts liek she never did any underhand tactics under the table, even when its heavily hinted at, but nooo, she is as mad as everyone else at the "enemy" they found out, prince consort, ngl he has some good reasons why he went into deep shit, and its kinda all the fault of that queen, I really like that they explain the core reason behind his actions like, he was a devoted and loving, husband, but the queen lie to him for years... yeah, I kinda dislike that bithc of a queen you know? and she instead of tryuing to do better, just does nothing and being honest, its understandable how he fell... I kinda hope the chapters in the future center more on that point really. finally, my last thorn is the relathionships on this story, they are quite strange, its like a bi/poly wet dream, I persnally find tasteless how the story tries to drive home that point

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FiendyFund rated it
August 8, 2023
Status: c139
I found the webtoon first then got mad that it was daily pass and that I would have to pay to read the series. So, I tried to find scanlation sites, which failed... then I found the novel.

Tbh, I wasn't expecting to enjoy the story as much as I do, since I don't normally read this genre. Yeseo, the MC, reminds me of Dokja if he weren't a sociopath. It's kind of nice to see an MC that's an average person but still isn't boring to read about.

I like how... more>> he uses meta methods to predict what happens next, like character designs and plot armor since he hadn't read the story he was put into. I could never have the patience to read so many in-universe history books to find out more about the world. I'd probably just die.

Also, it's refreshing to see the development of the side characters (which is unfortunately rare for a lot of media recently). They don't overshadow the main character, and have interesting dynamics amongst themselves.


The plot going so off the rails from the OG story makes me believe that Yeseo won't even have to worry about dying in the original way. But based on how the characters' relationships are being developed, he just might...


Ahem, Rant Below:

I genuinely don't understand why people are upset at the MC for "tolerating abusive behavior" at the beginning of the series when 1) its part of his character development to become less of a pushover and 2) he's being held hostage in a foreign dimension while pretending to be the real prince. Tf do you want him to do when the imperial family disrespects him?? Also, he can't both be a Mary Sue and and a s*upid pushover, so pick a f (UwU) ing lane. <<less
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Karlss rated it
May 29, 2023
Status: --
The story is good, the translation is good.

It has all the necessary elements for a wonderful adventure.

But MC is mentally ret*rded.

... more>> MC is a bitter employee, single, 28 years old.

With rainbows in his head.

Who believ to be superior because he is not a barbarian, being from modern times.

So any kind of bad deed in his opinion is too bad to commit, even if someone wants to kill him, no problem he will forgive them with a smile on his face.

That's why everyone considers him a saint.

If you like a MC who is a protected coward, thus allowing him to maintain the superior mask as a man with a good heart.

And with quite big inclinations for men, then good luck. <<less
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M3R rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: c28
Quite interesting although I'm getting bored with the MC's personality as it the common personality of isekaied MC into romance story. A dense as rock MC who can't relate to obvious thing and believe he can live well as long as he avoided the main characters. He should have noticed it already that is unavoidable able to interact with them.

Still, this is only 28 chapters so there will be more to explore and he probably have character development or something.
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erynalu rated it
June 13, 2021
Status: c23
Really fun read with solid world building, looking forward to more interactions between Jesse and the OG main characters! Jesse is definitely my favorite character with how compassionate and caring he is. We all definitely need a Jesse in our lives.

Translation is smooth, notes are so helpful too
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LiuWhite rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: c4
I'm on ch4 and it's already exciting! The author cut it at the right part (oh, it's thanks to the translator too), ugh, I want to read moreeee

It's not cringe. Right now it's free from romance and the MC only care about going back to his original world safely, not thinking about fixing the plot, it was just about him and safety. So I like the story this far. Ah, of course it's not boring. With that world's information still vague for our MC, we can try guessing the future... more>> plot too. Good good, the translator too, thank you so much! <<less
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Sasha k
Sasha k rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: c166
I rlly like how much effort he puts into actually figuring out mysteries around him bc hes barely depending on the original at all at this point lolll. Love how in battle situations his role is the logistics and hes quite strong despite being the priest role bc I love stories with battle logistics. Brains in strategics, not so much relationships and social cues lol. So interesting how hes dense but not DUMB I find that this sorta thing is so easy to mess up and make the protag *frustratingly*... more>> dumb but this is good!! Also while yes he IS almost overly kind at times, early on he HAD to be for his safety and then later on I feel its quite justified. There are many moments where hes firm with his boundaries so its not like hes a doormat throughout the whole thing. Like tell me would u rlly have it in u to stand up for yourself when you are a HOSTAGE like cmon yall <<less
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Sheddy rated it
February 9, 2024
Status: c13
I originally started reading this because it was recommended on tr*sh count's page, but unfortunately Cale and Jesse's personality are extremely different. Cale doesn't take sh*t from no one while Jesse is a total pushover..I don't mind a kind ML, but this guy is just weak, I'm glad I read another review about this novel, so I know not to continue reading this because his character will not improve.
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Chrysajin rated it
January 17, 2024
Status: c82
This is one of my absolutely favorite novels so I feel a bit distressed that other reviews are judging the setting and characters by a different set of standards. Yes, that is bias talking.

If people were looking for another calculating and manipulative male lead, then they should read other books. While I also love those kind of characters, Jesse as a male lead is someone who comes from a kind family and was raised in a loving household. I feel like sometimes people forget that choosing to be continuously kind... more>> is a hard thing to do. It’s that kindness in a space of harsh political intrigue that seems so rare and why people come to care for him.

While many things appear simple on the surface, there are quite a lot of mysteries regarding why the plot deviated from the original story and a lot of plot twists I didn’t see coming.

I would honestly describe the main trio’s friendship as almost romantic in nature, if not queer platonic because all three have interesting dynamics and personalities that play off of each other. As you read further you get to unpack the circumstances of why they are the way they are, and how meeting each other changes them further as people. <<less
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