The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine


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You Yuji married into the Chen family by imperial decree, only to find her groom openly cavorting with a courtesan on their wedding day—an outrageously absurd situation.

Everyone thought You Yuji would cry herself to sleep every night and live the life of a resentful wife. However, she surprised them all by enjoying her days leisurely, brewing tea, listening to music, and sipping wine in the snow. She even took pity on Chen Anzhi’s newly acquired concubine and looked after her.

Gradually, this concubine clung to her, affectionately calling her “sister” and becoming increasingly close.

They not only ate together but also slept and bathed together.

However, once their clothes came off, You Yuji discovered an incredible secret.

Initially, she had only intended to be kind to the poor concubine, but who would have thought that kindness would lead her to run away pregnant with the concubine!

Chen Anzhi loved two women in his life.

One was a sickly princess from another country, his unattainable white moonlight, whom he finally managed to bring into his household as a concubine.

The other was his initially loathed wife, whom he later realized he had deeply fallen in love with.

Fortunately, both women were by his side, and he was content.

… But who could explain why his white moonlight was actually a man, and why this man had such a deep bond with his wife, now having two children together?! He hadn’t even had a chance to touch his wife!

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