The Well-Balanced Yamamoto-san Gets Caught up in a Death Game


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Yamamoto-san won the lottery for the initial shipment of 100,000 copies of the VRMMORPG “Life is Adventure.”

The game seems to be incredible, allowing players to experience a different world.

So, she prepared to play the game. When Yamamoto-san started playing the game, she found that her unique skill was too strong like a cheat-level skill…

Just when she was thinking about complaining to the management, a death game began for some reason.

“Is the management sane…?”

Please take a look at Yamamoto-san’s hearty life as she lives carefreely even in a death game with her cheat-level skills.

*note: it seems that ‘The Well-Balanced Yamamoto-san’ statement originated from Baki the Grappler which is ‘あのバランスのいい山本選手がッッ……’, statement that become a nickname for the character Yamamoto in the series. I don’t read the manga so I don’t know how it’s translated, but it’s probably also a weird expression even in Japanese that it became a nickname for the character. I don’t read the manga so I don’t understand the context but from googling, it seems either it’s literally he has good balance, has good physical or technique all around, or able to handle anything.

Associated Names
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Desugemu ni Makikomareta Yamamoto-san, Kimama ni Gemubaransu o Hokai Saseru
Yamamoto-san is Breaking Balance of Death Game
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Vthree rated it
July 21, 2024
Status: c140
Reading this story feel like reading SAO with OP quirky main character like Kumoko from Kumo desu ga nani ka?

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the difference from SAO

  • In this game to clear the game and they need to kill 4 developer game just like SAO the developer playing character in this game to but they aim to became last boss and hidden Boss so player need to find the 4 developer character identity in the game and kill them
  • I just read to 140 chapter and so far there no Romance
  • I think because the main character spending time redesigning the character's car and accessories she got the attention of the Main AI in the game, the developer call it Mother but the MC got 'Balance' (Mother) as her gold fingers

I just read until MC become God and spilt her body and fell boring and maybe I continue reading this later <<less
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