Transformation or Death


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[Please transform.] [The penalty for disobedience is death.]

I am saying this because I have been wronged.

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New OnePunchMan12 rated it
May 26, 2024
Status: c18

Fun and fairly unique idea at least. Personally I don't have much of an attachment to magical girl or Kamen raider genre so maybe I'm just not the audience, but my main problem is I just don't enjoy the writing style. It's heavily reliant on POVs that are so obnoxious to read. The MC over explains every little thing that goes through his mind in high stress situations in a way no one actually would.

"Oh they think I'm a villain what should I do my life is over! So over!... more>> Should I move to the countryside and grow rice? No I can't do that I don't know how to grow rice!"

And repeats such nonsensical dialogue 6-7 times per chapter while his life is in danger. I don't find this kind of writing style enjoyable personally, it feels pointless and just an excuse to add words to a chapter through useless rambling.

Secondly this novel is incredibly reliant on the lowest level of misunderstandings. So many things that could at least be mitigated with a sentence from MC are not. Instead he constantly uses the most obscure language of all time to be misunderstood. Classic device for some real infuriating writing.

Other than that, there's nothing else bad in this novel imo. World building is good, the general plot progression feels satisfying and character motivations are good for the most part (as long as you buy into the s*upidity of the missunderstaings).

Basically I would say try it. If the problems I mentioned don't resonate with you for the first 10 chapters I think you'll enjoy it. <<less
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New Sareza rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: c88
If a hero protects citizens.
Who should protect that hero?

Now before I get to the review, let's talk about the story's summary first. KR authors are quite lazy writing synopsis so here is my take :

Within the pages of this web novel lies a tale of a man abruptly thrust into a realm where monstrous entities clash incessantly with magical girls, a world where peril lurks around every corner. What's more, he finds himself on the receiving end of a foreboding message: transform and embark on the perilous quest laid before him, or face an inevitable demise. In essence, his very survival hinges upon his willingness to engage in battles he never sought nor desired.

This narrative diverges from the conventional hero trope, eschewing the simplistic, feel-good storylines often seen in hero-centric films. Instead, it delves deep into the profound responsibilities and harsh realities that accompany the mantle of heroism. The protagonist's journey is one of internal growth, fraught with moral dilemmas and existential quandaries. Moreover, it is punctuated by pulse-pounding action sequences that leave an indelible mark on the reader's psyche.

At its core, this story presents an enigmatic hero, a solitary figure pitted against the relentless onslaught of monstrous adversaries in a world teeming with magical girls. His fate hangs precariously in the balance, his only options transform or DIE, literally, there is no in-between. Thus, the narrative unfolds, weaving a captivating tapestry of adventure, sacrifice, and self-discovery against the backdrop of a fantastical realm brimming with danger and intrigue.

• • •

Alright, anyways this might get a bit long so i'll just put a spoiler tag here if you want to read more, also this is for the settings.


In a world of magical girls and villains, the setting is filled with both hope and danger. Magical girls, empowered by their abilities, strive to save the world from the destructive forces of villains. These creatures, born from despair and destruction, pose a significant threat. Some villains, however, retain their reasoning abilities and can even harness the power of stars to form constellations, gaining strength in the process. These star-powered monsters are classified based on the number of stars they possess, with those forming constellations being deemed S-class and given nicknames derived from constellation names.

The Magical Girl Association is a group of heroic individuals dedicated to protecting the world from these monsters. They fight tirelessly to maintain peace and order, using their magical abilities to counter the threats they face.

On the other side of the conflict lies Dilemma, a group of villains comprised of S-class villains (Also there's a super OP last boss that you can't defeat unless you sacrifice yourself). Despite their formidable powers, Dilemma members are plagued by inner conflicts, unable to reconcile their beliefs. They come together to share information and attempt to resolve their internal struggles. While they may respect each other's strength, there is no true camaraderie among them.

In summary, the setting is a complex world where magical girls battle villains to protect humanity, while a group of conflicted villains adds another layer of intrigue and danger to the narrative.


PS. This work is heavily inspired by Kamen Rider, if you didn't know what that is, I'll describe it to you with one word. HENSHIN.

Also this isn't really a spoiler, but the MC isn't OP. You might get confused because most of the series is NU with the "Protag strong from the start" tags have OP MC, but in this one, MC just gets a power up and become strong, not OP.
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Emperor Noxi
Emperor Noxi rated it
April 7, 2024
Status: c10
Kamen raider isekai, with harem. First of its kind that I ever saw, I'm pretty bad at putting reviews, but trust me this is good and if you like Kamen raider or magical you should try reading this, this has a pretty realistic internet culture, with how there are people that are positive and negative like the way they show down bad and h**ny people on the internet, the MC actually kill villains, and don't worry about this being like those magical girl show where it's all sunshine... more>> and rainbow, that's all from me and this is my very first ever review, so forgive me if it's a bad review cause I sucks at giving review, but I wanted to do it cause I like this novel with how it has Kamen raider <<less
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Elki Acigra
Elki Acigra
April 28, 2024
Status: c27
This isn't really a review but more like stuff I want people thinking of reading this to know before starting since the tags and description don't really explain much.

The story starts with our MC who wakes up as another person in a webtoon he read. So basically a transmigration story (as you can see from the tags) but into a webtoon. The MC stumbles around in this new world before coming face to face with a villain (really just a monster, but all enemies of the magical girls are called... more>> 'villains' without much distinction) and, as per the title, has to transform (like Kamen Rider) or die to the monster.
His belt, which enables the transformation, is unlike the 'familiars' (IDK what to call them) of the magical girls since it forces him to do quests or else he will die. This forces him into uncomfortable situations like fighting the magical girls to live.
As for the harem tag, so far (in 27 chapters), it's more like a story where every other character besides the MC happens to be a girl rather than a full-on harem. That might change in the future but for now the harem aspect is negligible and in my opinion can be disregarded. Of course, the fact that the majority fo the cast is female is a given since this is a magical girl story.

There's more to the story than I've written but this is just to give you a better idea of what the story includes. You should definitely read it yourself to see if you like it. <<less
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