Undefeated God of War


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Youth, is meant to be used to shed sweat under the sun!

Youth, is to continuously engage in battles, and secure the win! The endless journey on Heaven’s Road, an endless expedition, a testimony of a hot-blooded youth’s legend!

A dream every man harbors, with the ignition of the blood! Forever young, Undefeated God of War!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bu Bai Zhan Shen
Bù Bài Zhànshén
Bất bại chiến thần
Legend of The Invincible
The Undefeatable God of War
Related Series
The Card Apprentice (Shared Universe)
World of Cultivation (8)
Battle Through the Heavens (2)
The Avalon of Five Elements (2)
Destroyer of Ice and Fire (2)
A Cheeky Kendo God (2)
Dominating Sword Immortal (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. mix genre of mc
  2. Best Overall
  3. Every Novel I've Read
  4. everything little little in to the middle
  5. The Greatest of All Time [Male Protag]

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/24/17 Translation Nations c420
02/23/17 Translation Nations c419
02/22/17 Translation Nations c418
02/21/17 Translation Nations c417
02/21/17 Translation Nations c416
02/20/17 Translation Nations c415
02/19/17 Translation Nations c414
02/18/17 Translation Nations c413
02/17/17 Translation Nations c412
02/17/17 Translation Nations c411
02/15/17 Translation Nations c410
02/14/17 Translation Nations c409
02/13/17 Translation Nations c408
02/12/17 Translation Nations c407
02/11/17 Translation Nations c406
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71 Reviews sorted by

July 14, 2019
Status: c33
As expected its a shitty novel just already in chapter 30 theres a tournament and he is the oldest 17 and his enemies is only at 12-13 im ashamed for him! He even has a cheat magical space time stop training ground and he still cant even beat his enemy kids easily and the plot is kinda dumb all powerfull enemies are thrown to the MC like tr*sh! First round his opponent got unique staff skill and they were evenly matched got close victory and then 2nd round his opponent... more>> is some famous kid killer and then 3rd round until in final round all enemies he has are all strong and famous! God this novel! Seems like the purpose of the tournament was to let him show off unlike other fighters all they got is mob enemies. Theres even like 3 kings who is the strongest in the tournament and they act so arrogant when they are only like 14-15 yrs old and then theres the oldest MC 17 yrs old challenging this kids!! Im so ashame of this mc <<less
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Seraphic rated it
November 3, 2018
Status: c943
Things were going okay. The writing's pretty good, and the author gives a lot of focus to the growth and stories of the side cast. The romance suffered from the usual "MC and female lead separated and looking for each other for 700 chapters", but not as much as one might expect. The protagonist basically had a breakthrough every other fight, but you know what, the action was still pretty exciting.

But then, about halfway through, it starts to feel a little rushed. Maybe it's just this arc, I tell myself.... more>> It'll get back on track soon.


The last few arcs and the ending are so immensely, infuriatingly unsatisfying compared to the rest of the novel I was tempted to rate this a 1. I dunno if that counts as a spoiler, but I'm going to leave it unmarked because it's a warning.

Don't start reading, it'll just leave you in disappointed.

Recommended: No. <<less
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freedom1x rated it
February 16, 2018
Status: c344
Not bad. Really fun read. Alot of things are going on in this novel that it is sometimes hard to keep up.

There are some characters that will pop up that you have already forgotten.
and also. I stopped reading this because, for some reason. It felt like MC was deviating from his goal.

You decide, I can guarantee that it is a good read. I only have reason to stop because of some personal preference.
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September 10, 2017
Status: c506
This story is actually good from the start, but as the chapters increases the MC acts more childish and idiotic. As his might increases, his intelligence decreases, and the more dependent he becomes.

The comedy aspect is being force.

The romance is shitty.

I don't find him a tyrant, I find him a hard loser, with just thick plot armor.

I have no issue of him being a money grubber, but I think it have gone too far.
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kedar080340119014 rated it
April 15, 2017
Status: c455
I really like LNs with overarching story rather than just a journey towards immortality like IET novels (don't mean to bash. I like the author, just wanted to make a point). This LN is one of the few which gives more importance to fighting techniques & skills rather than just plain boring cultivation realm.

Which does change a perspective by a little. Additionally, this LN has a mysterious overarching storyline. For ex. Why did MC's father leave the southern cross constellation's saint treasure in his mother's keeping, who is MC's... more>> father? and many more...

Another strength of this LN is that MC as well as (i must say a very rich support members) support members are fully fleshed out with each having unique personality which makes MC & other members more relatable. Lastly, the story is well paced & it has very few filler chapters.

I would highly recommend reading this LN. <<less
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acoleman2 rated it
March 3, 2017
Status: c280
This novel is just really lacking. It starts out good, with a hardworking MC. Quickly devolves into childish nonsense as soon as MC gets power. It's like he loses all of his moral character. Dislike very much. Yeah, I'm just not a fan of how the author developed the MC. Held out for a while, in the hopes he'd become serious again. Never happened.
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moiralyn rated it
December 13, 2016
Status: c800
I love this author! His characters are so great, well rounded and interesting. I'm only a third of the way through, but I look forward to every chapter. I don't understand how people who have only read 30ish chapters of a novel with over 900 can say what a story is or isn't. The school arc is very short (and it didn't bother me in the least).

If you like hardworking heroes, heroes who people gather around for logical reasons, some silly times, some tear inducing times, lovable side characters/pets...... more>> then this story and this author are for you!

Edit: Chapter 800

I still love this story, this is probably my favorite author, though I'm still kind of new to the webnovels, I'm currently reading about 80ish different ones. I look forward to this story's updates (pretty much daily, sometimes 2/day - so yay!).

It still baffles me that people say "this story is" or "this story isn't" when it's not finished and the number of chapters they've read are very few. "Waiting for blah blah. Never happened. - Chapters read not even 300" things like that are annoying for me to read in reviews. If you lost interest, you lost interest, but you aren't qualified to say such definite statements. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine with a lot of reviews, not just this story. /rant

What this story is is vast. It spans over 3 different galaxies (not worlds, galaxies) for one thing. Some people complain about him being childish. I vaguely remember thinking something like that, maybe... but honestly it was so long ago that I'm not even sure if I did think that. He has a good heart, there's a lot of power of friendship and never give up'ing which I like. Big scale wars, different cultivation methods in all the three galaxies. It's well written and well translated. <<less
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IgotKIF rated it
August 22, 2016
Status: c168
Fights are described EXECELLENTLY! From chapters 100+, the story really deepens drastically in fights. An amazing and fun novel to read.
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deano901 rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c126
Enjoying it so far the main character shows the idealistic view of you don't have to be a genius or smart to still do well in the world. As nearly all the character power comes from the countless hours of hard work. Although the amount of treasures hes found and the plot armor like intuition the character does make him a bit overpowered. Which seems reminiscent of ISSH. If I have any problems with the LN at the moment it would be the

hardship plates supposed time stop ability to allow the MC to train for 10 days straight every day isn't explained properly or even used lately.

Other than that the characters in the story are your general idiotic bad guys and main character worshiping good guys.
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funtastic rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: --
Pretty good but in my opinion the MC has this sore loser mind set. Its so lame. Same like any other novels MC loves mom but mom is alone cause "useless" father left mom. BUT apparently useless dad left some incredible items for MC. Bla bla bla..
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MondoX rated it
June 22, 2016
Status: c813
It has a small _The Great Ruler_ vibe, because the expectation to meet his one love, and how the academies earn points. However, I have a feeling that his one true love might not be what he she seems through some small hints in my opinion, but I may be way off. The part that I like the most about the LN is the MC. The best example I could compare him to is Luffy from _One Piece_. He is fearless, not smart, but during fighting he changes into a... more>> completely different person. Also, he might as well be a pirate, because every time time he defeats an opponent, he steals all their belongings, and if he has time, he ties them up as well. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
May 3, 2024
Status: c3
Too generic and full of cliches... as expected of a mass produced Chinese novel. Shouldn't expect anything less from a China novel with less than 4 stars. It brings tears to my eyes and I've read with full happiness as I clicked the big X button to never come back again
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manux rated it
December 22, 2019
Status: c943
I enjoyed the novel. It has some interesting stuff that differentiates it from other novels of the same genre that makes it kind of refreshing.

Good things:

  • MC is not that typical
  • Some decent characters
  • Interesting learning system
  • The magical item of the MC is not super OP like other stories
  • Support cast does a lot, without them our MC would have not accomplished anything
Bad things:

  • The ending. It's not the worst I've seen but it is just meh.
  • The romance. The couple is formed from before the start of the story and the couple doesn't even get to meet until almost the end. Almost zero interaction between them.
  • About two thirds of the story are spent buiding heavens road and the author never concludes this part of the story just a timeskip.
I do recommend this novel. Just beware... more>> of the unsatisfying end arc. <<less
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Pretender rated it
April 2, 2019
Status: c943
Well, not much to say (and I don’t really want to waste much time making a review, lol, so it’s better to go straight to the point). I like the world building, the characters have a decent development, the fighting is good, the power system is good but at the same time messed up (?), the development of the relationships of friendship are good.

Now, to some spoilers/warnings that could be important for you (and for you to not create false hope in some things) :

... more>>

1) It’s not “late romance” in this story, there’s no romance at all. They finally meet each other after 850 chapters, they hug, that’s all. And that’s what happens in every romantic relationship that you hope it’s developed.

2) He never meets or talks with his father or the Commander of the Southern Cross Army (neither Bing, so we can’t see Bing truly talking with his companions of the Southern Cross Army), and their relationship is not developed in any way. Yeah, he is alive.

3) Don’t hold any hope for the development of his “dark side”. He later gets transformed into a spirit (still being the “same” person as Tang Tian (as he is Tang Tian too, lol) but separated), and is humiliated/used the entire time as he has no control of the body (or of his “body” as a spirit, being controlled by Tang Tian). They literally gave him the nickname of “Little Fool”, as the autor transformed him not just in a spirit, but in a spirit with the appearance of a kid. And nope, his dark story of training alone in the ruins of the Gemini Constellation doesn’t get developed.


Theres more things to tell, but I have no time now. If I recommend the story? If you’re not bothered by what’s in the spoilers or by anything I said, yes. It’s a good story in its own way, if I knew about some things perhaps I would enjoy more. Bye. <<less
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kiwon132445 rated it
June 10, 2018
Status: c943
Everything was good until when the story started to end as mysterious settings stayed mysterious. But overall the story was really good and hilarious.

The thing is that, on how the ending was done, it was really similar to Fang Xiang's other novel 'World of Cultivation' so I checked his other novels and they never surpassed 1000 chapters. I'm starting to think that this author has a rule to not go over 1000 chapters no matter how unsatisfying the endings are.
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Jamond Aroth
Jamond Aroth rated it
May 11, 2018
Status: c943
Undefeated God of War is a very entertaining novel for the most part. It really doesn't have too many flaws, at least in terms of my personal preference. The ending is probably the biggest issue I have. It's rather abrupt and there's so much that isn't covered. I really wish there'd been an epilogue to wrap up loose ends. Aside from that, the only main complaint I have is simply that some arcs were far more entertaining than others. Still, overall I really enjoyed this story. In comparison, I never... more>> finished I Shall Seal the Heavens. As nonsensical as it may seem, Undefeated God of War was more interesting by far even though you'd think ISSTH would have more suspense (hint: it doesn't; it's actually even less suspensful). I'd also consider this novel to be more enjoyable overall than Coiling Dragon. In fact, out of the very few novels on Novel Updates I've currently finished as I write this review, Undefeated God of War has been the most enjoyable overall. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
April 8, 2018
Status: Completed
the first word that comes to mind is shounen. The MC acts like a chunni 13 yo for most of the story and the series follows many of the worn shounen tropes. There's not much character growth (a tiny bit towards the end) and the most interesting storylines and subplots are forgotten/ never developed/ turned into a joke. The author also couldn't decide if they wanted a cultivation novel or an army building one so they tried to mix in both and made me completely lose interest (I ended up... more>> skipping a lot). There is zero romance, time skips instead of plot development, and a really bad ending. This was rated a 3 until the last 1/4 of the novel. <<less
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LadyJen rated it
November 27, 2017
Status: --
Awesome funny story! It is great just like world of cultivation and avalon of five elements.

This story has excellently built up characters. Their adventures are interesting and MC's romance is nice. MC is loyal to FL. This novel is definitely worthy of 5 stars!

Thank you, Translation Nations for translating this story. Good luck and more power!
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Yang Hao
Yang Hao rated it
March 29, 2017
Status: c469
Decent novel with interesting ideas such as constellations and the world building. But this novel has many drawback such as the damn timeline, where the world has passed years yet he is still stated as 17 years old like he was at the beginning of the novel. The information is all over the place and not well structured, which confuses the hell out of me. Another point that makes me angry is the fact that MC is supposed to be an adult yet acts like a 6-year-old. Lastly this novel... more>> has no idea where it is heading, which a goal in mind yet the MC stays stationary at the same place for months. Decent novel to waste time, while waiting on your favorite novels. <<less
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Apocrisary rated it
March 13, 2017
Status: c200
This novel is pretty good, ill start off by saying the translation speed and quality is pretty good so you usually don't have to wait long for chapters.

Fighting: The fighting in my opinion is a little bit bland and there inst a lot of in depth scenes as of now at least. It generally consist of of the MC shouting and going into a rampage mode that makes him almost unbeatable.

Character interaction: The interaction in between the MC and his companions is all right, nothing to special. The main character... more>> himself is a quirky borderline slow main character who has a complete 180* turn when fighting in battles, described as a decisive, vicious person. (Someone who's bad side you don't want to be on)

World Building: At least for me I think this is a pretty poor aspect of this story, I have a hard time imagining the way the world looks compared to a novel like Absolute Choice where the world building is quite good.

Romance: As of right now the main drive of the story is his girlfriend who is leagues away from him, classic situation where I believe the author doesn't know how to incorporate romantic aspects into his story so he will get by just sending her somewhere whenever the main character gets close. Romance is an important aspect in a story for me just below world building and character interaction, romance lets you see a different side of the MC and incorporates emotions into the story that aren't just hate and anger. <<less
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