Towards You


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Yan Shuoyun was once a powerful school overlord, competing with the school grass for the school flowers.

But there has been a huge change.

Everyone doesn’t want him, he becomes the mud of ridicule.

At this time there was a younger brother, he said his name was Fu Yichen.

He has liked him for a long time, and he will cheer him up with him.

Then within ten years, I hope he will like him.

After that, they founded the company and achieved achievements.

However, Fu Yichen, who has liked him for ten years.

Died for him.

They haven’t established a relationship yet.

But Yan Shuoyun had already prepared a proposal ring.

Later, at the funeral, he met a monk.

It is said that, the donor, if he forms a good relationship, will be blessed and rewarded.

He helped a lot of people, just for the blessing of nothingness.

After he died, he opened his eyes again, and he returned to when he first met Fu Yichen.

This time, it’s up to me to come to you.

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Walking Towards You
走向你(1 v 1 H)
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