The World After the Fall


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One day, a tower appeared in the skies of all the major cities…
Humans were suddenly summoned to become “Walkers”, and they needed to clear the tower to save the world.

Floor 77:

The “Stone of Regression” was discovered. Walkers could now “return” to the past. Slowly… everyone left.

Humanity’s last hope, “Carpe Diem”, was formed, joined by people who refused to abandon the world.

The last Walker reached floor 100. He no longer knew what to believe.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The World after the End
العالم بعد النهاية
멸망 이후의 세계
Related Series
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (Shared Universe)
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The Second Coming of Gluttony (5)
Everyone Else is a Returnee (4)
Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society (4)
Possessing Nothing (3)
Solo Leveling (3)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. Apocalyptic/Survival Setting TBR
  3. Reading List
  4. Good(No Harem)
  5. KR Male Protagonist No Harem

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85 Reviews sorted by

Zeen67 rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: c247
this novel is really unique. A story of the MC thet did not want to rerurn to the past while every one alredy did but he is not. This novel represent the deep fact a out many thing espiscally about philosophy... more>>

a lot of philosophy can see in The depth ace which is really deep and hard to understand such as cloths and naked thing.


the most interesting thing about this novel is the ending ace.

it is an opening ending which let reader imaging freely what happen after the ending. It quite annoying though. The best thing about this is when we finish reading we will feel that the thing that we read were real and accully happen somewhere in the univeres.

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zaggernut rated it
May 31, 2020
Status: Completed
The novel reminded me of Seoul Station's Necromancer, only paced better and more polished in general. It definitely has a tone not found in too many other novels.
The ending act was quite emotional indeed. I basically just loved the tone of the ending, though my reading it after 1 am may have been a factor.

The story could have had a couple extra chapters for the side characters living after the shattering of the tree of imagery, and perhaps there was a bit too much focus on the nightmare girl instead of more interesting characters like the old medical god, MC's only follower, and the guy who calls MC master (sorry I'm terrible with names).

Overall, it was a great story, good enough to make me want to read the author's other work, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint.
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DarthSkrill rated it
May 24, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a short novel (read it in a day) that makes you think and feel empty inside. In other words, it's quite good. I didn't notice any plot holes and liked both the destroyed cliches and the fascinating power system. The setting was extensive and unique, and though it's not among my favorites, it fits the novel well. The author used a lot of imagery and the translation was good, though terminology changed with the translator (I believe it was only once and early on). One of my gripes... more>> was the main character's quick power ups. It made for a succinct work with no drags or unnecessary time skips, but as a fan of cultivation novels built around the acquisition of power in itself, this one didn't satisfy that craving. That is not to say the cultivation isn't interesting, however (clothes!). In short, you might enjoy this novel if you're looking for something short but cryptic and deep.

In general, I concur with bhankit's refutation of keklel's review, but a few things were mentioned that I don't agree with.

"Later in the story, we come across many awakeners, many of whom are more awesome than the MC." This is true to a degree, but as a protagonist, the main character is basically the strongest in the universe by the end (though that doesn't mean everything goes his way).

"I am no one to criticize a tragedy for being tragic." The novel can be considered sad, but I don't believe it is a tragedy in any sense. It's a happy sort of sad, where the hero comes back victorious but changed.

"The only problem with the story is its confusing and unsatisfactory ending." The ending is indeed vague and confusing, but it is intentionally so. This is not a result of bad writing.

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bhankit rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a novel that is very different from how general stories about towers/dungeons and so on go. This novel is completely unlike any other novel out there! Just for the fact that it is unique, it deserves a read.

My overall rating for this novel is 4.5/5. While it is not the best story that I have read, it is one of the unique and deep ones. I read this a while back so I don't remember specific points but I do remember it not being as bad as keklel... more>> said. (Also, seeing that he/she dropped the novel at chapter 28, this is impatient-reviewing as any story needs some chapters to build groundwork.) Most of the points raised by him/her are explained later in the story. For eg.


I do remember the blacksmith scene. The entire scene was meant to highlight how the MC is different from the other people around him. While everyone accepts the system as it is the most natural thing to do, the MC stands independent and alone. Due to this, his power rating and abilities are completely different from others. It is later revealed that MC is what is called an awakener while others are known as adapters. Later in the story, we come across many awakeners, many of whom are more awesome than the MC. There are also adapters who are much stronger. Adaptation has 15 stages while awakening only has 6. Also, a 5th stage awakener is pretty much unrivaled and stronger than a stage 15 adapter. Why?


Guess what, the system is basically the awakened world of a transcendent awakener (stage 6) ! It goes without saying that relying on someone else's power will not make you stronger than others who are standing on their own.


There are many places where it goes deep and hits the feels. The flavor of the story is very similar to Renegade Immortal, which is one of my favorite books. Both MCs have a streak of defiance against the system. Another novel that has a similar MC is Sovereign of Judgement.

The only problem with the story is its confusing and unsatisfactory ending. It doesn't leave you with good feels. But that is the author's choice and I am no one to criticize a tragedy for being tragic. Overall, the novel will leave you with impact and is not useless tr*sh like keklel has suggested. <<less
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Potato Tomo
Potato Tomo rated it
January 19, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a novel that makes you think about reality more than taking you to another one.

Story telling's kinda monotone. Power levels are a mess. Far from perfect and rough on the edges. But, you will see the complete idea, of the story, that the author wants to portray. And he gives it in small bits so you can realize it as the novel progresses.

What I like about good KNs is you can easily see the similarities from others but having enough differences to be unique. So I saw enough... more>> to say it is good and an interesting read. A simple, but complete one.

My summary if not for that ending.

A bunch of grumpy old men losing to a stubborn kid. Still good though.

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LordKade rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: c247
TLDR: 4 stars. Lost a star because characters are 2D.

I agree with some other reviewers that this story is a power trip for the MC to show off his OP-ness, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. It does hit that sweet spot when you're looking for that cold, but OP MC type of story. You still feel the thrill of him winning his battles and amazing the other characters in the beginning. However, near the end, it starts to get a little dry.

Side characters are meh. They were fun... more>> while they were in the picture, but they are more or less 2D with a sad backstory. I wish we could see more interactions with them or just how they develop because there could've been some interesting clashes of interest or character development (though I guess you could claim their development happens in the backgrounds of the MC's story).

Overall, I would recommend this to someone looking for a power trip, but I wouldn't tell them to finish it. Personally, I thought the ending was depressing, but that was the vibe coming since the beginning. Overall, the best parts are in the middle, though some characters are forgotten when they aren't needed. <<less
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Sosseres rated it
August 20, 2019
Status: c37
This novel does nothing interesting to keep your attention. The world exposition is boring, the power scale of people is clear (except our MC, he is stronger). The driving plot is uninteresting and the surrounding cast is non-existent or unimportant.

At this point our MC has been in ~5 battles after the tutorial and has not once used his strongest attack, which says a bit about how interesting those fights are. They also feel largely irrelevant to the overall plot apart from that.

Finally the translation could use some editing to make... more>> it into proper English (webnovel version). Don't really see why I should keep reading it. <<less
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Darkzeta rated it
May 3, 2019
Status: c113

You may not like Webnovel the webiste. But... you will very much like this short story by the same write of Omniscient Readers Viewpoint.

It has a weird twist to the 'tower' trope. An interesting twist to the 'stats' trope. All good stuff.

Full of action and drama. *VERY* few comedic moments.

Overall I liked it.

Give it a read if you want to see a slightly different take on the 'tower and litrpg trope'.

fun stuff!!
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booitsjwu rated it
December 2, 2017
Status: prologue
A fairly typical loner, OP gamer type novel. If you like that genre, you'll probably enjoy this as long as you can put up with the extremely annoying woman whose sole purpose is just to exclaim at how amazing the MC is and annoy readers. I'd have given this series 5-stars if it didn't have that woman.
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Think Positive
Think Positive rated it
December 15, 2022
Status: c60
Great world-building, unique and interesting.

I see a couple two's, they have no idea what they're talking about or are straight up lying.

There's been 0 fawning

He speaks little, well he spent 20 years alone fighting do you think he's a social butterfly

smh at these 2 stars, get a brain
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Shiix_ rated it
September 27, 2022
Status: c61
Feels like a generic power fantasy, but the characters feel real. If anything, its written to be focused on the journey and the main character's understanding of the world rather than how overpowered he is, because his emotions make him not completely impenetrable unlike other protags in the same genre. The fact that the truth he sees is not absolute, and the fact that it was always just a worldview, makes the piece extremely pholisophical and interesting.

Just like ORV which I had finished earlier in the year, its worth more... more>> than one read. There are parts of this novel that you just won't understand unless you really try to, its probably impossible to ever completely understand the novel as just a reader, which is why you can keep exploring its universe, much past the original ending of the novel. <<less
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Historiaaa rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: --
just finished reading to chap 247. I'm still a litlle bit confused. Is it ended ? In one way you could see the end of all of the character but for me it felt like anticlimax. For those who has an interest to read this novel, I recomended it in one condition, read it till the end. It's a good novel, there's some cliche just like any other novel ofc, but there's also a lot of suprise.

... more>>

like the last fight. That's just fked up. I laughed hard on that one.


it's not that long anyway. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
February 25, 2022
Status: --
The author has vastly improved from this story as ORV is quite well written. This story can be said to be an early blueprint for ORV.

I liked the early volumes and how the premise of going back in time was turned on it's head but the author lost track of what actually they were trying to express in the later volumes

I've read the manhwa as well and can say that this is the first experiment of the author into writing.

This novel ranges from 3.4 at it's best to 2.1 St... more>> it's worse.

(Honestly I rather recommend author's other work ORV. It's much more polished) <<less
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sudipto rated it
February 20, 2022
Status: c247
It has been a long time since I read something as unique as this story. Although the writing felt hazy and the ending insufficient, the overall plot is very good. I was surprised at the plot building capacity and philosophy of the author many times.
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Laventira rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the novel who gave the biggest impact in my mind.

It made me questions a lot. One of them is human's mortality. I realized how precious my life is, because we only live once in this world line (does that sounds cheesy).

Second, the unfathomable of a human mind. In the end, human's capability of lucid dreaming, reality shifting, daydreaming, or even the regular imagination might have their own reason. The authors perfectly wrote about this matter. It made me start to believe that the world I created in my... more>> mind is not useless after all. Maybe they exist somewhere. I might sounds crazy but that's actually how this story changed me.

Lastly, the power of time. As I read the last sentence of this story, I cried. I cried silently for a long time as if I had lost something precious and left with indescribable emptiness. It was as if I've been here for years, decades, centuries, even millions of years have passed. I feel old, fatigued and alone. I couldn't put my exact feelings into words but if anyone's reading this review, let me tell you something. YOU WILL NOT REGRET READING THIS. ITS A MASTERPIECE SENT FROM HEAVEN ANOTHER WORLD. READ IT, YOU WILL SEE.

[edit] I'm really, very upset of keklel's review. They only read up to chapter 28... They don't know, there's much more to see in this novel. keklel missed the main point of the story, it's not only about the women nor the villains. Read deeply into the story, the words, the message the authors trying to preach. Don't compare this story to other (popular) stories. This story is unique in its own way. It's different. Jaehwan might be bland, dull, emotionless and colder than your average MC but that's what makes him special. Not every MC needs to be compassionate and full of justice and love. Jaehwan is an MC in his own style.

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Keshra rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: --
I truly didn't expect to find a hidden gem when I first found this novel. The concept of the story is completely new for me, I expected some kind of Solo Leveling, Everyone Else is a Returnee vibe novel but this goes way beyond any of that. The MC's perspective, his questions, his way of doing things is just so different or you can call it fresh. The MC is a hero in a true sense. I read a review earlier which conveys my feeling splendidly, I too liked anti-hero... more>> MC or rebellious kinds but after reading this story I have nothing but praise for the hero MC and I once again have regained some soft spots for hero MCs. The story would make you question yourself, If you're truly a human? AND What is it meant to be one? I would recommend this story to anyone who wanted to read something new and fresh, different from usual cliche Xianxia and OP MC novels. <<less
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Shota1234567 rated it
December 4, 2020
Status: v247
I really enjoyed it. The journey that the MC is generic. However, the way the author is able to demonstrate and show the emotions of the MC in his journey. Also HMU if you understand the ending thx.
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ZeyFletcher rated it
November 29, 2020
Status: c101
First of all, I have to admit that I gave up on this too early and I do hope I get that chance to be interested in this again and be able to finish it. But for now, I have to be completely honest. I've read ORV first and that novel was beautiful. The author for this one is the same but I know this was the older one and ORV was the latest one but I still hoped I would feel what I felt when reading ORV. It was... more>> too much to do that because I got too connected to that story, and maybe that's the reason why I don't feel like continuing this because it didn't have the same effect on me. BUT! If you are looking for a sign to read this, then absolutely give this a try. It's nice and unique for me, I think that there are no unnecessary feelings and characters involved, it is at least worth the try! <<less
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Bakanaruto rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: Completed
Well, I really like this novel, it is very unique in its own way. The best thing about this novel that I like is its MC, he is very awesome in way that how he always look forward never looking back no matter how much difficult thing became. It really gave me great inspiration about my life when I was doing poor due some personal problem.

Now, if we talk about other aspect of novel then story is pretty good. It has good pacing and writing style is good as well.... more>> Side character don't have much development or screen time bcoz story is pretty much focus on MC. Our MC is OP so if you don't like that type of novel then sorry for you. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Okay, so this is a pretty interesting novel. It has a lot of flaws and the ending is weird, but it kept me interested for the entire story.

I feel like the story is focused on the plot, so the characters get quick powerups and development. I don't think we got a good description of the MC's appearance even, haha. The quick powerups were okay for me because the novel isn't that long. The pacing is quite fast because the novel is a bit short.

Yet, I still really liked the characters.... more>> They felt distinct and were memorable. I liked how characters from early on still mattered in the end.

The novel feels like it's supposed to be edgy, but then you get silly humor (feels like memes, man) to lighten it up. I enjoyed those brief moments of comedy.


Naked jokes/powerups lmao. Not le*d though. More silly.


Okay, so this novel... is quite meta. It's also a bit philosophical and can get confusing if you don't want to think when you read. You can still read it without trying to understand it, but I feel like it won't be as fun. I'm not saying I understand it (the ending was weird), but I enjoyed the process of reading. The powerups/explanation of the world were the philosophical bits. I enjoyed that the author was giving the MC a reason to get stronger and a solid goal through the philosophical parts.

Again, the ending was weird/meta/sudden, but I don't mind because I liked reading the novel. Although it might be confusing and weird for some readers, I like how innovative the author was. Tropes existed, but they were also sometimes subverted in fun ways.

I'd say the novel has a similar feel to the author's next novel (perhaps even more philosophical though), so if you enjoy one, you'd probably like the other. <<less
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