The Strongest Daughter-in-law of the Black Lion family


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When I opened my eyes, it was a white ferret beastman. And not just any ferret, but one who had been abandoned in the wild, unable even to transform into a human.

Just when I thought I was alone in this life, I happened to be caught by the black lion while raiding the black lion family’s warehouse.

“Choo, choo! Chi-! (I’m a carnivore, too! I’m going to bite everything, lion or whatever)

I may have nipped at his front paw in my final resistance.

“Should I keep you?”

Becoming black lion’s pet ferret was a problem in itself.

“Are you good? You can ask without being shy.”

“You promised to hit me alone.”

Is black lion’s mental state a little off? It won’t work. I’ll have to escape soon!

Unfortunately, escape was not as easy as I had hoped. While being raised obediently as a black lion’s pet, I kept an eye out for a chance to escape.

“Yeah. Let’s hear it. Explain. Why on earth did you imprint it on it?”

“It’s cute.”

Not only did I get imprinted without even knowing it,

“Formally admit her to the family, not as a pet, but as your wife.”

In an instant, I went from being a lowly pet to becoming the black lion’s family’s daughter-in-law?!

Associated Names
One entry per line
흑사자 가문의 최강 며느리
Related Series
The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther (1)
Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Fiction Addiction.
  2. Yandere #2
  3. young protagonist
  4. Non-Human MCs and the MLs who love them anyway
  5. [Demibeast~shapeshifter] (KR)

Latest Release

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2 Reviews

Apr 03, 2024
Status: c18
I really like this story so far. It's heartbreaking that there's not many chapters out!! I hope the translating group keeps it as a project even though it's not super popular yet. It's a hidden gem for sure and I hope more people read it too because it's really good!!
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Aug 10, 2024
Status: c45
Please continue to translate this.

It's really good!

Idk why I was so apprehensive to start it but I am glad I did. Better late then never. Exactly the type of yandere & obsessive love I enjoy reading. After reaching chapter 45 I started craving for similar novels. It's that good guys. I adore the main leads & truly enjoy their interactions. They are just so cute, funny & compatible with each other. Truly a match made in heaven.

Even the cover art is so pretty... more>>

with both the main & second leads in a single frame

The aura & power of the art is just chef's kiss. Don't think twice & just jump into this story my dear fellow readers. Looking forward to more updates. <<less
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