The Warden of The Witches


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What is it like to be a prison guard in another world? Thieves, pirates, assassins, con artists, terrorists… Werewolves, vampires, witches, necromancers, succubi…

This is the Iron Rose Prison, where the most dangerous witches in the world are gathered.

“I will make this the best model prison in the world!”

said a prison guard who had been transported to another world.

“Warden, someone has escaped again!”

“Bring them back and put them in solitary confinement.”

Today, is also a peaceful day on the Rose Prison.

Warden: “I’m just trying to run my prison properly, how did I become a big shot in this world?”

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The witch guarding Warden
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icerror rated it
December 21, 2023
Status: c10
Super boring. Not a goddamn thing about this is interesting. 10 chapters in, and I have not found 1 single solitary detail about the world, the main character as a person and much less the dynamics where the story is going. Instead, the author kept droning on about the scientific method to pacifying prisoners and the tools a warden has to keep them in line without violating the mental contract. And don't get me started on how the language tethered between what the average chinese writers imagined how a person... more>> of import talk and a proverb book, as if the writer is a foreigner in his own setting.

There's not a plus to be found anywhere. The novel struggles with its identity between taking itself seriously and developing characters using goofiness in place of a real personality. That is the biggest, s*upidest crutch chinese novels have a habit of relying on. If anything, it highlights just how hollow and 2-dimensional they all are.

Yeah, it sucks. One star. If someone tells you it's gonna be good in X+ chapters, start reading from there. <<less
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detailsp rated it
January 21, 2024
Status: c91
Very fun novel with an interesting concept of a warden managing a prison of extremely dangerous witches. So far I've read two of the completed arcs and am in the middle of the 3rd arc.

The main character is definitely solid - this isn't an easygoing warden or a vicious one, but one who has rules and strictly adheres to them. This offers an interesting dynamic between him and the various prisoners, all of whom have varying personalities / crimes / levels of danger. If you're expecting the prisoners to fall... more>> in love with him - don't, at least not easily. The novel is quite realistic in showing that a pleasant partnership with these prisoners can only work with a quid-pro-quo relationship.

The novel is quite episodic in nature and each arc has a specific conflict that needs to be resolved. The 2nd arc specifically was very fun, with plotting and intrigue within the prison that was resolved very satisfyingly. Definitely recommended, although I hope further arcs develop the main character's relationships with the guards / prisoners even further. <<less
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azuron rated it
March 19, 2024
Status: c81
This is an awesome novel with a very interesting protagonist, well created characters and an original, well fleshed out plotline.

The novel combines action and mystery genres into a prison-warden archetype story. So far there have been 2 conpleted arcs and the third one is ongoing. The main character is good at using all the resources at his disposal (personnel and intellect) to resolve the issues of prisoners (injustices, rehabilitation, etc.).

Unlike other tr*sh shounen, there is no s*xual exploitation of prisoners or subordinates. An original, engaging and mature storyline and... more>> charismatic characters makes this a pretty great novel.

Would highly recommend 10/10 <<less
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121kenx rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: c46
This novel is more like a detective novel so far. Note that I've only read one case and am at the second. The setting of this novel takes place in a prison of an isekaied prison guard years after he's been isekaied. In these years, it seems that he became a prison guard due to the familiarity of the job, and he made the prison prosper.

Now, why did I say this was a detective novel? Because it feels episodic, someone has a problem that leads to mystery then the detective... more>> uses their tools to investigate and solve the problem. Except that the protagonist's tools are his prisoners, making a interesting scenario where the man's socialization skills are how he accesses those tools. These tools can be used both for the investigation and catching the criminal parts, with the catch that as these tools are people, they can be used to betray.

I find this idea interesting, and so far, the novel is pretty entertaining with the character interactions as the highlights. <<less
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May 2, 2024
Status: c32
The impressive point about this novel is that the protagonist is mostly not a hypocrite, which I was expecting, but the distaste of MC being an executor of order rather than justice accumulated and I couldn't keep reading. It does seem like he significantly improved the situation compared to before he came, but he's still a proponent of prison management ideals I despise in real life: pursuit of order and cost efficiency with no thought to prisoner rights or fairness beyond what's necessary to prevent revolt, and control mechanisms steeped... more>> in cunning cruelty that make a joke of any regulations that might exist. MC is very openly petty and vindictive, saying he can make prisoners' lives a living hell if they cross him to the extent dying might be better, all without violating the rules. It doesn't matter if the prisoners are guilty, or even outright monsters, a minimum level of human rights needs to be maintained unconditionally. Is it more expensive to do it that way? Yes. I argue that things like prisons should be expensive, because it means there's incentive to empty them, as opposed to the like of for profit American prisons where entire local economies are based on arresting a large number of trivial criminals like marijuana users and making them work without labour protections. <<less
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