Viola’s Disability


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Defeated in battle, captured, and with tendons in her limbs severed, Viola had been reduced to a mere shadow of herself. Her desire for vengeance had all but faded.

In a s*ave market where she was offered for sale as if by weight, she was purchased by a man named Lute.

From that day forth, the life of Viola, once known as the Sword Princess of blazing flames, and Lute began.

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DimaShishandra rated it
October 25, 2023
Status: c7
I can only assume that author has some fetish for physically passive women because the concept is really gross.

So Viola has disabled arms and legs. According to author she was some sort of overpowered knight but then she got captured and her tendons were cut. Then our MC bought her. Know he helps her defecate eat and etc. He wants her and she slowly falls in love with him as well.

First of all it's not that easy to cut tendons to completely disable arms and legs. Second necrose won't happen... more>> because tendons are not blood vessels. Third all other tendons, for example in hands will steal work. Basically school level of anatomy already shows that idea is s*upid.

Then you have a question - why would you mutilate her and then sell to random dude? Why won't you just kill her or use ens*avement magic to make her your own overpowered knight? Why would you sell an enemy of your country to random person?

And lastly it's hard to find such bad communication skills and spinless MC even in jap stories <<less
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Magicflier rated it
May 16, 2024
Status: c82
The story is very reminiscent of a web manga called "The Apothecary Is Gonna Make This Ragged Elf Happy." If you have read that web manga, you would most definitely enjoy this web novel.

The story is set in a magic fantasy where the male lead has quite a prominent background. I enjoyed reading every chapter as bits of information are unveiled about the characters spread across different chapters. The character perspectives switches between the male lead and female lead, but most seem to be written from the female lead's perspective.... more>> The story focuses on healing emotional scars and pains of a disabled body, which is what I had high hopes for the most before I began reading and it did not disappoint me. You will also need to expect a focus on the harem that gather around the male lead, because the introduction of different girls will be used to flesh out the worldbuilding of the story.

If you pick it up to read, I hope you enjoy it! <<less
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cheezieTrees rated it
December 10, 2023
Status: c19
I tried. I really tried to give this one a chance. But it's honestly worse than amateur in quality. Zero world-building, random and sudden perspective changes without any indication of whose perspective is being narrated, all the characters have the mentality of pre-teen children, the densest MC to ever exist, and a lose (at best) morality.

... more>>

Main female lead was captured, tortured so badly for so long that she lost the use of all 4 limbs and became feral and didn't even speak, only to become a generic cutesy tsundere, runs away from MC (for absolutely no reason) in a wheelchair and almost gets gang r*ped in a forest after a guard warned her of the men following her, offers to help (she ignores him), says to scream if she need help, but she just says nothing, because all the military training, war experience, and torture hasn't given he any sense of self-preservation.


Dumbest writing ever, dumbest characters ever. Absolute tr*sh. Skip this one. <<less
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