Throne of Magical Arcana


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An ordinary young man on earth, Xia Feng, traveled to a world of sword and magic, and took the body of Lucien Evans, another ordinary young man.

Seemingly this was a world of traditional western fantasy, yet he discovered the astonishing similarities between the earth and this world, and between science and the so-called arcane magic…

“Knowledge is power”? Soul, magic, quantum, Theory of Relativity, cognitive world, music and real world……

What was the true nature of that world?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Arcane Divine Throne
The Throne of Arcane
Áo Thuật Thần Tọa
아르카나 마법도서관
Related Series
Release that Witch (9)
Warlock of the Magus World (9)
Lord of the Mysteries (8)
The Wizard World (5)
Age of Adepts (4)
Library of Heaven’s Path (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Read (good)
  2. Good(No Harem)
  3. Excellent Male Protagonists Novel
  4. Cultivation ML #2
  5. novels i have read and enjoyed

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124 Reviews sorted by

fangyuan rated it
August 14, 2020
Status: Completed
A very different western-style xuanhuan novel even if you compare it to Warlock of the Magus World and City of Sin. The novel blends science and magic in an interesting sci-fi style with minimal loopholes unless you decide to nitpick a fantasy novel as if it were real. I also find it amusing how the North-South church situation in the novel is kinda parallel to the Great Schism in real life (even the names of the clergies are apt lol). The novel's pace is a bit slow because of the... more>> slice-of-life element and info dump on specific fields such as music (first arc) and science throughout the novel and I have to agree that it can be a turn-off to some readers.

Nevertheless, I still find the novel really interesting and I feel that the journey of the MC from the slums to the paramount of magic is really entertaining due to the subplots and the process. Romance does not seem forced but the FMC is really different from your typical FMC. One thing to note is that you should pay attention to the details of the novel and remember them as you read because some of the reviewers seem to lack basic understanding of the novel. <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
July 2, 2020
Status: v9c158
Exceptional and unique story. It went beyond every expectation I had and is truly one of a kind. After the initial cliche reincarnation bit, the elements of music and magic were extremely captivating. For the first portion of the story I was honestly enamored by the way in which music was brought out and managed to evoke many emotions from a readers standpoint. I have to say though, the magical sequences, studies/research, etc. Was a real drag to read sometimes. Overall, the story was very well rounded and you won't... more>> regret picking it up, so go on and give it a try. <<less
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NiTian rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: c207
Its good at the start but gradually takes a nosedive to being pathetic. This is the author’s prior work to The Lord of Mysteries, and certainly pales in comparison with it.

The fights are boring and not well written. However, the planning done by the MC at various parts of the novel to outwit his enemies and opponents is fantastic and is true to TLOM style. The stories main falling for me is explaining magic through science. Not that I hate this approach of explaining magic, but the story just turns... more>> into magicians/sorcerers being the real world academia. There is university, professors, scientific papers. This just drains the juice out of fantasy. Just think about the MC doing research to publish it in a journals throughout the novel. Pretty boring. <<less
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Robodude00000 rated it
May 23, 2020
Status: c600
To start off with, don't read this novel if you don't like intensive world building or a lot of science talk. After 600 chapters I would say most of them have long stretches of either of the above. The novel is a 0/10 of you can't stand either. If that doesn't turn you off, the novel itself is very good.

Action/Suspense: 6/10

The action in this novel is it's weakest point. There is a comparative lack of it and when it happens it isn't very gripping. It lacks that feeling of tension... more>> that other web novels tend to have. While it isn't bad by any means, the action in something like WMW or CD is much easier to read and holds your attention better while having comparative themes and styles. That being said, it still isn't horrible and some of the highlights catch your attention well. Overall it has mediocre action, but due to the lack of action in general it can be a breath of fresh air.

Translation Quality/Writing style: 7/10

The translation for this novel is well done and lacks noticeable spelling and grammar issues. However, the writing style itself is very bland. So far I've failed to emotionally resonate with anything in this novel, something very rare for such a good work. It may be due to the translation, but the author's writing style fails to really draw you in. This extends from the action to the dialogue, and it really only works with narration and world building. Which is strange, because his other work LotM is the opposite. In fact, this book really feels like a beta version of LotM, in all categories. Overall it's a good translation with a concise and almost robotic writing style.

World building/Character: 9/10

This novel has one of the best explored and developed worlds that I've ever seen. You really get to see how society works and moves, from the peasants to the nobles. Every single character is believable and there is a distinct lack of the young master archetype. The power system is the only knock I have against this portion, as it is a bit bland and surprisingly undefined. While the novel bases the mages power off of science, we get a distinct lack of explanations for knights, priests, and other classes. Even mages is a bit vague at points, but it's still very good. Overall the world is completely built and every character is unique and great.

Overall: 7.5/10

A very good novel to read if you don't mind the large amount of world building. Give it a chance, and you won't regret it. <<less
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AcasualPawn__ rated it
December 17, 2019
Status: c500
This novel is really good. Magic + Science, very difficult to mix up? But this novel has done it perfectly and in a very intriguing way. Hats off to the Author, a really talented one...

If you are here after reading Lord of the mysteries then don't have your hopes high, it isn't as good as Lord of the mysteries but it is far, far better than other novels... The blend of magic and science is done really perfectly. Side characters are interesting. World building is good.. Everything is just great...... more>> I think this is half Sci fi novel... Just great....

The starting is a bit slow like until chapter 190 after that MC stops playing songs...

Highly recommended!

4.6/5 <<less
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DarkD rated it
November 21, 2019
Status: c215
It's a real disappointment after reading this same authors better work, "Lord of the Mysteries".

The novel is divided into two different stories: The magician side and the musician side. Both are led by Lucian, a transmigrator who got some magical library stuck in his head for very little reason. The magician is the good part, the protagonist does a lot of really smart things as a magician. However, the musician side is just terribly awkward.

The musician side basically involves the protagonist pretending to master music at an inhuman rate, impressing... more>> everyone, however, the truth is that he's just plagiarizing the artists from Earth. The whole affair and everything that comes from it are just awkward.

The author's worst crime is abusing the fact that the protagonist originated from Earth and travelled to a magic world with low technology. He doesn't even pace himself with the stuff he lets the Evans "invent". There are two story arcs for the protagonists inventions in the section that I've read. The music story arc and the magic/science story arc.

Three months into learning music he has him showing off Beethovens 5th symphony. Then rapidly he starts releasing more of earths famous music.

Three months into him entering the congress of magic, he introduces the Periodic Table of Elements.

Both of these events pretty much propels him into becoming the foremost figure in science and music. It's just so awkward. I came into this wanting to like it because I read the authors newer work "Lord of The Mysteries" and had literally no complaints. I wanted to like it but I can't/ <<less
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timma rated it
February 12, 2019
Status: c399
Enjoy it for the most part. Really solid world, and I don't regret reading it. The MC is pretty cool. Not enough magical technology for my taste, especially for someone who transmigrated, but that's okay.
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joyfan rated it
January 20, 2019
Status: c63
Came here from lord of mysteries and stayed for the musical journey lmao. So far I actually didn’t really enjoy the magical cultivation nor the underground magical society and chose to skip many of those chapters.. Instead.. The musical aspect was really fun. Hoping for more of those~
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ongoingwhy rated it
November 6, 2018
Status: Completed
There's not much combat throughout the entire story, so don't get your hopes up if you enjoy action intensive stories. The author spends too many chapters attempting to explain magic, which causes part of the story to be a little stale. The ending is also rather abrupt.
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August 13, 2018
Status: --
I have read this story up to it's latest release at this time which is chapter 328.

The story is very good. Ive enjoyed it greatly so far.

The only three downsides to this story is:

  1. Very small spoiler:

    His music career stops at a certain point.

  2. There is a bit of romance but it comes very late in the story and it has very slow progression. I just wish it was a bit faster? Lol but maybe I don't and I like this slow pace. I can't really decide.
  3. This is my biggest problem with the story so far. The MC tends to hide behind different identities. I think that light will be shed on his different walks of life to the general public in the future chapters so I'm not that upset about it, it just bothers me a bit.
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March 24, 2018
Status: c251
Read the Novel for 3 days straight on my break time to the latest chapter.

Quite addicting. It reminds you of other novels but know that it will be different. The M.C cheat feels like not a cheat at all and as if he only had an extreme phographic memory. He work hard and what I like is that no useless Harem thing is currently entering our M.C radar zone.

Even though their are some little plot holes, the flow of the story makes you imagine the answer.

... more>>

Great idea of interjecting magic and science. MC doesn't become someone who know it all of a sudden. Even if he has the library he still needs to study the thing he can't understand. The novel have substance.

Music- I feel like here lies most of the plot holes. And Thr first arc focus to much on this genre. Though this arc made the other arc reasonable in which was build mostly on misunderstanding and wrong assumption.

Totally recommended and 5 star for now. <<less
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optjam rated it
March 5, 2018
Status: c238
Supsringly, as many of the past reviews have said, once you get past the first chunk of chapters, it starts to pick up really well. Seems more like character development in the beginning and it does play a huge part later in the story so do not skip over it too much.
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June 26, 2017
Status: c60
Good slice of lice novel. Deals with normal city life, dealing with local gang, trying to make some money, learning how to read, trying to learn new skills that can make money. MC is not a jerk or a wimp, just a guy trying to improve, no insta haxx super powers, he does have a magic library but not everything is available to him. Novel does not get trapped by a romance that turns MC into an idiot. His goal with magic so far seems to be to find a... more>> place where its safe to practice and use in work as musician to supplement his practice.

Translation is good and the site its hosted on just lets you scroll down through all available chapters; no clicking back and forth.

chapter 55-60 is a super lame, "my music is so passionate I cry while playing, and make others cry" scene that was so predictable that it made me just speed read the rest of it. His music was plagiarized from Beethoven from the other world and he gets weepy over it? <<less
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acoleman2 rated it
June 6, 2017
Status: --
Reserving judgement for now. It has an interesting premise, and a focus on western magic rather than cultivation. I'm hoping that the music somehow becomes important. Still, it feels all over the place, with a lot of plot threads developing at the same time, but with the focus being split too much among each thread. I can't tell what's important, which isn't good. You shouldn't be able to guess what will happen, but you should be able to tell that something is important to the plot.
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onlycrimson123 rated it
April 5, 2024
Status: c824
TL;DR: A masterfully written and deeply intriguing physics and music textbook.

As I feel that this novel cannot be accurately represented in bullet points, this review will more closely resemble a timeline. There will be mild spoilers in this review as that is the case.

This novel begins following the brutal struggle of Lucien Evans in the lowest caste of society. The struggles and setbacks that he faces immediately set the tone of the novel and give it a very realistic feeling. For example, how he cannot understand the local language and... more>> must scour through garbage to afford the tuition to learn it.

His initial problems are not easily solved and the tribulations he goes through while digging his way out are extremely immersive.

The plot flows naturally following this start but still manages to have interesting and rarely seen developments, such as the main character adopting the identity of a genius musician for a good number of chapters. In this identity, we also get a further look at the author's writing style.

An important aspect of this novel is the main character grafting notions from our reality to this alternate universe. This includes famous symphonies, technologies, and, especially, scientific progress.

The author manages to do this beautifully throughout the novel, and the main character's theft of symphonies in the beginning showcases the attention to detail and thought that the author puts into these scenarios. The author writes in-depth explanations for each of the main character's adaptations of these works, often spanning numerous chapters.

This is the main reason that this novel can certainly be hit-or-miss. If you do not enjoy learning about these concepts, you may feel bored by the many chapters that they encompass. However, I believe that this will not be the case for the vast majority of readers.

Although these are creations rooted in our reality, the author adds a plethora of imagery, phenomena, and characters' thoughts that significantly brighten each of these instances. They are not as cold and informational as a textbook might be and are more focused on feeling than actual learning.

The start of the novel shows the masterfulness of the author in a few other categories as well.

The main character feels very human in this novel. He is not as standoffish as many other Chinese main characters, and thus the interactions and relationships he forms are also more pleasant to read about. He does not consider things only in terms of benefits, and thus the links he has with other people are much less superficial. We can enjoy the realistic companionship he holds with others and gain a deeper understanding of their individual thoughts and feelings.

The author does a fantastic job of forming the personalities of these side characters. Each of them seem to hold their own aspirations and live their own life when they are not around the main character. This leads to the world-building feeling very complete and genuine.

Additionally, the author shows the capability for deeper thinking and complex plots at the beginning of the novel. Events are subtly linked to each other leading to a forewarned but not obvious climax, often building many chapters in advance.

All-in-all, the initial chapters of this novel are phenomenal. This same high-quality of writing continues for hundreds of chapters as we learn more and are more deeply immersed in this book.

However, I feel that it eventually drops off.

The main character's lack of ability and overarching goals in the beginning of the novel give the author plenty of room to maneuver and reveal his writing talents. Naturally, as the main character gains ability and accomplishes these goals, there is much less to be seen.

Once the main character arrives in Allyn and starts single-mindedly studying Arcana, I would no longer recommend this novel.

The plot for the subsequent hundreds of chapters highly focuses on the main character's studies. There is much less writing about character interactions, deeply intricate plots, interesting developments, and many of the things that I feel made this novel a masterpiece at the start.

It is still a very blood-pumping read because of the stunning imagery, but it is no longer a class of writing that I would be able to praise.

Even in terms of physics studies, it becomes more and more unreadable as time goes on. The studies become more metaphysical and extremely difficult to comprehend leading to the end of the book, to the point that I was lost for many of the final chapters. It was no longer a book I could easily enjoy and digest and became much more like a textbook.

Despite this, the initial chapters were so well-crafted that I feel it would be an insult to give it anything less than 4 stars.

I would recommend this novel to anyone, even first-time readers. When they get to the point where I felt it stale, they can consider, with their hundreds of chapters of experience, if they want to continue it.

(By the way, the reason I read 824 chapters was because the 80 chapters afterward were all side stories, I finished the main plotline.) <<less
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mamaha09 rated it
February 1, 2024
Status: c7
Currently, I'm at Chapter 7. I'm putting this on hold because the genre seems to carry undertones of 'church teaching is the most correct way of life, ' or 'anything deviating from church ideology is heresy and must be destroyed, ' or 'the church's organization appears good on the outside, but in reality, they abuse their power over the commoners, ' etc.

Some reviews on NovelUpdates suggest that this is a poor version of "Release that Witch." I'm unsure, but it's possible. Regardless, my aversion to church-related genres stems not from... more>> a hatred of the church, but rather the sacred feeling associated with it, despite the reality of the seven biblical sins lurking within.

I might be mistaken as I've only read until Chapter 7, and my perspective may not represent those who have read further. However, if you're strolling in the park and encounter feces in the middle of the road, it's only natural to steer clear, right? <<less
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Allex2001 rated it
November 16, 2023
Status: --
This author must have one of the most overrated if not the most overrated novels on this website, never liked any of them so regardless of the praises from lord of mysteries and higher rating than the others, I will not read that anymore, no way, all novels are boring af, hypocrites are the leads, author trying to portray himself and the MC as actually open-minded while they only come up as hypocrites, everything is cringe, boring, slow, hypocrite, 1 dimensional, forced and so on, so im done giving this... more>> author's any chance, regardless of how much better some of his other novels may be, is more about his personality as well, his leads are always sh*t since are based on his own views, so regardless of how much better it may be on everything, I can bet the characters have around the same shitty personality of hypocrites, and I can't deal with hypocrites, they just make me disgusted <<less
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Exadead rated it
October 30, 2023
Status: Completed

++ One of the best "magic systems" I've ever encountered.
+ Unique FMC
+ Decent world-building, with an interesting progression and power-ups.
- It's evident that the author included too many elements, and wasn't able, or didn't have enough time, to properly connect all the characters/events and develop separate side stories.
- The biggest drawback is the ending, which feels rushed and somewhat underwhelming.

I highly recommend reading it AFTER Lord of the Mysteries, you will be surprised by some similarities.
The story, besides the magic system, kinda feels like a Beta version of LOTM.
Stull very good tho
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ireaditall rated it
November 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Throne of Magical Arcana was the first book I read under this author.

There's so much I have to appreciate about this book, if there's a love at first read then this book must be the cinnabar mole in my heart.

Brief mentions

  • MC:- Xia Feng/ Lucien Evans A very relatable protagonist. He dies in a fire and is transported into a new body, new world where he has no clue what to do. He's not very op, his cheat the library is not exactly the most powerful thing ever, it just gives him more resources and more chances to learn. He must learn how to use that knowledge and make various laws make sense in a world that seems like a typical fantasy world with elves, dragons, etc. What I like the most about him is how rational he is, all the decisions he makes are the ones that he believes to be for the best for himself. He never dawdles around when he has to deal with matters.
  • Relationships & Characters:- :- The relationships between characters are rather 3D. They all have feelings that change over a period of time. An good e.g. Would be when MC's identity as a sorcerer is revealed to the FL; she lets him go for saving her, but suffers from moral dilemma as she has done what is basically treason against everything she's been taught since childhood and what she stood for until that moment & that the person she considered her best friend is actually the villain she was told to hate. Another would be a argument between MC and his teacher due to their differing views on a particular finding, the MC while sad doesn't take it personally while his teacher suffers a mini mental breakdown before going back to as it was, though they still argue on the same topic. The relationships b/w other characters are also dynamic if less portrayed. The characters are amazingly done. There are many morally grey characters, even those who nominally belong in the protagonist's camp. Everyone does something to become more powerful, good or bad.
  • Power System:- So here the entire system is based on actual science hence the MC is actually a scientist who experiments and his rewards are cool supernatural powers based on what he has found. This sounds bland but the author makes it appealing.
  • World Building:- The background of the world is based on Mediaeval Western Era, where theocracy dominates the various powers in the world. Nobles have huge rights so both the church & the sorcerers are in cahoots with them, all 3 for their own agenda.
Overall this was an excellent novel, and is my 2nd favorite book after another one of this author's book 'Lord of the Mysteries'.

U may want to give it a try. It starts slow but is worth the wait.
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blobbything rated it
October 2, 2022
Status: c607
This is a novel thats almost good, and has some really good moments, but ultimately it feels like it fails to understand its strong points. The Main issue with it is that it spends an ungodly number of chapters portraying the MC participating in "magic" (its basically science) academia and man is it boring as hell most of the time. Part of the problem is that this is one of those novels where the MC has knowledge from modern earth and basically goes "I made this :) " with basically... more>> every incredibly significant scientific theory known to man and is portrayed as some incredibly creative genius for it. I will give the novel credit however; it does a lot better job than I expected at describing pretty advanced scientific concepts. This novel also has some incredibly silly ideas in its setting, particularly its magic system, which (without getting into spoilers) under certain conditions people's heads will explode. At first I found it funny but it got stale really quick.

When this novel decides to have an actual story its pretty good though, unfortunately a lot of the arcs are pretty short and conclude within like 20 chapters. The more dramatic arcs are what make this novel almost good, they are that impressive compared to a lot of other chinese fantasy webnovels. The romance is also pretty interesting, with the main love interest being a pretty unique character to the point where I wish she got more time to shine. Especially at the point where I dropped the novel, it felt like she was slowly becoming a character purely meant for romance moments which felt like a waste, though its entirely possible she plays a bigger role later on after I dropped it. <<less
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