These Dangerous Girls Placed Me Into Jeopardy


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That day, my head was struck by an unknown object, and after I woke up, I realized that I’m able to, through titles, understand a person’s truest side.

Afterwards, I’m being pestered by a group of girls, them even not being humans at all, with various bizarre fetishes………….I’m having a harem, you say? If I’m still able to be alive at the end………….Mm, just take it as I have a harem then (gives off an understanding smile).

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Dangerous Girls Are Putting Me In Danger
Related Series
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What is a Yandere? (1)
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  3. Books I want to read
  4. 5/10s that I cannot forget
  5. May not be the best but not worst either

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32 Reviews sorted by

RarestProGamer rated it
June 6, 2017
Status: v2c50.8
At first, I really loved this novel. The whole slice-of-life+in*est+supernatural+yandere premise seems great at first, the main point why I really read this because it is from a Chinese author. I had hoped that it would be free from all clichés and your typical harem stereotypes with more of a mature, reasonable and realistic approach from Main Character. As I have read hundreds of wuxia harem novel where authors never shys away from putting in any "action" that the protagonist gets, I went into reading this novel having similar expectations... more>> which is where author dropped the ball. The moment you start reading this novel and as you carry on, you will realize that author borrows a lot of ideas and other tropes from Japanese novels which Author himself agrees, he even uses a lot of Japanese terms to keep the atmosphere similar and that's where author made a mistake!

-The main female lead who is a yandere is actually not a yandere, she just wants MC to be dead and that's not the characteristics of being a Yandere. Just because she is evil and want people to be dead, doesn't make her Yandere. It is not until much later she falls in love with MC, but still for some reason want MC to be dead because you guessed it, she is a corpse lover which is really a kill-joy in my scenario. I won't spoil the whole story, but the final nail in the coffin for me was when the protagonist accidentally makes a contract with a succubus, but the worst thing he did was he swore an oath that he would never lay a hand on her body who is a SUCCUBUS. Now, hear me out!? I am not asking for a full blown R-18 hentai novel, but it pretty much seals the fate and future of the main character, and you know how things are gonna move from here on because he is a gentlemen and also dense which makes him no different from other beta arse jap protagonists which I loathe from every fiber of my being. After that, the story got so ridiculous that it even introduced Zombies, Ghouls and other sh*t and I knew I had to drop the novel right there and then.

:Final Conclusion: I might have given it a higher ratings if the main story of the novel wasn't MC dancing at the hands of every female lead while he is also oblivious to his surroundings. I have also read that the original author of the novel on SFACG reached some sort of V.I.P status which is behind pay to read per chapter wall, that also means that the novel will be censored in the future chapters. <<less
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Tarlos rated it
August 18, 2017
Status: v2c50
The novel's premise is very unique, and has some of the coolest heroines. However, the timid, weak-willed, and irresolute MC really gets on your nerves after a while. The MC's interactions are incredibly predictable and frustrating because he's only capable of a few actions:

    1. try to run away
    2. wilfully ignore the unwanted behaviour of others
    3. submissively go along with whatever others want
Ugh, this was such a disappointment to read because I had so much expectation. The heroines and the MC's situation are so damn interesting, but this useless MC just ruins everything. The entire novel I'm just hoping the MC would do something: take a stand! Say no! Slap a hoe! Anything other than passively going along with what other characters want, but he just continues to disappoint me.
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ninthlite rated it
May 3, 2017
Status: v1c47
This is a harem novel with no substance, the beginning hints at an actual plot but I was disappointing to not find any. The novel consists of various women falling in love with a featureless bland MC for no apparent reason. A weak justification was given that a charm spell was cast on him (which makes this r*pe I guess? As this is the only thing making women attracted to him. After the various women fall in love every chapter thereafter solely consists of women professing how deeply they love... more>> our generic featureless MC. The art also looks like it was drawn by a ten year old. <<less
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juraijd rated it
April 27, 2017
Status: v2c43
This is my first review so I hope you don't mind with my review.

This novel is very good and it is fun to read. It's comedy is very interesting. I like the MC because of his calm and cold personality (well in the outside he is but he is kind in the inside). The MC is the kind of person who will avoid trouble at all costs but I think his MC halo gave him some trouble. The MC is a loner well because of the room he went in.I think this novel is pretty sexy, well you can see the adult, harem and ecchi tag. I recommend not to read this when you are in public because sometimes you'll laugh so hard or maybe you'll have a boner which will be awkward. The multiple POV's of some characters is interesting and funny.


MC got his power because of the library teacher gave him some slips to represent that he have attend night revisions out of pity and goodwill so that he can have some free time but at the back of the slip there are some kind of writing that will improve his charm slowly if he carry it with him so that the charm can attract someone that will affect his lonely life. But he accidentally form it together which the charm went to his mind and gave him some power. MC's power is a little cliche but a lot more unique. He can see their titles (which most represents their hobby, characters such as stalker, voyeur, demon king and so so on), impression/feelings for him. When he went to school with his power seeing titles and feelings, he was shocked and surprised because he was the only normal person in his class because all of his classmates are all abnormal.

About his sisters, I am really speechless when I knew that they are both brocon and every night her cold sister do this and that to him when he is sleeping, and when I knew about it I can't help but have a boner but it is still fun to read.

His interactions with the characters is indeed not boring to read. Especially with the main heroine when he was forced to be her girlfriend just because she is interested in his corpse but later on the fake feelings are developing which is very heartwarming.


Well, to anyone who likes harem and romance with a lot of comedy and sexy scenes. I RECOMMEND THIS AMAZING NOVEL
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Aho555 rated it
April 7, 2017
Status: --
Haha this is great. It's basically a Japanese harem romantic comedy, but the heroines are special/crazy, the MC has a spine, and lots of self aware humour, and since the author is Chinese, the difference in background makes it feel slightly different and fresh.
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whatswrongwithyou rated it
May 4, 2017
Status: --
SIMPLY PERFECT ! If you want a rom-com harem with a YANDERE heroines but a light one unlike those deep Yandere's (what is yandere, and especially CHRONICLES OF A YANDERE, those hard core one).. But if you want true definition of yandere.. Then this is not it as this is a light hearted one.. Perfect!
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clowred rated it
May 1, 2017
Status: v2c46
Certainly, not the type of novel I would recommend to anyone. It's better to stumble upon this masterpiece and read it while covering your head with a blanket while panting like a dog in heat. If by some chance you get cold feet imagining someone breaking in your house, smelling your underwear while you are asleep, laying next to you and only leaving a few moments before you wake up, then you might want to skip this novel.

For the rest of the damaged users that are really tired by the... more>> high amount of cliches in the present popular stories, come and enjoy the story that might fulfill everyone's desires and fetishes. I just have one wish, a translator that can translate at the same speed he faps to this novel. <<less
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Dragon rated it
April 23, 2017
Status: v2c42
I'm already watching Eromanga Sensei, eh, so I guess it can't hurt to leave a review since the police are going to take me away anyways.

That aside, this is an interesting novel if you're into harems. No, it isn't like Haruhi (wtf?) like that other reviewer said. The best analogy is that this is `Criminale!` in web novel form. If you like stuff like `Ore no Osananajimi wa Joshikousei de Yuusha` you'll probably like this too.

It has interesting characters, and the main crazy yandere is done well. Don't expect a... more>> lot of plot, and there are a lot of cliches/tropes, but I had an enjoyable time reading it. The translation quality is good, and I want more chapters written for each of the girls introduced so far. <<less
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LazyDays rated it
April 7, 2018
Status: side story 1
Absolutely hilarious! This disaster of a harem story starts off with a bang and a scream!

MC is a very normal guy. He likes manga, is polite, filled with common sense, has moderate levels of perverseness and has a strong sense of preservation.

... more>>

This is why when faced with the seductive school beauty, he starts to internally scream and run away. Why? Simple!

Because his newfound ability to see the main trait of somebody, their "title" in this game of life, has deduced her's to be "Corpse Loving Homicidal Maniac"!


Yup. This is that kind of story.


I find his reactions very funny, and reasonable. It's well balanced between morally average teenage boy and terrified teenage boy.

This means he might spend a line or two thinking about her panties, then go back to desperately struggling against her chokehold/knife.

There is actual character growth in the story. It's subtle, but eventually MC grows into a resolute man who takes responsibility for his actions accordingly.


CH 88 and his finger. I admit it, it was kinda s*upid, but it was the fastest way to motivate that chick into saving/fighting her love rival. He also gets bonus points for sheer guts.


The translator is also very helpful with their footnotes detailing the many weird or subtle references Chinese novels have.

If you are looking for a story with a nice-guy protagonist with a growing harem (filled with girls who are extremely likely to kill/mutilate/XXX you), this is it!

To quote what is actually a pretty good description of what the MC thinks of this story:


I'm scared!

Just now I've merely glanced around at the classroom's entrance, it's fine even if there's no normal people around already, but now observing carefully, there actually really weren't any normal people at all!

Not even a f***king single one!

What in the hell kind of class was this!

What in the hell kind of school was this!

What in the hell was all of this!


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Demizex rated it
January 20, 2018
Status: v2c83
It had so much potential at the beggining but its sad how it turns out around ch.83 (which is where I gave up on reading).

Great Premise, but as many have said, The MC will get to your nerves sooner or later.

The heroines are great as each of them have all their own chapters depicting how the think and why they act the way they do.

The MC starts looking good but after reading him repeat the same actions over and over again one gets tired of it, and the finishing strike... more>> from him was trying to defend someone when he doesnt even have the strenght to do so.

The Shounen Syndrome (its what I call) the MC is WEAK AF, yet he tries to save/defend the girls EVEN when they want to harm him in any way possible at the chapters near 80 one wanted to cut his finger and yet instead of acting like a true Human he goes all 360 and blames himself for her trying to do so? where is the logic can someone explain me plz?...

In the end the MC doesnt have any power and has to get his ass saved by any girl close by, that in my book qualifies as a dog that can bark but no bite.... so the MC is a wimp GG WP <<less
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summers rated it
September 18, 2017
Status: c31
Slice of life, pervy-scary girl harem. The girls are interesting; MC is described as the usual passive loser and that's OK. The problem is the MC does not fit that description, and NTR character would be better than him, those guys at least may eventually react to things with intense feeling and actions. He is not even a character, something that we have to call the MC moves around until and event happens then he does not follow up at all, he does not try to find out why everyone... more>> in his class is special or what makes them so or if they really are. He does immediately go to the principle and asks these questions when he find out she is also special.

What he does do is avoid all the girls when possible, make agreements not to touch the succubus even if she wants to, etc.

The key to slice of life is to feel that what is happening is important to the people invovled even if its just a school test, and some regular events so that when those events change it become something that we remembers. All we get is MC goes to school avoid people till event is forced on him, goes home and maybe event is forced on him. That's it. This is worse than beta-neet like behavior.

Its a shame because the girls are interesting, his sisters are hardcore in love perving on him, and not in the usual cutesy ecchi kinda a way, more like drugging him for five years so she can mol*st him in his sleep, counting the number of times climaxed while doing certain action (was not s*x but might as well be). But its like the girls are interacting with a ghost, girls do interesting things, he repeats what those things are, the end. If this was done so we could imagine ourselves in our place, then its ineffective.

I don't know if its the translation or the result of a Chinese author replicating Japanese style of writing, but it was hard to understand. My final test if skipping 2 dozen chapters, if I can't tell the difference between that chapter and the actual next chapter then nothing is happening and I drop the fiction. I dripped this. I give it 2 stars because I can see some people willing to power through this. <<less
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prozerg rated it
May 1, 2017
Status: v2c46
Best CN Romance series as of yet! And those JP elements and tropes as extras make you grinning whenever the main girl interacts with the MC :D

I'd give it 15/10 for the yandere gf and the meimeis and also for the fact that it is kinda similar to Monogatari series when it comes to character interaction.
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gallantkun rated it
April 1, 2017
Status: v1c6
This is pure gold comedy right here. Our MC is being dragged into absolutely weird sh*t and he always stayed calm (externally) while grumbling (internally). I quite like this MC and how he acts aloof unintentionally.

I just loved the class scene. It truly makes me laugh. I loved how he react (internally) while despairing for his future.
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Overlord rated it
March 30, 2017
Status: v2c39
This.. Has.. So.. Much.. Potential!

Have you ever wanted to know about the true feelings or characters of others? Yes!? However, there're things in this world better left in the dark, as the scariest monsters are the ones that lurk inside souls.

Versatile characters and interesting concept, including a well-written and so far believable storytelling, where not everything is as it seems to be. The MC can look at the abnormal preferences, true characters and psychological issues of other people, resulting in him being in a sheep among a pack of wolves... more>> situation. Since his entire class is filled with full-fledged psychopaths and/or abnormalities, there're several girls going after him.. Exactly the kind you don't want to have around you. One can't help but be interested in the unfolding and progressing story, as well as the hopefully adequate character development.

Yandere is love, yandere is life. ┬┴┬┴┤ (・_├┬┴┬┴ <<less
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Crea rated it
June 15, 2018
Status: side story 1
In general I like the idea and story even most of the characters but personally I hate the MC for not rejecting the other girls even though he admits that he likes the female lead. I mean he lets his girlfriend watch him being kissed and flirted with, IN FRONT of her! This feels a bit like NTR to me. F*ck it, this is NTR. I mean the final battle in vol.2 is basically his girlfriend got mad at him for cheating with two girls, kissing and holding them naked.... more>> I hate this part of the MC the most. <<less
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serguis rated it
June 1, 2018
Status: side story 1
Exeptionnel. A story not overly complicated or complex but worth the time and the pleasure.

Although the supernatural has it's place, it doesn't change the story into a unbelievable-one and still keep a steady flow.

Some may said that it is full of boring and already seen things but I fell that it's only a cute and enjoyable story, not trying to overdo it or to make itself THE best story of all.

So have a good time without trying to overthink it :D
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MonsieurLimes rated it
August 20, 2021
Status: c56
I liked the premise and the start, but I hate the first heroine, the ho (omg how the hell do you spell homecidal??) killer body lover or whatever it’s called

Literally so annoying, and also

... more>>

are you just gonna let your sister do all those dirty deeds to your unconscious body? I am okay with the hugging, kissing, groping, touching but once she uses the cooch and pp that’s when it gets too far.

I would expect a normal person to be like “hey can you like stop, it’s very disgusting and makes me feel disgusting.” But nah the MC just says “ok you can touch me, grope my bu*t and kiss me head that’s all >:/“


Also they introduce the “Reincarnated Childhood friend” and I ducking love childhood friends, they are the best girls out of every girl in a harem and I’m kinda sad they didn’t use more of her (where I’m at) except for one chapter that’s kinda useless.

Its a decent read, setting aside my personal bias I think it’s a okay novel but it’s definitely lacking as girls just like him for no reason. <<less
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Literasi rated it
May 20, 2020
Status: v3c42
A good novel with many mysteries on it. Pure MC but not naive, great relationship and the development of it.
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Absolute-Melody rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: side story1
Absolutely Perfect. The Paramount of Writing. Such Sophistication. Such an Extensive Lexicon. Simply Stupefying.

.... What? Don't believe me? Then just read the alternate universe side story 1.

'R-18 warning!' for the spoiler, summarizing what happened in the chapter.

... more>>

9k words of intense in*estual smut; displaying Xin Ran willingly violated and mind-broken by her brother An Jun Cheng. An alternative ending and world where Jun Cheng lost to his lust, falling into depravity. His obsessive nature that the chapter showcases actually surprised me, considering how much of a beta male he appears to be in the main story. Granted all of his love interests are far stronger than him; even Xin Ran is a talented martial artist. The scene starts with extensive foreplay that caused Xin Ran to climax thrice and even pee herself, as well as the introduction to the rules Jun Cheng established with his sister in order to maintain their forbidden relationship. Afterwards, he penetrates the boundary called "siblings" and repeatedly cream-pies Xin Ran in hopes of imp**gnating her and truly owning her. After she is literally leaking s**en, his sister provides him with a "clean-up bl**job" (he finishes twice in her mouth), which he responds to by pounding her ass and truly breaking her mind to become that of a child. They can no longer live without each-other. Finally tired, Jun Cheng pierces her once more and the pair fall asleep thinking of the future of their relationship, with Jun Cheng's member still inside his sister. in*est is Win-cest???

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Blackrabbit0634 rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: v2c66
Actually a good read.. I was expecting something very dark when reading the title but its not really that dark, or more like its dark-comedy?

The story is unexpectedly kinda interesting (I don't really have much expectations for any harem genres).. Though the MC is kinda wimpy but I kinda don't mind as if I imagine a strong MC in this kind of story a lot of the heroines would be overshadowed by the MC..

... more>>

Imagine, for the first girl the corpse lover if the MC can fight would there be any chase seen, would there be a part where the MC reverse seduce the girl.. what would happen would be 2 lovers su*cide probably ending the novel at the very first arc, I mean the girl was ridiculously strong compared to the MC unless there was a deus ex machina he wouldn't survive the girl's assault..

For the little sisters if the MC had a strong will and wasn't slowly brainwashed is there even a point in mentioning the two in the story? if this was an anime they at most would get 1 minute of screen time..

For stories with people having a somewhat psychological problem its best that the MC is not a 'superman' who can do everything as in my opinion in these kind of story the main character is the best supporting character to bring out the best of the other characters.. And besides the MC here is not that hopeless as he still has some room for character growth with his background......


having 9 reincarnations, well he forgot about it but still it can maybe influence him in the future maybe if there is a reincarnated childhood friend arc


Although I know its tagged as mature I was kinda expecting it to be mature because of the violence & somewhat gore but maybe its because some chapters are already borderline-H.. and though I know this is a CN novel but because maybe the author is a fan of JP anime/manga (there's a lot of JP reference) the story kinda feels more japanese, with the dense MC + harem + ecchi combination..

Overall this is kinda interesting but not for everybody since the ecchiness (?) is borderline-H its almost on the level of Masou Gakuen HxH but below that... for the comedy well its up to once taste as it didn't really made me laugh but not on the level of a cold joke.. what really made me interested is how the story presented the girls with "psychological problems" are presented how their obsessions are showed to their peak and at the end how their problems will be solved or delayed.. and back again if the MC is strong at the start or making the right decisions from the beginning it would be kinda boring as you won't be able to see the abnormalities at their peak.. <<less
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