The Young Lady Who Broke Her Engagement Is Only Obsessed With The Ending


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[You didn’t make it all the way to the ending]

Possessing a dating simulation game,

Serdel, whose fiancee had an affair, felt the bitter of ending failure.

Reset to the original starting point,

She swears she’ll never live the way she used to.

First of all, let’s start everything with dealing with this man!

“Young lady, let’s break up. I will deliver the letter of cancellation of engagement to your family as soon as possible.”

“Why do you only say what you want to say and leave out the most important thing? You have to return what you received in advance as compensation.”

Don’t be sloppy!

Let go of a stock that has gone bankrupt without any regrets

At some point in her life, the male character becomes obsessed with her!

“The Lady saved me and my sibling. Please keep me by your side.”

In addition, the man who died in the original book,

But who was saved by her to live a new life, only look at her.

Indeed, Serdel succeeded in completing the ending safely.

Can I get out of the game?

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Just Want My Happy Ending!
파혼한 영애는 엔딩외엔 집착하지 않는다
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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

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6 Reviews sorted by

chromaQ rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: c90
Editing this review - I'm now at chapter 90 and still enjoying reading this. The story's pace can get slow at times and the translation can be confusing, but it's still an interesting story. There are a lot of interesting characters who undergo a lot of development in the story, and they have different motivations and desires. I'm still really enjoying the progress of Serdel's family life, the relationships with her siblings, father, and her subordinates.

Original review created at chapter 9:

I'm giving this a 5-star rating for now, as... more>> of chapter 9 - I normally don't leave reviews so early in a story, but as this novel doesn't have any reviews yet, so I wanted to leave a positive review. So far, it's kind of heartbreaking. Our main character, Serdel, has been abandoned by her fiancé and deeply neglected by her family.

But there are two things that set this story apart from other similar stories: first is that she actually speaks up - calling her family out on their neglect, and her former beau on his selfishness. It takes so much more strength to tell someone that they've hurt you, than to just turn your back to them or hurt them in the same way they hurt you.

Second, her family isn't beyond redemption. After being called out by Serdel multiple times, they are starting to reflect on the damage they did to Serdel with their neglect and coldness:


I definitely teared up with her brother's devastated reaction to Serdel's collapse. I haven't seen much out of her father yet, but her two siblings are definitely reflecting, and I love that. Serdel's oldest sibling, her sister is also deeply pained by the pain of her sister Serdel.

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Stephyy rated it
January 16, 2022
Status: c60
I am so grateful for the translators for not dropping this! I've liked this novel ever since and has always been waiting for translations of this. Although the quality of translations could be better, but it's fine with me. It's understandable and better than some translators. So thank you again! Also I'm torn between Damon and Falden. I like them both, and I've especially liked Damon from the start. However, I like the chemistry and the playful energy of Falden too so I'm rooting for him as well.. I hope... more>> to see more character development and background with damon, because I think he can still become more interesting.. Tho I wonder if the guy in white in the cover is damon or blenn? Because I know that damon has a gray/whitish (?) Hair and dark eyes, and Blenn has silver hair and red eyes I think. Anyways, I hope this would be adapted into a manhwa! <<less
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Gengarde rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: c8
An interesting novel idea, somewhat blunted by the breaking up of the chapters leading to a little bit of a drag. The translation is a little hard to interpret at times, possibly due to the original text being vague or repeating? Although it might just be a fondness of the translator to use this kind of language.
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Tarotta rated it
May 16, 2022
Status: c95
One of my favorite novels. But the translation can be confusing, especially when the pronouns are mixed, which happens ALL THE TIME. It's important to remember characters by names, because they are often mentioned without much context and with wrong pronouns.

I'm not very familiar with harem novels so no idea what to expect here, after 95 chapters I'm still waiting for the romance. The author seems too busy with introducing new guys and packing MC with new powers and knowledge. Still, I really enjoy reading this novel. Can't wait to... more>> see how the arrival of the original FL will stir things up. <<less
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misto713 rated it
December 17, 2021
Status: c51
dropped at ch52.

it was kind of fun at the beginning, but now it's only confusing. The characters aren't memorable enough so I have to fight myself to remember what happened between updates. One conversation is spread into 3 chapters and I can't even tell who is saying what. Plus there's a llt of sneering, smirking, hand waving etc but almost no actual emotion.

the romance is nonexistent, I don't even know who is the ML, ghe characters are boring and sometimes creepy, otherwise cliche.

it's not completely bad, it did have its... more>> moments at the beginning, but overal, the story is now just meh. <<less
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Blithe rated it
May 23, 2022
Status: c97
Ok, you've no idea how many times I pressed the next button even though I knew the next chapter wasn't up yet. This novel is very gripping.

I love the MC. I really like her calm but firm character. She is hella charismatic ... more>>

that people even ignored the 2nd prince's presence when she is present


Even though I can guess who killed her mother and kind of guess who is the ML, the story is so enticing that I'm brimming with excitement to know what's gonna happen next.

Is it just me or is this novel giving Villains are destined to die manhwa vibes? <<less
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