Unchanged Samurai In Another World


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This is the tale of a samurai who, with no special abilities or cheats, is suddenly transported to a world of swords and magic. Despite being unfamiliar with this new world, the samurai refuses to compromise his bushido code and seeks out worthy opponents to fight. However, finding someone who can match his full strength proves to be difficult, and the samurai prays to the gods for a challenging enemy.

As the samurai navigates this new world, he encounters various creatures and people, including goblins, guild masters, and nobles. Despite his initial skepticism, the samurai learns about the existence of magic, dungeons, and different races that inhabit the world. Along the way, he finds himself questioning his principles and values, and whether they can remain unchanged in this fantastical world.

Will he be able to maintain his strict adherence to his bushido code? Or will the temptations of this foreign world lead him astray? Follow the samurai’s journey and discover the answer for yourself, as he encounters new allies and enemies, learns about the magical aspects of this world, and ultimately discovers what it truly means to be a warrior.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Samurai Gets Isekai'd
The Samurai Doesn’t Change Much Even in Another World
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    1 Review

    Mar 23, 2023
    Status: c75
    This is... suspiciously good. Or well good is a bit of a strong word. But it's most definitely not your typical japanese spineless protagonist. I personally absolutely hate protagonists from the knight/butler background and samurai is quite close to that someone who is willing to lay down their life for their master I find that utterly ret*rded but so far there were no masters that he would serve himself outside of his family in the "prologue" and even though there is that abhorrent worship of nobles by the inhabitants of... more>> the world he was transported to but at least it's somehow justified so I'll let that slip this time since it's not exactly a problem of just this novel but the genre as a whole and it's my own opinion on that it's not a "fact".

    Outside of that the protagonist has a pair of balls can deal with female characters both in a gentle way and in a rather brutal way. He has clear lines that separate friends and foes doesn't hesitate none of that usual "I can't kill a human being" bullshit. No signs of harem either. The side characters are decently developed but unfortunately we haven't been introduced to anyone who would balance out the protagonist yet. Or not truly. But it's not that big of a problem just a nitpick considering the premise of the novel and the literal synopsis.

    Honestly the more I type the more suspicious I find this novel. So yeah as far as the raws go it's a decent read. Nothing to write home about but still stands heads above the usual copy and pasted sludge.

    Translation is good by the way and I mean that seriously the mtl is rather hard to read and considering the fact that the translation is very much readable I'd say that a real person did it. <<less
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