There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World’s Darkness so I Made One (In Exasperation)


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The protagonist wakes up to a superpower one day, out of the blue! But there’s no organization targeting the protagonist’s superpower! The prettiest girl in his grade doesn’t turn out to be a psychic like the protagonist himself! No door opens to another world and he doesn’t get summoned! There is no secret history in the protagonist’s past! There is no reveal explaining the protagonist’s sudden attainment of his superpower! So normal! Such overwhelming normalcy! He graduates from school and gets a job without anything happening! He lives as a mediocre working adult! Having enough power to fight against all of humanity yet not seeing anything happen finally makes him snap! Fine, be that way! If this is the way it’s gonna be, then I’ll make it! I’ll make the secret supernatural organization myself! Welcome to my manmade extraordinariness!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sekai no Yami to Tatakau Himitsu Kessha ga Nai kara Tsukutta (Hangire)
There Was No Secret Evil-Fighting Organization (srsly?!), So I Made One MYSELF! (LN)
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Recommendation Lists
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53 Reviews

Apr 06, 2019
Status: c6
    • Its funny
    • Its cringe
    • Predictable plot
    • Lots of gag
    • Make you roll on the floor laughing.
    • You know what's he going to do without reading it but it make you read it.
    • Stop thinking about what's going to happen next Or you are going to spoil your self.
    • You don't read it for plots.
    • It make you check for updates everyday.
    • No lolis
Tldr: cons are more than pros.
130 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 28, 2019
Status: c66
Okay, so, I LOVE this series.

I still don't like how the translators post the chapters without categorizing the Arcs (it's very important, I tell you) since every arc has different nuances and goal. For example, the first two chapters are from Arc zero/prologue and are filled with nothing but expositions. It's fine. The world building is heavy, and so is his rants of the shitty world he's trapped in. Chapter 3 to 7 are from First Arc (First Half), they're dedicated to the groundwork for building his secret society. The... more>> next half (8 to 18) is when the sh*t goes turbo. It'll need more time and chapters until we can see where is this going, we need to build the anticipation before we can enjoy the great and flashy climax. Not to mention, the intermissions between the arcs.

THE PROTAGONIST IS THE MAIN ANTAGONIST. Come and change my mind, but to me, that's how it is. I'm sure all of us has already known what they are, but let me recap it for a bit. The protagonist is the center character of the story, while the antagonist is the one who stirs troubles. Most antagonists are an active character who pushes the plot, while most JP's protagonists are a reactive character that is being pushed by the plot. Sago (MC) is a completely active character. He was once a reactive character, but as the world is shitty, there is nothing he can react to. We can see this transition at the end part of the prologue. He is not a villain (he could literally conquer the whole world singlehandedly, but he didn't), but he doesn't fall to the category of heroic either. An anti-hero protagonist? Maybe. Everything he does, every little thing it is, he does it out of self-interest. In OPM, Saitama is bored because he has nobody who can fight against him, and he doesn't do anything about it. Sago, on the other hand, acts. He nurtures people and plays with their life. There are several antagonists in the story itself, characters like cops and thugs alike, but nobody can actually stand to him. He has to do it himself. If anything, the closest thing to the concept of antagonist for Sago is the dull and boring world.

I won't say that this novel is flawless; I can list a number of plotholes that emerged after the third arc (Arc 1 and 2 are perfect, fite me). The magic system is Hard (go find what is Soft and Hard magic system, it helps a lot) in this novel. And most prominently, while the MC is the one who runs everything, we still can't get bored by how the novel progresses. Many surprises and gags are laid out cleverly. There are d'aww moments, exciting moments, and ROFL moments despite the fact that everything goes within prediction. Not to mention, his interaction with Kaburagi (main heroine) is refreshing. Romance subplot mostly doesn't develop, as Sago and Kaburagi are the perfect half of each other from the very first time they met.

The characters are interesting. Sago is the godmaker, he is the plot and the force of the novel. Kaburagi is the supplier, she is the one who intermediates between Sago and other characters. There are also Touka and Shouta, "Main Characters" that Sago and Kaburagi made. Vava-nyan, a lolibaba. And Igu, the main heroine (monkey). That's the set for Arc 1 and 2. For Arc 3, we get a whole new set of characters for Sago to play with, and they keep multiply as the story goes. As of the time this review is written, the RAW is only up to 67 chapters (Six Arcs, including the prologue). <<less
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Aug 21, 2019
Status: c16
While the premise is interesting, the execution is a complete 'tell, don't show'.

The chapters are long and each part is even bigger than an usual chapter size. Cool, right? Except nothing happens...

16 chapters in (which are more like 40 regular chapters) and everything I've read were mostly internal ramblings of the MC and his training/discovery of powers. NOTHING interesting happens... And I don't mean in the action/superhero genre, I mean in ANY genre. No drama, comedy, romance, suspense, not even mundane activities of a slice of life.

This 'story' is about... more>> the MC learning and training his superpowers, then FL learning and training her superpowers, then another female character learning and training her superpowers. All in a boring internal monologue manner where the MC tells and hyphothesizes about things, instead of showing or developing more powers with the story.


Nothing Happens! So far the MC decided to quit his job and build a secret organization. He found the FL and then gave her powers. Female lead bought a building with a bar as a front and then they recruited another young girl as their first member... That's it: everything else are powers discussion/training, even though he doesn't use them for anything important, aside from peeking at girls in the shower.


How the hell does this have so many 5 stars reviews?

Anyways, at least the translation is very well done, so kudos for the translator. Sorry that I rly disliked the novel. <<less
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Twilight Reverie
Twilight Rev
Dec 04, 2019
Status: c10 part2
A story with an interesting premise, but unfortunate execution and boring characters. The protagonist, for example, lacks any real motivation; he gains immense power, confirms he is the only person in the world with such powers, and then does nothing with it until he's completed college and spent a few years in the workforce. This is even more frustrating in that, though he claims to dream of the exceptional and unusual as a middle-schooler he behaves as a downtrodden and law-abiding adult from day one.

This turns the premise into something... more>> incredibly unrealistic and boring. Even a well-behaved teen with such an ability, and no practical limitations on its use, would be looking for ways to use it to his or her advantage. If he had attempted to do so, but his actions just happened to be thwarted for some reason, it could be funny and engaging. Instead the protagonist chooses to do nothing, which is just plain boring. Even this could be forgiven, however, if it were just part of the prologue. In fact, when I was reading it as a prologue, even though it was rather lengthy, I enjoyed the narrative. Yet the protagonist continues this behavior throughout the story. He is overly-cautious in everything he does, even when he can literally do anything without fear of being challenged. It results in a narrative that is simply uninteresting and dull. <<less
34 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 22, 2019
Status: c14
Pretty boring overall. The MC has all the power at his fingertips and does absolutely nothing with it. Every chapter is just him rambling on and on about training his or his subordinates' power. It got to the point where there was an entire chapter dedicated to telling us ways he could earn money with his powers only for him to shelve most of the ideas thus making the chapter pointless. The story is nonexistent and you have to trudge through paragraphs and paragraphs of the MC's monologues only to... more>> realize that none of it even matters. The only thing I can really compliment this on is the translations. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 17, 2018
Status: c2
As of writing this, only one chapter is out and that is the prologue. This first chapter/prologue is suuper long. If it keeps this up it's going to be way meatier than it looks at first glance. It seems good though as of yet there is no dialogue and essentially no character interaction. Some amusing descriptions are used so maybe a comedy tag should be added later, if it keeps up.
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Nitpicking Reader
Nitpicking R
Jun 25, 2019
Status: c7 part1
This novel is fun, it somewhat resemble 'To be a power in the shadows', the difference if this MC got his power by chance and trained it at first for the sake of training it without an aim, using the excuse maybe something big might happen and I need to master this power or there are others with superpowers and being evil and they "might go for him".

The MC is bland, the typical beta Japanese MC, polite, doesn't offend anyone, not using his powers for benefits (money or women...), respecting... more>> the law, doesn't mind being poor, doesn't mind doing part-time jobs, doesn't mention everyday crimes, doesn't mind if his country's is not the best one or helping the government improve the life of others, doesn't care about world poverty or corruption, completly minding his own business in other words BORING. And then he wants to play, yep he's a middle-schooler trapped in the body of an adult with childish mind.

I can understand why, the author target middle-schoolers as readers so it's ok. This is for early teens or children so they grow up as good adults who abide by the law. <<less
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Jul 04, 2020
Status: v2 epilogue
I have to say, this story completely caught me off guard, and in a good way. For those only skimming reviews, let me give you this: the other reviews are not wrong when they mention that it does a lot more telling than showing, but I believe they are missing the point. This is not a misunderstanding comedy, or a gag series, or even an action series. This story, at its core, is a meta-work; a narrative about the characters within enacting their own narrative and playing it out. In... more>> the process, it comments a lot on typical anime and manga tropes, but doesn't parody them. If anything, this feels like an affectionate, tongue-in-cheek teasing of the genres the author loves for their plots and character archetypes, and I love it to bits for it.

Now, on to the meaty review:

  • Premise:
The MC, Kinemitsu Sango, was your average Japanese kid, who one day discovered that he could use telekinesis. His power starts out really weak, barely able to move bread crumbs, but repeated use of it leads to it developing on a geometric scale, and by the time he enters university he can move mountains, and by the true beginning of the story, he could potentially crack the planet in half. Not only that, by developing his required secondary superpowers, he manages to simulate clairvoyance and manipulate things on both the micro and the macro scale. However, he had been waiting for something extraordinary to happen to him, in order to justify having these powers, until the point he became and adult, burned out wage-s*ave. When that doesn't happen, he has an epiphany and decides to build a secret organization and create a whole charade of good versus evil shounen battles for selected kids, both for fun and to live out his own fantasies through them.


Modern day Japan, with the MC being the only supernatural element. This later changes when he figures out how to transplant superpowers onto others, and he even creates disposable, remote controlled monsters for them to fight, but otherwise the world is perfectly normal.


The main characters are defined by one or two main character traits, but they still have enough nuance to be interesting. The MC is someone representing the average person whose childlike wonder got beaten out of him by the mundanity of our world, even though he had the power to change things in his hands. This realization becomes his main motivation thorough the series, where he wants to live out his old fantasies while simultaneously providing exciting (and reasonably safe) adventures to kids in whom he sees his own reflection.

His main accomplice in this task is Shiori Kaburagi, a wealthy, gorgeous, super-talented, yet deeply chuuni young woman, who both serves as the team's common sense and financier.

Aside of these two, the story has a surprisingly small number of characters, and while it spends very little time developing them, they are all interesting enough, especially considering they are not the focus of the story.


The main plot takes some time to gather momentum, as the first two chapters are both long and almost entirely dedicated to the MC experimenting with and developing his powers, but once it picks up the pace, it's a well-paced and fun read.

In short, the plot revolves around the two adults setting up and maintaining an act in-story, creating a fake secret organization, creating disposable monsters for the members to fight, and plotting out and enacting various shounen anime plots for the recruits, ostensibly for giving them life lessons and an exciting life, but mostly for their own entertainment, and living out their own dreams vicariously through them.

It's because of this that I consider this a meta-narrative; it is a story about a story, which is woven by the characters withing the story, and it hangs a lot of lamp-shades on common plots. In some ways, it feels like reading a story about a theater group setting up performances and having to deal with unexpected variables on the field while ensuing that the audience (in this case, the unwitting kids) are still having a great, memorable time.


There are always some flaws, aren't there? First and foremost, as other reviews have already pointed out, the novel does an excessive amount of descriptive narration. Aside of a few crucial events, most of the time the readers only get straightforward descriptions about what happens with the characters and the world. I personally think it is a conscious choice on the part of the author, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't excessive.

Another thing to keep in mind is that this is a series of narrative extremes; most of the time, the plot is incredibly predictable due to the fact it is riffing on (and thus actively using) common shounen battle story tropes, but occasionally it ends up throwing the baby out with the bathwater with its bait and switch routines, often consciously deceiving the readers in order to pull them off (such as the recruitment of the team's mascot, or the big "twist" of the second volume).


I'm not going to lie, I really loved this series, but considering I am a fan of meta-narratives (you can have three guesses why I'm writing one) that might be personal bias. Nonetheless, even from a more objective perspective, I would still recommend this story. Here's the catch though: don't expect knee-slapping comedy or tense action from this story. While there are some funny character quirks, and the combat scenes are competently written, at the end of the day, the novel centers around using and abusing common tropes. It's both it's greatest draw and biggest weakness. As such, while I would personally recommend it to everyone, I know this is not everyone's bread and butter, so let's settle on this: try to read at least until Ch5, preferably until the end of the first volume. If the story doesn't grab you, no hard feelings. However, if you have affinity for these kinds of meta-narrative, you owe yourself to at least give it a try. <<less
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PedoBear Version 2.0
PedoBear Ver
Mar 15, 2019
Status: c5 part2
I would like to recommended you to read this if you haven't yet because it's simply too fun to read because of these 2 points.

  1. Comedy : Despite most of the joke meant for japanese people, you would still find it hard to hold back laughing
  2. Logical : This point really makes the story unique and different from others. The superpowers where explained how it works and it also describe how it follows a certain rules to work, limitations, etc... the MC was certainly op but he can't do everything, sure he can pull and push things, see, taste, touch something far, shaped his psyochokinesis to different form, change its property to make it reflect light, but that's it. He was still bound by what he can do as a psychokinesis user. The MC never did something that was logically impossible for a psychokinesis user. The novel can be called realistic despite being fictional and that's the charm of it.
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Rezkin kdt
Rezkin kdt
Nov 21, 2018
Status: c2
Quite lengthy and surprisingly good. Very slow translation spead so you should wait until someone comes along and is constantly translating before you start.

He finds out he has a super power and starts training like hell, but after awhile he starts looking for other people with hos power or simular powers but finds no one.

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Not Red Yet
Not Red Yet
Oct 19, 2019
Status: v1
Tried it since I figured it was like "To be a Power in the shadows" but better, I sure was wrong.

50 pages is just an internal monologue of him talking about his power and the training he did.

Does nothing with his power other than trying to start a shadow organisation to just fill his childish side.

Feels like a copy of To be a Power in the Shadows with some things done differently, and that's not saying much since it was also bad. Maybe it's because I'm too old to like... more>> these novels. <<less
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Jul 23, 2019
Status: v4c13
I just want to say I absolutely ADORE this novel. ... more>>

Except for the fake-amnesia, death and revival arc in volume 3, but even that was pretty good.


World building and story are great, its a really refreshing kind of different that pushes, typical shonen tropes from the perspective of a third-party that's orchestrating all of this to give some youths the 'school-battle-ESP-fantasy' that they themselves could never have.

I'd totally recommend this novel to anyone who wants something different from the norm of most JP novels.

I only have a couple gripes, the first being how the 'World's Darkness' seems to be slightly overhyped as a threat in the world to suspend disbelief since it doesn't actually hurt anyone (since its all fake), which puts a little damper on things in later volumes for me.

My only other gripe being... that I wasn't the person who got to grab this project to translate first LOL

Rosie does a great job though, and I'm sure you'll enjoy this series if you're looking for something better than the typical 14-year-old's s*upid power harem fantasy. <<less
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Little Big House
Little Big H
Jun 28, 2019
Status: --
The chapters may be long but they're really worth it. Once you fet into it you'll love this story.

At first it may seem like it was a common slice of life novel, but that's not the case.

The author builds his story and throw you a small plot twist as a joke. It's really fun to read.

Hopefully, you'll try it and continue to read it.

Good read
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 26, 2019
Status: c8 part1
It is so funny.

The premise is good, word building and ability explanation is realistic despite it's fantasy tag. I regret not read this novel earlier because I thought it was another generic boring OP novel.

8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 23, 2018
Status: --
It's a surpringly good one. Of course, it isn't ground breaking, and far from perfect, but the proplgue was quite long and interesting enought to leave me craving for more. I have high hopes that someone gets this one under their wing to translate.
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May 18, 2021
Status: c7 part1
This story is really unique, I want to say it's good but it's also an utter disappointment. I have read only any a few chapters and I'm vomiting blood...

If you ignore the somewhat boring and cliche MC, the story premise and idea can really hooked readers up with hopes and dreams. It's a fresh idea compared to your generic Isekai. The author hypes the story up with the hook of unlimited possibilities of surrealism. Then s*upidly, the author just breaks the immersion with idiotic choices.

I won't spoil the story if... more>> you want to read, so I'll give you an idea of what I meant by 'break the immersion' with a similar example.

lets say a story about a king who is going to conquer the world. The story hype things up with, preparation, well thought out logistics, quirky commanders and a huge army consisting of 40% of the population. The king is betting and focusing everything in his power for war. When things are about to come to fruition and tensions are high, the king declared to his loyal subordinates.

"I don't want to kill."

Dude, is this suppose to be a joke? This is how you kill all the suspension and attention you have built up. Just one bad and out of place line, that all you need to break the immersion of an ambitious king that always seemed to have an unyielding desire to conquer.

Why. Just why? Anything could have better than to blatantly throw this crappy line at the readers. All you have to do is make it seem like the king is having self doubt or having conflicting thoughts due to his ambitions and love for his citizens. It would have been something that could have added depth, but now you have destroyed hours of immersion with a single line that is so out of place that it makes you wonder how it even ended up there. It's not like cutting it out is going to affect the story anyway.

I know I'm ranting and this review isn't written formally, but good Lord, reading this story makes me question what was the point on spending the past few hours on reading was? I hate it, because it's good. It's utter disappointment because it could have been good, it would have been good if it were not for a few lines that's completely break the immersion in 7 chapters.

I don't know what's with JP novels that keep including light hearted jokes that seems to have comedic purpose yet still have detrimental effects to the MC's image and reputation.

Why bother creating an image of an MC that seems extremely careful and self aware, then completely chuck everything out the window when meeting another character? Is the fact that the careful and self aware MC all a lie all along? Or is it just an excuse to prove the validity of MC not encountering problems, only for the MC to spout out everything in the pretence of trust and moral agenda?

In JP novels, I have seen masterpieces, I have seen oversaturated stories that keep on repeating it self, I have seen casual but fun stories, I have seen incomprehensible stories and I have also seen horrible stories, but it's been awhile since I've found a disappointing story for quite sometime now. <<less
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Nov 07, 2019
Status: v7c6
The MC is basically the father of all psychic powers around the world.

Someone that will mold the future into what it is...

Thats right.. hes the first and he will expand it to all the people around the world. While creating events that he wished for in his dreams to happen.

... more>> Its a pretty interesting concept and the story is pretty fun in its chuuni ways but...

Remember the term "show dont tell" that people always spam in every single media they reviewed.?

Well.. if youre a strict follower of it I sudgest you skip this novel.

Because how the novel is told is like how the MC would recall everything that happens and tell you what the story is.

There is some direct events that happen in real time aswell that the novel shows.. but honestly its not a big part of it.

If you can accept that then you can enjoy the series as a shounen slice of life supernatural novel as it is.. <<less
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Apr 09, 2020
Status: c18
I wonder why this novel received so much praise. I mean, it's not offensively bad but it's nothing if not boring. I thought it would be filled with hilarious gags and s*upidity that would make you laugh, but I've at most smiled a few times since the start. Not good at all in that way. Rather, the way it's written makes it somewhat tedious to read. It's pretty much all an inner monologue, a story told instead of shown. We did this, we did that, let's explain all the details... more>> but leave out any and all actions and proper interaction. The interactions are truly minimal, it's nothing but the MCs thoughts 99% of the time. It's truly a boring way to write it in.

Honestly, it's readable. But just barely. I ended up dropping it though, it just brought me no joy to keep on reading even after giving it plenty of chances. It did get slightly better after 10+ chapters but it was still painfully awkward to read. I can see lots of attempts at gags but nothing really strikes me as particularly funny, I just understand that it's supposed to be funny even though it's really not.

As we're always in inner monologue mode, it feels like it isn't a story being told, it's just one guy's thoughts about everything around him. It feels out of touch and just weird, kinda mechanic, you get what I mean? The pacing is just weird, jumping all over the place. It's not an adventure or proper gradual development, it's as if we're just told some overarching details, this happened and that happened, but we're not shown any of it, the cold inner monologue just tells us all of these facts. I feel like this is the pure opposite of immersion, instead I'm left with a feeling of detachment and absolute zero care for any of the characters, it even starts going into the minus area where I get fed up with them for being so dull. How am I supposed to care about the jokes and characters when the author can't even get me to care about the characters or events happening? How is it supposed to be amusing when everything is just an inner monologue? Sorry, but this just wasn't for me at all. I just find it ridiculous how it could get so much praise and such a high score.

I can't recommend this novel at all. It's the story of a boring man with a dull personality and an exceedingly s*upid setting. It's supposed to be ridiculous for comedy but it just ends up as being s*upid with no real comedy. For me, it's at most a 3.5/5 quality novel if we judge by novelupdates inflated scores, being readable but just not interesting or funny, but it somehow scores a ridiculously inflated score of 4.4/5 at the time of this review, which means it should be really good if we go by the score. Be it the score or reviews, most of them are misleading for this particular novel. Maybe some people can't stop laughing at this, but I truly fail to see what's funny about it. Not even one laugh out loud moment in so many chapters means the novel has no comedic value in my opinion, but going by the reviews, it's the most hilarious thing ever.

Just my fair warning, if you go into this, remember that it's all going to be the slow inner monologue of an average, boring guy with sad excuses for jokes and that it refuses to follow the rule of "show, don't tell". We're just told about everything that happens, it actually isn't a "real" story, it reads more like a dull diary. Even "real-time" interactions winds up being way more like chunks of exposition and explaining several paragraphs of the protagonists thoughts on various things, sometimes almost unrelated to the conversation at hand or way sidetracked, then a few more paragraphs beforoe another exchange of 2 sentences and then more paragraphs, rinse and repeat. It's even hard to follow what is happening at times since the author just tells instead of showing us, things just happen and we're informed that it happened or is happening in one or two lines of text. It's impossible to get immersed and the lack of immersion means lack of care for everything that happens. I feel that this is a huge flaw and that the novel is actually quite bad. Since novelupdates is all about inflation and exaggerated scores, I can't give it anything but a 1/5. A 3/5 novel would be readable enough to not make me feel like dropping it, a 2/5 would be dropped after I read more chapters, 1/5 is what I have to give a novel that I felt like giving up on after a few chapters and only managed to read 18 chapters of before tiring completely. The only positive part about it is that while boring, it wasn't offensively bad in any way. I usually end up pissed off by truly bad novels and then drop them out of sheer irritation, but here I just got bored to the point of not wanting to waste more time, but I don't feel any hate for the novel or its author because it was so damn bad, it was simply boring, nothing else. Perhaps you can give it a shot if the bad parts I've mentioned doesn't sound like bad parts to you. Perhaps you love inner monologue and this style of writing or you find the jokes as appealing to your sense of humor. 5 chapters should be enough to understand if you'll like it, things won't change drastically, things will keep on going with the same tone. <<less
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Jun 16, 2019
Status: c14.1
So far very good

The plot twist is really underrated

Although it would be like you know what happens next but what makes it interesting is it is still very interesting even if you know what happens next

Very funny and exciting for me who is half chuu-ni ??
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 16, 2019
Status: c11
First time write a review, coz really love it. At first the story Will be like Eminence of the shadow but this is totaly diferent this is real life intrique with slice of fantasy

A perfect combination
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