Transmigrated into a Female-Oriented Card Game


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[Hero of Knights]

I transmigrated into the mobile game that I was holding until my death.

It happened to be a ‘female-oriented’ card game!

Yeohwan, who became the main character in the game, struggled to set up the strongest handsome knights…

“Were you unable to sleep because of the issue of naming the mercenary corps? Any name given by Commander is fine.”

“Naming the mercenary corps…?”

“You were supposed to tell me this morning. Of course, I didn’t wake you up because of that.”

The voice mixed with laughter echoed in his ears, and the system window he had been waiting for appeared in front of Yeohwan, who had a s*upid expression on his face.

[Please name the mercenaries.] [When completed, the game will begin in full.] Ah… How am I supposed to build a knight order with one B-grade card?

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22 Reviews sorted by

stefasa rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: Completed

MAIN STORY AND SIDE STORY!!!!!!!!! 536 chapters later and 23 side story chapters later, This is my first BL novel Ive read that had so many CHAPTERS and it was a RIDE

I bought the side stories on RIDI myself and I have SPOILERS on the ML


... more>>

ITS POLY, in the side story all five MLs have s*x with our MC

So the MC is in a relationship with all of them at the same time, all the MLs know that as well of course



I really enjoyed the side stories it was a satisfying end

I will not be going over too much on why the system exist etc, its too good to say why

On another note

We get introduced to characters that were variables to the system that I lovedddd so muchhh, I cried TWICE from sadness and bitter sweetness, ITS a happy ending dont worry but their are moments when ITS SO GOOD YOU CRY well I did

100% recommend

The BL element in this novel isnt all of it, it has actual plot that you want to know, good characters, fight battles with characters that grow!!!, The story has a way to make me surprise and curious!!!!

In my opinion if I wanted the MC to stay with one guy it would be between Lyndon and Garel. When we get introduced to Lyndon he is a cruel fairy but that isn't the case at all. He killed lots of people in the forest to protect the tribe and make sure people dont enter the forest, fairies can get sold just for their dead bodies in black markets. They were driven out by humans so they make sure they dont enter the forest anymore. He is so cute and wants freedom for his people!!! Garel has issues since he is half demon and human, he doesnt value his life : (he changes later and lives happily with MC!!!! SO If I had to choose one to be with the MC it would be Lyndon. This is what I would rank who I would want to be with the MC

Lyndon, Garel, Lumen, Yozen, Ban

(okay im done with my rant, I had to get this off my chest)


Thank you translator for introducing me to the series, I often get put off by series that have lots of chapters since it too much to read and translate. Its helps me a lot when you translate a good portion of the series so I can get encouraged to read more myself!!

FOR PEOPLE that also Completed the series or has read a high number of chapters, I have a question I need to know. (Tap on spoiler please)


Did the MC see Garel's past?, the system would let you see their past when they had of affecti0n of 70. I remember the MC seeing all the Mls past except Garel. I found out Garel's past through his uncle a high level demon. The last memory the MC saw was Yozen, I dont remember if Garel was still one of the options when the MC chose to see Yozen's past.

IF you read the novel or at least til the part of Garel's past, please message me directly I would really welcome it at any time. EVEN IF YEARS PAST PLZ TELL ME!!!!

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jtrichard rated it
March 11, 2022
Status: c6
What a pity it is dropped because it has enough charms for me to wait for update. And unfortunately for me I don't know where to look for free korean raw, so I guess no mtl for me.

(can pay of course but no international payment method, lmao, and of course I can't copy paste it to Google Translate so I guess it's a no no)


It has potential, so I hope somebody is kind enough to continue this. Thank you
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Anixancy rated it
March 27, 2023
Status: c49
For new folks, this is no longer dropped. At ch 6 a new translation team picked it up. Honestly this story is surprisingly a good tear-jearker and has intensely well written (and well translated) fights. I reccomend. This is still shounen ai, but WOW it's a great standalone action-adventure novel.
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JaqiONwbqi rated it
October 3, 2022
Status: --
This is NOT dropped!! The translator picked it up again bec no one else did (I love u translator-san ♥)

This has so far been a great read, Id liken it to a vrmmorpg / isekai harem novel with a m/m twist, as opposed to the typical f/m (or f/f/f/f/f/f/f/f/f/m. I guess lol)

Im really enjoying the battles! MC translating what he knew about the game into "real life" has been interesting to read, and a pleasant suprise is that hes not weak or overly effeminate!
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Yuki-Snack rated it
May 16, 2023
Status: c87
(Crying tears of blood because I was almost done writing out this long, complex analytic review and then my browser refreshed and I lost it 😭)

This novel is genuinely one the the best novels I have read on this site. If you are on the fence about reading this, do it, it’s so worth it. Fair warning, this review will be long so much appreciated if you read the whole thing.
To start, the translations. We’ve all read (or tried to) novels that are really good, but the experience is ruined by unreadable translations. And I’m not sh*tting on those translators, I am always thankful for any translators work, since thanks to them we can read a variety of novels we wouldn’t have been able to due to the language barrier. However, a subpar translation really affects the enjoyment of the story, and I have to say, you don’t have to worry about that with this novel. The translator does a phenomenal job at keeping this novel at its peak, so I am extremely thankful! (They recently made a kofi, so please support them a little if you can!) They tend to upload in batches on a frequent and regular basis, which I appreciate greatly. So if you don’t want to read novels with hard to read translations, you’ll be fine with this one!

Now for the reason (s) why I enjoy the novel itself so much. First of all, I enjoying the pacing and the way the plot is delivered. As someone who is an AVID reader, I can’t help but to notice good and bad trends when it comes to how the story is constructed. This story is interesting and active from the very beginning, but it doesn’t feel rushed at all. If I had to describe it, it’s written in almost and episodic manner, like Scooby-Doo. There are “cases” that make up the arcs of the story with a beginning, middle and end of their own, but they all contribute to a larger plot that is building up in the background. Of course, the main character is aware of how these “independent” instances are related, but that’s due to his knowledge from playing the game.
This is a novel you can binge, while keeping you anticipating the newest chapter. Cadel, the main character, always finds a way to solve problem in an interesting and unexpected way, so as a reader, I’m just as charmed by his antics as the people around him in the story! If I met him in person, I too, would join his group just to follow him around and be entertained by his extremely chaotic antics. I’d have to describe the man as chaotic good lol.
Now, for the second reason why I love this novel. The characters, especially Cadel. I’m someone who can’t read a novel or watch a show if I don’t like the main character. I have to want to root for them as a person. This novel definitely scratched that itch for me!
Cadel is incredibly well written, he adapts quickly and takes decisive action in all situations, but he is not OP either. When he first transmigrates, he adapts quickly, but it’s apparent that he still views the world as a “game” and the people as “characters”.

I hate seeing characters get stuck in this mindset when they transmigrate, but thankfully, Cadel grows and starts to quickly see this world as reality. He comes face to face with consequences for hasty and overconfident decisions he makes and feels genuine guilt and regret for his previous mindset. He begins to grow emotionally attached and care for the people around him, not just as “characters” but as people. He feels guilt for not being (from his perspective) as great as the original “protagonist” who’s body he is now in, and tries to do his best to take accountability for anyone under his care and become worthy of the trust they place in him. He still constantly bluffs his way to high h*ll tho *cough Cale cough cough*.
You can also see why the people who join his group grow interested in him and become loyal throughout their interactions. It’s not an immediate “infatuation” you often see in these kinds of novels (his first knight was already extremely loyal to him upon his transmigration due to history with the og owner of the body). He’s genuinely charismatic and somewhat sneaky with his interactions with others. He’s the kind of guy who changes how he acts based on the person he’s talking to, but it doesn’t feel slimy or manipulative. We get several chapters from other characters perspectives, and it gives us a good look at how Cadel appears to the people around him.
Each “knight” he meets and interacts with has a unique personality and interesting history, and I am excitedly anticipating a large and diverse cast of knights following after this man cause their interactions with only a few is Immaculate. While the “knights” each have their own unique kind of relationship with Cadel, they also have unique relationships with each other, so it doesn’t feel like everyone is just crowding around the main character. Idk how to better explain it, either way it’s entertaining!
This novel feels like it’ll be pretty long considering it still feels like the “beginning” of the story at almost 90 chapters, despite that though it doesn’t feel like it’s dragging things on or slow. I know there’s going to be so much more complicated stuff with the villains going on later since Cadel mentions it a few times, and I’m super excited for it. You can see each of the characters steadily growing stronger as they face stronger enemies (where the battles that are meant to be larger scale due to the power of the villain feel like they’re given the right amount of screen time in comparison to the smaller villains where the fights don’t take as long), including Cadel. I honestly hope they all become a little OP later in the story, but I get the feeling that Cadel with be extremely strong but weak at the same time *cough Cale cough cough*, but I like that too!

I hope this review was helpful and that you read this novel! If you stayed to the end I really appreciate it!
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Morpheus36 rated it
February 6, 2022
Status: c6
Edit: I'm happy someone took it up so I'm back at it again XD

Edit:ch 6 I'm sad the translator dropped it since it seemed like it would be pretty cute to see the development of the relationships

I'm giving it 5 stars because I'm being optimistic about the story. So far I like the premise I just hope that the MC isn't empty headed since he used to play a strategy game.

i don't know how it already has a 1 star review from 2 ch
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LoveLoveLovers rated it
November 21, 2023
Status: c197
Great novel love the characters especially the MC he just very smart like not smart smart but a really good stratagiest and commander though it's hard what to define what his personality is I guess being very logical can be a personality, he is unlike any other MCs I've read just very memorable and SUPER OP DAMN, his knights aka Mls they are also very funny and amazing

Van is like a puppy wolf very loyal and sweet mostly to MC

Lumen is very similar to the MC like very smart but... more>> I guess his personality is tiny bit similar to van just like colder but nicer to MC also super fast

Lyndon a psycho but so freaking funny sometimes you forget very c*cky I'd say he has the most memorable personality not like the obsessive Mls out there he's just insane to others but just teases the MC

There is also 2 others as you see in the magnificent cover hidden tiny in the cards one already got introduced very Playboy type and kinda useless/annoying at first but after seeing him more it explains it just cause of trauma lol

And thats why I feel kinda anticipating or scared kinda cause I LOVE AAAALL OF THEM THEY ARE ALL SO CUTE I just hope it's poly but recently it seems not to be but not confirmed yet so crossing fingers 🤞🙏 <<less
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Readraine rated it
April 26, 2024
Status: c310
Currently at the latest translated chapter and I came here just to write a review (cant believe I found a 1 star in here?). To begin with, I remember not having much expectations for this novel, generally its hard enough to find a decent bl harem novel thats not all smut and dog blood. But right off the bat I fell inlove, even more, I fell inlove with the MC because?? He's definitely NOT a damsel in distress, he holds his ground infact he does so much because of his... more>> subordinates. Not to mention the give and take relationship he has with his subordinates!!

The MC, Cadel Lytos, shows sides kf himself that feels natural. He isnt a blank slate thats always cold, or always shy, he isnt a character of just one personality. He has his tough side, desperate side and vulnerable sides. At times he'd make mistakes too, and you cant help but just cheer him up in his journey.

The harem part is done well, its not all jealousy among the ml's and I honestly love each of them. They all have varying personalities that makes them special and distinct. The author makes sure to feed us wholesome moments from time to time, I loveee it. Tbh I dont want any endgame final ml, just cause I feel like all of these ml's are deserving TT theres zero way to pick one! Theres character flaws, and character developments through and through, even with the MC.

The translation does the story justice, and the updates are pretty consistent which is why I never forget to visit the novel once a week. <<less
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immafiteu rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: c59
I just started reading and I love it already!! Highly recommend, I could tell right away that I will genuinely like this novel.

Please don't let that one star review discourage you from reading this novel !!

To that one star reviewer: I don't think we're reading the same story? Respectfully speaking, I don't think I have read about the "Loser MC" you're talking about.

... more>> First, I personally think the writing is great !! I don't really think it's jumpy, it flows well and quite descriptive. It's right up in my alley 😌

From what I've read so far, the MC is truly capable. Ever imagine being dropped into a world with zero knowledge and yet you're now a "commander"?

Wouldn't you think it would make someone feel overwhelmed and quite anxious? Thus, making it hard to adapt. But from what I've read, the MC's adaptability to the situation is admirable. He managed to use magic with no experience, and have to REALLY strategize because he could die.

He had to face real monsters, not 2D ones, the fright and anxiety would make one blank out, would it not? But he managed to get himself together.

Clearly, the "loser" characteristics is not applicable to him, and you're horribly incorrect.

I acknowledge that I am very biased but who cares 🥳🥳 I just really like this story 🙈 <<less
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Pcrome rated it
April 13, 2024
Status: c144

Gosh, Im so glad I gave this a chance and read it. PLS WHOEVER IS READING THIS--JUST READ. TRUST THE 5 STARS. YK WHAT? F THE MLS, IM FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE MC! CADEL IS JUST SO COOL!😭😭 U know what I feel about shounen characters like killua, kurapika, yuno (black clover), dazai (BSD) and literally any cool anime characters?? MC IS JUST THAT THAT THAT LOVEABLE esp when fighting and saving a whole lotta people!

SRSLY THOUGHT I WAS WATCHING A SHOUNEN ANIME. ITS NOT JUST FIGHT WITH SWORDS AND MAGIC I SWEAR, ITS NOT THE LOW QUALITY ISEKAI YOU'RE THINKING LOL😭 THE MC'S POWER AS WELL AS HIS SUBORDINATE'S POWER CAN DESTROY A WHOLE COUNTRY IF THEY WANT (literally). I feel like I was watching Black Clover or Nanatsu No Taizai because of these crazy fight scenes😭 It's sooo GOOOOD! Plus the BL is there and it's not that it's slow burn--its always been there cuz all MLs literally Falling for MC whether fighting or not. MC IS LIKE A SHOUNEN ANIME PROTAGONIST--To be precise, reminds me of dragon ball, not because of the plot or characters but because the MC KEEPS MAKING ENEMIES INTO ALLIES (or lovers lol). He's so naive and focus on fighting that he doesn't even notice his charm and charisma. You know it's good when it reminds you of the good ol' shounen anime where MC would travel around, recruit strong comrades, turn rivals (annoying dudes) into trustworthy "friends", and power up to the point of surprising people who underestimated his powers and his "ambitions" (goal). HECK YEAH! I LOVE CADEL SO MUCH! MC is also self sacrificial a lotta times (although it is because there are consequences that only he knew, if he failed, STILL, it gotta take some kinda shounen protagonist courage and determination to risk his like and experience excruciating pain---in which the MLs are going crazy about)

The MLs? Crazy strong individuals. Varies from humans to fairy to half demon lol (MC is strong as well- I'm thinking MC can actually beat them if they're Mc's enemies and If they're fighting life and death thankfully that's not the case). They have personalities but that doesn't turn me off (I know I love the 2d yandere type whose world only revolves around the MC). Well, these MLS also has MC as the center of their world duh, MC is like their saviour or light in their life, MC literally gave them a whole new world, something they would never have expected from a "weak"- looking pretty face human (mc). But even with personalities, they're so likeable! Think of HXH, SDS or BSD for anime characters. I have my bias--Thats Van, if it ain't obvious. Simply because he's a walking green flag. The others? Eh? Not so much, they did turn for the better (character development lol) But STILL, I think Van has the most loyalty and he never betrayed MC nor tried to hurt MC nor disrespected MC from the very beginning they've met unlike the other MLs. Idc that the other MLs changed after spending some time with MC, what I care about is the initial attitude from beginning to end towards the mc--obviously, Van won this one.

MLs are all caring (obsessed) for the MC. MC is not a damsel in distress although many want to protect him though. MC is full of surprises so you won't get bored. My favorite part is when people underestimate MC and MC shocks them with his POWERFUL MAGIC and skills and with his unexpected antics! (Privilege of a transmigrator) Ughhh I also love the ARCS! Fighting scenes are amazing! MC be always in the brink of death every fight like any other shounen MC lol!But then he'll have some kinda final move or get angry and power up lol hahha


There was even this one arc where they're defending the city from the army of demons. MC's subordinates, two of the MLs were severely injured. Yes, they're powerful ok? It's just that it's their first time fighting with a High Level Demon. The other demons are no match for the MLs but this one female demon is really a boss even at the game. So they had a hard time even tho they're really the most powerful beings out there. MC was also very much injured. But that doesn't bother him, what got him rlly triggered was the fact that his beloved subordinates were of the brink of death. So, being just like a shounen protagonist who values his friends, MC LITERALLY GOT ANGRY, LIKE MAD ANGRY AND RELEASED HORRIBLE KILLING INTENT NEVER AS WORST AS BEFORE. EVEN THE KNIGHTS WHO WERE WITH THEM WERE SO SHOCKED BY MC'S POWERFUL KILLING INTENT. That's why you don't mess with his subordinates! (Lovers ehem)

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imcalesimper rated it
March 26, 2024
Status: Completed
After completed 536 chapters and went to the side story, I could grasp this story clearly and wrote this review (though I was editing it several times lmao) Thanks to stefasa, I have the courage to read this novel, cuz im thirsty for harem and darnnnn it was so good😭😭😭

... more>>

About Cadel, at first glance he seemed to be ur typical OP MC with overwhelmed power, vast knowledge about the situation and sh*t. But nope nope nope, it just the surface of the iceberg~ Sure, Cadel was top1 of the game server, but he had weakness as well! BRO PREFER SKIPPING SOME PLOTS AND ONLY LOVES GAMEPLAY OK, the whole caplock sentence above is important for y'all who wanted to read the story! Because that is the reason he seemed so lost when things got out of control lmao. I'm 100% sure he only remembered the stats of those bosses and knights he invested so hard in but zero care about some NPC's lines XD.

On the bright side, he just, resilience I guess? Dude got into some mess he wasn't signed up for and had to fight for life. Sure, he got mentally buffed (a buff that helps him withstand the absurdity of this sh*tty situation). But that's all, he still f*cked up real good beacuse of his misjudgements, yet got back and fought cuz he became emotionally attached to his subordinates and this world. Cadel wished for the happiness of his man. So he willingly sacrificed himself for his loved ones


I love how author portrayed Cadel, especially his mindset and thoughts throughout the story. Some of it made me realize how human he was, like he wasn't just some shallow character that exist on page. Cadel's characteristics were more than that.

Like stefasa said, harem is real hahahhsheheheh, I love them so muchhhhhhh, the tops appeared to be problematic at first but they had really dark backgrounds. Even if they seems unfriendly, I wouldn't suggest you to hate them that fast lol, cuz you won't notice how quickly they melt into ur heart hahah


Cadel is their shining moon in the darkness and they are Cadel's solid backs. And to final point of this journey, without Cadel, nothing's matter, life is meaningless 🥺


Truely amazing and colorful experience, I had been laughing, rolling around, crying and even freaking out while reading.

Sometime things went unlike what you're expected. However with love, trust and willpower, you will have the power to become better, to overcome hardships.

A strong 100/10, absolutely recommended and will read this again!!!


I think it's for the best if ya buy the side story xD Cuz beside the yumyum segs, it also lift the uneasy that I felt after reaching the ending 😭 Trust me, it was sooooooo worth it!!!

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kyuujunana rated it
November 3, 2023
Status: c99
Great novel!

I thought it would be nothing but romance with minimal action pack, but I was wrong! The MC is a properly self aware person with flaws that is just right for that situation he was in. The other characters such as his collected knights are also gooooood. Like if this was a normal typical boys love novel, I thought they would justify or make excuse for the MC's mistake, but here, they don't. The knights follow a set of how human emotions would usually react if MC did that... more>> to them (that's what it looks like to me, though). Of course, there are exceptions since some of the knights are not humans. And I was surprised (?) Like this is new to me, the characters I mean. Keep the translations going Shanghai Fantasy! I'll be waiting fervently for the new updates. <<less
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Camki rated it
June 15, 2023
Status: c105
Feels pretty typical for a isekai but it's everything I ever wanted, got an account just to say it's great.

I dont read much harem but I really like how the characters are written and how unique they are. I would like to see the the 2nd introduced character get more time to be established however and I trust in the author that he will after he can join officially.

Anyways really exited to see the resolution of the current dilemma.
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Lucern rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: c2
This is genuinely amazing. The characterisation, action, and world-building are top-tier, not to mention the exemplary translation.

5/5 would recommend!
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IrregularPerson rated it
May 3, 2023
Status: c75
The protagonist's accountability is great; he's thrown into the world with his first mercenary unit and a grand adventure. I appreciate the author interweaving 'game elements' and Cadel (protagonist, blonde hair and holding the card on the cover), sincerely approaching people and challenging himself. The fights are not a chore to read.
His mercenary corps comprise of (in order of appearance) :

Van Herdos. Ch. 1 (Middle. White-hair, greatsword user, commoner.)
Lumen Dominic. Ch.14 (Right. Black hair, longsword user, noble.)
Lydon. Ch.42 (Bottom left. Blonde hair, youth, bratty fairy prince.)
Garuel Monzasi. Ch. 73 (Bottom right. White-hair, eyepatch, corrupt healer.)
Yozen Vardikta Ch. 207 (Top right. Black hair. Raven-hair, blindfold, phantom assassin.)
Kunra Ch. 217 (Hidden knight. Red-hair, emerald eyes.)

"He already cared for them. There was guilt in Cadel's feelings for his subordinates, but there was also affection. He liked them, and there was nothing in this world more important than them." -Ch. 213

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linhliz rated it
February 11, 2023
Status: c300
Simple and easy to read to pass the time. At this early stage in the novel, the plot is still thin, not many dramas yet. Luckily another translator picked up this novel as I was so drawn to its cover I'm a sucker for good cover lol

Anyway, there is a subtle difference in the translating and editing between 2 translators, but it doesn't matter to me as both versions are still readable and comprehensible.

Moving on to the plot, until this point, I must say it's normal, kinda cliche, Cadel (the... more>> MC) is oblivious (again, so cliche and typical). However, these are the reasons why it's good to pass the time, you don't have to think too much scrutinizing the plot or hidden intentions of the author.

*Update to c300:

F*******!!! I f** love this novel!!! How the hell did I think that it was a cliche one before? How? I want to smack my past self so hard! The plot develops beautifully, the twist makes its present a menace, and the MC, Cadel has become one of my many children!!! Seeing his soft, oh so soft moments with the MLs is like watching your kid finally grows up, I shed tears of joy. To those who rated this gem 1*, you will probably want to smack your past self, like me, if you ever read at least one more chapter.

To Eliza, our translator. You rock, girl!!! Thank you for picking up and polishing an almost-dropped gem like this one!!! <<less
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Evellyn rated it
July 20, 2023
Status: c137
Sincerely awesome.

One of the best read, if not the best, I had about harems.

Honestly truly worth it from the debut to the end and I can't wait to read the rest of it.

... more>> The MC not only is clever and think a lot about everything, even repairing his mistakes, but is also really strong and it's good to see that in a MC.

A bottom can be strong and still have an unique beauty to him.

The other characters are well fleshed too, introduced one after the other without rushing, and their relationship is great.

Thank you for the amazing translation. <<less
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waterghst0 rated it
January 7, 2023
Status: c8
ahh I just finished the last updated chapter and was disappointed that the TL didn’t update anymore : (it’s been 2months I hope they will continue or that someone will pick it up
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AddictedReader0000 rated it
March 26, 2024
Status: --
The writing is like a toddler is telling you a story, it feels totally immature and very jumpy.

The first subordinate behaves like if MC is made of glass, their interactions is similar to a oversensitive and overcautious mom watching over her MC child who instead of talking to you as any adult, it gives you "the look" and procedes to show how amazing they supposedly act, but it isn't amazing, MC is suppose to be the best in the game but keep behaving like a kid and forgetting newbie knowledge.

If... more>> this were an anime, it would be the same as watching how MC wastes time for 4 whole chapters full of explosions and "thrill" just for him to remember basic characteristics of their enemy, as if newbie monsters were a BOSS or something.

His subordinates talk about how amazing MC is, while he doesn't show any power, or any acknowledgement of how useless MC is. Nothing worst than reading subordinates constantly bootlicking and being overcautious over a loser MC. <<less
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foxfireK rated it
February 8, 2024
Status: c260
Damn it’s good, and it just keeps getting better. I want more.

It’s not what I was looking for. I was hoping for a romance novel with a plot. This is a good plot/ game system novel with some romance.

It’s really far more about a reasonably smart MC who struggles tooth and nail to survive. He meets many subordinates whom would die for him and wh he would die for as well. They are all attracted to him but still mostly treat him as a commander. Each character is beautifully developed... more>> with different unique personalities. They all have fleshed out back stories. The Isekai element is complicated and reasonably unique. It gets kinda complicated. MC is smart but the situation is so dangerous that he is not OP, and he gets hurt a lot.

There is an overarching plot and a whole bucket of danger and a lot of harm. There are also some cute kissing and flirting elements with MC who seems to think he is strait and is clearly a virg*n but over time starts bending less and less strait, but is very shy about romance. MC and all the knights are all likeable, I want them all to survive the hellosh fight they are stuck in. <<less
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