Thunder Martial


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It begins on the mountain.

With the glint of a knife, a flash of steel in the hands of a sworn brother. A betrayal.

Stabbed and pushed down the mountain, Zi Chen lied within the red-stained snow, left to die.

This is where it begins; he is given life by lightning,
baptized by thunder.

Those who had once betrayed him should all suffer in his cruel revenge.

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21 Reviews sorted by

Ananya rated it
November 13, 2016
Status: c66
I know this is an early review but I'm writing this because somehow I feel this novel has a lot of potential and brings some new variations to the genre.

Sure its a regular xianxia containing all the elements of xianxia genre but the way it starts off feels like a western movie, cautious MC and his best friend are in search of a treasure, only MC knows the location, unbeknownst to MC his best friend has his own agendas, as soon as the treasure is found, MC is betrayed by... more>> his best friend (sneak attack), crippled and left to die (villains thought they killed him). It was a very solid prologue. Within 30 chapters it explores themes like brotherhood, betrayal, cynicism, vengeance, double standards of human nature, ambition, bullying, insecurity and many other themes.

Despite the MC getting a super inheritance, he struggles to get enough resources to fully make use of his inheritance.

The novel also raises questions like "Is talent alone enough?", "Is backing more important than talent?", etc

Give it a go, I'm sure its not bad at all. <<less
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June 2, 2018
Status: --
This novel is great! However lesyt were very selfish and plain up scamming people. They had a donation open and patron for the novel and they didnt update it for a entire year while people were still donating also the block some of the open chapters just to make them patron chapters when they were already free chapter 63-65 guess they thought no one was keeping tabs on them while guess what you were wrong I strongly advise no one donate to that website cause what they did is just... more>> plain up scamming and if anyone from novel updates is reading this you should look into it also cause they are doing it with other novels also. <<less
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April 7, 2020
Status: --
"However, they had never expected that Chen Zi was actually Zi Chen."

This is the level of intelligence you can expect from the characters in this novel. They are too bipolar: every person the MC meets is either an insufferable scum with no redeeming traits or a loyal and selfless noob that needs protecting. There are way too many in the former category. As the MC scurries from one craphole to another, there is a neverending stream of jackasses jumping out and trying to kill him for the most petty reasons.

None... more>> of the characters, MC included, are interesting or memorable. The romance is equally bad because the heroines have 0 character development- they're just female names. I think the potato I ate for lunch might have more going on in the personality department. Overall the story is just lacking, even for online novel standards. <<less
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NaM rated it
November 27, 2016
Status: --
Quite good..

Without being biased its already given for new translated novel to be quite generic given the fact that its already late translated and there are pretty much past novel similar to this before. But if this was translated earlier then I bet this novel can be said to be one of the good read here in NU...

"friendly reminder for new readers"

honestly readers shouldn't immediately judge the novel base on the reviews that a member who have read a lot of novel with he same genre before because they... more>> tend to be biased and forgot to think of the good side of the novel but instead their attention was in the clicheness and troupes..

Anyway as I said, this novel is quite a good read. plot wise, the betrayal start was a right spark to get this story going. The story has a potential. I believe if no repeatitive plots and this novel doesn't enter the endless revenge plot then I think this novel popularity will shine like the novel "King Of Gods". Honestly King Of Gods itself was a king of cliche in its own accord but because it has a fast translation, surpassed the 100 chapter, has the gravitytales backing and good translation.. it surpassed the other novels with the same clicheness.. if this novel was able to achieve the same achievements then I bet its popularity will be the same as the former..

If you like Martial Peak, Mystical Tyrant and novel as such them this novel is for you. <<less
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Cohran rated it
October 30, 2016
Status: c24
It is a pretty good novel. It has the typical plot tropes and xianxia elements with a pleasing feel to it. It shows an MC with the ever prevalent MC armor but also shows the MC going through cruel life lessons along with showing the darker side of the human heart. It seems to me that it has a great deal of potential as it is not a story where the MC gets life easy with super cultivation (though he gets a bit) and girls dropping like flies around him.

I... more>> am leaving the above in the review.

I am currently at chapter 41 and the story has gotten unbearably dull and foolish. The MC gets himself into trouble at the drop of the hat. I find him to be one of the most foolish characters I have seen in xianxia. The plot tropes are rolling out and frankly I have now lost hope for this series. <<less
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ChickenBakuba rated it
May 21, 2018
Status: c63
Tl;dr: I've had my fair share of cultivation novels, and my verdict? Read it.

"That's right. Brothers are meant to be betrayed when there's a benefit."

If not the best, it's definitely one of the better Xianxia/Wuxias out there. Pretty tentative review, but as far as I know, the various characters in the story are intriguing, and there aren't any dopey sidekicks or distasteful, boring cronies.

Like all other cultivation novels, it starts off slow. But as the story progresses, we get to see something beyond the tip of the iceberg. Every single character has a unique personality (granted, there are many characters and it takes effort to remember them all, especially since they have Chinese names) and there are no boring characters. Each of the characters turn out completely different from... more>> what you expect, and some random character whom's name you don't bother remembering can reappear as an important character in later parts of the story. Hell, a guy who appeared a paltry two times in the story ended up being the cause of a certain antagonist's downfall. As the translator, I had to compile a wikipedia for all the characters because of how often the story went the polar direction of what I expected.

The clichés are used well and in moderation, and I particularly like the various quirks of the mc's friends. One of his love interests has a particular sharp tongue, another friend was introduced as a boring, ordinary cultivator but as the story progresses, we realise there is something more to him that he lets on.

The fight scenes are exciting, enough to get your heart racing, like any other Xianxia novel. To be frank, the only reason why I picked up this novel was because I got blocked by a paywall during the climax of a fight scene.

It is a refreshing and terrific read. Give it a go. <<less
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jkmessah rated it
December 26, 2016
Status: c46
If it's xianxia you want, then it is xianxia you get. That sums up Thunder Martial for me.

Well, it definitely starts off as a typical backstabbing, miracle revival xianxia for me. Zi Chen's "gift" or "cheat" is quite OP, but at least the uses are strictly defined in the story. While his cheat is very good, it requires the user to be extremely, I mean, extremely diligent with an unwavering Dao heart. (Daym. That sentence though.)

The story itself is relatively simple atm and it is heavily sect based with... more>> a lot of inner chaos between different levels of disciples. Our MC is like a watered down Li Qiye (ED) for me in that I'm amazed at how quickly his arrogance leaves him crowded in enemies. Granted, if left alone, he is quite quiet and yet idiots would always look down on him.

My only critic would be Lin Xue (the female side char). She... is like those hot-headed, short-fused, narrow-minded anime girls. Some might find her endearing, I personally don't like her. I commend her loyalty to our MC but I can't seem to like her character. Her shijie, Su Mengyao is a lot better in my opinion as she is much more mature compared to Lin Xue. She needs to grow up soon!

The xianxia tropes are really heavy in this novel and it's as cliched as it gets without going overboard. If xianxia is what you are looking for with a confident, hard-working MC going against at this point, literally everyone he knows, then this is the novel for you. If you are new to xianxia, this might not be a bad start since it shows you pretty clearly what you can expect from a xianxia while still being an enjoyable read. <<less
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UsernameJ rated it
November 27, 2016
Status: c35
Chapter 35 so far. All I can really say is this definitely has potential. Potential sort of like TDG. Start is interesting, pacing is good. Conflicts so far are actually sort of believable in the "wow everyone is kind of a f*cking douchebag" way. Which does make sense, there's no grand techniques and flying swords and sects that f*cking flood their lands with pills. Disciples of the sect bit*h and scheme and steal for 1 or 2 pills, it's pretty low-key.

The pacing is good too, each chapter has enough to... more>> fill out the chapter and almost no annoying repetition. None of that "I'm clearly getting paid by how many words I write" repetition.

So far, I recommend it. <<less
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Tyki Mikk
Tyki Mikk rated it
November 1, 2020
Status: c115
Complete tr*sh.

1 - The author is probably a school kid, the novel is full of 1-dimensional characters, almost every male character wants to kill the MC.

2 - The MC is irredeemably s*upid.

... more>> 3 - The MC is always on the run the is never a calm before the storm moment, there is so much action that you literally get sick of it.

4 - The translation is tr*sh, and the translator also is tr*sh. The translation is almost on the level of machine translations, when you try to read it you have to open all of your language sensors to correct grammatical errors and understand the novel because they were everywhere. I see what the translator did, he got the mtl translations and spent a few minutes correcting a chapter half-assedly, and posted it. I can understand that. But, why the heck does the translator always beg for money for such a shitty translation, such shamelessness. I am not a prick, I spent lots of money on light novels and web novels, heck I even bought novels on wuxiaworld with their excessive prices, do you know why? Because their translations were good, I knew they spent time and effort to correctly translate those series, that is why I spent money to support them.

But if I see a shitty translation with almost mtl quality and you always beg for money for readers, imo, you are a shameless. <<less
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przemas rated it
July 30, 2020
Status: c275
Soft hearted compassionate. Poor fighting without any common sense. Weapons are useless in this book. All geniuses are ret*rds with overrated ego.

Can read but not the best one.


... more>> He went to kill all family and left women and kids alive. Watson the point?

He left people alive and they call stronger ones to kill him all the time. What's the point?

Spirit artifacts been soooooo op before and now he uses his hands to stop them.

Any weapon is broken by his fists in no time. Blacksmiths should commit su*cide they are useless.

Alchemy doesn't matter there is not even one alchemist in the book but there is alot of pills.

Many things is not right and fighting scenes are hard for me to read. Further in book harder it gets.

Overall not the best but readable. <<less
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Starstorm rated it
April 8, 2020
Status: c236
For anyone who's an avid reader of the xianxia/xuanhuan genre, do you know how every once in a while the protagonist in other novels are betrayed by someone in their sect or rat out by scum sitting in the sidelines trying to kiss ass and get benefits? This is literally all this novel is about.

The MC never EVER gets a break. He's always targeted by someone every damn moment, even when you think things have finally settled down, here comes along some random as*hole out of nowhere to ruin the... more>> MC's day.

It's like the author thought that arrogant young masters were not enough for his novel, so he made EVERYONE an arrogant young master. Yes, there's a small fraction of characters that are genuinely nice people, mortals specifically are almost all good, but everyone else is an as*hole to the extreme.

The more you read this, the more you'll desire for the MC to just purge the entire continent he's on of cultivators. You want a pay-off for all this bullsh*t that the MC is going through, but so far as of chapter 144, the frustration just keeps pilling on and no pay-off is in sight so far.

The biggest problem with this novel is that there's no calms before the storms, there's only storms. I'm going to continue reading this, checking to see when he's going to start purging sects. But so far, this novel deserves a 3 star.

Edit: Update, it does start getting better afterwords. His suffering is starting to pay-off around chapter 200 and onward. <<less
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Poireau rated it
January 5, 2020
Status: c48

If you have enjoyed PMG, then this novel is for you, else, walk away!

The MC is not as arrogant as the one in PMG and not every male is the enemy of the MC (still close to 95%), but the story, character developpement, armor plot and of course the classical face slapping are the same as in PMG.

The MC has no brain, no personnality, and his armor plot is one of the thickest i've ever seen: each time the MC is about to die because he randomely pissed of group... more>> of people, his stamina and strength go back to normal thanks to his cheat. The worst is that his friend also have the same issue: being suddently stronger (for example in speed) than enemies that are two or three cultivation level above...

The story is also bad: there is of course a tournament already in the early chapters, and where I stopped, the story was really at the bottom: at some point the MC dressed in black with his face masked to robb people of tokken points but is recognized because his tokken has his name written on it... what the hell?!

I have to say that I picked this novel because it was over 4 stars, but it is really way over rated!

Deffinitely a bad read and a waste of time! <<less
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hiro12a rated it
December 26, 2019
Status: c251
The novel is extremely boring to me at the start but afterwards, it got really interesting. I was really debating on dropping the novel because of how boring the first 10 chapters was but I'm glad I continued. The only thing that I don't like about this novel is that our MC basically has to run away alot
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frost rated it
January 16, 2018
Status: c466
My rating is 3.5/5. (No option for 3.5)

It's a generic novel. It started kind of nice, other than MC being dumb or probably the right word be "not smart". He shows his wealth even if he knows it will lead to conflict. Get into unnecessary fights and those fight will lead to more conflicts. The writer tried to make the story better with different settings and different martial techniques.

But that's all, what I liked in the novel. I don't know why writers try to include girls and make it... more>> a harem, the story was going downhill and making it harem made it worse. Fighting scenes are sort of good.

Well, it's an average novel and you can definitely try and see if it suits you. I had to stop at the end as nothing new was coming up. Just meaningless fights. <<less
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kingtape rated it
October 19, 2016
Status: c14
It doesn't depart from generic xianxia too much, but does give an intriguing enough of a premise to keep the reader interested. At least for the first 14 chapters or so. Generic xianxia is a solid foundation in novel cultivation, but in order to comprehend the true dao the author has to branch out. I'll update my review once the author (or translator) is further along the path of novel cultivation.
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Malkior7 rated it
November 22, 2020
Status: c359

I really liked this novel in the beginning up until the MC fought the Great Geniuses of the big families the first time I would have probably given this 4* if I had written this at that time. After the first fight it became the same repetitive thing of him killing new great geniuses of the same great families a few times it got annoying to me real fast. And while it's stopped for the time being this thing with the rogue cultivators wanting to kill him and take his key to a treasure the last 3 or 4 chapters I think have just been him killing one rogue after another for trying to do so and it's just dragging on unnecessarily.


At this point it's rather hard to figure out where the novel is going with anything as, at least to me, there doesn't appear to be any real story structure the MC doesn't have a clear goal or target to kill in a word it feels aimless.

Still going to keep reading in hopes it starts moving a long and become more interesting again like it was in the beginning.
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July 8, 2020
Status: c9
Edit: Consider this an unoffical 2 stars, I think. If you care to read this mess below, you can kind of see my interest in this story progressively die as I read a few chapters. But not having read much, actually rating seems a bit wrong. But the problems with it already are such that I think it is incapable of becoming better than 2 stars, even if the author suddenly got way better partway through.


Not going to rate yet, or for awhile, as I've practically only started. However. I... more>> have some concerns already...

Mainly, the MC's lucky encounter seems like it may well be so strong it prevents him from ever actually mattering. Only 7 chapters in, and at this point it seems like it'll basically do everything for him, for the rest of his life.

Amazing healing. Amazing cultivation speed. Amazing body. Presumably amazing cultivation technique. Amazing automatic demonstration of the 'true meaning' of any techniques he learns.

So what's left for him to actually do himself? Obviously the MCs in this genre ultimately wouldn't get anywhere without their lucky encounter, but often they have some way to stand out themselves too. Maybe they have amazing comprehension abilities but are crippled, and then they become highly talented. Or something else, because that one's a little bit frequently used... But the point is they bring something to the table.

Here? Well we'll see I guess, but what else is there really left for him to do? So far any of his small accomplishments don't feel particularly meaningful because every single aspect of them was just handed directly to him by his lucky encounter. It's hard to see how that will change in the future.

So, having read just one more chapter... yeah. If anything, his betrayer seems more impressive than him. At least, he actually is somewhat able to rely on himself. MC meanwhile just smashes through because he was just handed all the OPness. What should have been a cool moment is really rather ruined by all this.

And more bad things to say after just a single further chapter again... The story likes to contradict itself pretty quickly. It'll say things like "after comprehending deeper, he saw how silly it was to do this sequence in reverse order" and then later in the chapter "he knew it so well the order didn't matter" and he'll start using the bits of the sequence in random order to great effect. I let this go before, but now it's showing up in actually important things and not just the hand-wavy dao stuff. His technique was said to take a lot of Qi. He starts a fight and it claims he depleted his Qi using his technique several times, even matching his opponent. Then it immediately says he matched his opponent just using his physique which was very impressive. And then he goes back to throwing out multiple techniques for another half an hour. Then somehow the fight lasted over an hour - apparently the first couple of exchanges lasted a whole half hour too?

Anyway at the end of all this his OPness kicks in and he becomes even more badass. It's only like the fourth or fifth time in 9 chapters that this thing has saved his life, and made him even better better too. It just feels super dull, and then to add insult to injury it can't even keep itself logically consistent for even a couple straight paragraphs. Okay I read a few more paragraphs and it just saved him again. It not only heals him but can also restore all of his energy. He discovered this only after taking on a much stronger opponent just because he ran out of food and happened to know where it was. If the OPness had only displayed it's previous abilities, he would have just died again. But fear not, it's got more things for him.

I don't think I can get myself to care about anything his MC may do, because it's all just been handed to him on a silver platter. Never mind the extreme consistency problems. And it's not even chapter 10. Wow.

I really want to rate this 2 stars. I feel it's fairly justified based on what I've seen. Unless his OP encounter becomes substantially less amazing and really makes him work for anything, I don't see this being better than a 2. And when was the last time a xianxia/whatever MC got a real nerf? <<less
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LoneDK rated it
February 18, 2020
Status: c81
This novel started off promising but ends up quite tr*sh. The novel hits on everything I hate about xianxia:

  • 1 dimensional villains: They repeat the same sentences over and over. Their motivations are shallow and their sole purpose is to hate and want to kill the MC.
  • Brain dead ruthless MC. Literally goes around provoking people and then gets out of it due to plot armor. The funny part is that the author literally said he was a cunning person chapter 1 but soon dropped the facade because he doesn't know how to write a cunning MC.
  • Level zones: Surprising no one, the sect that the MC starts off is one of the weakest sects amongst the vassals of a larger sects (which wouldn't surprise me if the author decided that it would be another small fish in a large ocean). The elders of the sects are only at the level of disciples of the larger sects. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if the story just goes from level to level.
Save yourself the trouble and read something else.
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selweron rated it
September 21, 2017
Status: c35
It's a generic xianxia. At this point, for someone like me who basically read novels ever since spcnet forum, this is nothing new. It's not a bad read per se, but very predictable without many things to offer - plot moves while killing people who offend MC for no particular reason (they have no brain), and that's pretty much it. I'd rather recommend Soaring of Galaxia, Immortal Mortal, Plundering Heavens. Those are way better and one-of-a-kind xianxia/xuanhuan out of the translated ones.
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Kbcpro rated it
February 27, 2021
Status: --
Review based on first 38 chapters.

Got interested in the novel as initially the MC was projected to be calm and cautious. However, it was completely opposite and quite irritating when every time a character states "he is usually calm but don't know what happened to him".

Hence I given up and if you are interested in a MC who makes enemy out of everybody and acts like arrogant young master, then this is your cup of tea
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